InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Becomes' Present ❯ Remembrance ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Past Becomes Present


I shall remember while the light lives yet,

And in the night-time I shall not forget

Algernon Charles Swinburne (1867-1909) Erotion

Last Time

"She reminds me of someone I once knew…. But I can't remember. It's no big deal." Yashamino said in a gruff voice now sounding like InuYasha. `You have no idea who she reminds you of. She certainly is the Kagome but why would she not jump happily in my arm so we can ride off into the sunset?' Sessho-Maru thought then added. `I have read one to many American romance novels.' When he arrived at the airport he went into his private jet that is after he escaped his many female fans. When he drifted off to sleep he dreamt of his Kagome.

This Time

As Kagome heard her mother's voice over her alarm clock she got up. `Why do I always have that dream? It doesn't mean anything…. I know what that battle is about…It's the final battle with Naraku but why is Sessho-Maru there? And why is he always right by me?' Kagome stopped think due to a headache forming. `Too much thinking in the early morning is so bad for you!' When Kagome finally got up from her bed she fell on her face. `And not seeing your Anne Rice's Interview With A Vampire book on the floor is bad for you to.' Kagome got up, put her favorite book next to her laptop and then went to her closest to get some clothes. She picked out a pair of low-rise jeans and a white T-shirt.

After Kagome's quick shower she went downstairs to help with breakfast. Kagome saw her mom sitting by the table reading her newest Nora Roberts book that came from America. Her mom shot her a glance that told Kagome that breakfast was ready.

"Konichiwa Okaa-san! What's for breakfast?" Kagome sat on the floor by the table.

"Rice and green tea. Are we going to Tokyo? Did you get money from your father?" Higurashi-san asked placing a bookmark in her place.

"Oh yummy! Um…Yeah I already got our tickets, we are leaving the house at 11:30a.m. and getting to the airport we will arrive there around 11:45 and the plane leaves at 12:05p.m. Yeah I got some money from dad…Like close to 50,000 yen. I talked to dad and he said to get that much…oh and he says that Sota is having a great time." Kagome talked as she got her food and started eating.

"Okay. But honey it's now 10:45, maybe we should get our things together."

"Oh right I already packed my things, and I was going to packed your things but I didn't want to disturb you. But I will help you…Let me finish my tea." Kagome got up and washed her dishes. When she started packing her mother's things, her mom came in.

"Kagome, why do you do this to yourself?" She asked while she sat down on her bed.

"What do you mean . . ?" Kagome asked confused.

"I mean why do you take care of me and not go try and find your Sessho-Maru?"

"Look I didn't tell Sessho-Maru about my living in the future, for all I know he may have a new mate. Though inu youkai don't take more then one mate, since a mate is a life partner and taking two while one is still alive is disrespectful." Kagome sniffed now and then a sure sign that she wouldn't let the tears fall when she thought about Sessho-Maru forgetting her.

"Gomenasai Kagome-chan. Let me help you with that."

When 11:30 rolled around they took off in a cab. As Kagome got out she noticed that there was a huge limo and a group of women of all ages that were surrounded a jet.

Maybe some actor…. Oops I was supposed to call Jukion yesterday! I will call her on the plane.

Kagome thought while she and her mom headed to get ready for the plane.

When Kagome arrived in the first class section of the plane she thought she saw SesshoMaru but quickly thought better of it.

"Oh these are our seats Kagome…Yeah these is nice. I think I am going to take a sort nap." Higurashi-san said as she slowly drifted off to sleep. Kagome put her and her mom's carry on cases above her head, before she sat down.

`Great two more people are seating next to me…I just hope they aren't perverted, noisy, or anything like that.' Kagome thought while grabbing the phone next to her, quickly dialing Jukion's number.

"Moshi moshi Jukion speaking, how may I help ya?" Jukion's voice rang over the phone.

"It's Kagome, what's up Jukion?"

"Nothing, just got back from my classes at the University. So what was Sessho-Maru like?" Kagome felt someone tap her shoulder.

