InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Purple Bandages ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

It had been five years since they had destroyed Naraku and Kagome had changed quite a bit.
Upon the deaths of Sango and Miroku Kagome had been devastated, but she had hopes that all would be better. How wrong she was. She soon discovered that the well had sealed up, leaving her on the wrong side of time. This horrible news was no were near as awful as when Kagome discovered that Inuyasha had used the jewel to bring Kikyo back to life, as in having a real body, not one made of clay.
Finally after Kagome had thought she had spilled her last tears over the loss of basically everything in her life, Kaede died, leaving her completely alone in the world but for Kirara. Soon after that Kagome began to feel very awkward in the village with Kaede no longer there to approve of her and Inuyasha no longer there to protect her, her welcome was to say the least, worn out.
Upon being forced to leave the only place she could now call home Kagome came to the realization that she needed to make some life changes. She found a priestess willing to train her as her apprentice, though she was as the priestess said `Rather old to be starting her training.' Under the clever and ever watchful eye of Giya Kagome soon became a very powerful priestess.
When Giya finally informed Kagome that she had learned all that she had to teach Kagome, Kagome made the decision to stay with Giya and watch over Giya's village with her. By this time Kagome's old school uniform had been worn to shreds and she had taken to wearing simple Kimonos rather than priestess grab. Kagome was for the first time in the Feudal Era completely excepted and she felt she had finally found her home. The villagers even had come to except Kirara after she had proven herself by saving some of the village children from a rampaging demon. Kagome was finally at peace, finally happy.
But as with all good things, they do not last as long as we hope.
One fateful afternoon as Kagome was out in the surrounding forest gathering herbs and the like, when the village bells that warn of an attacking demon starting to toll. By the time Kagome and Kirara had been able to make it back to the village the entire village was on fire. No building untouched by the merciless flames. Bodies were strewn everywhere and as Kagome looked for survivors or even the attacking demons, she spotted one familiar form, Giya.
Giya's entire chest had been ripped open, the fact that she was still managing to hold on to life was a miracle in itself. With her finale breaths Giya told how demons had come and destroyed the entire village killing everyone they could find. Kagome moved to an outcropping were she could see the entire village in all its burning glory.
As tears streamed down Kagome's face she tried to hold on to the remains of her sanity, as she watched her last chance at happiness burn to the ground. On that fateful day Kagome turned her back on everything, promising herself that she would never take the chance of loving another person. The only one who would remain at her side would be Kirara.
From that point on Kagome threw herself into demon slaying and kept to her promise of never getting close to anyone ever again.