InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Purify Me ❯ The ball is not so grand ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sorry that it took me awhile to update! My computer is broken once again thanks to my brother. Anyways I hope everyone enjoys this chapter!!

CHAPTER 3: The ball is not so grand

"Alright, who's the new victim?!" Sitting at his desk reading over some contacts, his study door slams open revealing Miroku demanding an answer. Putting down the papers, he leans back is chair with his hands locked together. "I have no idea what you are speaking of." He replies with a blank face. Letting out a grunt, Miroku plaves himself on the chair facing Inus' desk.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about.-narrowing his eyes- You haven't brought a woman over for 2weeks now,- leaning over the desk I know you're scheming tell me who it is!" He once again demands.
Chuckling softly he takes a deep breath and releases before answering him. "Remember the Higurashi girl I told you about?" Smirking at Miroku's disply of shock on his face.

Standing up quickly, he takes a step back. "NOoooo~ you can't be serious?! You don't even know what she looks like! What are you going to do if she turns out to be a worm youkai?" He points out. Frowning at that "That would really suck." He hadn't put much thought about it since the interview. "Uh, yah" Miroku snorts.

Worm demons are one of the worst type of youkai out there. They basically look like a huge hot dog with arms and hands. Shivering at the thought he propels an idea. "I'll just find a way to have her concealment dropped before anything sexual happens." He stated.

Miroku stares at him in disbelief, sitting back down."How do you suppose you'll get that to happen?" The corner of his kips curve. "Like i do to every woman....Gain her trust." Getting up from his seat, he walks to the dorr and grabs the handle, but before he opens the dorr, he turns to look at Inu. "What you need to do is get some serious help." With that he leaves the room.

Right when he was about to relax and look over the contracts once more, the door slams open again. Miroku marches back to Inu's desk. "Listen Yahsa, I don't usually care what you do with the women you meet, but really this is a while different situation. The girl might have connections since she is part youkai....Just be careful, who know -with a smirk- she might put you in your place." InuYasha growls, "That's not funny! And I have been thinking all those things, so don't worry your pretty head." getting up from his desk and walking to the door. "Now, if you'll excuse me since you wasted much of my time, I must find a date for the conpany's ball." With that said Inu walks out of his sutdy. Once he was out of ear shot, Miroku dials a number of his cellphone.

"It's beginning." He whispers.

"I never thought his day would come." the voice says.

Thinking back at all the years waster, all the women Inu manage to ruin, all the painthat he had to see his friend hold in. What Inu didn't realize, his heart and soul is slowly fading aways. If nothing happens to change him, he would lose his humanity and become a mindless monster. What really scared and worried him, was that Inu can't be changed over night. This could take months, years even. All he could do is hope........and pray.

Letting out a sigh "I never thought so also, but I'm glad that it is." Looking at the direction Inu was a moment ago.

"Are you sure she is the one?" The voice asks. Standing there with a frown. "I hope so." hanging up his phone, he walks out of the room. 'I really hope so.... For Inu's sake I hope so.'


The ball itself was gand....But Inu himself wasn't having a grand time. His date Mary an american woman, dranked herself into a oblivion, she kept slaming her glass on the bar over and over when she wanted a refill that the noise got too annoying for him and all the other demons in the room also. He could tell just by the way they stared at her and then narrowed thier eyes at him for bringing such a disgrace to an event such as this. 'Great, of all woman I just had to pick the town drunk, and worst is that fact that shes ruining my reputation.' He thought with disgust. He had enough with her irritating thumping of her glass and non-stop chattering. Slowly leaning to her side, he whispers to her that it's time to go, but he didn't expect the out-burst thta came.

"WHA? We jus god heerree~ Ah wanna dancceee n drink som mooo." She slurred while getting up but ended tripping over her own feet. He caught her and tried to escort her to the door but she screamed at him and shoved him away and staggered back to the bar. Laceing his fingers through his hair he decided to leave her alone and disspear from her. 'Let the bartender deal with her drunk ass.' Unhappy with his desicion of bringing her, he decides to walk around nad observe the other guest.

He couldn't remember his reason why he dieced to atten the ball. It was self torture, surrounding yourself with meaningless people, standing around having no idea what you should do to keep you from killing yourself.......and worst of all, having a crazed drunk for a date. To kee him from ripping all his hair out, he walks out to the balcony to get some relief.

