InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Purify Me ❯ On Hellava Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello everyone i finally updated yippy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways i do not own inu and co even tho i wish i did. sigh.

CHAPTER ONE: One Hellava Day

"Fuck you Inu Yasha! I hope you rot in hell you conniving son-of-a-bitch!" she yelled while throwing valuable items in the plush white bedroom at him.
Sitting on the grand four post bed with his elbow on this knee and his chin resting on his fist, he watched the enraged woman trashing his bedroom because of her own stupidity. With a sigh, he slowly got up and turned to face the window, completely ignoring the woman which only further her anger.

Stomping her feet towards him, she grabs his naked shoulder and quickly spins him around to face her.
"Are you even listening to me?! How could you do this to me you selfish bastard? You used me and humilated me! Why are you doing this? What kind of sick pleasure are you getting out of this?" She screamed, her voice turning rasby, eyes streaming tears down her face. She searched his eyes wanting to find that everything was a joke that he cared for her. Waiting for him to smile and say "Got cha, I'm playing baby." but no smile graced his face, no such words slipped out of his mouth.

The exact opposite happened. Instead of a smile, a vicious grin appeared on his lips. "The sick pleasure I'm getting is seeing you tied up and bound, fucking you in every single hole, while you called out your brothers name." He said, watching her face turn into disbelief of what spew out of his mouth. He leaned closer til his lips were only a breath away from her ear. "Another sick pleasure is seeing you like this. -He whisperes- You thought you could fool me? Baby you only fooled yourself. You're nothing but dirt beneath my shoe, a speck of dust in the wind." He finished and pulled his face back. Wide watery eyes stared back at him while he grabbed her by the hair and flung her to the floor. Crying uncontrolably, she crawls to hold on his feet, begging him to say that everything was untrue. Yes she went out with him for the money and fame at first, but the way he treated her broke her pride and soul. She couldn't give up, not when everything backfired on her. She couldn't leave his place like this but yet she knew she didn't have any other choice. Since she lost all of her pride, she had to beg now, only for sheer hope that maybe he'll give her another chance.

Growing tired and losing all patience, he kicked her away while he walked to the door and opened it, waiting for her to leave. "Get out of my house before I have someone to remove you." He gruffly said. Going insane thrashing on the floor, the said woman refused to leave. "NO! I'm not going anywhere you hear! long brown hair tossed around her, wired, sticking out at all dfferent directions, she holds on to one of the posts of the bed naked. "Woman you've gone mad! Get the hell out of my house before i throw you out of the window!" he threatened. "Go ahead! -she laughed- Throw me out of the window, kill me why don't cha!" she challenged. Briskly he walked towards her, picked her up and threw her out the second floor window. All he could hear was a scream and a splash. Laughing to himself as he heard her cursing him for really throwing her out the window and in the pool naked. He walks to the intercom by the door and pressed the button down. "Miroku, make sure that Miss Kikyou is off of my property immediately." With that said, he turned to into the bathroom to take a shower and start off his day.


' What a long fucking day in the office! I need to release some tension.' Sitting down drinking his coffee, he scans around the diner to find any potential females to "assist" him. Setting down his coffee mug, his eyes light up to see a beautiful woman sitting at the far corner of the place. Long blonde hair casade down her shoulders in waves, half lid blue eyes staring down the paper she is currently reading, red painted lips,slim pianist fingers and long slim legs. ' She definitely has potential' Putting the paper down, she reveals her upper body in a slim low cut v-neck showing alot of clevage. Coughing loudly he turns his eyes away from her. ' Oh my.....' When he turned back around, the said woman was staring down at him, bent foward so her hand was on top of the table while the other was resting on her hip. Now he had a clear view of her twins. "Like what you see?" she asked casualy. Staring unshamefuly at her breast he replies with smirk. "Would you like to rub your face between them?" She whispers softly. ' Yes my god I would love to.' " Are you offering?" He asks with a grin.

"YES OH GOD YES!" she screams has he thrust his cock deeply into her. Reaching into the cabinet he pulls out a dildo and jabs it into her backdoor.
"AHHH, what the fuck is that?!" she yells out painfully. There was nothing she could do since she allowed him to tie her up but now she didn't think it was a good idea.
"Just a toy, you'll enjoy it." he says while plunging it in and out of her.
"Ouch the hell I will! Stop it, it hurts!" She cries, tears forming in her eyes. "Aww, you invite me and tell me I can do anything to you and now you're going to back out. I don't think so." He walks in front of her and bits on her nipple hard. Her scream fills the air as he drew out blood with his canine fangs. 'It's so easy to torture women that give themselves so openly. There's no work involved, I don't have to play along pretending to be in love with them.'


