InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Takahashi High ❯ Shopping ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi owns Inu Yasha and co. Not me. Leave me alone.

A/N - Sorry if this chapter isn't that descriptive or anything. I've got a really bad headache and I wanted to get it posted before I knock out for a few hours. Forgive me, I'll make the next chapter steamy. =D

Warning: LIME!!! Flee young children, flee!!!

Shiku: Hey, thanks for voting and reviewing!! Hope you keep reading.

~*Ayumi*~: hehe! Glad you like it. Well, here is the secret to being able to post so many chapters in so few days. *ahem* I don't go anywhere or do anything, so I have all the time in the world for writing this stuff. lol See, I just moved to a new place, so I don't know anyone. And I don't have a job yet, and I don't go to public school. So, what else am I supposed to do with my day? =D It's sad, I know. But that's okay, I'm rather antisocial. Large gatherings scare me. hehe PLUS! I type fast!

RedHerring: lol!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist the cliffy!!! hehe You know, I think it varies whether you can feel stuff through you back or not. One of my friends can't, but my ex-boyfriend could. lol Thanks for the song!! Glad you liked all the fluff!!! I had to hurry to get it all done before I left for a few hours, so I'm glad it didn't suck!! hehe Love the praise, thanks!!

Crimson Tenshi: lol Glad you were able to sign in!! A chest massage, hm? Interesting… =D I research the net for a lot of stuff, but sometimes I just get so distracted. See, my attention span is AWFUL. I'm surprised I've paid attention to this fic for as long as I have. lol Usually something else happens when I'm looking stuff up on the net, like my cat meows or I see a bouncy ball, and I forget what I was originally doing. *shakes head* It's pretty bad. I REALLY like your Kagura, Kanna, and Naraku ideas. I'll definitely be using them in the fic!! And I'll without a doubt send you an e-mail when I need ideas. You could recommend new fic plotlines when I finish this fic, too!! Well, thanks for taking the poll!!! And thanks for reviewing as often as you can, I love reviews!!

NaotasLover: Hi!! Thanks for reviewing and taking the poll! Glad you like the story and I hope you keep reading!!!

shorty14090: Thanks!!! Love the encouragement, I'll keep writing if you keep reading! hehe

A/N - Don't forget to take the poll!

The Bahamas: 8

Jamaica: 8

Barbados: 3

Inu Yasha continued looking down at his paper.

"Inu Yasha?" Kagome asked carefully. She was thinking the worst. Oh no, he didn't pass. He can't go. After all our studying!

Suddenly, Inu Yasha's face split into a wide grin. He threw the test on the floor and yelled, "A minus, baby!"

Kagome grinned and jumped on him, squealing. "I knew it! I knew you could do it!"

"Really Kagome, because your face didn't look so sure." Miroku pointed out.

Sango elbowed him to be quiet, but luckily Inu Yasha hadn't heard.

He was currently holding Kagome off the ground and was kissing her. When he pulled back he grinned. "Thanks a lot, Kagome. I probably wouldn't have passed if it weren't for you. This shit is harder than I thought!"

Kagome giggled and pinched his cheek. Sess had picked up his test and was going over it with Rin and Sango while Miroku was trying to get her attention, and failing miserably.

Inu Yasha kissed Kagome gently again. When he pulled away he whispered against her lips, "I love you."

Kagome froze. Oh.My.God. Did he just say what I think he said? "W-what?"

"I love you." He stated more confidently.

Kagome bit her lip before pulling him down for a fierce kiss. "I love you too!" She murmured back before he kissed her roughly again.

Nobunaga looked at the strange group of teens and shook his head. Kids these days. Honestly!

"Ooo, lets celebrate!" Rin said excitedly as they left Nobunaga's office.

"What should we do?" Kagome asked as she turned her head away from Inu Yasha, only to have him lick and kiss her neck.

"Anything with bikinis!" Miroku spoke up. Sango rolled her eyes.

Rin's eyes lit up. "Shopping!"

Sango and Kagome were instantly alert, but Sess, Miroku, and Inu Yasha groaned.

"We'll go shopping for clothes today, and then Friday night we should go to a club!"

"But don't you have to be eighteen to go to clubs? Us girls are only seventeen." Sango pointed out.

"Actually there is this new club about an hour away for teens. Sixteen to nineteen." Rin explained.

"Shopping? Uh, count us out. We're definitely up for the club, though." Miroku spoke up for all three guys.