"Why am I wasting my time here? It's so boring!" He says to himself while leaning on the rail.

"I asked myself the same thing at least a dozen times."

Wipping around, he sees the last person he expected to be at the ball. "Miss Higurashi -he sayss with a suprised voice- I didn't realized you would be attending the ball this evening." Laughing softly,she sits on the bench by the french double doors.

"I'm sorry if I snuck up on you Mr. Tashio....I just needed to get out of there." She admits. She never had been to an boring event, She never thought a ball such as this could make her want to shoot herself.

"That makes the two of us." Seeing her in a backless black dress woke more parts of him than he wanted to. "May I say Miss Higurashi you look absolutly stunning tonight." The blush that graced her face did not go unnoticed to either one.

To Kagome, Mr. Tashio seemed like the perfect gentleman. He was always polite to her, and kind.After three weeks of working at Tashio Inc. She couldn't deny that she is attracted to him....esp his eyes. Oh how those amber ords could heat up her blood just by looking at them. BUT she wasn't going to act apon her silly feeling. She hardly knew the man, worst of all she hardly knew the meaning of her feelings. She never had silly thoughts about the male gender, never had experience with one. Another factor was that he had a woman in her life she assumed since she seend a woman with him a few weeks ago.


She was sitting at her desk working on her black book of appointments for the week and coming up week when Hojo buzzed her to come into his office. Apparently Hojo is a slacker and didn't like doing things so much. It's a wonder way Mr. Tashio didn't let him go yet. He asked her to go to Mr. Tashoi's office if he would like to close the deal in Hawaii the following month.It was obvious Hojo was scared to ask himself. He could have just called but no he wanted her to go herself and if Mr. Tashio didn't like the suggestion then he could just blow up on her instead. Walking out of the elevator on the 40th floor, she knocks on his door.

"Come in." Said a female voice. 'I must be on the wrong floor.' She thought while openeing the double door. To say she was in shock the scene in front of her is an understatment. There sitting on top of his desk was a woman half dressed in a white blouse undone, black skirt ruffled up, face caked with make-up, and long bright red fingers nails and to top it off, there he was sitting at his desk like nothing was out of the norm.

"I'm sorry if i interrupted anything -she apologies- I didn't know you had company, I'll come back later." She turns and walks back to the door.

"No no you weren't interrupting anything, we were just about to leave for lunch." He calls out while standing up with the woman straightening her outfit.

"Well, Hojo wanted to know if you would want to close the deal in Hawaii since he doesn't want to." She says while not looking at him.

"You're on first name bases with him now?" he asks with a questioning look.

Blushing " He doesn't like me calling him anything else." quickly explaining to him.

"Well you can tell him that I don't have a problem with that at all." He replies while the woman wrapped her arm with his.


A wave of a hand snapped her out of her thoughts. "Are you alright Miss Migurashi? You had a far away look for a moment there." Mentally slaping herself for day dreaming about Mr. Tashio while he is standing right in front of her. "Oh...Um I'm fine." She says while trying not to blush.....again.

Holding his hand out to her, she looks at him with confused eyes. "Let's get out of here and have some real fun." he says with a wide smile. Giving a smile of her own, she accepts his hand and lets him pull her up. Going back in the ball room, they sneak out to the front door though she had to idea why they needed to since no one would really care.

'Phew! Got out of there before the crazed nut saw me,' He saw her, still at the bar but was looking around for him. They walked until they reached Tokyo park, where they sat down on one of the benches. " Ah, it's good to get out of that stuffy closed in ball." She smiles happily. Sniffing the air, Inu smells water close by.

"I smell a lake near by, let's go there and sit." They get up and walk toward the direction he smelt the scent. Stopping short, Kagome sees a sign posted in front of the kae area.

"Uh, Mr. Tashio- turning around to look at her- there's a no tresspassing sign." Smiling as he grabs her hand. "Don't worry Miss Higurashi, we won't get in trouble." he says while walking. They finally reach the clearing and sat down.

