InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Safe in the Night ❯ A Boy on a Mission ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi's Corner: I just realized how long it's been since I've updated. I have a prequel set up before the actual sleepwalking business and it's really getting to be long. I decided to put a part up that can really be it's own chapter. I'll probably add some more later on. So people give me some feedback seeing as I did this all for you and to pass some time. I use a more childish style to get in touch with the character. Now it sounds like I know what I'm doing. What a hoot…I don't. So let's get it on!

Disclaimer: Rather that saying what I don't own it makes me feel better saying what I do own. It's my shrink's idea. . See that blank space tells it all, I own nothing. My life is a small, small, circle and I get lost trying to sit in the corners.


Small, golden eyes peeped out from under an unruly set of dark, flyaway hair, looking to see if there was anybody in the long hallway. Seeing no one, Inuyasha quietly dashed door to door with the utmost secrecy that a five- year old boy could possibly have.

Hearing the opening of a nearby door, the startled boy quickly ducked behind a fake tree. Inuyasha held his breath knowing that if someone found him they'll take him back to his daddy and big brother. Bet he won't let that happen, he can't let that happen because he was on a mission! Even so, curiosity won over his common sense as it would any child his age put in this position.

Inuyasha gently parted the plastic leaves and branches in front of him to see into the whitewash hall. On his right not too far from his hideout, there was a man in a long white coat talking to someone. A door opened right in front of Inuyasha and a tiny lady stepped out holding on to the arm of a really tall guy.

And he was really tall.

Maybe he was a giant! They were walking away from him but they were doing it so slow. You would think giants could walk a little bit faster. Maybe he wasn't a giant after all.

The man in the white coat was walking towards the two people. The person he was talking to before probably left because Inuyasha couldn't see him anywhere. Or maybe, the man turned invisible. Inuyasha would want to be invisible if he saw a giant because giants can squish you. That's true because that's what he does to bugs, and he's kinda like a giant compared to a bug.

The man's coat flapped while he was walking. Maybe it's a weird looking cape because coats don't really do that. If that's a cape then he must be a superhero. But what would a superhero be doing here? Anyways even if he is a superhero, he can't beat Spiderman. Spiderman's the coolest and he doesn't even need a stupid cape.

Feh, stupid cape.

The superhero, the slow giant, and the tiny lady were talking

…and talking

…and still talking.

Inuyasha scowled at them. Why wouldn't they leave already?

Finally after what seemed like forever, they all left. Inuyasha rolled his eyes in impatient relief, finally glad that they were gone.

Once he couldn't hear their footsteps anymore, he slid out from behind the plastic plant, accidentally knocking it onto the floor. It crashed spilling fake moss and dirt all over the once clean floor. The sound mutely echoed through the length of the empty hallway and Inuyasha gasped out loud in terrified horror.

Oh no!

With one small hand covering his surprised, opened mouth and with his eyes dramatically widened, he was quite a comical sight to behold.

Not to mention adorably cute.

Inuyasha's eyes quickly darted around the place to make sure that nobody was coming to check out the noise. After all, it wouldn't do to get caught after he had gotten so far. Seeing on one and hearing no rushing footsteps, he relaxed and his unease left him as if it was never there.

Seeing that his mission was back on course, Inuyasha let his trademark smirk grace his features. A smirk so devious that it's capable of stopping the hearts or mothers worldwide and making little girls and boys run to their parents in terror. Or at least that's what he likes to think.

Scampering off to complete his `mission', Inuyasha failed to see a lanky youth trailing after him, with hair so blond it looked white and with wine colored eyes that mirrored his own.


Tenshi's Corner: So do you like? Be different and actually leave a review here on I swear you people have got to be the laziest critics ever.