InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Save Two Lives With One Doctor ❯ Reasons to Quit ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I swear that I own nothing. I quote my best friend that no one else can see: “Your twisted mind isn't playing with your life enough, so you have to toy with other's, even if they live in a 2D world on paper.” (PS: I'm not schizophrenic, but I have fun pretending I am!)
Reasons to Quit
Kagome ran as fast as he could, her sneakers pounding against the pavement. She was so late, it wasn't even funny. Stupid Sango, keeping her up half the night with her fanatics about her stupid tournament. Kagome had been happy for her, but wasn't so thrilled about it when Sango was still ranting about it at four in the morning.
Kagome turned to the sound of sirens, and saw a huge car crash, six or seven cars. She tore open her bag and grabbed her travel doctor's kit, running over to the site and through the crowd.
“Hey miss, I can't let you through.” A policeman put his hand in front of her to stop her.
“I'm a doctor!” she yelled, pushing him aside. She ran to the man closest to her and checked his injuries, it was only a broken arm, so she moved onto the next one.
The woman was screaming as Kagome looked at the pole sticking out of her side, Kagome motioned for a police man come over and hold her down.
The man stepped up and held the woman's arms down as Kagome checked the position of the pole, determining that it was in her large intestine and giving the woman a quick shot of pain meds because it was too dangerous to pull it out. She turned to the next man and almost screamed.
Kagome's mind was frozen.
Her father.
Her father was lying on the ground, a huge gash in the side of his head that was bleeding freely. The only thing that snapped her out of her stupor was someone yelling: “Do something!”
Kagome leapt to his side and checked the gash as fast as she could. It was deep, really deep.
“Kagome?” he gasped, blood leaking from the corner of his mouth.
“Am here dad.” She told him, holding back the tears that burned at her eyes. She gave him a shot of pain meds before cleaning his cut and applying pressure to try to stop the bleeding.
“There are others!” someone yelled.
Kagome reluctantly waved someone over to put pressure on her father's cut and moved onto the next woman, pulling a piece of glass from her arm and placing gauze over it, telling the bawling woman to hold it down and moved onto the next.
She crawled inside the car to the sound of a teen screaming, almost passing out at what she saw.
Rin was trapped in the backseat of one of the cars, the front seat had been thrust violently into her middle and was pining her in.
“Kagome,” Rin whispered, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes, “it hurts, and I'm scared.”
Kagome sighed loudly as she heard the sounds of rapidly approaching sirens and pulled some antibiotics liquid from her bag. “You're going to be fine.” She whispered. “I'm not going to let you go anywhere.” She couldn't let Rin die, she was too young, only in her first year of college. Not only that, but she was Kagome's best friend after Sango.
Kagome was pulled out of the car as the Jaws of Life started prying Rin out of the pile of crumpled metal. She whirled and returned to her father's side.
“Kagome, please move, we have to---”
“He's my father!” she yelled in desperation.
“Your…?” the paramedics woman asked, dumbstruck.
“Yes!” Kagome screamed in desperation.
“Get in the ambulance.” The paramedic said quickly, pushing her father's stretcher into the back. Kagome nodded and climbed in, avoiding screaming and running people all the way.
Kagome tried to regulate her breathing the entire way, answering every question the woman had to throw at her. No allergies, previous broken leg from soccer, no previous head injuries, they lived at Sunset Shrine, her and Souta as kids, a wife and father-in-law living there, pet cat, drove a silver Toyota geo prizm, worked as salesman for car company…
Kagome ran out with him as the stretcher was pushed inside, yelling everything the thought might be helpful to the brain surgeon.
“Kagome, you're not allowed in on family surgeries!” the doctor told her, pushing her father down the hallway to an OR. “We called your mother, go wait for her in the front!”
Kagome couldn't move, she could only stand there, looking at where her father had disappeared. The hospital seemed to stop. People tried to usher her to the front of the hospital, but she wasn't looking at them, she was looking through them to where her father was. To where her father might be dying.
Fourteen Hours Later
Kagome couldn't have waited that long even if she'd wanted to. She couldn't have sat in the waiting room with her family for that long, no matter how much she might have tried. It's a doctor instinct, to always try to help anyone in danger, and when she wasn't even allowed to watch the operation, she had to find something else to save.