"Wait Jukion I have someone wanting to ask me something…" Kagome moved her face away from the phone and looked up at SesshoMaru's face. "Yes Yokaishino-san?"

"You are Kagome Higurashi, right?" SesshoMaru fought the strong urge to smile when he heard Kagome's friend talking over the phone and the expression Kagome's face.

"Hai I am. Are you the one that is to be sitting next to me?" Kagome asked, plainly hearing her friends' loud squeals of excitement.

"Hai that's true." Sessho-Maru sat down with Yashamino sitting next to her. Kagome just looked at him then went back to her phone call.

"Sorry `bout that Jukion-Chan I had someone…" Kagome got cut off.

"Dear Kami is he sitting next to you!?" Jukion asked.

"Yeah he is, what's the big deal?" Kagome asked exasperated.

"Hello Kagome it's SesshoMaru Yokaishino! Don't you know who that is!?" Jukion asked sarcastically.

"Yeah he is someone who thinks he can get everything because he has good features. Beside he thinks he is so..." Kagome said before she got cut off. SesshoMaru smirked at her words. `She may be Kagome but why would she say that?'

"Girl you really have to get a life…Taking care of your mom, going to school, taking care of that old shrine…You don't even have a boyfriend!" Jukion said mad all of a sudden.

"I don't have a boyfriend because…." Kagome once again got cut off.

"Don't even start with that mate crap Kagome-Chan! You know full well that you were most likely in a coma. No one believes that shit about that guy. You describe him if he was a god! Get over him…If he was so great why hasn't he come to look for you!" Jukion yelled on the phone.

"I know. But I never did tell him about my life so he couldn't find me. And now I am regretting that choice. I will try and find him but he maybe already has another mate…Look I just wanted to call you because you told me to call you. I will talk with you later when I arrive in Tokyo. If I am busy then call back later. Bai bai!" Kagome hung up when she heard Jukion say sorry and hang up.

"You don't look to happy." Sessho-Maru was shocked at Kagome's choice of words when talking with her friends. Yashamino was just listening to their conversation.

"Yeah thanks Captain Obvious! I was talking with my friend and we didn't have the greatest of conversations. I thought you would travel in a private jet…"

"Well my private jet was over ran with women so the airport gave us these seats, they are going to fix my plane and then put it in Tokyo Airport." Sessho-Maru explained.

"Cool." Kagome had felt the plane get off the ground when she was talking to her friend. When Kagome got up to get her book from her case she lost balance and fell on top of Sessho-Maru, her face inches from his. Her face as red as a tomato - - quickly getting on her feet and sitting back down.

"Gomenasai I didn't mean to do that, I just wanted my book." Kagome mumbled.

"What book is that?" Sessho-Maru asked, his face tinted with an extremely light blush. You would have to be inches from his face just to see it.

"Interview With A Vampire by Anne Rice. I just started it a day or so ago." Kagome said trying with all her might to get her blush under control.

"I have read that, it's a good book. What part are you on?"

"When Louis and Claudia have `killed' Lestat, a little further then that. I love the book so far!" Kagome exclaimed.

"Yes it is a excellent book by far. What else have you read?" Sessho-maru asked, his tiny blush gone. It was so much more comfortable talking about something he did all the time, books. `If she says what MY Kagome said there may be a better chance that she is the Kagome.'

"I have read so many books but my all time favorite is most likely The Three Fates by Nora Roberts. I read that a few years ago and kept reading it over and over again. Have you ever read that?" Kagome asked.

"Yes after I could get a copywhen I visited North America. Why are you going to Tokyo? Your friend still getting married?" Sessho-Maru asked raising a delicately arched eyebrow.

"Hai my friend Ayumi Shinoko is marring Hojo Hikamrue. Hojo is the Vice President of Sunset Electronics…I told you last time I saw you remember?" Kagome pondered.

"Hai." Sessho-Maru got up and headed to the back of the plane. `Why is she so much like MY Kagome? This is starting to work my last nerve.' Sessho-Maru thought as he headed to a bathroom stall to fix himself up for the landing.

Kagome noticed that Yashamino was stealing glances at her every few minutes. `How kawaii!' Kagome thought when she saw him do it again.

