InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Mind, Present Body ❯ Helping Out ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: Helping Out
“Is Higurashi in here today?” the English professor called out.
Kagome's head snapped up and she raised her hand saying, “I'm right here sir.”
“You are needed in room 401. The professor needs to talk to you. It's very urgent,” the professor said reading the paper that a messenger gave him.
Kagome gathered all her stuff and walked out the door. She was thrilled to be leaving that class. English never really interested her and the professor taught it in the most boring fashion. She began to pick up her pace to the classroom hoping that nothing bad had happened. Room 401 was Kouga's classroom and she knew Kouga wouldn't call her out of class without a good reason. Or at least she thought.
What if something bad had happened to Yash? She hadn't spoke to him in a week, ever since the incident with Kiki. What if he decided to leave without telling anyone? She had only gotten a taste of his past, but it was enough to know that he wasn't an ordinary person. His heart was wounded and needed healing, but from the looks of how long it had been broken, it would take a lot of time.
She finally reached the classroom and released the breath that she had been holding in unconsciously. She entered to find a bloody and bruised Yash and a disappointed Kouga.
“Oh my god! What happened?” Kagome yelled dropping all her stuff and running to Yash's side.
“Yash went to an interview at Sesshomaru's company and met Sesshomaru's fist personally,” Kouga smirked.
“If he wasn't such a cold hearted bastard, then I wouldn't have had to fight him,” Yash growled.
“Fight him? Yeah right, he beat you up and you didn't lay a finger on him,” Kouga laughed.
“Shut it Kouga! Let him explain what happened really,” Kagome said, trying to give Yash a chance to talk.
“Thanks Kags. Well I went in there and he automatically told me to leave saying that I smelled like a filthy lowlife. What kind of interview is that?! That no good son of a bitch didn't even let me get my name out!” Yash cursed. Kagome turned to Kouga and held out her hand. Kouga knew what she wanted and handed her a first aid kit.
She pulled out anti-bacterial spray and a lot of Band-Aids. She sprayed a cotton ball and went to clean Yash's bloody lip. He grabbed her hand and said, “I don't need your help wench. Just leave me alone.”
“Well you may not need it, but you are going to get it. Don't try to stop me either. Now sit back and shut up!” Kagome ordered pulling her hand out of his grip and started to clean his wounds.
“Kouga, I want to see Sesshomaru,” Kagome simply stated. Kouga's mouth fell open in shock as he watched Kagome fix Yash up.
“Hell no! Why would you want to go see that asshole?” Kouga asked.
“He needs to be taught a lesson on treating people. He shouldn't think he could order people around like that just because he's powerful. Anyone with the right skills can do his job. What makes him think he's so special?” Kagome said applying bandages to Yash's cuts.
“You know exactly how he is! He thinks his shit don't stink! He's a spoiled brat and always got whatever he wanted. You know that and not to mention he tried to kill you a few times,” Kouga replied without realizing that Yash was still there.
“What?! He tried to kill you?” Yash shouted at Kagome. Kagome felt embarrassment creep up her spine, then felt confused when she felt that emotion first.
“Well, you see, he didn't actually try to kill me. He was trying to kill the Inuyasha I used to know and I kinda jumped in the middle of it all. Besides he didn't kill me, that's what's important right?” she said.
“What the hell's wrong with you? Something's not right here. How do you know Kouga and this Sesshomaru guy to begin with? Some of these things aren't adding up,” Yash said growing more confused by the second.
“You wouldn't believe us even if we told you,” Kouga sighed.
“Try me,” Yash stated.
Kagome and Kouga looked at each other questioningly. Then they looked back to Yash and sighed. They began to tell him of how Kagome could go 500 years into the past just by jumping into a well, how the scared jewel shattered, and how Naraku was their worst enemy. They told him about their friends and the final battle and how everything ended and caught up with this world.
Yash sat there, dumbfounded. “You're right I don't believe you,” he said and stood up.
“Where are you going?” Kouga asked.
“Away from you two. Something is wrong with you guys. Do you think that this is funny? Are you playing a trick on me or something?” Yash asked.
“No we aren't. Maybe this can convince you,” Kagome said and pulled out the necklace that held the scared jewel.
Yash stared at it and went to touch it. Before he could touch it he hit an invisible barrier.
“This is the Shikon jewel. I put a spell around it so it seems like a normal pearl and no one can sense its power,” Kagome said.
“So you expect m to believe that story you just told me?” Yash asked.
“If you trust us than you will believe it,” Kagome said sternly, staring him down. Yash just sighed and nodded. He turned to Kouga and eyed him suspiciously.
“What?!” Kouga barked.
“If you're a demon, why don't you look like one?” Yash asked.