Kagome had searched the hospital and finally found her friend; she had wormed her way into Rin's surgery and had successfully reconstructed Rin's almost demolished liver, saving her from having to be put on the organ transplant list.
Kagome stood outside Rin's room, leaning against the doorframe and watching the young girl. Rin was going to be fine. Kagome took comfort in her being alive and fine. Watching her chest rise and fall with every breath that kept her alive longer. Rise, fall. Rise, fall. Rise, fall. Kagome didn't want to think about the brain surgeon and her father's operation. Doctor Urasue was as skilled as brain surgeons came, but even she wasn't a god. She couldn't save every life. It just wasn't humanly possible, or demonly possible in this case.
Kagome finally left to walk back to the waiting room, running when she caught sight of one of the nurses that had been working with Doctor Urasue.
The nurse stopped and looked Kagome in the eye, her mother walking up behind her, Souta and her grandpa had gone for some food.
“We did everything we could,” the nurse began. Kagome's heart drowned out everything else. She had said those words hundreds of times after an unsuccessful surgery, when the patient… hadn't…
Kagome fell, her head smashing against the cold floor. She didn't care. The tears leaked from her eyes, and the salt stung the fresh cut on the back of her head, but she didn't care. She knew the cut would need stitches, but she didn't want to move. The ceiling tiles she was staring at couldn't move, they couldn't feel, or love… she wished she was a ceiling tile so that the pain in her heart would stop.
Three Weeks Later
Kagome had almost dropped out of college. She couldn't bear the pain of returning to the hospital every day, especially after her father's funeral when it had really clicked that her father was dead, he was never coming back. He could never hug her again, or congratulate her on an especially good grade, or help her with a back-handspring. He could never smile at her again.
And today was the day. She trudged into the hospital and walked up to her administrator, ignoring all of the quiet `hi's she received from people.
“You better hurry Kagome.” The man smiled at her apologetically. “You don't want to be late.”
“I'm not getting changed.” Kagome shook her head.
“If you need some more vacation, then just say so sweet heart, it's perfectly understandable.”
“It's not vacation, I'm not coming back chief.” Kagome looked him in the eye, the staff going silent around her.
“But Kagome---” the chief tried to reason.
“No.” Kagome cut him off. “I can't stand coming in here every day, it hurts to much.”
“Well we can easily get you in a program at another hospital.” He tried to reason with her, knowing how much she loved medicine, or used to love it.
"No, I can't do it any more, I can't be in here with people dying every hour.” Kagome shook her head. “I'm quitting the program, I'm not going to work in the medical field any more.”
“Kagome…” he started, in an almost pleading way, but Kagome just shook her head again, “well, we'll miss you.” He said quietly, giving her a small hug, watching her walk out of the hospital for the last time.
Sango was waiting outside the hospital to catch Kagome up into a hug, holding her and letting her longest time friend cry into her shirt.
“What am I going to do now?” Kagome sobbed. “I couldn't be a doctor, so what am I going to do?” she wailed, begging Sango to comfort her with an answer.
“Kagome, I can't answer that for you.” Sango said gently, rocking her so it was almost unnoticeable.
“You want to be a judo instructor and be in competitions, but what would you do if you hurt yourself and couldn't?” Kagome urged desperately.
Sango sighed, considering. “I would do what I always wanted to do, what made me happiest after Judo.”
Kagome thought about that. She loved to swim, but she wasn't good enough at it to make it into a profession. What else did she love to do? That was a no-brainer. She loved dancing and gymnastics more than anything else, it was even above nursing on her list of wanted jobs. She even went as far as to dance with Sango's judo knife and sword. She loved the feeling of flying as she did flips and loved the feeling of being nothing as she spun herself.
“Hey, why don't we go for a drink?” Sango suggested, pulling Kagome up to look her in the eye. Kagome nodded meekly, brushing her tears away.
“Bring your new boyfriend too.” Kagome sniffed. “I want to meet him, finally.”
Sango smirked at her friend and nodded.
That Night
Kagome stood outside The Dancer waiting for Sango and her boyfriend Miroku to show. She was holding a place in line for them, but if they didn't get here soon, she would have to go in without them.
“Kagome!” Sango called. Kagome waved back, then blinked as Sango slapped the man because he appeared to have put his hand on her butt. There's no way he could have done that. Kagome shook her head mentally. Sango would have killed him by now, or just dumped him on the side of the road. He wouldn't be her boyfriend.