"Oi Yashamino-san. We didn't get introduced properly now did we?" Kagome asked playfully. "Well I am Kagome Higurashi, nice to meet you." Kagome extended her right arm, with her hand awaiting a hand shake. Yashamino turned towards Kagome who had a brilliant smile upon her angelic face.

"I'm Yashamino Yokaishino, pleasure to meet you." Yashamino shook Kagome's small hand and was surprised at the firm handshake. Kagome saw his surprised face, which made her smile brake out even more.

""I get that a lot. Not many people would think that someone with such a small body frame would have such a firm handshake. It's because I use to train; well I still do but not nearly as much. Only around five hours a day six days a week." Kagome broke into a fit of giggles at Yashamino's shocked face.

"Y-you train th-that mu-much?" His shocked reply came.

"Yep!" Kagome nodded her head vigorously. "You should have seen me! I used to train six and half-hours a day seven days a week. But that got way to hard on my body, so I took it down a notch. But I can probably take out a lot of full grown men." Kagome exclaimed with a small giggle at the end.

Sessho-Maru came out as soon as Kagome told Yashamino that she trains six days a week five hours a day. `She is just like Kagome…So serious with training.' Sessho-Maru nearly smirked at his turn of thoughts. When he neared his seat he noticed Kagome's smile. `I am going to have to have a talk with Yashamino.'

Kagome saw him coming and was painfully reminded of Sessho-Maru.

`Stop thinking of him!' Kagome thought to herself.

`But he was your mate and still is. You can't just forget about him!'

`Dear Kami I know that…But if he wanted me wouldn't he have come already?'

`You never told him about that you were from the future! How in the world would he know that you still are alive!' Her conscious argued with her.

`I really have to stop thinking to myself!' Kagome pushed her self-conscious away and cleared her head. She then took notice that Yashamino was waving a hand in front of her face and Sessho-Maru was behind him.

"…Hey Kagome-san are you okay?" Yashamino asked with concern etched on his face.

"Oh sorry I lost it there for a second." Kagome giggled softly. "I think I should get my Mom up before we land in a few minutes." Kagome turned back to her mom and gently started to wake her up. When Sessho-Maru finally sat back down he shoot Yashamino a glare with a meaning `We need to talk later'. Yashamino looked frightened then went back to being silent and passive.

"Come on Mom we have to get up." Kagome moved her hand from her Mom's arm to her shoulders and shook gently.

"Um…Okay I am up…I think, Kagome." Higurashi-San yawned and stretched. She saw Sessho-Maru and brightened up. "It's so nice to see you again Yokaishino-San! How have you been?"

"Fine, how have you been Higurashi-San?" Sessho-Maru asked with a detached voice.

"Oh I have seen better days but in all as best as I can be. Yashamino-San how have you been?"

"Good." Yashamino said with a soft voice.

"That's good! Well when are we…" A Stewardess interrupted Higurashi-San. The stewardess had bouncy blonde hair that was curled that shone with an unnatural light. She had brilliant blue eyes that looked like the sky on a summer day. She had a rather large chest and a big derierre. She looked like a perky American Cheerleader.

"Excuse me but we will be landing in a few short minutes. Please put your seat belts on and stay seated." She went down to the next couple of people and repeated the same thing.

Kagome burst in to giggles. Sessho-Maru, Yashamino, and Higurashi-San looked at Kagome with questioning faces; Sessho-Maru's being bearly there.

"What is so funny Kagome-Chan?" Higurashi-San asked.

"It's a joke between me and someone I used to know." Kagome said between laughing but she clamed down enough to talk normally. "Mom I have a picture of him, remember I showed it to you? I haven't seen him a long time but I hope he will visit me." Kagome said with a hint of seriousness.

"Oh those pictures!" She said as it dawned on her who her daughter was talking about.

"Please put your seat belts on we are now landing." The perky stewardess said over a speaker. A few minutes later the plane could be felt and seen going slowly to the ground. "Thank you for flying on Tokyo Airlines, please fly again."