“Sesshomaru made a spell to conceal our demon appearance. The spell only comes down if we are in danger, so we can protect ourselves,” Kouga answered.
“So you really look like a giant bug or something?” Yash asked. Kagome burst out laughing at seeing Yash's scrunched up face at the thought of his closest friend being a giant bug.
“No you moron! I'm a wolf demon! My appearance is just like this except I have claws and fangs. That's the only difference really,” Kouga said.
Yash turned to Kagome and said, “What does that make you then? A pig demon?”
Kagome knew he was only joking, but she still smacked him in the back of the head.
“What the fuck was that for?!” Yash cried.
“For being a smart ass. And don't use such bad language in front or a lady,” Kagome said cleaning up the mess she made.
“You're one to talk. Besides you aren't a lady, you're just a girl,” Yash teased.
“You better keep you trap shut, squirt, if you want to see tomorrow. Kagome has quite the temper,” Kouga whispered to Yash.
“What are you telling him Kouga? Do you want to get me angry too?” Kagome asked, smiling sweetly.
“Of course not! I was just telling Yash to leave you alone that's all,” Kouga smiled back.
“You better not be lying, Kouga. Oh and Yash?” Kagome said to get Yash's attention.
“What?” he asked.
“Catch!” she shouted and threw the first aid kit at him. Yash, of course, wasn't paying attention and was nailed right in the forehead.
“Fuck! That hurt!” Yash yelled and put a hand to his forehead.
“What did I say about the language?” Kagome warned.
“Sorry, it won't happen again. Bitch,” Yash breathed the last part under is breath.
“You're asking for it now!” Kouga smirked as Kagome turned around. She walked up to Yash and pulled him by the ear to her level.
“Don't push me, Yash. Getting me angry is not a pretty sight,” she whispered before she began to drag out of the classroom by his ear.
“Let go wench!” Yash ordered.
“Be a good little puppy and be quiet, while we go out and you can buy me ice cream!” Kagome smiled.
“Since when did I say I was buying you anything?” Yash asked.
“You didn't I did,” Kagome laughed.
“Stupid wench,” Yash mumbled, but he couldn't help but smile at her childish behavior. She was really starting to grow on him and for once he didn't mind at all. Maybe he could trust her with his past.
“Can I help you?” the receptionist asked Kagome.
“Yeah I'm here to see Sesshomaru. He invited me for a business deal,” Kagome said lying about the business deal.
“You're not on the schedule,” the lady said confused.
“Yeah well, he wanted to keep it a secret since there are a lot of people who want to own my business. I thought I could sell it to him in private, you know?” Kagome smiled.
“Okay, well, I guess you can go on up. Just take that elevator there. It will take you straight to his floor,” the lady smiled.
“Thank you,” Kagome said and walked to the elevator.
She finally got into his office after an hour of waiting in the lobby. She sat down and smiled at the shocked looking demon.
“Hello there, Sesshomaru. Do you remember me?” she asked innocently.
“I recall your face, but you should be dead by now,” the demon replied.
“Well actually this was my original home. The feudal era was kinda my second home,” she explained vaguely.
“What is your business here?” he asked.
“Inuyasha Takahashi was in here earlier and you refused to give him an interview just because he smelled bad. That is discrimination you know?” she stated.
“That Inuyasha is the same as my younger brother once was. I don't want to have to deal with another Inuyasha in my lifetime,” he said.
“Can't you just give him a chance? I know he'll do his best at anything you tell him to do and if he makes more than three mistakes you can fire him,” she insisted.
“Why do you care about him?” he asked.
“He's had a hard life and he needs a job that pays well to pay college tuition,” she said, making up some of it. She didn't know if he needed money for tuition, but it couldn't help to play the sympathy card, but then again this was Sesshomaru we are talking about here.
“Fine, I will give him one chance, but if he screws it up he's out of here,” Sesshomaru agreed to her terms.
“Thank you. You won't be sorry,” Kagome said standing and bowed in respect.
She left the office building and ran home to find Yash.
“Why did you do that? I thought I told you I didn't need your help!” Yash growled at Kagome.
“I thought you would be happy about this,” Kagome said.
“I didn't even really want a job there. I was trying to get interviews from every place I could,” Yash stated.
“But I went all the way down there and got the job for you! The least you could do is try it out for a couple months!” Kagome yelled as tears formed in her eyes.
No matter what she did, he didn't appreciate any of it and it was starting to get on her nerves.
“Okay, I'll go take the job, just don't start crying,” Yash pleaded.
Kagome smiled brightly and hugged him. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she smiled and danced around him, doing a little victory dance. Yash chuckled at her and shook his head. She was just too cute sometimes.
Soon he would tell her about himself…Soon he would let her in…