Rin looked like she was going to pout and insist that Sess go, but Sango quickly said, "That works! Think about it, Rin. We can get new clothes, and it'll be a surprise on Friday."

Rin and Kagome grinned.

"Okay, I just need to go home and check in with my mom first." Kagome said.

"I can drive you. I have to prove to my dad that I passed, anyways." Inu Yasha spoke up, grabbing his test from Sess.

"Okay, Kagome, Sango, why don't you meet me at my house in an hour? And you guys just, go home or something." Rin said brightly.

Inu Yasha was a bit hesitant about Kagome being in such a public place unprotected, but after lots of whining and kissing, he agreed.

Sess and Rin, having no set agenda, drove to Rin's house to `hang out' before it was time for Rin to go.

Miroku and Sango drove to Mushin's house so Sango could spend a little bit more time unpacking her belongings. Miroku happily watched her. He tried to help, but all he did was pull out her panties and ask, "Will you try this on?"


Inu Yasha drove himself and Kagome to her house.

"Mom!" Kagome called once she entered the front door right behind her.

"In the kitchen, dear!" Kagome walked into the kitchen, smacking Inu Yasha's hands off her body before her mother saw them.

"Hello dear. How was your day?"

"It was good. Can me and Sango and Rin go to the mall? We wanted to go shopping so we can go out and celebrate on Friday."

"Celebrate? Oh, Inu Yasha passed his test?"


"Well that's wonderful. But isn't this just a bit to much excitement to soon since you've gotten out of the hospital, Kagome?"

Kagome groaned. "Mom!"

Her mother sighed. "Fine fine, who am I to tell you what's right, I'm just your mother after all."

Kagome giggled and walked over to her mom. She hugged her and said, "Look, I'll have my cell phone with me, and I'll come home if I feel sick or anything. Okay?"

"Alright. Have a good time. And congratulate Inu Yasha for me."

"Thanks, Ms. H." Inu Yasha said from the doorway.

Ms. Higurashi turned around, surprised. "Oh, Inu Yasha dear! Congratulations on your test! Kagome's a good tutor, isn't she?"

Inu Yasha smirked. "Yup, she tutored me like I'd never been tutored before."

Kagome blushed and said, "Okay, we're going now!"

She pushed Inu Yasha out of the house and over to his car. "You're such a dork!"

Inu Yasha laughed and got in the car. Once at his house, Inu Yasha marched up to the front door, opened it widely and yelled, "HEY POP! I PAAAAASSED!!!!"

Kagome flicked his head. "Stop yelling!"

Sakura came to the front door, grinning. She kissed her son's cheek and said, "Go tell him, knuckle-head. He's in his office. You got proof?"

Inu Yasha proudly displayed the test. His mother smiled and lightly pushed him in the direction of his father's office.

She smiled at Kagome. "Come on in while we wait for the men-folk to finish."

Kagome giggled and followed Sakura into the kitchen.

"So, I guess my loud-mouthed son can study hard." Sakura stated as she sat down at the table.

Kagome laughed. "Yeah, it wasn't easy to get him to pay attention, though."

She grinned. "Yeah, I bet it wasn't. How's your arm?"

Kagome showed her the bandage. "It's healing quickly."

Sakura smiled. "That's good. When she attacked Inu Yasha, he got lucky. She was aiming for his `family jewels' but he moved and she punctured his hip."

Kagome grimaced and Sakura nodded. "Yeah, he was mad. But you can imagine he'd be even more mad if she'd gotten what she was aiming for."

Kagome giggled.

Suddenly, Inu Yasha's voice could be heard. "DAMNIT, YOU SAID I COULD GO IF I PASSED!"

Inu Yasha was running to the kitchen as his father ran after him.

Sakura stood up. "Oh for the love of cheese! Damnit, stop teasing the poor boy! Inu Yasha, you can go! He's just jerkin' your chain!"

Inu Yasha glared at his father as he let out an enormous laugh.

"You're such an ass!"

"And you're such a pansy!"

Sakura shook her head. "The both of you are shits. Now be quiet!"

Kagome giggled and said, "Would it be okay if we went out with everyone else on Friday night to celebrate?"

"Of course. Have a good time." Sakura said as she smiled at her and walked out of the kitchen, pulling on her husband's tie.

Inu Yasha took Kagome's hand and led her up to his room as she said, "You sure have an interesting family."

He shrugged. "Nah, we're just like everyone else."

"Actually, I've never heard my mother, or any else's for that matter, say `for the love of cheese'."

Inu Yasha chuckled. "Yeah, that is a bit weird."

