InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Bubble Gum and Bullets ❯ Of a Mask of Wood ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Of Bubble Gum and Bullets

Authors Note:
*tip toes in* um hi n.n’ sorry this forever...been having family problems and the such...well here I cant say when the next chapter will go up since I have tons of work.

Chapter Three
Of a Mask of Wood

Kagome rounded the corner shoes thudding loudly as she darted onto campus racing for the door. She was late thanks to Rin who had decided to turn off the alarm clock so she could sleep in. Kagome took no notice of the Black Harley parked in the principals spot where two teachers stood talking over it with annoyance.
She hurried into the building heading for D hall, she skidded down the hall coming to a halt before room six. Inside everyone seemed intent on the front of the room the girls in awe and the boys in disgust. She opened the door walking in, looking down as she walked to the front, to ask for her desk, though she bumped into something hard. Looking up she heard the snickers and giggles of her peers, before her eyes locked with smug golden orbs, she couldn’t help a small gasp, as he shifted past her.
“Watch where your going Kagome...” He growled softly as he moved into a desk at the back.
Kagome glared at the boy angrily face going red with embarrassment as he sat back wide smile over his lips. It was him the boy from the other day, InuYasha.
“Higurashi, Kagome?” The teacher questioned skimming through his roster. “Sit next to Mr. Yamashi please and take out your text books.” He announced to the class as he moved to the front of the room setting the teachers key open. “Page 346 please”
Kagome looked to the back of the room where InuYasha kicked a chair back so she could sit. A smug grin set on his lips.
“Hello again Kagome.” He chuckled. “Just cant seem to stay away can you?” He teased as she walked to her seat.
“Be quiet...” she grumbled pulling out her book frowning seeing it was her old book from her last class. She rose her hand patiently though the teacher seemed to be busy writing problems on the board. Heaving a sigh she used her other arm to hold up her first not wanting to miss the teacher spotting her. ‘Book, book, book, book.’ Her mind seemed focused on the one single need.
She chewed her lower lip in frustration unknowing of the watchful eyes of her new class mate.
He smirked watching her, eyes looking down to her legs running up her pale skin to her skirt a sly smirk crossing his lips. Looking up to her face he suppressed a chuckle seeing her obvious frustration at being ignored by the teacher. Seeing her chew her lip gave him a soft smile, the most unused word he had came to mind ‘cute’. His mind strayed once more as her legs fidgeted, his mind going into a darker state his other head thinking of something different a low pitch rumbling growl emitted from him though too low for a human he was unworried.
Kagome jumped slightly eyes widening as she looked to InuYasha. Did he growl at her?! She stared at him a moment an odd warmth feeling her as her face turned beet red, she nearly fell out of her seat when the teacher said her name.
“Ms. Higurashi, what is it?”
“Oh! Um...I need a book...” She mumbled softly in embarrassment hearing the giggles and such from the other girls of the class.
InuYasha sat very still watching as Kagome went up filling out the forms for her text book. She had heard his growl, humans couldn’t hear his growl though...could she be a demon...or was it the fact she lived with the slayers clan. She had turned red... did that mean she liked it. The thought brought a smug grin to his lips. Yes, she must have liked it, why else would she have blushed.
Most of the day drifted on in a slow haze, during lunch break InuYasha sat against the chain linked fence watching Kagome sit with some other girls, a few playing with cell phones and such others gossiping though the girl he thought was strong headed and stubborn seemed to shrink in the company of the other girls, she didn’t seem very social. Though someone whispered something to her, a warmth filled him as she blushed and her dark eyes shifted to him widening, her face turned even redder as she shook her head, seeming to be embarrassed as she spoke to the girls.