Kagome got up and helped her mom up; Sessho-Maru got up gracefully and helped get their cases while Yashamino went in the isle. As Kagome got her and her mom's cases she saw that Yashamino was quiet again. `Poor guy has to stay with Sessho-Maru. Must be hard for him, his so nice too.' Kagome made her way out of the plane with her mom following.

"Okay now we have to go get our luggage." As they got their luggage Kagome realized that Sessho-Maru was still following them. `Must be getting their luggage also.' Kagome handled her mom's and her luggage. "Come now, Ayumi said that she would be waiting in the front with a her car. I just can't wait to see her!" Kagome exclaimed.

"Me too, I hope I get to see her mother. It's been too long." Higurashi-San sighed at the fond memories she remember. Kagome looked over at Sessho-Maru and saw that he had a black trench coat on with a pair of sunglasses. `Weird-o! Why do I always seem to attract weird people?' Kagome thought exasperated. "Kagome-Chan isn't that Ayumi there?" Higurashi-San pointed to a female with a small poster board with the name "Kagome Higurashi" written on it.

Kagome's eyes widen considerably at the female. "Ayumi-Chan?" Kagome asked uncertain. The woman turned quickly and ran up to Kagome to give her a huge hug.

"Oh I can't believe you are here so early!" The female babbled on. "Kagome-Girl you look so different, in a good way!" The female had sparkling brown eyes, and soft brown bouncy hair pulled in a bun. She had on a short green summer dress. The dress was V-shaped and had water lilies scattered on it. Kagome noticed that she had grown a womanly figure since the last time she saw her.

"Ayumi! Oh you are so different! It's been so long since I've seen you. How have you been? How's Hojo-Kun? Oh we have so much catching up to do!" Kagome declared excited. Ayumi pulled back and waved to Higurashi-San.

"How have you been Higurashi-San? You look so well; my mom has been dying to see you again. Well let's go and be off, Hojo was so excited to hear that you guys were coming down. I told him you were well enough to come down." Ayumi laughed as Kagome burst into giggles. "So-ka come on, get in the car we have to get to my house." Ayumi opened the trunk of her '03 Mustang Ford, it was a red paint job. When the luggage put in Ayumi's trunk, they were off. Kagome caught a quick glance of Sessho-Maru looking in her direction before he went into his sleek black limousine.

"So how did Hojo-Kun popped the big question Ayumi-Chan?" Kagome wondered.

"Well we had been seeing each other since you left and we went in college. After college it was just by sheer luck that Hojo and me got in the same job. Well our relationship grew and grew and one time when we were out at dinner he asked me. I of course said yes! But it wasn't until one week after that that I learned that Hojo got a raise and a promotion. I was so happy. But do you know why Yuka and Eri won't have anything to do with me anymore?" Ayumi stopped at a red light and titled her head to the side to get a better look at Kagome. `She use to be so happy when she told me about her mate. Mate? An old term for a wife and husband type deal. But she was so damn happy now all I see is sadness in her eyes. I just hope that she finds her mate again.' Ayumi thought sadly about her old time friend.

"Well I haven't talked with them in awhile but they did call yesterday the shrine. I was gone but they told my mom to tell me that `You turned all mean like'. I could call them now if you want me to."

"Well you don't have to. Okay were here!" Ayumi parked her car in a parking lot near an Apartment building. It's sign read "Sun Rise Complex". Kagome thought of her old shrine and it's well house, why she thought of it now she didn't know. Ayumi lead the way to number 25b on the fourth floor, opening the door she took of her shoes and put down the luggage. `You would think they are staying for a couple of weeks. Duh they are staying for my wedding!' Ayumi thought as she walked them to her living room.

