InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Partners-In-Crime ❯ Morning Rush ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]




By: Guardian of Secrets

Chapter 1- Morning Rush


Vivid blue eyes snapped open in alarm.

Kagome pulled herself up into a sitting position, not bothering to notice the heavy covers as they fell onto the carpeted floor.

Breathing heavily, her hand rose up to her neck, the very place where she was shot six months ago.

Though it had healed quite well, the small, rounded white scar was still visible, contrasting sharply with the tanned skin just above her collarbone.

Damn…woken by another nightmare…hadn't they stopped months ago?

Wiping the light sheen of sweat off her brow, she suddenly noticed that it was light outside her window.

Glancing towards the bedside table where her alarm clock was usually perched, she panicked when she saw only a bare tabletop instead.

Searching around frantically, she swung her long legs over the side of the bed hoping to continue her search elsewhere, before stopping abruptly when a sharp `crunch' resounded throughout the small bedroom.

Lifting one of her feet off the ground, she fought an urge to groan loudly as she saw the wrecked alarm clock on the floor, hands and various nuts and bolts strewn across the carpet.

Damn, she just knew that she should've kept it out of arm's reach.

Sighing, she crawled out of bed, rubbing her aching temples as she staggered over to the living room, almost tripping over Buyo, her cat, along the hallway.

Yawning, she spent a frustrating few minutes searching for the TV remote, before finally finding it behind the couch in one of the overweight feline's favorite hiding places.

`Stupid cat…' she grumbled absently as she fumbled with the buttons before finally turning on the TV.

Eyes still clouded over with sleep, she collapsed onto the couch, almost dozing off before the ruckus of a Japanese game show snapped her back into consciousness. Shaking her head, she switched over to the news channel, hoping to find out what time it was.

Blue orbs widened as she noticed that she was running late for work.

`Shit!' she cursed, standing up so suddenly that the remote control fell from her lap.

But she was already running wildly towards the bathroom before the fallen remote could even touch the floor.


Kagome yawned again, fingers tapping impatiently against the steering wheel of the hunk of junk also known as her car.

After honking her horn numerous times, she found that it did little to help Tokyo's usual morning traffic.

Rubbing her eyes, she reached over to grab her morning coffee, taking a deep swig while hoping that the rich aroma would calm her cranky nerves.

As the minutes passed, Kagome kept glancing back at her wristwatch, anxiously noting that she had less than ten minutes to get to the police department.

`Come on, come on, come on!!" she quietly urged as the set of traffic lights turned green, but groaned loudly when only a few cars managed to get through before the lights turned red again.

She had barely advanced three meters…

Immediately, the ruckus made by dozens of car horns rose from into the morning air, as irritated drives shouted pointlessly at the seemingly endless line of cars in front of them.

Kagome groaned again, her hands rising to put firm pressure on her temples, where a full migraine was starting to blossom.

Resisting the urge to bang her head against the steering wheel repeatedly, her gaze landed on the glove compartment beside her.

Confident that she had left a bottle of aspirin there before, she wrenched open the handle, only to find that there was no bottle of pills, but instead…

A small, but creepy smile tilted her full lips as her eyes landed on the plastic makeshift siren given to all the rookie police the moment they got onto the force.

Without hesitation she pulled it out, opened her window, and popped it onto the roof of her car.

Her smile grew wider as she flipped the switch attached to the long cable of the siren.

Immediately, the loud sound carried out throughout the entire street, accompanied by a darting red light as the small light bulb inside the siren began to spin around rapidly.

Kagome grinned in satisfaction as she saw the surrounding cars stop and struggle to park on the side of the road to let the `police car' through.

Sure, she was going to be pretty deep shit if anyone found out, but it was certainly worth the risk.

Another quick glance down at her wristwatch told her that she had exactly five minutes left to get to the police building, and without a second thought, she stepped down full-force on the gas peddle and sped down the evacuated street.


Sango angrily walked down the hallway, aimlessly trying to smooth down her skirt before seating herself behind the reception desk placed inside Tokyo Police Department's front lobby.

There she was, waiting in line to get her morning coffee when that lech, Miroku, just came over and…and…

She closed her eyes heatedly, cheeks burning as she replayed the little incident in her mind over again.

At least she got some satisfaction in slapping the pervert…

She sighed before getting back to work. Picking up the clipboard on her desk, she briskly walked towards the office section of the police department.

It was her everyday job to find out who was late for work, or who had called in for a day off, even though they weren't supposed to. Some of them were just plain lazy and overslept, she figured.

Entering the large room, she walked around the numerous cubicles, checking off the names of the officers who were present.

After walking around the office floor a couple of times, she looked down the list of names, frowning slightly when she realized that Kagome's wasn't there.

Her best friend was almost always on time, and she pretended not to notice the prickle of worry that suddenly ran through her.

Clutching the clipboard in one hand, she strode down the many rows of cubicles until she was certain that she was in front of the right one.

Sticking her head through the doorway, she mentally rolled her eyes when she saw Inuyasha snoring loudly, almost falling off his narrow office chair while fast asleep.