Kagome sat quietly at the table nodding and throwing in a comment or two as her friends gossiped about boys and such, her love life, the usual of her table. Yumi leaned over hand brushing her hair from her ear the usual when Yumi was about to tell a secret usually.
“Kagome, the new boy has been staring at you since you sat down.” She giggled sitting back watching Kagome.
Kagome blushed heavily looking to InuYasha before she shook her head as if trying to explain to her friends. “No...he just gave me a ride home the other day...” She mumbled as if that was the reason he was watching her.
The girls squealed with excitement. “He gave you a ride! He’s so cute!” They jawed on squeaking about cuteness.
Once again Kagome shook her head. “ was just...he made me late home so he just gave me a ride is all...”
“I heard he rides a motorcycle!” One squeaked excitedly as others gasped and giggled. “Kagome! You went on a Motorcycle!” They seemed amused just by the thought of it.
Kagome sighed exasperated she knew once these girls started it wouldn’t end for weeks, by the end of this week the story would probably be that InuYasha and her were eloping and running off to the States, or some sort. She chewed her straw remaining silent while her friends seemed to ask her questions that they answered with their own outrageous thoughts.

InuYasha smirked listening in on the conversation even though Kagome herself didn’t add in her thoughts. He couldn’t help but smirk as the girls started talking about ‘what if’s’ and the such, like what if they got married. At that Kagome’s face burned red before she got up slowly as if not to catch their attention before she snuck off towards the school building.
InuYasha got up grabbing his bag as he walked off after her. His movement catching the attention of the girls.
“Hey, he’s think he heard us?...Kagome?” The girls looked about dumbfounded to where Kagome had gone though she often did such things so they paid no mind.

“Kagome...wait up!” InuYasha smirked matching her step at her side, a warmth filling him as she reddened and lowered her head to hide her flush face. “You feeling okay?” He asked all knowing that she was embarrassed at the thought of them.
“Im fine...just wanted to go drop off my old book.” She mumbled lifting up the text book from her pervious math class.
He nodded smiling softly as he reached out grabbing the book and jumping out of her reach. “So...what you doing this weekend?” He questioned holding the book up out of her reach.
“Hey! Give it back!” She gasped in surprise as she followed after him snatching for the book. Glaring at him as he merely smiled down to her.
“I will give it back on one condition.” He said slyly as he lead her down an empty hall chuckling as she jumped for the book, he leaned back a bit so in her next jump she’d have to almost climb on him. A low purr erupted from him as her chest pressed to his, her little hand grabbing his wrist trying to tug his arm down.
“Give it here!” She whined pitifully as she finally gave up, unknowing of the devious little thoughts that scampered through his mind.
His eyes had skimmed down to her stomach as she backed off her shirt falling back into place before his eyes quickly moved back to those intense gray brown eyes. “Give me a kiss, and I give you your book...” He purred to her smiling big.
Kagome’s eyes widened. “No! Give it here!”
He laughed and darted down the hall. “A kiss for the book! Last chance!” He laughed holding it over a bucket of brown water.
She gave a soft yelp. “Okay! One kiss, but that’s all!” She said finally glaring at him as he beckoned her to himself. She walked up to him and leaned up, hands on his chest lightly as she gave him a quick peck. “There, now give it.”
InuYasha chuckled. “That’s not a kiss.”
Her face burned red as she glared to him. “Don’t tease give me my book!” She demanded heatedly.
With out a second though InuYasha dropped the book safely to the floor grabbing the girl before him and pushing her to the wall he pressed his lips firmly to hers, pinning her body with his own, as his tongue teased at her lips gently urging her on to let him in.
Warmth flooded Kagome as a dazed feeling came over her as she submitted to him, lips parting slowly as she felt his warm tongue invade her mouth shamelessly. Heat radiated from her face as her knees went weak a little moan escaping her as he pressed his mouth firmly to hers.
InuYasha’s hands found their way from her shoulders to her hips, one clawed hand creeping under her shirt, the sharp nails grazing over the soft flesh, as his other hand drifted lower lifting her skirt as he ran his claws over her underwear seeking that spot. A low dominate growl over took him as his fingers brushed a damp spot of her underwear. His hand moving to cup against her soft mound, pressing it to lift her to her toes as his growl rumbled in pleasure at her shaking form.
After what seemed to be an eternity he released her backing off some as he licked his fingers of the dampness, her scent was driving him to the edge of want, though forcing her wasn’t what he wanted. If he had moved further he was sure she would never speak with him again. A smirk crossed his lips seeing her dazed shaken form as she slumped down to the floor gasping pitifully as she stared at him through hazed eyes. “Your mine...” He mumbled resisting the urge to mark her as he hurriedly grabbed his bag and ran off before she could start screaming at him.
Kagome sat there in stunned silence for nearly half an hour before the bell rang for the students to leave. She hurriedly got up heading outside she looked to the principles spot, gone. He’d left...She gave a heated huff as she’s started that long walk home, knowing that at home Rin waited with that costume ready to jump her. “That boy is so Infuriating!” She growled to herself as she walked on trudging her anger only flared more upon seeing the familiar white hair flipping in the air as he zoomed by on the motor cycle though he didn’t pause to offer her a ride!

