InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Odds n Ends: General Audience ❯ Beads (Miroku) ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: The characters of InuYasha are not mine, they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.
Genre: General
Characters: Miroku-centric
Type: Drabble
Rated: PG
=#= Beads =#=
He has worn them since the death of his father, inherited them from his father so that he may live a normal life.
Or as normal as a monk with a hole in his hand can be.
For others, the reality of having a hand bound would bring forth emotions of anger, discomfort, terror, fear, and distrust. For him, the reality of having a hand bound is the physical manifestation of calm, of comfort, of relaxation, of happiness and trust.
Everything he cares for depends on that slender, single strand of beads. It is a delicate safety, a fragile balance between the destruction in his left hand and the nurturing care of his right. Just as his life is caught between the teachings of Buddha that instruct him to look beyond himself and the base, urgent survival instinct that drives him to kill Naraku to ensure that his fate will not be like his father's.
Like the gaping void in his hand, his friends are the beads that seal the gaping void in his heart.
A circle of companions, like a circle of prayer beads, that are wrapped about his heart, holding back the dark yawning devastation of despair, of grief and impotent rage. Bonds of friendship that define the cold yearning for revenge from the warm acceptance of affection.
So that he may not only survive, but live the life he has.
For as long as the Kazaana remains chained.