“Hey Kagome.” Sango stepped up to her. “This is Miroku, my boyfriend.”
“No kidding.” Kagome said, mostly to herself.
"A pleasure.” Miroku took Kagome's hand and kissed her fingertips, smiling at her weirded-out face, and then at Sango's glaring face. “There's no one but you my dear.” Miroku assured her, wrapping his arm around her waist. “I was simply being polite.”
Sango blushed at his words, but didn't say anything else. Kagome couldn't help but giggle behind her hand at her expression.
The usher waved them in and Kagome nodded her thanks and fixed her black skirt and sequined tank top before stepping in, a wave of heat, alcohol and blasting music hit her in the face like a tidal wave.
“I'll go get something to drink.” Miroku said absently. “And I have to find a friend. He works here, and I thought I'd say hi.” He walked off after pecking Sango's cheek, making her go even redder.
“Shall we?” Kagome bowed playfully at Sango, her hands towards the dance floor.
Sango laughed and took Kagome's hand, pretending to curtsy before pulling Kagome out onto the dance floor. Kagome closed her eyes and fell into step with the music, creating her own mix of gymnastics, ballet and modern dancing. She flowed with the music, she didn't just move. She melted into the beat and let her mind go black, forgetting about all of her worries as she danced, doing to occasional twirl, leap or swirl of her hips, although most of the time, she was so lost in the music that she didn't even know how she was dancing.
She went to the gym and got on the bar or the beam when she was angry, but she danced when she was happy or just needed to forget and be nothing but a being, one with the beat.
“Strange.” Renkotsu muttered, handing Miroku his drinks.
“Huh?” Miroku asked, balancing them on a tray.
“Well, I don't know about you, but I find it strange that you want to be served drinks at the bar you usually work at.” Renkotsu smirked, leaning on the bar. Miroku rolled his eyes at his co-worker and went to go find an unoccupied table.
He looked around for Sango next and headed for the stairs when he saw him up on the VIP balcony, the place with the best view of the DJ.
VIP Balcony
Inuyasha blinked again, staring down at the girl on the dance floor. He had definitely seen her somewhere. Don't ask me how Inuyasha could forget someone that looked so much like his technical fiancé, but being Inuyasha, he did.
“Hey.” Miroku walked up behind him, punching him hard in the shoulder with his fist.
“Ow!” Inuyasha snapped, rubbing his bruised arm. “What was that for?!”
“Who you staring at?” Miroku asked, completely ignoring Inuyasha's attitude. “Is she hot?” he asked next, raising his eyebrows lecherously.
“Who's everyone staring at?” Bankotsu asked, walking up next to them and leaning on the balcony railing. Inuyasha groaned loudly.
Bankotsu, and his three younger brothers, Jakotsu, Renkotsu, and Suikotsu were quadruplets that all worked at the Dancer full time. Inuyasha knew them through competitions. He and Bankotsu fought often to win metals, or to just burn off steam. Bankotsu and Suikotsu worked as bouncers with Inuyasha, while Renkotsu and Jakotsu worked with Miroku behind the bar.

“Why are you always so loud?” Bankotsu asked calmly, not even bothering to look at Inuyasha because he had grown so used to his friend's temper. Inuyasha only growled in response.
“Hey, isn't that…?” Bankotsu asked slowly, pointing at Kagome.
"No, Kikyo's hair is longer.” Inuyasha said gruffly.
“Well,” Miroku straightened up and headed for the stairs, “Sango's waiting, and she brought some friend of hers. I better get back down.”
Bankotsu wolf-whistled playfully, earning a glare that he easily ignored.
“Who do you think we're going to get to throw out tonight?” Bankotsu asked Inuyasha.
Inuyasha shrugged. “Koga hopefully.”
“Nah.” Bankotsu shook his head. “He never gets drunk, he can hold his alcohol too well.”
“I know.” Inuyasha moped. He was friends with Koga, but the two fought like they were the Russians and Americans during the cold war.
Inuyasha winced and rubbed his chest. He hadn't been able to cut the stitches, they'd been tied to tightly, probably because of how deep the gunshot had been. Great, at this rate his skin would heal over the stitches and he would have a stabbing pain there for the rest of his life.