Once in his room he began kissing her neck and holding her body close to his.

Kagome moaned but said, "Inu Yasha, I need to get to Rin's."

"Not yet."

She squealed as he fell onto his bed and pulled her on top of him.


Meanwhile, Rin and Sess were lying on her bed, exploring the insides of each other's mouths. Sess crawled on top of her as he ran his hands up and down her body. Rin moaned and ran her fingers through his hair. Suddenly, Sess pulled back.


He jumped off of her. Quickly he pulled out his wallet and looked through it frantically. "Damn."

"What's wrong, Sessy?"

"I'm out of condoms."


"I stole those two from Miroku. It's not like he is using them."

Rin giggled and sat up. "We can buy some more later, then."

Sess sighed and put his wallet away. "Okay, then I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"Well, I got pretty damn excited, and now we can't do what I was planning on doing. So, I need to go take care of myself."

Rin giggled and pulled him onto the bed. "I'll do it."

She pushed Sess down so he was lying on his back and began unbuttoning his pants. Pulling his pants down to his knees, she saw his enormous erection making a tent with his boxers. Giggling, Rin pulled the boxers down as well.

Sess moaned as he felt Rin's soft lips gently kiss tip of his manhood. She worked her way down, kissing him from the tip to the base and then back up. Gently, Rin dipped out her tongue and licked the smooth skin. Grinning when she heard Sess moan again, she placed her lips around the whole tip and slowly began lowering herself, taking as much as she could.

Since there was still room between the base of him and her lips, she gingerly wrapped one hand around the rest and began pumping him softly as she licked and sucked him. Sess bucked into her mouth as she sensually ran her tongue around him, her tiny hand still pumping and squeezing him. Rin began moving faster and faster as Sess grunted and bucked slightly.

Sess bucked once more into her and before he could warn her, he shot his seed into her mouth. Rin began swallowing quickly and surprisingly didn't miss a drop. Sess panted and Rin moved up to lie next to him, grinning.


Sess chuckled. "Actually, look."

Rin looked up and saw that he was still partially hard. "Sessy! I thought you were empty!"

Sess laughed. "Sorry, but that was erotic watching you do that."

Rin laughed. "Well, you need to take care of that because Sango and Kagome will be here soon, and then we've got to leave."

Sess nodded and hastily pulled up his pants and boxers before walking into the bathroom. When the doorbell rang, Rin rushed downstairs. Opening the door she saw Sango.

"Hi! Come on in. Sessy will be leaving soon."

Sango smiled and walked inside. "I got a call from Kagome a few minutes ago. She said she's on her way."

"Okay!" The two of them waited in the kitchen until Sess came back down. He said hi to Sango and kissed Rin.

"Well, I'm going now. See you two tomorrow."

"See ya, Sess."

"Bye Sessy! I'll call you when I get home!"

He grinned and walked out of the kitchen. At the front door he saw Kagome about to ring the doorbell. "Hey Kagome. They're in the kitchen."

"Okay, see ya Sess."

Kagome walked inside the house and wandered into the kitchen. "Hey guys. Ready?"

They nodded and piled into Rin's jeep. Rin drove to the mall as they blasted `New Found Glory', annoying the other drivers beside them.

Rin pulled into a parking spot close to the front entrance of the mall, and the three girls jumped out of the jeep. Kagome and Sango walked, talking, while Rin jumped around in front of them, singing the Sponge Bob Square Pants theme song.

"Okay, so what store first?" Kagome asked, talking over Rin's incessant singing.

Rin immediately stopped singing and said, "THIS ONE!" She grabbed both their hands and tugged them towards a store.

Inside the store the three girls flocked towards the `club clothes' that they were looking for. Rin looked at all the clothes and said, "You know what was always a fun game to play when I was little?"


"Dress-up. You know, where you dress up either your doll or yourself into all different kids of clothes…"

Sango caught on immediately and grinned. "I so agree, that was fun."

A little slow on the uptake, Kagome said, "Yeah, so? Are you guys going to pick stuff or not?"

Rin grinned. "How about me and Sango pick stuff out for you, and then you try them on? And then you and Sango do the same for me, and then me and you do the same for Sango."

Kagome grinned. "Okay! But why am I going first?"

"Because you were the last to understand." Sango said as she pushed Kagome into a changing room stall. "Now wait here, and we'll bring clothes to try on, okay?"

Kagome waited in the changing room for a few minutes till Rin and Sango handed her a skirt and a top. "Try these on."