"Oh, this is just beautiful!" The lake was huge with white roses planted around the edges. Crystal clear water that sparkled under the moon's light.
"I'm in absolute aw at this place." she gushed. He turns to look at her to say something suave but his breath got caught in his throat. The moon's light bather her in an earthly blue tone, waves of midnight black hair blowing slightly in the breeze, but what really took his breath away was her smile. That smile held so much glamour and warmth, one that can comfort a broken hear, a smile that tells you everything will be alright when everything seems to be going wrong. Turning her head to face him, he looks into her eyes. He never lok the time to ever stare deep into a woman there, never needed to because they all held that expression...lust, but hers. They held so much innocence, those greyblue ords just captured him like no other.

Shaking his head he turns away. 'She's no different just a trick of the light,' he assures himself. They both laid on thier backs, star gazing.
"What is that light?" She asked with a questioning tone. Turning his head to the side, a mean of light shined threw the trees beside them. Sitting up slightly, they could hear footsteps approaching thier way. A figure slowly appeared and that firgure turned out to be a security gaurd.

"HEY! You two aren't suppse to be here!" he shouts. Wasting no time, Inu grabs Kagomes hand and took a run for it.

"STOP!" he yelled while chasing after them.

"Oh my god! We're going to get in so much trouble!" She shouted at Inu while racing threw the thick forest.

"What are you talking about? We're already in trouble." he relies with a smirk.

Seeing her face turning red with anger, he laughs and keeps a strong hold of her hand, tugging her along. Never in her life has she ever been in trouble with the law. Always been a good girl, she was terrorfied of getting caught and having a smudge on her perfect records. Turning around, she could see the guard hot on thier trail and closing in on them. 'I so blame this on him! -while staring whole in his back- I wish I could use my demon speed right about now.' She could tell Inu was thinking almost the same thought except when they hit the main street, he took a quick sharp left turn, took a hold of her waist and jumped 50 feet in the air and landed on top of one of the buildings, easily losing the guard.

Looking over the edge, she could see the guard standing there, look at the right and left before running toward the opposite direction. Exhaling the breath she was holding they both start laughing hard.

"T-that was sooo much fun." he laughed out. She could only nod her head for she was still laughing. Taking a deep breath, Kagome sits on the edge of the building. Inu sees her looking out at the city surrounding them.

"It's suck a pretty night." she sighs. Walking to her, he takes a sit next to her.

"And a fun night wouldn't you agree?" he smils at her.

"Yes, it was a fun night Mr. Tas-"

"Don't, -he interrupts- call me InuYasha, we aren't at the office."

Smiling she nods. "Alright, if only you cal me Kagome."

Sticking out his hand "Looks like we have an agreement." he smirks. She takes his and they shake on it.

"Come on, let me take you home." Looking at the city clock, it was well pass one in the morning. Smiling up to him , he pulls her up and jump down the street to walk her home.


She could stop smiling when she walked in her apartment. The night turned out so great and wonderful that she could even wipe the smile off when she tried. She couldn't believe that she was beginning to have a friendship with him, she boss no less. Stepping in her shower, she quickly washes off the makeup and her body. Chaging into her favorite pj's which are red loose very short shorts and a white tanktop. she crawls into bed and snuggles against the pillow. She knew she was going to have a great dream tonight.

He took the most coldest shower in his life. Disgusted with himself for having weird unnessisary feelings for a wench. He could lie to himself the he had fun with a woman and thats why he was disguested. He knew better and wouldn't allow himself to fall after so many years closing himself from disasters creatures like females. But then a evil smrik appeared. ' At least my plan'a going in action.' with that thought he walks out of the bathroom after drying himself and hops into bed butt naked like every night. (yes i know don't drool!)


" Looks like Inu had a fun night." Miroku says over the phone.

"Don't be so hopeful when its still too early to tell if she is even the one." the voice replied.

Pacing in his bedroom he hops on his bed. "I know that, but he had fun without sex . That has never happened! and without torturing the girl!" he shoots back.

"That's true, but this heart of mine been broken too many times and I don't think it can take anymore hope this soon." the voice says brokenly.

"Don't worry, I'll make it work. I just know she's the one. My heart breaks for Inu too and I'm not going to allow an opportunity like this be passed up because of his past." he says with a soothing voice.


well thats it for chapter 3!!!!! yippy thank you all for reading this again!!!!! Hopefully i'll get some reviews and some in puts also!