InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Becomes' Present ❯ Desire ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, Rumiko Takahashi owns InuYasha and co.

Past Becomes' Present


We desire most what we ought not to have.

-Publilius Syrus (1st C. b.c.) Sententiae

Last Time

SesshoMaru's musings were cut short how ever when Dr. Kenshin came out of the room and stood in front of him with a deadly serious expression on.

"You know the real reason why her body is stopping the unborn child's growth. I would advise you to act quickly. Once word gets out in the public about this she is not going to be safe." With that Dr. Kenshin walked away in a haze of white clothing and red-ish brown hair. SesshoMaru nodded to him self and headed in to Kagome's room.

This Time

Kagome sighed contently as Dr. Kenshin told her that she could leave in an hour from now. After he had told her that she was pregnant, she could not think of anything except of SesshoMaru.

`Why would this happen now?'

Dear sweet Kagome you should know this.

`Midoriko-Chan? I am in a pickle here. I am still in college and now I find out that I have been pregnant for four years!? Isn't that a little weird! I mean I didn't even notice that. SesshoMaru should be here.

For all the love in Kunitsu-Kami stop mopping around and kiss that darn Yokaishino! I am tired of this depressive state in which you have thrown your self into.

Kagome, who was shocked beyond belief at the angry tone of Midoriko, sat even more stunned when SesshoMaru came in to drop by.

"Kagome you don't look so good. Is something wrong?" SesshoMaru asked with concern evident in his eyes and voice. This was the third time that he had stopped by and he had had a huge argument with himself to get up and go and tell Kagome.

"Um yeah.." Kagome trailed off at the sight of SesshoMaru in a business suit.

`I have seen him like that before but his eyes…Oh my gosh his eyes are golden!'

"Your eyes are . . . Golden!" Kagome exclaimed shocked.

"Hai they are. I just put in contacts, not that I need them, so I don't have everyone staring at my unusually colored eyes." SesshoMaru then added as an after thought. "Besides they are my natural eye color."

SesshoMaru didn't expect the loud squeal of happiness nor did he expect Kagome to leap in his arms.

"After so many years you have found me again Sess-Kun!" Kagome hugged SesshoMaru's mid section closer and rubbed her nose on his chest. "Why didn't you tell me earlier that you were Yokaishino?"

"I thought you would notice the hints at me being me." SesshoMaru said, after he found his voice again, and said it ever so causally. All of a sudden Kagome punched SesshoMaru in the chest, hard.

"You Ass! You left me to be by my self for FOUR years!! Why didn't you just tell me when you first knew it was me!?" Kagome hissed out through clutched teeth. "Get out! I don't want to talk with you right now." Kagome wanted a second then angrily got off the hospital bed and headed out the room. "Fine if you won't go, I will!" With that Kagome was gone. Kagome was wearing her low-raise jeans and a white tank top.

"What the fuck did I do?" SesshoMaru whispered, then added. "Oh damn!" SesshoMaru raced out of the hospital meeting Kagome being jammed into a limo, that wasn't his, and Maku getting in after her. "Bustard give her back!" SesshoMaru yelled while running after the now leaving limo.

In The Limo

"What do you want Maku?" Kagome asked outraged and thoroughly frightened.

"Oh you know what I want and then getting the beautiful ransom from your dear SesshoMaru will be good. Now just sleep and it will be over before you know it." Maku purred to the now more frightening woman.

"Leave me alone! He won't send his precious money to get me!" Kagome hollered at the reincarnated human turned evil, demented half demon.

"I said sleep!" Maku uttered a sleeping spell that made Kagome sleep with deadly swiftness. "See now that wasn't so hard." Turning his attention to his driver he called out. "Go to the mansion outside of city limits." Taking out his cell phone he called his secretary.

"Maku-Sama? What can I do for you?" His half Russian and half German secretary asked politely.

"Send cards to all my associates for a Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas ball that is on the first day of December. Make sure to give one to Hojo and Yokaishino." Maku commanded.

"Of course Maku-Sama. May I ask you something?" The woman waited for the yes to continue. "Well I was wondering if you would like me to put in the cards to dress up. It would be a massquede ball, you could say."

"Hai do that. I knew I had you for good reasons." With that Maku hung up to leave his secretary to start with the planning.

At Ayumi's Pent House

"What do you mean Kagome was kidnapped?" Higurashi-San yelled at SesshoMaru.

