InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tag! You're it! ❯ Tag! You're it! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Tag! You're it!

A little girl with pigtails grinned mischievously and crept up behind the unsuspecting boy from behind. She silently giggled into her hand before pushing him into the swimming pool and laughing her head off.

She saw him resurface; splashing and sputtering. Once he caught sight of her laughing form, he growled.

She smirked. "Oh yeah; I forgot. Tag! You're it!" And she left; laughing for all she was worth.

The little boy growled and bared his fangs playfully. "You. Will. Pay!"

She stared out to the sea silently as the waves splashed noisily on her bare legs. Her hair whipped around her face as the wind blew; howling in the air. Her feet curled against the wet sand as her hands fingered the dry sand beside her. Her big brown eyes blinked innocently; showing a brief emotion of longing.

Taking one last glance at the beautiful sunset; she silently stood up and sighed to herself. She opened her mouth; as if to say something to the ocean; but closed it with a silent shake of her head.

She paused; with her right hand curled above her heart and her left hand tightly clenched into a fist at her side; as if waiting for something to happen. When nothing did, she closed her eyes for a second as she felt her heart weigh down to the pits of her stomach.

She began walking towards the direction of her home; as she fought tears of sorrow that threatened to escape. 'Please' She thought silently to no one; but behind that innocent word lay a desperate message to the one she's been waiting for all these years.

Dragging her feet up the long stairs towards the front entrance of her house; she suddenly felt like two boulders have been placed on her shoulders and she had something tied around her neck. But she knew nothing was really there.

It was that feeling. The same feeling she felt every time she came back home from the beach at the side of her mansion. She knew that feeling very well. It also felt like that a tight knot was at her stomach and her throat had been clogged up.

She fished her keys out of her pocket and entered it into the key hole. With one twist of the key; the door opened and she found herself face to face with her mother and father. She took in a sharp breath.

"And where have you been, young lady?" Her father asked as he narrowed his eyes. He tapped his left foot impatiently as his dark brown eyes blazed with demand.

"At a friends house." She replied with easiness. Her voice was monotone; it held no emotion whatsoever. It came easily to her as she had used the same excuse over and over for the past six years.

Her mother eyed her father skeptically; with the eyes that said 'I told you so'. Her father sighed defeated.

She stared at her parents blankly before walking towards the stairs up to her room; not waiting for a reply.

"Wait!" Her mother blurted out. Her daughter turned her head slightly but she didn't move her body but showing her mother that she had captured her attention.

The older women sighed nervously and scratched the back of her neck. "Eh" She got out before turning towards her father. "You tell her, dear." She said. The older man sighed.

"Look, sweetheart, I'm just going to be blunt and honest with you about it all." Her took in a deep breath and straightened the outer part of his tux. "Your mother-" a sharp painful jab was made to his stomach; courtesy of his wife. He coughed and corrected himself. "We ," he took a side ways glance to the woman next to him and with seeing her nod, he continued. "have arranged a marriage for you." He spoke calmly.

Her mother looked between her husband and daughter nervously. Silence was the reply from the announcement; it was deafening.

Her face held no emotion when her cool gaze made contact with her fathers daring one. Finally, she took in a deep breath. "I'll be in my room." She said in monotone; whipping around and walking towards her room upstairs.

Her mother watched her leave nervously before turning to her husband. She bit her lower lip nervously. "That was a bit harsh, don't you think?" She said as her eyes locked with his.

He said nothing as he watched her form disappear around a hallway corner. He opened his mouth and answered. "No." He said simply; his voice holding no room for more explanations.

Dear Diary,

He wasn't there.

And that was it.

Months passed and everyday after school she went to the beach and just relaxed. It reminded her of him for some reason. It soothed her heart and made her calm. She still hasn't met her fiancé but no one (except her father) was complaining.

She sighed quietly as began walking out of the school property. She adjusted her bag to a more comfortable position and unconsciously pulled her uniform skirt; trying to make it go lower.

"Hey!" her friend shouted; trying to get her attention. She turned around; blinking questionably. Realization crossed her friends features and she smirked. "Where're you going?" Sango, her friend, asked casually.

She shook her head and forced a smile out. "The beach." She replied simply and turned to walk away again. She waved over her shoulders. "Bye Sango!" She shouted out without turning her head around.

"Bye!" She shouted. She grinned when she was out of sight.

Sango fished her cell phone out and dialed a number quickly. It rang once and someone picked it up. "Is she going?" The person on the other line blurted out. Sango smirked.

"Nice way to greet people." She stated dryly. She heard a bunch of muffle cursing under his breath before hearing him breath calmly. She snickered. "Yeah; she's on her way." She finally said. The phone went dead. She rolled her eyes.

"That's what I get for helping him." She muttered before smiling. 'She's finally gong to be happy for real.'

She sighed quietly for the umpteenth time that day and closed her eyes; visibly relaxing and loving the feeling of the waves against her bare feet. She brought her legs up together and lay her chin on her knees.

"Where are you?" She whispered to no one; knowing that she wasn't going to receive a reply. She heard sand moving behind her but made no move to acknowledge the person; thinking it's just some random stranger passing by.