The apartment itself was really a beautifully put. The living room was to the right of the front door; the entire room was done in a soft red, off pink carpeting, and all white furniture. Then on the west side of the living room was a doorway leading to the kitchen, all the appliances were silver, there was a western style table in one of the corners, it was all painted white. If you were standing in the doorway that lead from the kitchen to the living room and looking straight ahead, they would be a door on the opposite side. That door lead to her office; it had an Oak desk that had green velvet on the writing top that held a computer. It also had on one wall a bookcase with all Electronics books, sci-fi books, and a few computer manuals. There was no carpet but it was just wooden boards covered with a plain black rug. To the right of her desk there was a door leading to her bedroom. Her bedroom was done in a green motif green bed spreads, green carpet, etc, etc. To the right of her bed was a bathroom that was done in a blue motif. And back in the bed room to the left of her bed was a door leading to an extra room. Ayumi hadn't thought of what to do with the room.

"So what do we do now?" Ayumi asked after everything had been put in it's proper place. Kagome, Higurashi-san, and Ayumi sat at her kitchen table; they had finished a light meal when everyone was finish showering and Ayumi telling them about her house.

"Um well I want to see Hojo! Let's go and see him." Kagome answered.

"I will stay here, Hojo has always been nice but I don't think you girls would like me coming with you." Higurashi-san commented.

"I will tell him you said hi, you can watch television in the living room, and come-on Kagome." Ayumi hollered.

When Kagome and Ayumi got to Sunset Electronics, Kagome felt a shiver run up her spine.

"You okay Kag-Chan?"

"Uh…Sure, I just felt a cold shiver. Nothing big, let's go!" Ayumi got out of the car with doubts about Kagome. `It's maybe close to 90 degrees and she says that she felt cold? Something is up and she's not telling me.' Ayumi pondered as she made her way to the 27th floor where Hojo's office resided. She said hi's and hey's as she made her way to the office and what she really noticed was that Kagome still was on guard but she was friendly. When Ayumi was at Hojo's door she noticed that Kagome straighten up even more then before. Knocking briefly and then going in she noticed that Hojo had company.

"Oh sorry I didn't realize that you had company Hojo-honey." Ayumi was about to shut the door when Hojo spoke up.

"Oh it's okay this meeting was over with anyway. Why are you here today?" Hojo stood up and walked over to Ayumi to plant a kiss on her cheek when he noticed Kagome behind Ayumi. "Oh Kagome-Chan! I thought you were coming later on! It's so nice to see you again! And you look good." Hojo gave Kagome a hug that she gave weakly back. "What's the matter you look and feel like you've seen a ghost?" Kagome gave a weak smile.

"I just feel a bit weak…. But it's so nice to see you again. You've changed so much seen you had a crush on me." Kagome laughed at the blush that spread across Hojo's cheeks.

"I thought you would forget about that time."

"Of course not! I couldn't forget how you slave over how sick I would get then be fine to go to school the next day. You would even bring me gifts that were for my sickness. Hojo to tell you, I was never sick or had any illness." Kagome recalled.

"Yeah I remember. I know Ayumi told me one time. She told me you were having the experience of a life time." Hojo said as he led Kagome and Ayumi in his office. His attention went back to his guest when he noticed one of them standing up.

"I believe that we have no more business to discuss since you are letting in a gaggle of girls in your office." A tall man playfully hissed. He had a short sporty look to his black hair; he had soft violet eyes. He had a fairly good build with a somewhat narrow waist and broad chest. But what really got Kagome was the look of playful meanness in his eyes and it was directed towards her. `Why does he look at me like he knows me? He almost reminds me of Miroku but that would mean he is he's reincarnation. But that's not the guy who's giving me the bad feelings.' Kagome thought as she studied the man and tired to look around the room.

"Well it would seem. Oh and Ruko, Maku, and Mada this is Higurashi Kagome and this is my fiancée Taijia Sango. Kagome, Sango this is Hoshi Ruko." Hojo pointed to the man who talked. "This is Maku." Hojo pointed to a man with mid-back length hair, he had dark red eyes. He had a nice build but not as much broad shoulders. `He does look nice in a suit just like that Maku.' Kagome thought. "And this is Mada." Hojo pointed to a somewhat elderly woman but she seemed like she was atleast 45 when she should be around 60. She had black hair with strands of gray, kind black eyes and a stance that spoke of wisdom and kindness.