"She found out about me being her mate and she went mad. Quickly leaving the hospital she was outside and when I saw her she was being forced inside Maku's limo. Now call Ayumi and Hojo. They need to know." SesshoMaru commanded.

`I need to call Yashamino and have him get my old time friends start finding Kagome.'

SesshoMaru pulled out his cell phone completely ignoring the yelling woman now behind him

"This is Yashamino. What can I do for you?"

"Yashamino, Kagome has been kidnapped by Maku. You must get Ah-Un finding them get Shippo from Hojo's work helping him too. They would help the most."

"What do you mean she has been kidnapped? Why was she? You were supposed to be there with her at all times!" Yashamino yelled forgetting that it was SesshoMaru he was yelling at.

"I need not explain my self. Do as I say and don't question my actions. I have to visit an old friend now. Good-Bye." SesshoMaru hung up before there was room for arguments.

"Wait!" Higurashi-San yelled at SesshoMaru. "You are my daughter's mate SesshoMaru right?" SesshoMaru's nod was her answer. "I just have to tell you don't take her reaction to you personally. She has been through a lot with out you. And when you do find her and get her back. Tell her how you feel all over again. She is going to need you and to be told that she is cared for in the most intimates of sense." Higurashi-San closed her brown, tired eyes to bring out a long sigh. "I have had a vision and it has been given two endings. Just follow your heart and all will be good. If you do not follow your deepest emotions and your heart you and my daughter are doomed." SesshoMaru turned and left but not before saying:

"Do not worry. She will always know the true me."

As that left his sinfully full mouth he was gone from the pent house that had housed Kagome has he had tried to find her.

One Month Later

Maku's Mansion

Kagome stood in front of a full-length mirror waiting for the tudious task of getting her ready would be over. The frightened servants were preparing her for a stupid masquerade party that her "host", which was Maku, was hosting. It was supposed to celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

`I shouldn't have been so stupid as to run out of that hospital and away from SesshoMaru!'

Yes you are indeed brillant Kagome. Is this the woman who was so brave as to defeat the evil Naraku? You are now held captive by his reincarnation! I would…

`Midoriko I do not need this right now! I know. Now I must get back to my wonderful kidnapping home.

Kagome walked over to the vanity that housed some make-ups so that the servants could finish her costume. She was dressing as one of the French Court in the 1770s. Her dress was done in a vivid red with "lines" of white and green showing. She even had gotten a headdress that was extravagant at it's finest. Kagome had to practice a few weeks prior to walk with it and not falling over. Maku had told Kagome that she would have to wear a mask that cover her whole face and be by his side as if she were his mate. (A/n: this dress can be seen at

A knock at the door sent the servants leaving through a secret passage, making them seem as if they were never there.

"Come in." Kagome weakly stated. Wearing a corset was worst then she had figured it would be, it was sucking the breath out of her. Of course her time of torment had to be shared and it was with the one that made her wear this stupid French gown - - with Maku.

"Oh you do look lovely Kagome." Maku spoke in a falsely loving voice.

"Cut the crap. You now know that SesshoMaru is not going to get me. So just kill me." Kagome spoke as she stood up to her full height, which was increased with the high heels she was wearing.

"Well is that corset to tight for you? Look you will be singing for the guests while they dance and such. I have invited your dear demon but I don't if he is going to come. You best behave your self or it may get ugly out there." Maku grab Kagome's arm roughly and lead her to the door. "Now get the mask." Kagome did as was commanded and put it on. It made her look like Marie Antoinette. "Good now as soon as the classical music starts you will go to the stage after the first song and start singing some new song. Not any of your songs." With that Kagome was lead to the Ball Room.

The Ball Room was done in red paint colored walls and hard wood floors. A high vaulted ceiling, the French windows that lead out to the garden, and a grand stair case in which all the guests would walk done.

The room was fairly packed with guests when Kagome and Maku came out. Maku was dressed as a Russian Czar with the ribbons and such. Kagome didn't know the names of them but they did look real and old.

"Hello my guests! I hope you all are enjoying your selves. Let the music begin." Maku's voice dominated the room before the sounds of Chopin came from the orchestra.

While Maku talked with various guests Kagome made her way to the stage where she would be condemned. But before she could make it she was grab by her arm and dragged out to the gardens. She noticed that the person that was dragging her was dressed as an old Japanese Lord.