She stiffened once she felt hot air at the side of her cheeks; someone's breath.

"What if I told you that I was right behind you?" The person said into her ears. Her eyes widened as she took in a sharp breath. Her heart began to beat ten times faster then before. She abruptly stood up and whipped around; coming face to face with the same boy - no - man, she's been waiting for all these years.

She took a shaky step forward.

Tears filled her eyes as a slow smile spread across her lips. "Is it really you?" She whispered breathlessly. The man smirked as his golden eyes twinkled. He took a step forward and stopped right in front of her.

"Noooo. I'm a ghost." He replied sarcastically; but his face held a smile. She gasped and launched herself towards him; wrapping her arms around his waist and crying into his chest. His strong, muscular arms automatically went around her form and pulled her closer they can physically get; as if he let go, she was going to disappear forever.

He buried his nose into her hair and took a whiff of her scent before grinning and tightening his arms around her. But the grin immediately slipped off his face once he heard sobbing.

He frowned in concern and lifted her chin up; locking their eyes together. Her eyes were all red from crying and she was hiccupping every now and then. "Hey you okay?" He asked lowly and wiped some tears that fell.

She narrowed her eyes as she hiccupped. "Do I look okay?!" She screamed. "You're gone for six years and all you can say is: Hey you okay? " She mimicked with a sniff. "Well guess what?! I'm more then okay! I'm ecstatic! I'm absolutely happy for the first time since you've left!" She shouted and began to cry again as she pounded on his chest.

His face held confusion before his eyes softened. "Shh It's okay. I'm here now. And I'm never going to leave you ever again." He promised. She sniffed and looked up.

"Promise?" She asked quietly. He nodded sternly.

"I swear it." He said lowly. She nodded and smiled brightly before her smile slipped off when realization hit her hard in the head. He noticed this and frowned in concern.

"Hey; what's up?" He asked. She looked down and took in a deep breath.

"I want to tell you something; but I can't." She whispered. He frowned in confusion and took her hand in his.

"You can tell me anything you want." He reassured.

She nodded. "I love you." She said without hesitation. He took a sharp breath but it went unnoticed by her. "But it's wrong." She whispered lowly.

He shot up. "Why is it wrong? Because I wanted to say that I loved you too." He said. She smiled faintly before feeling the familiar sting the back of her eyes; warning her that tears were about to come. Her hands clenched tightly into a fist.

"Because I'm engaged." She whispered regretfully.

He took a shaky step back; letting her hand go. It felt as if his heart had been ripped out of his chest and was currently being sliced into a thousand pieces. His eyes widened as her eyes locked with his. "Please tell me you're lying" He whispered. She shook her head and looked down; avoiding his gaze.

"I wish I was" She replied meekly. "I really do.. It's an arranged marriage by my parents. I have no say in it. I have to meet my fiancé tomorrow at the Crystal Hall and pick a date for our wedding." She began to sob quietly. "Our company is going to merge with another one. But I'm not sure which one. The marriage has no love" She whispered the last part out.

His heart shattered even more. He walked back to her and enveloped her into a tight hug. "Don't worry; we'll get through this."

She sat on the chair; patiently waiting for her fiancé to enter the room with his family. She sighed sadly and turned to her father. "Father, is this really necessary? Our company is fine on its own. We're doing really well!" She said with a hidden plea in her voice.

Her father waved her off. "Nonsense. And plus; our company would do better if it's merged with someone else's. We've been discussing this marriage of yours for quite sometime now." He said casually. Her eyes widened.

"You have?! How long?!?!!" She demanded. Her mother eyed her with happiness. Her daughter has been showing her emotion more openly now. Something must have happened.

"Oh well eh since you were five? I think you know him" He replied; eyes twinkling. Her eyes widened even more.

"And without my-! Great, just great! " She threw her hands up in the air. "Just you wait and see! If I meet this bastard of a fiancé, I supposedly have known all my life, I'm going to strangle him until he-"

"Until he what?" A familiar voice reached her ears from behind. She stopped and looked at her mom and dads grinning form. She whipped around and came face to face with her best friend. She was shocked again.

"You You're my fiancé?!" She asked; surprised. He nodded and smirked; spreading his arms out in front of him.

"Common; finish your sentence. What're you going to do to me, Kagome? Hm?" a slow grin spread across her face as she threw a playful punch to his shoulder.

"Oh I'm going to hurt you so bad that you aren't able to walk for a month ." She smirked and took a step forward. Their parents watched amusedly from the sidelines.

He took a challenging step forward. "Oh yeah?"

She took another step. "Yeah!" was her reply.

"Well did you ever foresee this attack?" she didn't have time to reply as she suddenly felt a pair of warm lips on her own. She smiled into the kiss and sighed; closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around his neck; deepening the kiss.

They broke the kiss with him grinning down at her and a delicate blush appearing on her cheeks; noticing they had an audience.

"Hey InuYasha?" Kagome whispered.

"Hm?" He said; still half dazed from the kiss. Kagome grinned mischievously before pushing his chest and making him fall backwards.

"Tag; you're it!"


Authors Note: A little thing I whipped up when I was bored. Well, that's all I've got to say. Happy '05!