After the long walk home she was welcomed with a poptart and glass of milk before Rin practically dragged her up the stairs. “I got everything laid out, and my honey is sending a limo to pick us up...should be here in an hour or so!” She said shoving the dress at Kagome as they reached the room before shoving her into the bathroom.
“Great...” She mumbled setting her milk on the counter, poptart set on the glass as she stripped down. Eyeing the dress she wondered if she should wear a bra with had a bodice so a bra would be a bit useless...of course it provided a bit of cover...on the other hand it would show over the low neck line and people would probably think she was immature...She was rambling in her mind now! “Neh! Im just going to wear it with out it...” She resolved stripping down to her underwear before slipping the dress on. It was perfect, and it was beautiful. She fingered at the stitching along the neck was low...real low, and though she wasn’t very big in the chest the bodice seemed to push up what she had.
Giving a blush she tugged at the top a bit to cover her chest a bit as much as the bodice allowed. She jumped slightly as a knock came to the door then the soft voice. “Kagome...let me do your hair...” Sango would say softly before entering brush and clips in hand.
“Okay” She mumbled smiling as Sango pulled in a vanity chair. Sitting down in it she felt Sango begin brushing out her tangles.
“Kagome! What do you think?” Rin perked as she walked in, in full costume, hair in a sort of pile atop her head soft curls allowed to escape and a beaded thread wrapped about it to hold it in place. Her face was powdered white with a black mark drawn in a slight heart on her cheek in a fake beauty mark. “Oh! Wait” She perked dramatically putting the mask to her face as she posed. “Im a whole lot of hott aren’t I?”
Kagome smirked slightly mumbling softly. “You’re a whole lot of something...” She snickered.
“Hey!...Rude...” She huffed playfully before sweeping off dramatically and pretend fainting on the bed.
Kagome looked up to the mirror watching as Sango began to clip up her hair twisting and curling it almost professionally. “Where’d you learn to do hair Sango?” She questioned softly giving a soft yelp as she tugged a bit too much.
“Oh mother use to own a salon...” She mumbled with a weak smile before going silent.
Sango’s family had been murdered it was as much as she knew since Sango never told her who the murderers had been, though she knew they were dead from the stories she had heard.
“All for your make up!” She grinned evilly. “Why not let Rin do it?” She questioned seeing Kagome’s eyes narrow.
“I’d rather a monkey do it!” Kagome huffed softly.
“I would be offended right now...but currently im on the phone...!” Rin yelled back to them from her bed, phone pressed to her ear as she lowered her voice to a cooing sound. “No, I love you more honey-bun.” She giggled throwing a shoe into the bathroom after hearing Kagome’s mocking tone imitating her.
Time would pass with much mocking and throwing before the limo driver would arrive. A small balding man with a hooked nose and wide eyes. He eyed the two girls with distaste seeming unsure about them. “Hello...I am Jakken” He spoke up with a slight bow before leading them to the limo. “Watch your step...” He mumbled opening the door for the two as they hopped in excitedly.