It almost seems as though he is dressed as a Demon Japanese Lord!

He pulled - - she assumed it was a he by the strength of the person - - Kagome into an isolated part of the garden.

"*Exercusez-moi monsieur!" Kagome yelled at the man - - happy to have gone to France for a year did pay of - - who was now holding Kagome by her shoulders spoke.

"Kagome why haven't you tried to escape? I have my hired men looking for you, I have Shippo looking for you, and I have the police looking for you. Please tell me that you will go back with me." SesshoMaru took of his mask to reveal a face contorted with anger - - at Kagome not escaping - - and pleading - - that Kagome will go back with him.

"*Monsieur vous ne personne je savoir." Kagome said tripping over her own words.

"Kagome please don't do this to me!" SesshoMaru took a desperate edge that absolutely breaking Kagome's heart. "You can't just get rid of me. I am your Life Mate! I will die before I ever leave you. Just let me show you have much I care. Please!"

"*D' accord." Kagome smiled as she pulled her mask off. Not wasting time to give Kagome time to breath SesshoMaru passionately kissed her, knocking the breath out of her. Returning the kiss ten fold Kagome held on to SesshoMaru but ended it after needing to get some air.

"Why did you speak in French? Not that I had trouble. Need I tell you that I have been to France in the past five hundred years?" SesshoMaru joked pulling Kagome closer.

`Finally I have SesshoMaru with me.'

Don't get happy so quick. Maku is coming and his aura is angry. Watch out!

"Sess-Kun be quiet, I feel Maku coming closer. I need to mask our scents." Kagome chanted a few quick words as Maku's presence loomed nearer.

Maku walked right past them in his heated strides. But just as SesshoMaru was going to breath a sigh of relief Kagome tripped on her dress when she turned to look around. Creating a wondrous clatter of cruses and rustling of fabric, Maku was sure to hear. And he did for he turned back and headed for the spot where Kagome and SesshoMaru now stood, Kagome had forgotten her fight with her clothes at seeing Maku turning around. Grabbing Kagome's arm quickly, SesshoMaru ran for the Ball Room.

The Ball Room was packed wall-to-wall with people that were all seemly dancing. SesshoMaru's progress was indeed short for this reason, he had to push dancers out of his way to even get one step more into the room. Kagome had to put her mask back on for she didn't want anyone to recongize her and SesshoMaru had put his mask back on before they had even entered the Ball Room. Suddenly from out of nowhere the dancers parted and between the two crowds Maku walked towards SesshoMaru and Kagome. SesshoMaru protectively stepped in front of Kagome blocking her out of Maku's line of sight Maku noticing this smirked wickedly.

"Well Yokaishino-San it is such a pleasure that you have arrived. Seeing as how you have never came to one until now." Maku paused then spoke up while slowly advancing. "I must know why that is so."

"Remove your self from away from me and my Mate, or face the consequences." SesshoMaru's deadly tone rose above the whispers of couples and friends within the Ball Room.

"Who do you think you are!?" A shrill womans' voice spoke from the crowd.

"I am Yokaishino SesshoMaru, President of YokaiElectronics, Mate and Husband of Higurashi Kagome, and Lord." SesshoMaru spoke with pride and determination.

Kagome sensing the stressing and unmerciful mood that this happening was putting SesshoMaru in, she put a comforting hand upon SesshoMaru's back and spoke in an extremely soft manner. Only SesshoMaru, Maku and a choice few in the crowd were able to hear her.

"Do not waste your time. I must leave, we must leave quickly for I feel a deadly aura coming this way."

SesshoMaru offered his hand to her behind his back, which Kagome gladly took. Maku smirked once more sending a chill done Kagome's back. Suddenly a shift in the wind sent Kagome throwing SesshoMaru on the floor, her on top of his body, when all of a sudden a small, young girl ran out from nowhere and a seemly dragon ripped the ceiling off and landed on some guests.

The small, young girl was a deathly pale color and to not stand out among the crowd she wore a ghastly white dress that reached her ankles. Oddly she carried a mirror that had a golden frame and a slightly glowing reflective surface.

The dragon had two heads, Kagome assumed, each one represented a certain aspect of man - - Harmony and Chaos. Harmony had light blue eyes and a silvery mane that would make fluffy white clouds to shame. Chaos had a much darker aura and look about him (Harmony was a female and Chaos was male), he had blood red eyes that would put make blood look pink and hair that was a black as Naraku's heart.

