InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Obsession ❯ The Beginning of the End ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I am but a fan who likes to mess with the characters' lives.
Chapter 11:The Beginning of the End
It had been about a week since Sada gave Inuyasha his `little present', so she called it. Inuyasha was still pissed about it; who wouldn't be? Kagome and the others didn't know what to do. Inuyasha was so determined to find Sada and kill her and none of them blamed him, but they didn't want him to get hurt again. Sada was a powerful enemy, one that seemed to be unbeatable. They hadn't fought her enough to try and figure out a weakness and they didn't think they could hold out to find out.
Inuyasha was sniffing the ground, trying to pick up Sada's scent. “Give it up, mutt face,” Kouga said, he had been trying to find her scent as well and he couldn't pick it up. Inuyasha ignored him, and he was glad he did. He got a lead. He raced off, the scent getting stronger. It wasn't Sada's scent he picked up; it was Naraku's. He stopped at the battle worn castle and looked around. The others followed him and stared at the ruins. “Look!” Shippou said and pointed to the site in front of them. There laid three decomposing bodies, two female and one male. One was Kanna, one was Kagura, and the other was a decapitated Naraku. “Naraku's dead?” Sango asked in disbelief. Inuyasha walked over to the bodies, “Yeah. And Sada did it,” he said, picking up Sada's scent on the ground. He clenched his teeth as did Kouga while everyone else became worried. If Sada killed Naraku, they really had to worry. “Well, can you pick up her scent from here?” Kouga asked, wanting to find Sada and kill her. Inuyasha sniffed around a bit more and ran off.
Inuyasha stopped by the lake near a destroyed village. He had to cover his mouth and nose, the smell of death was extremely potent. “The aura around here is thick and vile,” Miroku said as he came closer. “The land is soaked with blood,” Sango said. “Think Sada did it?” Kagome asked. “No, this blood isn't fresh. It's been here for a long time,” Kouga said, trying his best not to gag at the smell. Kirara looked around then hopped off Sango's shoulder. “Kirara?” she said and followed her cat. Kirara stopped at a decomposing body. Everyone else ran over to it and recognized it immediately. “Sesshomaru!?!” Kagome cried, not believing that he was dead. “Who could've killed him?” Miroku asked. “Sada. Her scent's all over him,” Inuyasha said, clenching his teeth. “I see you couldn't wait for me to find you,” a female voice said from behind them.
Sada stood there, ready to fight, a bandage on her arm and a deadly smirk on her lips. Inuyasha growled at Sada and lunged at her. Sada jumped out of the way and slammed her Jakujou on his legs, breaking them with a sickening crack that rang throughout the area. “Inuyasha!” Kagome shouted and ran to him, but was stopped by a ring of fire appearing around her. “This is getting too easy,” Jakotsu said as he appeared behind Sada as did the rest of the Band of Seven. Bankotsu wrapped his arm around Sada's neck and held his Banryu on his opposite shoulder. “Looks like this is our final battle,” he said and smirked evilly, holding Sada closer to him. “Let's finish them off,” Suikotsu said eager for the bloodshed. “Have fun,” Bankotsu gave the okay. Suikotsu ran after Miroku, Ginkotsu took care of Kouga, Jakotsu went after Sango while Bankotsu and Sada watched. Kirara went to help Sango by attacking Jakotsu but a shot of demonic energy fried Kirara, making her fall back into her kitten form. She landed just in front of Shippou, dead. Shippou started panicking as he looked to the person who shot Kirara. Sada laughed as she held her Jakujou out, “Sesshomaru's fangs added a few new tricks to my Jakujou. You like?” Inuyasha growled and tried to help, but he couldn't move.
Sada yawned and threw the crescent blade, cutting Shippou in half. “Shippou!” Kagome cried as she saw the young fox demon get slain. Miroku screamed in pain as Suikotsu's claws shredded through him, exposing his innards. Sada watched, as did Suikotsu and Bankotsu as Miroku's heart slowly stopped beating. “Miroku!” Sango cried, tears in her eyes. She was so distracted by Miroku's death; she didn't realize that Jakotsu had attacked her. His snake-like sword cut through Sango like a hot knife through butter. “Sango!” Inuyasha and Kagome cried together. Inuyasha tried to get up, but he couldn't. His legs where shattered and there was nothing he could do. “I can finish this?” Sada asked Ginkotsu, stepping in front of him and facing Kouga. Kouga was slightly wounded because he was able to dodge most of the attacks Ginkotsu had launched. “Yes,” Ginkotsu said and backed away. Kouga lunged at Sada, but Sada put her Jakujou and electrocuted Kouga with demonic energy. “You bitch,” Kouga said through gritted teeth on the ground. “Oh, did I hurt the little wolfie? I'll be sure to finish it real quick,” she said and chopped off Kouga's head.
“Now there's just the female and Inuyasha,” Jakotsu said, walking over to Kagome's fiery prison. “Let's let Sada do this. She has the most entertaining ways to kill people,” Bankotsu said, wrapping his arm around Sada's waist, pulling her in and kissing her forehead. “Leave her alone!” Inuyasha shouted. Sada walked closer to Inuyasha and smirked, “Now why would I do that? Don't you think it'd kill her to see you die first?” She laughed at Inuyasha's reaction then walked back to Kagome. She blew out the flames with her Jakujou and wrapped the chain around Kagome so she could run. “Your turn,” she said with a malicious smile.
~*~ All right, I know it's hard to swallow, but it's gotta be done. By the way, if you like this fic, read Possession by FataLFelineOfTheNight at ~> Chapter&id=102973 -^^- It's really good. ~*~