“Sesshomaru said Jakken has been his servant since he was a baby!” Rin mumbled as they settled and the limo started on its move. “Eee! I cant wait!” Rin perk jumping excitedly.
Leaning against the door Kagome ignored Rin’s rambling as she the girl raided the limo. Kagome sighed glancing to her tireless companion before shifting her gaze back to the passing scenery. She soon realized that they were heading for the ware houses down by the docks...a rather odd place to be living she seemed to think.
As they drove up Rin nearly bolted out of the car, she probably would have flew out the window if Jakken hadn’t gotten to the door in time.
“What he sees in the whelp I shall never know...” Jakken mumbled softly watching after as the girl ran for the door.
“Well she’s a good girl...a bit off in the head though...”
Jakken jumped slightly having forgotten about the other girl. “Oh! Im sorry I forgot...” He sweated slightly.
“Don’t worry I have a habit of being forgotten...” She smiled weakly before walking past him heading after Rin though at her own pace.
At the door two large men stood looking over Rin they smiled softly nodding for her to enter then to Kagome they seemed a bit confused but nodded.
As she entered she was greeted by a fury of colors, it was like a high class ball! People were all dressed in masquerade, she couldn’t express how happy she was that Rin hadn’t decided to dress up as a chicken or something for the wasn’t a normal ‘teen’ party. The people of the party though...seemed odd in a way, eyes of red and yellow often fell upon her raking over her hungrily before turning away.
“Contacts...they got to be contacts...” she mumbled to herself as she walked on soon finding she had lost Rin. “Oh man...” She whimpered wringing her hands together, she settled to sit at an empty table chewing her lip as those people walked about.
“Oh my what a cute little thing...” She heard as a cold hand touched the nape of her neck lightly sending a shiver down her spine. Looking to her side she came face to face with the oddest character one could ever see! It was dressed as a man though it looked like a woman, cool violet eyes, aristocratic look to him and long black hair...and she could swear his ears were pointed!
“Who might you be my child?” He questioned softly shifting around to offer his hand as if asking for a dance.
Taking his hand she felt an odd feeling of trust overtake her as he lead her out onto the dance floor. “I-Im Kagome Higurashi” she mumbled coyly.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful lady...” He purred into her ear as he pulled her close shifting her into dancing close he leaned down letting his spell take her. It was a party of demons...and the girl obviously had no clue what kind of party she had stepped into. He could take a taste if he so wished. Fangs would form in place of his eye teeth as a low hungry purr emitted from him to calm the girl. Leaning down he raked his fangs over that vain.
“Stop...” A low snarl intruded as a claw pressed into the vampires side.
Looking back, it was Sesshomaru’s brother! “Why...” He would simply say keeping the girl in her daze continuing the sway of movement making InuYasha follow them.
“She is mine...” He growled
With that the vampire slid the girl from his grasps and into InuYasha’s arms displeased at having lost such a find to the mutt brother of Sesshomaru.
InuYasha quickly shifted his claw back to a human hand, making sure his mask was in place as Kagome came back to reality.
“Oh...Hello...” She mumbled obviously confused.
She now was being lead by a young man a little older than her, with long black hair tied in a neat low pony tail, a black wooden mask covering his nose and eyes though soft brown orbs peered back at her. Smiling softly she could feel a blush come to her cheeks as he gave a cocky grin.
“Hello Kagome...” He said softly slowly leading her off the dance floor. He never liked dancing much...
“Who...are you?” She questioned lightly. He felt so familiar to her, like she knew his name but couldn’t remember.
Smiling softly he leaned forward almost kissing her. “Its not important...” He said heatedly, hand cupping her cheek as he ran his thumb over her lips gently.

“I thought your brother had white hair like yours...” Rin mumbled looking up to ‘her Sessy.’
“He does...but remember he’s a half breed, he does have human blood....This is very odd you know...” Sesshomaru mumbled before turning with Rin heading to the main table.
“What’s odd?” She questioned softly.
“Kagome...we met her before...” He mumbled explaining the event to his girl as he lead her to sit with him at the main table.
Rin blinked a bit confused then looked out seeing InuYasha at work with Kagome. “Your brother...He’ll play nice right? Kagome is a good girl...” She said tensing in her spot watching as InuYasha lead Kagome to a corner.
Sesshomaru chuckled lightly. “Don’t worry, he wont do anything bad...Of course my brother and I are very different...” He purred.
“Huh? Ack!” Rin soon found herself tucked under Sess’s arm as he shifted a curtain open carrying her off up a flight of stairs.