Maku advanced upon SesshoMaru and Kagome as the young girl walked a little ways behind Maku, Harmony and Chaos was just standing still. Harmony gave Kagome a sympathetic glance that spoke of hopeless sadness while Chaos was giving her a vengeful and heated (an evil heated) glare.

"I see that Kagome has taken to my dragoon." Maku spoke still slowly advancing. "You see SesshoMaru I am going to kill you then torture Kagome, a very slow torture. Then kill her too."

SesshoMaru's rage was slowly taking over his self control as Maku spoke in a carefree and I-Don't-Care voice. Kagome once again having her senses on high alert felt SesshoMaru's slow descent into rage.

`Midoriko! What shall I do? I cannot unlock some of my powers. I cannot have what happened last time happen this time.'

You must Dear Kagome. For I have been on the opposing end of Lord SesshoMaru's rage and it can and most likely will destroy anything and everything in his path. Including you.

`But not even SesshoMaru knows of my True Origins! I don't even fully understand it.'

Kami just follow your heart Kagome. SesshoMaru should now everything about you and you about him. Show him your true self.

As Kagome nodded she felt determination ringing in her very soul. Closing her eyes and blocking out the words that formed sentences in the back of her mind, she concentrated on her inner self. The one that had yet to see daylight in one thousand years.

SesshoMaru felt a shift in Kagome's aura, he turned to look but couldn't have his gaze move from Maku.

Kagome whispered to the Ancient Gods and Goddess' in a voice that spoke of years of pain, betrayal, and love.

"Ancient Gods and Goddess, long forgotten, I ask you to protect me as I change. I wish to save my loved one."

SesshoMaru was puzzled at what his mate had said but he didn't have time to dwell on the matter as a thunderbolt came from the heavens and struck Kagome square on. Strangely the Demon Lord didn't hear an ear-splitting scream like he expected to, instead he heard the sound of soft humming to an old forgotten hymn.

Kagome accepted the thunderbolt with great happiness. They have accepted my indirect offer and is offering me help, she thought while feeling the changes happen.

Maku hissed in pain as the thunderbolt hit the woman he had stolen. That bolt had purification powers surrounding it, he observed as a bright light filled the room.

The young girl smiled at the display. I may be free yet, was her hopeful thought.

The crowd watch amazed at the display of divine powers from above strike, the woman dressed in a flaming red outfit. Slowly the people of the crowd turned from the light, for it was too great for their eyes.

Kagome stood in an open plain of white endless color that expanded to the ends of Earth. Suddenly a form of Midoriko materialized in front of her. Midoriko was clad in her miko grabs and specially made armor, her hair loose and wind blown.

"Kagome-Sama, you have asked the Ancient Gods and Goddesses the ultimate wish. In turn," Midoriko's voice rang true in though it seemed to Kagome that she wasn't even opening her month to speak. "The Ancient Guardians have granted my soul to be let into the Eternal Paradise. That and your true power will be let loose, showing Lord SesshoMaru your real race."

"So you are not going to be my voice within?" Midoriko's sweet soft laugh filled the air around Kagome's person.

"No I will not," Midoriko stopped to think for a second before continuing. "And you remember about the baby inside of you that refused to be born?"

"Hai I do remember Midoriko-Chan."

"Well since my persense is not going to be inside your body, it will finally grow into a baby."

"Midoriko-Chan, I have a question." Kagome wanted for the nod to go on. "Well I know that I am not even from the world I was born into. So am I ever going to meet anyone from my world? You know to help me out in times of confusion?" Midoriko's face turned serious in an instant.

"Hai you are. I cannot tell you in what form but all I am allowed to say is that it cane be any child, adult, or elderly person that is from your world. Now I must go, once you step from the light, you will have changed into your true form." With that Midoriko vanished.