Kagome noticed that her bad vibes where coming from Maku. `He most likely is the reincarnation of Naraku with the luck I am having. Ruko is the reincarnation of Miruko and Mada is the reincarnation of Keada. Just my luck.' Kagome smiled slightly.

"It's nice to meet you Ruko-san, Maku-san, and Mada-san. I am sorry that I am not feeling so well right now." Kagome chirped.

"It is okay child, I can see you are not feeling well. Besides you did not interrupt anything, the meeting was going to end any ways." Mada claimed. Kagome smiled as she brought her hand out for a friendly handshake.

"Still I am sorry but it is nice to meet you Mada-san." Mada nodded once then went to leave but gestured for Ruko to come out. Maku just stared at Kagome with murder in his eyes then directed his eyes towards Hojo. Hojo merely smiled.

"Please come and visit again Maku-san. But could you leave, I am busy with my friends now." Hojo gestured toward his office door, which Maku got up and went to. As he walked out he sent Kagome another death glare Ayumi saw it. When Maku left and his presence was gone Kagome brightened up.

"Kagome-Chan were you just doing that to get those people out of my office?" Hojo asked playfully.

"Lie…I didn't really feel well…But it did help get those people out of your office. Didn't it?" Kagome smiled as she sat calmly in one of Hojo's office chairs. Ayumi took the seat next to Kagome and sat down thinking. `Why did that Maku guy have a death glare on Kagome? Maybe someone she knew along time ago. Or it could be someone's reincarnation that she knew in Feudal Japan!'

"Well I am glad that you came. And Ayumi-Honey I got word from a certain guest that he was coming." Hojo winked when Kagome turned her head to look at Ayumi. "He asked if it would be alright if he sat by a certain someone. I said of course." Ayumi smiled at her cunning fiancée.

"Of course! Now I have Higurashi-San at my house and the wedding's next week correct Hojo?" Ayumi only smiled back at both Kagome and Hojo.

"Hai it is. And Kagome have you had a sitting with Ayumi's genius fashion designer?"

"Lie I haven't…But that was where we were going to go. Is it Ayumi-Chan?" Kagome asked as she stood up and stretched her back.

"Hai it is, we should get going. Bye Hojo, see you at home!" Ayumi gave Hojo and quick hug and peck on the lips. Kagome left the office to run into a small boy. He had reddish/brown hair that was tied up in a ponytail, bright emerald green eyes. His build slightly small but lean. He looked around the age 16.

"Gomensai! I didn't mean to run into you!" The teenager explained while going for the flying papers. Kagome got over her shock and help out the poor boy. `She looks so much like Kagome…Nah why would Kagome be here?' The teenager thought while putting all the papers in a pile.

"It's okay, I should have paid attention to where I was going instead of thinking about someone." Kagome smiled one of her award winning smiles. `He reminds me of Shippo. I am so sorry Shippo that I couldn't see you grow up.' Kagome thought but quickly thought of something else due to some tears that were gathering.

"Are you okay Miss.? You look as if you are depressed?" The teenager stopped then added while looking up. "Oh Ayumi-San and Hojo-San! Your friend I assume isn't feeling very well." Shippo helped up Kagome with his free hand.

"Well Himo-San it seems that you see Kagome when she is thinking about her adopted child. She had to leave so she didn't get to see him grow up. Now Himo-San we have to get going, nice to see you again." Ayumi lead Kagome to the elevator then to her car.

"What was her name again?" Himo asked puzzled and slightly excited.

"Kagome…Higurashi Kagome. Very nice girl, I used to have a crush on her but then during high school she always had illness. I still liked her up to junior year but then we just became friends. Why you ask? You know her?" Hojo explained the turned his head towards Himo.

"Yeah…Kinda. She probably doesn't remember me though." Himo smiled at himself. `She may not remember me but I really remember you…Kagome.'

When Kagome sat down in Ayumi's car she closed her eyes and thought about the last time she saw Shippo.


As Kagome walked to the clearing everyone was at she heard someone cry to right of her. Slowly advancing on the person, seeing it was only Shippo she knelt down to his level. She slowly made small circles on his equally small back. Shippo looked up at Kagome with depression in his too young eyes.