“Kagome?” His voice came softly breath brushing over her ear. He was reveling in the heat he was causing in the girl, his usual charm work went over the girl easily leaving her in a needy daze. A snarl would emit from him with every look cast their way, she was his, no other male should look at her!
“Uh...hmm?” She questioned leaning into him arms wrapped about him weakly fingers curling into the material of his costume.
He smirked lightly pressing her into the corner, trying to hide her from view out of instinct. Pressing his lips to hers, his tongue worked its way into her mouth as he pressed in kissing her once more, pulling back knowing the girl would need a breath he heard her whisper something. “What?”
“InuYasha...” She mumbled the dazed look escaping her as she swung back punching him squarely in the jaw. “You Jerk!” She yelled glaring at him full force.
InuYasha blinked mask having fallen off his eyes and hair back to that demonic look. He rubbed at his cheek looking at the infuriated girl dumbfounded but soon his face twisted into a scowl as he got up. “Why the hell did you hit me, Bitch!” He snarled towering over her as he tried to assert his dominance.
“WHAT!” Voice reaching an almost unbearable screeching tone. “You called me a Bitch!” She said in amazement and anger.
“Of course I did! That’s what you are!” He huffed crossing his arms, ear twitching nervously. “Ack!” He shifted back to dodge another swing.
A few chuckles came from the people about them. “Cant control your bitch, InuYasha” a few replied. “Shut up!” He’s just snap before grabbing the girls wrists holding them trapped in one hand.
“You better calm down and behave yourself!” He bit out lowly pressing her back into the wall pressing her forehead against hers pushing her down slightly in a sort of primitive way to make her submit.
Kagome growled right back pressing back at him. “Let me go or I’ll bite you!” She warned angrily.
Smirking he bared his fangs to her. “I’ll bite back...” He purred nuzzling her neck before wrapping his teeth at her nape clamping down lightly growling at every squirm or wriggle.
“Stop it... people are watching...” She whimpered lightly a slight wince escaping her as he snarled louder. She took to notice at the snarl as people turned looking away as if ignoring the girls plight, before her eyes focused on the soft little puppy ears, an almost child like look over took her features, she wanted to rub the puppy ears, it was like an addiction! Squirming her wrists she found her hands trapped and the movement only made him press her into the wall more bitting slightly harder.
A smirk split over her lips as she grabbed the ear between her lips little bitting at it with her teeth. A soft yelp would escape InuYasha though she felt him press into her more though something odd happened this time, something warm and solid pressed at her dress against her abdomen, an intense heat came from his lower regions. A blush over took the too as InuYasha refused to move as the girl squirmed mumbling. “Get off, get off, get off.” Over and over frantically.

A scream pierced through the party music and chatter as Rin came running out from the curtians soon followed by Sesshomaru though it seemed he had been shoved out. A snarl tore from his lips as he shifted into his dog form careful to only take half his size as two men broke into the room.
InuYasha released Kagome looking to the commotion. “Fuck...” He mumbled looking back to the girl he had pinned, she was in utter shock. “Kagome go upstairs and hide!” He snarled shoving her behind a curtain where she’d find herself facing another set of stairs.
Confused she started up the stairs before a voice reached her. “Hello beautiful...where are you going?” The deep voice spoke slyly.
Before her stood a young man in a tux, his hair tied in a high pony tail, eyes violet and ears pointed. “I-I um....Im going upstairs...” She stuttered lightly taking a step back staring at him.

Back in the dance room the Thunder brothers were circling Sesshomaru taking shots at him. InuYasha snarled jumping at the bigger one slashing at him as from the crowd the monk and kitsune came in fighting.
InuYasha looked to the horrified Rin eyes looking beyond her to their minions nodding towards the girl to take her to safety. Soon demons could be seen shifting to protect their human lovers and pets. InuYasha shifted his gaze to the thinner demon launching at him slashing through one of his fire wheels on the way.