Oyaho Minna-San! Yep I did survive my essay but I have a short story due Friday and another essay due Friday (the same Friday). So this may be a while until my next update and not to mention that I am just starting typing the seventh chapter. So it may be a while. Also please applauds, I am going to be entered into the "Knights of the Round Table", for my Junior High School. I am really happy because this may go on my Permanent Record and I want to seem really smarty-pants. SO {::shrugs::} I am happy but wished I didn't have to get to school at 7:15 a.m. because I am almost never ready for school then. Okay on to other things, sorry if this chapter didn't give all the answers but everything will be answered in later chapters and there will be a lemon in later chapters. That is if LK [Lady Kaiba] is still going to write it for me. Okay reviews:


Shina_schatten: Thanks; it is hard to even write now a days because my mean but super nice (if that makes sense) Honors Language Arts teacher is always giving us a new essay each week. SO I may give two chapters next time but I haven't decided yet. Really? That's cool! I am like a quarter German myself and really wish to learn the language and the Japanese language. Well hope you like this chapter and ask if you got the whole unborn baby thing. I only said it indirectly so I hope you picked that up.

YoukaiYume: Well I try to make `em that way, I don't want my readers get tired of the ficcy and not read it to the end! {::smiles::} Yeah it does make us writers seem desperate! Hope you like this chapter and review please!

RED HAT: Thank you for the compliment. It is greatly appreciated. And Kagome won't be actually having the baby until a little down the road. Insider hint.

Aira^o^: Hey SesshoMaru can be dense sometimes but you got to love the frosty handsome demon lord. Well I hope you liked this chapter and gomen for it being so long until I could get it out. Chapter seven is going to take even longer, that is if I don't get it done during weekends and Winter Vaca. Please review this chapter too!

FireCat01: Me glad you liked it and thought it interesting. I am always glad that my work is appreciated. But I hope this chapter explained a little more of the unborn baby deal. Review again please.

Sesshy's fan: Believe me I know it is so hard to find a decent Sess/Kag fanfic out there now a days. I know the unborn baby thing may be a little hard to understand but it will get (I hope) explained in this chapter and the next chapter goes more in depth. Review this chapter as well.

Flamethemightydragon: Really? That makes me feel great to think that my measly ficcy can brighten up a person's day when they are having a bad one. I know hoe it is to came home in a bad mood because of stupid people and other things and I can always appreciate a ficcy I like a little bit more because it makes me feel better. That is possibly the greatest and nicest compliment that anyone has ever gave me. I thank you and am deeply welcome that I could do that for you. Okay enough mushy stuff; I hope you got the whole unborn baby thing. It is going to be more explained next chapter and your very own authoress is going to have a part in this ficcy. ^^Guess the part if you can! {::laughs::} Okay I have to get to bed soon I have to get up early tomorrow! Review and I hope I brightened up your day again^^!!!

SesshoMaru A Killing Perfection:

No reviews equals no responses.


MF: Kami am I pooped with all the homework I have….

G2: Don't you have to tell your readers something?

Kagome: Yeah MF there's something important….

MF: Oh right! Due to the amount of homework and my idiocy of doing ALL of it and extra credit when I can, there will not be any more updates and posts for at least one week. I just need to get my head and papers together and make it three weeks or at least until the 19th because that's the last school day and a short one at that! Did I forget anything else?

InuYasha: Don't believe so…And why the hell do I have to be reincarnated!?

Miroku: It's just as bad as me being reincarnated…

Sango: And have I even been mentioned?

MF: {::hides behind G2::} It's G2~Chan's fault…I cannot get any work done when she's here so I forget what I plan to do in every chapter! {::thinks for a second::} Oh and LK~Chan's fault….She never on AIM so I can never talk to her and I have to to get ideas…For some freaky reason she gives me ideas…

{::frying pan flies from nowhere and hits MF on head knocking her out::}

Sessie: We have to find out why that happens…

Sango: Doesn't bother me…

G2: Pfft you guys messe….

{::another frying pan flies out of nowhere and hits G2 in head knocking her out::}

Kagome: {coughs::} Well the recommendation is at the bottom.


ForgetMeNot by YoukaiYume

(Can be found at MM.Org, SesshoMaru a Killing Perfection, and I think FF.Net)

Kagome helps SesshoMaru out when he needs it even disobeying Inu-Turd's orders. Because of that SesshoMaru has respect for the stupid caring human woman, which turns to something more when Kagome escapes from the warring states era and accidentally drags SesshoMaru with her. With their feelings in turmoil they both return to the past to be greeted by things that both wish to not have, problems that both do not wish to have.

YoukaiYume~Chan I hope I did that ficcy justice…. ^^I just really love that ficcy…And FYI you have to update soon!