InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Save Two Lives With One Doctor ❯ Sorry! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi everyone!
I wanted to say thank you for keeping up with my story so well, but I also need to ask you something. Sorry to do this, but if you ever see anything weird looking in one of my chapters, (AKA: name switches, messed up pronouns, missing names) PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!
You can email, or tell me in a review, but I would really like to know as soon as possible.
If some of you are reading `How Do We Learn To Love The Ones We Hate', then you might remember in one of the chapters, that Inuyasha and Sango's names were switched throughout the entire chapter. In another chapter, Sango and Kagome's names were switched.
Incase you didn't get to read my most recent chapter of this story before I fixed it, I'll tell you what happened: Sango's, Kagome's, Miroku's, and Inuyasha's names were all replaced by `I', making it ---needless to say--- extremely confusing!
It will be so much better for readers and for me if I'm told instantly about mishaps like this! You can email ( or write a review. And keep checking back once you have. If I get a review like that, I delete that particular chapter and have it back up, fixed, almost instantly!
Thank you again!