InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Mind, Present Body ❯ Feelings ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6: Feelings
Kagome unlocked her door in a rush, trying to get inside to answer the ringing phone. She ran inside, dropping all her stuff along the way and answered the phone.
“Hello?” Kagome asked.
“Hey Kagome dear, this is your mother.”
“Hi mom! How are you?”
“Not so good. We need you here. I know this is sudden, but Grandpa has gotten really sick and the doctors don't think he's going to make it.”
“What? That's horrible! Of course I'll go home! What time do you want me to be there?”
“As soon as possible. There is no rush, so don't go speeding down the highway.”
“I don't even have a car, mom. I'll be there tonight okay? If I leave now I can be there by 10 o'clock.”
“Alright dear, see you soon.”
“Bye momma. I love you.”
“I love you too honey.”
Kagome hung up the phone and sighed. She picked up the phone again and dialed Yash's number. She told him about her grandfather and he said he would be at her apartment in ten minutes.
Kagome smiled slightly knowing that Yash would insist to go with her and comfort her. Yash had really grown up and was starting to show his true colors to her. He would only show them when they were alone and never in public. He was always Mr. Tough Guy in public. He always tried to show her he was tough and could protect her no matter what came at him. Why did guys have to be so two-faced?
He loved showing everyone that she was hers, but he would never say I love you out loud. She was content with that, though. She wanted to be the only one who saw his true colors, just as she showed her true self to him when they were alone.
The door opened and Yash entered. “You left the door unlocked again, Kags,” he stated.
“I know, but I just got here about 15 minutes ago. Besides why didn't you knock? I could've been naked!” Kagome said.
“That's one of the reasons I didn't knock, and the fact that you knew I was coming,” Yash said joking about the first statement.
“You're a pervert, you know that?” Kagome asked.
“That's what the girl in the bathroom call me,” he laughed and went to hug her.
“I have to leave you know that right? I don't know why you bothered to come here, because once I get packed I'm gone for a couple weeks,” she said.
Yash stopped his hug and asked, “A couple weeks? You never said anything about a couple of weeks.”
“I know, but my Grandpa is very sick and I don't know if he'll get better so if worse comes to worse I have to be there for the funeral,” she said, not wanting to think about her only grandfather dying.
“I understand. I'll help you pack,” he smiled.
“Thank you Yash,” she smiled back and they went to her room to pack.
Kagome pulled out a suitcase and set it on the bed. “Just pack whatever you think I'll wear. I'm going to pack a month's worth of clothing,” she said.
“Does that mean that I get to go through your underwear?” he asked, smirking.
“Don't touch my underwear, perv,” she smiled.
“Playing hard to get are we?” he asked teasingly.
“Oh yeah, if that's what you want to call it,” she sighed.
“Tell me what's on your mind,” he said.
“A lot right now. I'm worried about Grandpa, but I know that there's nothing I can do about it. I'm worried about missing school, because midterms are coming up and I don't want to fail any of my classes. And most of all I'm going to miss you. I know it's only going to be about two weeks, but I'm going to miss all your perverted jokes and hugs and gestures,” she said.
“I know I can't do anything to help your grandfather, but I will go to all your classes everyday and get the notes form the teacher. I know that's not much, but it's all I know I can do without disappointing you,” he said.
“I can't ask you to do that. You have classes and work to take care of and I know that you've been blowing your classes off to be with me, so maybe in this time away from each other you can catch up on school work,” she suggested.
“You know I wouldn't be able to concentrate knowing that your grandfather was sick and you were stressing over it. What did I tell you before? I can take care of myself and the least I can do is take care of you in your time of need. Accept it because you have no choice,” he said.
Kagome looked at him and smiled. “You're the best boyfriend ever, you know that?” she asked, truly meaning what she said.
“I'm just doing what I see fit. The truth is I've never really had a girlfriend before you, so I'm kinda making it up as I go,” he admitted.
“No way! You've never had a girlfriend?” she asked amazed.
“Not really. I don't count one night stands as a relationship and that's all I ever had,” he said.