So much for the chief's son…

"Hey, Yash… wake up!" she called softly, grinning a little when she silently crept in until she was beside him, using two fingers to delicately pinch his nose when she was beside him.

He snorted once, mumbling something incoherent before stirring awake.

"N-No… g-get away… y-you gay Teletubbies…" he muttered faintly before his eyes snapped open, completely alert.

"What's wrong, Sango?" he asked, frowning a little as Sango looked down at him with an amused look on her face before shaking her head.

"Nothing, Inuyasha, just that…you wouldn't happen to know where Kagome is, do you?" she asked rather tentatively.

She watched as Inuyasha straightened immediately when he heard Kagome's name. He had become close friends with the young officer ever since his father separated them as partners.

Sango thought that Inuyasha still partly blamed himself on the little incident six months ago.

After all, she herself had been worried sick when her best friend spent many days in the Intensive Care Unit, all the while in critical condition.

Inuyasha shook his head, causing his snowy tresses to whip around everywhere before looking back at her seriously.

"I don't know where she is at all…she's usually never late, is she?" he asked, concern marring his handsome features.

At that precise moment, Miroku rolled into the cubicle on his swiveling office chair, a brand-new laptop tucked under his arm.

Inuyasha watched with interest, as Sango suddenly seemed to stiffen, glaring at the police department's rather perverted technical genius before practically running out of the office cubicle.

Inuyasha caught a quick glimpse of the hand-shaped mark imprinted on Miroku's cheek, as the lech's gaze followed Sango dreamily down the hallway.

Inuyasha sighed, before leaning over to rap Miroku smartly on the cranium, bringing him sharply back to reality.

"Aww…whatchya do that for, man? I was having the best fanta-" he started to complain loudly, before Inuyasha stopped him.

"You just don't get it, do you, Miroku?" he asked, shaking his head sadly all the while with a rather amused grin plastered to his face. "When will you ever learn that women don't like to be groped continuously?"

Miroku sighed with mock despair. "Never, I guess…but I'll tell you what man, it's all worth it…" he grinned dementedly, a freaky starry look lighting up his violet eyes.

Inuyasha slowly scooted away from him, suddenly not trusting that somewhat sinister-looking grin on his face.

He quickly looked away from Miroku though, when someone fairly crashed into the office room.

Immediately standing up, he ignored the other officer's gazes as he cautiously walked over to the front of the room. Amber eyes widened as he recognized the disheveled person on the ground.


Kagome groaned loudly as Inuyasha dragged her off the floor. As soon as she managed to stand still, she grinned at him somewhat disturbingly.

"Made it just in time!" she chirped triumphantly before staggering over to the coffee machine, leaving a very confused Inuyasha behind.


After three cups of instant coffee, Kagome was now seated contentedly on Inuyasha's desk, her legs dangling off the side, reminding him of a young child.

He smiled gently at the thought before taking a huge bite out of his dried ramen, heavily sprinkled with the small packet of soup mix inside the packaging for flavoring.

Kagome wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Ew…how can you even eat that Inuyasha? It looks all dry and…and…gross!"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "But it's delicious! Promise to try it sometimes, Kag?"

He almost laughed at the appalled look on his best friend's face.

"Anyways, tell me…you slept in, didn't you?"

Caught unawares by the question, she blushed furiously. "I couldn't help it, Yash! I'm just so t-t-tired…" Kagome had to stop as she tried to stifle a huge yawn.

Inuyasha looked at her gravely before continuing.

"You've got to take better care of yourself, Kag. Take a break or something. You're been practically living on coffee, and all this extra work you've been doing is really taking its toll on you…look at those bags under your eyes…and you're already ugly enough…" he added, grinning as she glared playfully at him.

"I'm fine, Yash. But all this work I've been doing is mostly just paperwork, and it feels so degrading. Your dad hasn't given me a real assignment in months. I don't think he trusts me anymore after the incident…" She replied in a resigned tone, while trying to avoid his gaze.

Inuyasha frowned.

"You know it was all my fault, Kagome. It was my responsibility to look after you that night… It's also my fault that Dad hasn't given you anything other than paperwork.

I promise to go talk to him this morning right after-" He stopped abruptly as warm fingertips were pressed gently against his lips.

"Listen Inuyasha. You know as well as I do that it's my fault that I haven't been given a case yet.

I guess I did act a little too rashly that night, but I'm still glad I managed to save Shippo. And for cripes sakes, I don't blame you at all, so will you shut the hell up about it already? Thanks for worrying and everything, but you're really starting to sound like my mother!"

She carefully placed her coffee mug on his desk before flashing him a bright smile.

"And besides, you never know! Maybe Inutaisho will decide to give me an important case. Someday, that is…"

As if on cue, Sango burst into the cubicle a few seconds later, looking slightly disheveled and out of breath.

"Hey Kagome! Glad to see you made it on time! Look, I've been searching all over the office for you, because-" she paused to catch her breath, barely able to contain her excitement.

"…But the chief wants to see you- right away!"


So bye for now! And please- REVIEW!!!!

~Guardian of Secrets