“I'm going down.” He mumbled almost to no one, jamming his hands into his loose jeans pockets. His adidas sneakers scuffing against the floor as he walked.
“By the way.” Bankotsu called after him. “The black hair looks good, you almost can't tell that you're a Takahashi.”
The Takahashi's hair was signature. Inuyasha, his father, his half-brother, and even his half-brother's mother all had snow white hair that they were born with; it wasn't from age or being struck by lightening.
In the end, Inuyasha wasn't sure why he hadn't dyed it the second he ran away from home. If he someone was trying to look for him, wouldn't they look for his hair first?
Inuyasha didn't know why he wanted to be close to her, it must have been some dumb Kikyo attachment thing, yeah, that was it. He just felt like he was being pulled towards her, like some sort of magnetic force.
Kagome toe's traced across the floor as she spun, her loose ebony hair cascading over his shoulders. She had drifted from a ballet and modern mix to mostly using her toes and ankles in the next dance. She flew across the floor and in between the people in the crowd.
Kagome opened her eyes for a brief moment to make sure she wasn't going to hit the bar, and saw him. He was a bouncer, from the look of his muscles and t-shirt with the Dancer logo on the front.
Haven't I seen him before?
“Kagome!” Sango called through the people. “Miroku got us a table, let's go have our drinks!”
Kagome looked away from Sango, looking for that man again, but only the bar tender stood in his place. She sighed in frustration and followed Sango back, desperate to know who he was. It was another doctor thing, because science could explain almost everything in medicine practices, anything that was a mystery nearly killed doctors.
“Have fun dancing?” Sango teased, sitting very close to Miroku. Kagome just laughed her off and took a huge gulp of her drink to quench her thirst and parched thirst. She continued to look around for the man, but saw nothing.
1 Minute, 43 Seconds Earlier
Inuyasha ducked behind the bar as she turned back to him. It had clicked, she was the doctor who had worked on him, Kagome Higurashi. And if she recognized him, he was on a one-way train back to the hospital in a straight jacket because of a puny phone call to the hospital's front desk.
Renkotsu chuckled. “Since when are you afraid of girls? Don't---!” he said quickly when Inuyasha tried to defend himself. “I saw you making gaga eyes at her, don't act like you were looking at the person beyond her. What's going on anyway? I thought you hated Kikyo.”
“That's not her, she was one of my doctors.” Inuyasha said bitterly, Renkotsu always knew which of his buttons to push to get him angry.
“From which visit? I lost count after the thirty-seventh.” Renkotsu returned with a smirk. “And I didn't know you hit on your nurses.” Inuyasha growled at him menacingly, cursing under his breath when he turned back around to find that she was gone. Jakotsu laughed quietly at their spat, pouring Inuyasha a shot of straight gin that he downed easily.
Inuyasha stood and looked around. The stupid club was drowning out her scent, so he couldn't track her. He had to be really careful tonight.
Kagome pulled Miroku and Sango into the dance floor and pushed their hands together, leaving them in a spin while she searched for that man, but she had to laugh at Sango's blush first.
Kagome approached one of the bartenders, the one with his brown hair held up in a small twist with a pin. “Excuse me, do you know a man who works here? He's---”
“I know `em all sweetheart.” The man said, leaning toward her and smiling nicely. “How can I help?”
“Well, I'm looking for a man with black hair down past his waist---” she said, gesturing behind her.
“Down or braided?” the man cut her off.
“Huh?” Kagome had missed the question from the suddenness in which it had been asked.
“Is it down or in a braid? I know two guys here with black hair that long.” The man verified.
“Oh, uh, down.”
“You'd be looking for Inuyasha then.” The man pointed to a back corner, where Inuyasha was standing. Then it hit Kagome over the head like a block of dry ice. Inuyasha Ningenteki, the guy who had gotten shot twice and then sprung himself from the hospital, coming back later to pay his bill. His hair was black now, but he had the same dog ears and golden eyes.
“Cute, isn't he?” the bartender smirked.
“Hey!” the man called as Kagome nodded thanks and headed off towards him. “He doesn't like to be hit on, just so you know. But so he wont bite your head off, tell him Jakotsu sent you if he blows up, which is very likely to happen.”