“He...h-he told me to go up stairs...” She repeated once more backing away more as the man approached, fear welded in her as he continued to walk towards her casually.
“Your very look exactly like her you know...” He purred as in a shift of a breeze he was behind her shifting the sleeves of her dress down to kiss her neck softly.
“Don’t touch me!” She yelped tearing away and spinning to face him though she soon found herself shoved to the ground. “Get off!” She screamed in panic as she felt the material over her chest rip, claws leaving soft welts on her soft flesh.
He laughed softly leaning down licking between her soft mounds looking up to her horrified face with pleasure. “So innocent...” He purred lowly.
“InuYasha!” She then cried louder tears streaking her cheeks.
“Get the hell off her!” A snarl soon answered her call as in a streak of white the man was slammed into the wall leaving an indent. “Koga! You were exiled from the clan!” He snarled trying to keep his temper unsuccessfully.
“Yes! I was, but you’ve intruded on my territory now! I work for Onigumo now, we will crush you and I will take this one from you! You had Kikyou this one is mine!” He snarled before a whirlwind over took him and tore down the curtains that hide the ware house from view then broke through the doors and disappeared out into the sea.
InuYasha gave a low rumbling growl before looking to the girl curled up trembling. He leaned down scooping her up as he stalked up the stairs knowing Sesshomaru could finish off the thunder brothers.
“Don’t touch me...” She whimpered softly curling into a tighter ball mind raging with thoughts she didn’t know who was holding her all that she knew was that her chest burned and she wanted to go home NOW.
Frowning lightly InuYasha took her up to his room setting her on the soft bed, he swiftly locked the doors and turned the lights low. “Kagome its okay, he’s gone...” He mumbled sitting next to her curled form stroking her hair softly. A heat filled him as he caught a glimpse of the pale flesh, her front had been torn and there were claw and bite marks. Leaning down he nuzzled at her neck emitting a low growl like purr to calm her.
The purr vibrated from him into her front making her feel helpless though protected at the same time, through her tears she saw the worried face of InuYasha. Wrapping her arms around him she clung to him whimpering softly taking no notice as claws moved up stripping away a good portion of the top of the dress.
A smile tugged at his lips as he felt her calm and slowly drift to sleep, with that he curl about her slightly laying on her in a possessive sort of way nuzzling his face into her chest purring a bit before moving up slightly to tuck his face into her neck lightly bitting to hold onto her.

Shippou looked up to Miroku who had been staring at his hand once again. “Hey you see where InuYasha went?” He questioned lightly rubbing his neck.
“Nope...Why don’t you go check his room?” Miroku mumbled surpressing a smirk knowing there would be two reasons for him to be in bed, to mate or to sleep.
With that Shippou headed down the hall stopping at the black door he jiggled the knob before chuckling using his fox magic to make a key, cracking it open he peeked in spotting InuYasha’s form curled about another smaller form in a common protective position a demon would take over its mate. He blinked a bit dumbfounded before realizing it had to be the girl he’d found, before he could think another thing a snarl came from InuYasha’s form as he had puffed up a bit. Shippou yelped and shut the door running back to tell Miroku.
“Sessy! I don’t know where Kagome is though! They might have taken her!” Rin whined as Sesshomaru dragged her towards his own room.
“Just go to bed, I have work to do sorting all this out and interrogating the man we caught. You’ll be safe in the room Honey.” Sesshomaru growled frustrated with Rin, he loved her but by god did she know how to get on ones nerves.
“Rin!” Shippou smiled big running over to her. “Don’t worry about the other girl, she’s sleeping with InuYasha!” He perked happily before taking their shocked looks in. “Oh! Not like that...their actually asleep!” He assured.
Miroku chuckled shaking his head before turning off into his room. “Im sure...”
“Oh...okay. Well if Kagome can sleep so can I...Just let me tell Sango we’re spending the night.” She perked heading into the room to find the phone. “Don’t stay up too late Sessy.” She smirked blowing him a kiss.
Shippou rose a brow looking to ‘Sessy’ before smirking. “Nite, nite, Sessy-poo.” He mocked, though went silent with one glare. “Don’t be so uptight...” He grumbled before turning and heading on to bed.

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Sorry for taking so problems really sorry...anyone know what type of format should I use with this? I got a Windows XP with WordPerfect...
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