"Why are you crying Shippo-Kun?" Kagome asked sitting down upon the ground next to Shippo and motioned for him to sit in her lap.

"Be-because you-you are go-going t-to go w-hen InuYasha makes hi-his wish…" The poor kit broke down in heart wrenching sobs again.

"If I get a choice of going or not going, believe me I wouldn't go. Even if it meant me not seeing my family, I would get to stay with you, Rin, and Sessho-Maru. Believe it or not I really love this era better then my era. This one is so clean and fresh…My era is really polluted. And besides I have my mate, my son, and my daughter all here. So please don't cry on my behalf and always remember that if you survive to my time that I will be waiting if I had to go home. Okay?" Kagome explained as she ran her fingers through Shippo's hair.

"So-ka, I will remember. Come on we have to go to that clearing!" Shippo jumped out of Kagome's lap and started for the clearing. As Kagome ever so slowly got up from her sitting position so thought about Shippo. `Young son when the moon is red and I have been gone you will see where I am going to be in the future.'

End Flashback

"Oi Kag-Girl let's go to Heaven Fashion Parlor but before we do that let's go get something to drink." Ayumi suggested.

"That would be great." Kagome answered back weakly.


Thank you all who have reviewed thus far. To tell you the truth I have up to four chapters done but I am currently typing the fifth chapter. So if you guys/girls want to know what happens in the end you must review so I can know that I am not just typing for my health. Now I will thank all that have reviewed so far.

~The Killing Perfection ~

Nicole Johnson - ^^ Thanks! When I read your review I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my chair! I think that would be a great idea. Seeing as how this site does let you post any lemons and such. I would back you up 100% when you do. Once again thank you for the kind words. I am sorry that it is taking me so long to finish editing your fic but I am so swamped with homework - - much like you were or are. I will be getting to it this weekend - - at least - - but I am not sure for I am going to have to clean my bed room and my bathroom to get some spare cash. I look forward to your next review. So please review again.

Bee3 - I can update every time if you want me to. I e-mail any one on my address book in my yahoo account. So if it doesn't bother you much I will add you so I can e-mail for any and all chapters. I am very happy you like this fic. For you see I cannot write or update my other fics because I am having a horrible case of the writer's block with those. But I would be very pleased to hear that you still like my fic after this chapter, the many to come, and that you would like me to e-mail when I e-mail the other people who are on my address book. Please review again.


Miko_SnowGodess_Me - Thank you very much. I will update as long as I get enough reviews to tell me that people are actually reading my fic. So don't be mad or discouraged if it takes me a while. Just be as patient as possible for though the reviews may make me happy I still get swamped with homework because I am in two honors classes. And I have friends in all honors classes - - sometimes I think they are inhuman! Lol! But please be as patient as possible. If you do wish to talk to me at all then please feel free to e-mail at I will be more then happy to reply you. Please review for this chapter also.

Katrina Xaten - Thank you very much for the ratings as well as the review. Reviews such as these always lift my spirits. And I thank you for that, even if you did do it without actually meaning too. Please review for this chapter as well.

Am,y - Thank you very much for reviewing my fic. It really means a lot to me. I become so happy when I get news of a new review added to my fanfic. Once again thank you. And don't forget to review this chapter, I would be most happy.

I believe that is the only places that I have posted this fic. I have not done so at FanFiction.Net for obvious reasons. Seeing as how I hope to have a friend make a lemon for this fic for me I would not want this fic taken off the site just because of a graphic intimate scene. I think it is rude and a bound on our creativity. So in sort I apologize if I didn't respond to any reviews for I know how much it bugs and hurts me if I didn't get responded from the author. So any complaints please just e-mail to me directly. I do not appreciate flames - - though I have not gotten any so for - - there for I only appreciate nice reviews - - via Am,y (is it spelled Amy? And you just did a slip with the finger? I can understand how you did so.) review - - and constrictive criticism. Thank you for all the reviews thus for and I look forward to more.

~Mistress Fluffy

A True Anime Fan and Lover of the Bishounen SesshoMaru