InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raging War ❯ Encounter ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any other characters from the anime. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
Chapter 1: Encounter

"Listen Azaki, I will not deal with any foolishness. Now last chance, did you give Naraku any information on our plans?" asked
Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru was the leader of the Inu-Youkai clan. (A/N:now we all know what all the anime characters look like, so
I wont really describe what they look like, unless something happens)

"N..No my lord, I..I did n..not do anything of the sort!" the youkai's voice sounding desperate and scared.
"Feh, Sesshomaru, apparently this guy didn't do nothing. Maybe we should just get back to base, Naraku can attack at any time."
said Inuyasha bored out of his mind.
"Azaki, I have no doubt in my mind that you are lying, but next time I catch you or even suspect you giving out information
about us to Naraku, I won't hesitate to kill you." said the Lord in a icy tone.

Sesshomaru's grip on the scared youkai released, and Azaki fleed to safety.
"If Azaki didn't give out our information, then theres someone on the inside Inuyasha. The base is not safe anymore." stated
Inuyasha grunted "Ugh, I'm tired of all this moving around and switching bases, why dont we just take what we have and go after
Naraku. Sooner or later it will be too late to attack Sesshomaru." Sesshomaru had to admit, the war had been going on for a
very long time, and he as well as everyone else, was tiring of the never ending war.

Sesshomaru stated "Lets head back to base, we have to find out who's giving Naraku vital information. Otherwise our bases will
keep getting attacked." The brothers headed back to base, it was time to devise a plan to end this war.

"GAH! Sango quick the demons are closing in on us from the rear!" Yelled a frustrated Kagome. Since early during the day, the
demons had been attacking in endless waves. Almost out of defenders, the three slayers, Kagome Higurashi, Sango Tano, and Rin,
were growing tired. (A/N: I kinda couldn't figure out a last name for Rin, so i'll just go with that no one knows her last name.

"Ah, i'm tied up over here too Kags. Rin how are you holding up?!" asked a tired, frustrated, Sango.
Rin yelled "My weapon broke Sango, and all of the other villagers are gone, with the defenders. The demons slaughtered them all."

Kagome screamed "Ah!, one got my leg and broke my weapon! I'm done guys." Right when the slayers thought they were going to die
a blast of power demolished all of the demons behind them. Another blast flew out in front of them leaving the area in ruins,
and demon free.

Rin whispered "W..what was t..that!?" Suddenly two white haired demons stepped the shadows, and the older looking one replied
"You're lucky we came by when we did humans, otherwise you would have been dead."
"What were you three doing out here by yourselves anyways?" asked the younger looking demon. kagome stared in wonder at the
younger demons dog like ears atop of his head.

Kagome reached up holding her right leg, and rubbed one of the demons ears, "ooh, doggie ears!"
The demon growled "Yea doggie ears, can you let them go now!" Kagome flinched at his tone and reluctantly let his ears go.
"Feh, sorry I snapped at you like that, people just like to tortue my ears sometimes." Kagome felt sorry for the demon,
"hey whats your guy's names?"

The older demon replied " I'm the demon lord Sesshomaru, and this is my half brother Inuyasha, were Inu-Youkai. I suppose you're
all slayers?" Rin was lost in her thoughts while staring at Sesshomaru, 'wow, he's cute!' she thought.
Kagome said "Uh yea, these demons came out of nowhere and just destoryed our village, we're the only survivors." Sango noticed
Rin gazing at Sesshomaru and nudged her in her ribs. Rin turned to Sango and glared playfully.

Inuyasha asked "How's your leg feeling, it looks like it was bitten pretty bad, does it hurt a lot?" He put some pressure on her
leg. Kagome yelped "Ah! Yeah it hurts a lot, I won't be able to walk."
Inuyasha sighed "Alright then you'll have to get on my back, you're not safe here." Inuyasha lifted Kagome onto his back.
"Inuyasha's right, you're all welcome to come back to our base. If you stay out here more demons will come to kill you." stated

Sango wasn't sure if they could trust the demons, but they saved their lives "Alright, our weapons are worn and broken so I
guess we have no choice." All five of them started walking towards Sesshomaru's base.
Kagome was curious to why the demons helped them without asking for anything in return "So, are you guys in the war against
Naraku also?" Inuyasha turned to look at Kagome and nodded.

Sesshomaru added "We've been in the war since the beginning, Naraku has killed hundreds of thousands of my soldiers. Lately
someone from inside my operation has been giving information out to Naraku, and so he has Destroyed many of my bases."
Rin couldn't stop staring at Sesshomaru, her eyes were glued to his figure and his long white hair.
Sango noticed this and nudged Rin then shook her head at her smiling. Rin just blushed and decided to look ahead.

Sesshomaru stated "We're almost at the base, just know that everyone there is a Inu-youkai. They may not like you being there
but you're under my watch." The five came to a stop, and Sesshomaru knocked on an invisible door. The slayers all looked at
eachother confused.
Rin stated "Uh, Sesshomaru, what are you knocking on? Theres just air there." Sesshomaru looked at Rin. "What you're about to
see may be shocking, but you must swear to never give out this location to anyone outside this base, this is one of the few
bases we have left.

The three slayers all nodded. Suddenly a latch opened and a demon behind it asked "Code name?"
Sesshomaru replied "Inu Lord." Suddenly a bunch of gears were heared and a door opened out of thin air.
A voice stated "Ah, welcome back my Lords, we have new information for you that you might find interesting.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Be Continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(A/N): Ok this is my first fan fic, so those who liked it, i'm sorry I left it hanging like that, I just felt that what happens
next would be perfect for chapter two. I gladly accpet all reviews. Thanks 8D