"Mr. Tashio, you have a meeting with Miss Higurashi."

"I don't recall having a meeting Akine, what the hell are you blabbering about?" He replied sitting at his desk with his Gucci covered feet crossed the ankle on his desk.

" An interview for the position of a secretary for Hojo your partner in your business."

"I'm not an idiot I know who Hojo is you incompetent bitch. Plus an interview isn't considered a meeting! Send her in." he snarled and hung up the phone.' Why the hell don't I fire that bitch? Cause I need her, shes good at her job. Fucking inner voice!'

A knock at his door stopped his thoughts. Rubbing a hand against his face, he straightens his tie and lowers his feet off his desk. "Come in."

The door slowely opens to reveal a hanyou like himself. The only way he knew because of her scent, otherwise he wouldn't have known because of her concealment spell.

Looking at her up and down, he noticed in a human form she was remarkably beautiful, but that was only an illusion. He knew better than to judge on a spell since not all demons look anything like the concealments they use.

"Have a seat Miss Higurashi."

She slowly takes her seat but before she could utter a word, he interrupts her. "Your file tell me that you graduated from Standfort at the top of your class. You have experence with Microsoft for five years. You're 110 years old in demon age yet you want a low job like a secretary, why?" he sharply pointed out.

He could smell that she was nervous and could see that when she is nervous she nips on her bottom lip. 'How enticing' He thought.

"Well you see Mr. Tashio, to be honest I'm not really a people person, I get too nervous as you can see and I really need to work on that. If I get this job, I have to deal with phone calls and talking to people on the phone and to face. If I ever want to become more successful in my life I have to learn to appear confident and calm. I believe this would be a great asset to my future." She replied in one breath.

Having no doubt to not believe her, he got up from his chair and down his desk to stand in front of her. "I don't see a reason why you should be nervous around people when you yourself are a hanyou, stronger than an average human and accepted to the youkai race. BUT I will not question that reason." Bending down so that his face was leveled with hers, she fidget in her seat as she tried to look him in the eye but couldn't.

"Miss Higurshi, - he says teasingly- I need you to look at me when I give you my respond." She quickly looks up at him with her big bluegray doe like eyes. "You're hired." Just like that he smiled and straighten his pose and walked back to his side of his desk.

"You may leave Miss Higurashi, but please be punctual, I don't like it when my employees are late." With that she was dismissed with a wave of his hand. Nodding quickly she gets up and leaves.

Letting out the breath she didn't even know she was holding right when she got out of his office, she slid down the wall to sit for a moment. 'I can't believe I made it out alive! I thought I was going to die in there!' Sluggishly getting up off the floor, she walks toward the elevator to leave the building.

Getting home she tosses her purse on the couch and walks straight to her closet to pick out her wardrobe for tomorrow.Pulling off the concealment necklace, her hair grows longer, her human ears dissappear only to be replace with dog like ears on top of her head. Her irises turn into slits and her nails turned into claws. Letting out a content sigh she grazes her tongue against her fangs. Oh how she hated the spell but to blend in she had to wear it. Changing her clothes to Pj's she crawls into bed gazing at her cealing. ' Mr. Tashio is a hanyou too.I wonder what type he is, and if he even look anything like his concealment.' Thinking back on it, he was such a handsome man. Long white silver hair, those big golden eyes, strong chiseled face. ' And those hands, oh they look so strong. I bet the hair and eyes are the same since no human has that kind of features.'

Growing tired quick, she turns off the light from her lamp and fall to a peaceful sleep with hope for a beautiful dream.


Well thats for chapter one! Hope everyone enjoyed it as much as i did! Kinda short but I promise I'll make the next chapter longer. It took me awhile to get this together cuz i have to form an idea how to introduce Kagome without rushing it and end up with a real short story. This is going to be a very long story because of Inu Yashas situation. It isn't easy to just forget what happens in the past if it effects you deeply. I'm not going to have him fall in love with her quickly and have trust buit in one day. InuYasha trust no woman, He believes they are nothing but sexo nymphs and home wreckers. It's going to take time to change his heart and his beliefs and beliefs are hard to change once someone has believed all their life. I'm making this as a InuKag story because I'm a fan thats why. I do like other pairings like KagoSess but this is an InuKag, I know alot of people get tired of the pairing but if you're one of those people than write your own fanfic and then you'll be happy. I got tired of KagSess and wanted more InuKag so what did i do? Start writing my own. It's fun and relaxing to do and i suggest for everyone to try it out. Who knows maybe one of you will be a really great writer and have alot of readers.

Thank Yous:





MeidaMiner.Or g





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