Kagome closed the door and pulled on the skirt and shirt. The skirt was long and black but had slits that went thigh high, showing off her pale legs. The top was a red low cut shirt.

"You ready Kagome?"

Kagome stepped out and twirled. Rin clapped and Sango said, "I like the skirt, but the top…"

"You're right." Rin said, tapping her chin. Suddenly her eyes went wide. "I know the perfect thing! But you aren't allowed to hate me, okay?"

She grabbed Sango's hand and ran off as Kagome went back into the changing room. A minute later Rin threw something over the top and said, "Try this!"

Kagome held it up and blanched. "Nu uh, no way!" It was a black and purple corset. "Rin! This isn't something to be worn in public!"

"Yes it is! It's not too showy or anything, it's decent! Just try it on."

Grudgingly, Kagome pulled off the red top and put on the corset. True, corsets were `in' now, she had seen girls around wearing them before. But she never imagined herself wearing one. The strapless, cleavage-producing piece of clothing clung to her body and showed off her pale shoulders. It was already tied up in the back and had clips in the front so she didn't have to lace it herself.

Kagome stepped out shyly and blushed when Rin and Sango began catcalling. "Ow! Kagome, that's hot!"

"Oh shut up. I'm not getting it."

"Come on! It looks so good!" Rin whined.

Kagome glanced in the set of mirrors near her door and sighed. She had to admit. She liked the way she looked, her pale skin contrasting so much with the dark material. "I look like a floozy!"

Sango laughed. "You look great." She walked up behind Kagome and tossed her hair into a messy bun, with little wisps of hair still gracing her shoulders.

Rin grinned. "We'll pick out accessories afterwards to go with the stuff."

Kagome sighed. "Fine fine, whatever. Who's next?"

Rin pointed at Sango. "I saw the perfect bottom for her, come see Kagome!"

Kagome grinned and changed back into her normal clothes. Following Rin to the skirt section, she saw the skirt that Rin was talking about. It was a little longer than knee length on the right side, but got shorter and shorter till it was mid-thigh on the left side.

Kagome grinned. "Good." Walking through the racks of clothes, Kagome spotted something bright red. Rushing over she picked it up and saw that it was a tube top.

Rin laughed. "That's perfect."

Rushing back to the changing room they handed the things to Sango. While she was changing she suddenly called out, "Uh, I think you forgot the rest of my shirt."

Kagome laughed. "Shut up and get out here."

Sango unlocked the door and peeked out. "No seriously, this thing is tiny."

Rin wrenched open the door. Sango was standing in front of them wearing the skirt and the tube top, covering her stomach and blushing.

"Miroku will love it!" Rin said immediately.

"Ooo Sango, you look great!" Kagome teased. Sango shook her head but Kagome said, "If I have to wear that corset, you have to wear that!

Sango sighed but then said, "Fine, but I'm getting you back, Rin!"

Rin began protesting and Kagome laughed, not correcting Sango on the fact that she actually picked out the tube top, not Rin.

Sango changed back and the two of them set out to find clothes for Rin. After a while they found what they were looking for and handed it to Rin. She changed and stepped out to show them. She was wearing black mini skirt and a tangerine/orange colored off the shoulder top.

Rin smiled sheepishly and Sango and Kagome began clapping. "Wonderful!"

Rin tugged slightly on the skirt and said, "Is my ass hanging out?"

Sango laughed. "No, I made sure when I picked that out that you ass would still be inside of it, Rin."

Rin laughed and said, "Fine, whatever. Shoes?"

They agreed and Rin changed back into her regular clothes. They paid and left that store, heading to another one. Looking through the shoes section, Rin picked up a pair of black go-go boots.

"Ohh, pretty!" Putting them on, she damn near fell in love with them.

Kagome picked out a pair of black shoes with an open toe and five inch heel that strapped around below her ankle while Sango got a pair of shoes nearly identical to Kagome's only they had a chunkier heel and they strapped right above her ankle.

After buying the shoes, they walked to yet another store for accessories. Kagome found a belt that was three chains hooked together. It rested comfortably low on her hips. Sango got a black choker that had a pink fairy hanging from the end of it. Rin picked out a black Cabbie hat that she pulled sideways over her head.

Satisfied, the three of them took their shopping bags back to Rin's house and ate dinner with her. After that she drove them home and made them promise not to let anyone else see outfits until Friday.

"And then, you two can come over right after school on Friday so we can get ready. Sound good?" She said eagerly.

Sango and Kagome both agreed happily, all three of them excitedly waiting for Friday.