“Thanks.” Kagome said, still walking. “But I'm not going to try and pick him up.” Those stitches could be infected, they've been in a really long time for a demon… if he hasn't taken them out yet.
“You have been warned.” Jakotsu called to her, and then prepared a drink for Inuyasha just incase they needed to sedate him. That girl looked a little too much like Kikyo for his comfort, so he purposefully added too much alcohol.
“Funny.” Renkotsu chuckled, walking up behind Jakotsu. “He was just staring at her not three minutes ago.”
“Hmph.” Jakotsu huffed jealously. Renkotsu rolled his eyes at his quadruplet.
“Uh, Inuyasha…” Suikotsu said slowly, pointing behind Inuyasha. Inuyasha turned confusedly to meet that Kagome's eyes. Eyes that were moving closer by the second.
“Crap.” He muttered, grabbing a case of empty beer bottles and practically running to the truck in the back.
Kagome began to almost jog, holding her bag against her side. “ 'Scuse me? Where did Inuyasha go? I need to talk to him.” She said quickly, looking around for his no longer visible form.
“Yeah, he just went out back to the truck with some empties.” Suikotsu jabbed his thumb over his shoulder.
“Thanks.” Kagome said, dashing off down the stairs.
Bankotsu waited until she was out of hearing range before turning to Suikotsu. “You're evil.”
“I know.” Suikotsu smirked wickedly.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome called, running out to the just starting truck. Inuyasha swore mentally and revved the truck, but not before Kagome latched herself to his door, holding onto the handle on the inside through the window.
“What?” he barked, making Kagome draw back slightly, but not let go of his door.
“Why'd you run from the hospital?” she demanded, as if it affected her personally.
“What d'you care?” he snapped, revving the engine again, trying to scare her into letting go, but killed the motor when she held on tighter and yanked the key out, throwing it down on the seat.
“Do you have any idea how much more you could've hurt yourself?” she half yelled. “With infections or… or plagues?” Ok, the plague is overkill, but how else am I supposed to get it through his thick skull?
“I'm a half demon, ok?! I'm already completely healed!”
“You cut the stitches yourself?” Kagome asked suddenly, placing her fingers over his chest.
Inuyasha couldn't help the jolt of energy that flowed from her small fingers through his veins as she laid her hand on his chest, but he quickly shook it off. “What the hell are you---”
“You're healed…” Kagome cut him off, “but you didn't cut the stitches?” she looked him in the eye, then Inuyasha realized that she had been feeling for the thread still embedded in his skin through his shirt.
“You should've at least stayed to get them out.” Kagome muttered, annoyed that he put himself in danger of hurting himself by not getting them out and dug around in her bag for something.
Inuyasha's breathing accelerated.
---And if she recognized him, he was on a one-way train back to the hospital in a straight jacket because of a puny phone call to the hospital's front desk.---
“I'm not going back!” he yelled loudly, not caring who heard him. He pushed her back to throw open the truck door.
Back where?” Kagome asked, nervously backing up to the wall because of his outburst.
“I'm through with hospitals! Don't even.. think of…” he stopped as she pulled out a pair of medical scissors instead of a cell phone or a pager.
“I was just going to cut the sutures.” She said quietly, looking around for a weapon to use if he advanced on her more.
“You were…?” he repeated, staring like an idiot at the scissors. Kagome nodded.
She reached back into her bag and pulled out a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide and some cotton balls. “Do you want to sit or…?” she gestured to the steps. Inuyasha moved robotically over to the steps and almost fell back against them. She's not forcing me back. He almost smiled from just that thought.
“Um…” Kagome hinted, tugging lightly at his shirt. He blushed deeply, but pulled his shirt over his head.
Kagome got on one knee to inspect it. “Doesn't look too bad.” She muttered to herself. I caught the infection early, it's just barely going red, so he'll be fine.
She unscrewed the top of the hydrogen peroxide and poured some on her hands, rubbing them together until they were dry, then she cleaned the scissors with the liquid and a cotton ball, placing another cotton ball on the top of the bottle and tipping it upside down to soak it, rubbing Inuyasha's healed wound with it, not noticing his bright red face as she touched him.
“Um… thanks.” He mumbled as she snipped the sutures, pulling the thread out and just dropping them on the ground.
Kagome smiled to herself. “No problem.”