“Have you ever been on a date before me?” she asked.
“Well, Kiki was the only woman that actually treated me like a person, not that I was one back then. She would take me to dinner and then we'd go to the room and well you can pretty much guess what happened then,” he said.
“So you haven't been on a date that didn't end in sex?” she asked.
“Pretty much, but a girl like you has had to have had tons of dates,” he said.
“Not really, I went on a couple dates with this guy named Hojo back when I was in ninth grade. I only went on those dates to piss off Inuyasha though. It took him three years to tell me how he felt and even then it was on his death bed,” she said.
“I'm sorry to hear that. I guess that's what has to happen for two people to find each other. Do you ever wish that Inuyasha was still alive and you had stayed with him?” he asked.
“I used to wish that everyday, until I met you. I believe that he died so I could have a chance to really live and find the right one for me. Yeah, he was my first love, but I don't think I could've stayed with him even if I wanted to,” she said.
“I guess I was the guy he wanted you to find,” Yash smirked.
“Guess what? There's no one else I can imagine being with,” Kagome smiled and kissed him on the lips.
“I love you Kagome,” he whispered against her lips and deepened the kiss. He nibbled on her bottom lip causing her to moan into his mouth.
When they parted Kagome looked up at that beautiful face of his and said, “I love you too Yash.”
Yash smiled and kissed her again. In the four months that they had gone out, this was the first time he had said, `I love you'. The fact that she had said it back to him made his ego swell with pride.
He couldn't even describe the emotions going through him at that moment. Kagome backed away from the kiss and giggled at the dreamy look on Yash's face.
“What's so funny?” he asked.
“You! You get one kiss and get a dreamy look plastered on your face,” she laughed.
“I was just happy to hear you say that you loved me,” he said. She laughed and hugged him around the waist.
“You are just too cute sometimes,” she smiled and looked up at him. His head was cocked to one side, his confusion written on his face. He looked so much like a puppy it was almost scary.
Kagome leaned up and gave him a peck on the lips before returning to packing.
“You're a tease you know that?” Yash stated as he folded a shirt and placed it in the suitcase.
“How so?” Kagome asked innocently.
“Well look in the mirror. You wear all these tight jeans and tank tops and expect no guy to check you one. You give me one kiss and assume I don't want more,” he said.
“Oh, I know you want more, you just aren't going to get it,” she smiled and winked at him.
“Why do you have all these tank tops anyway? It's December and really cold outside,” he said confused.
“Let me show you,” she said and began to unbutton her shirt.
Yash grew very nervous and said, “Maybe you shouldn't show me. I think I know what you're getting at.” He looked down at the floor and blush creeping up on his cheeks.
“Look up Yash. Don't worry, I still have clothes on,” she said with amusement in her voice.
Yash looked up and saw that Kagome still had a tank top on. “I wear them under everything for an extra layer of warmth. You can't accuse me of being a tease now can you?” Kagome asked, challenging Yash.
Once the packing was done Yash and Kagome walked to the train station together. Kagome bought her ticket and Yash loaded her bag on the train.
“I'll call you when I get there, okay?” Kagome asked.
“I'll be waiting for it. Keep me updated with you grandfather,” Yash smiled and hugged her.
“See you in a couple weeks,” she said and kissed his cheek before getting on to the train. The door closed and Kagome drug her bag to a seat.
She found an empty seat next to a man about a year older than herself. “Excuse me? Is anyone sitting here?” she asked sweetly.
“Oh no, by all means, sit down. I'm Gumiku,” the man smiled.
Kagome nodded and sat down. “I'm Kagome. So where are you heading?” she asked.
“I'm going to Tomogaku. How about you?” he asked.
“Same place. I have family out there,” she smiled.
“You and that man seemed pretty cozy. Is he your boyfriend or something?” he asked.
“Yeah, he is. He may not be perfect, but I love him all the same,” she said, smiling brightly.
Of course no one was perfect, but just think about how boring it would be if no one made mistakes?