InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Takahashi High ❯ The Plane ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Me no own, so you no sue.

A/N - Out of all the foreign countries I've been to in my life, I have never had the fortune of going to the Bahamas. So, if I mess it up horribly and I make it seem so stupid, I'm sorry. I can tell you about anywhere in the Middle East, but not the Bahamas. Sorry! Oh yeah- The airplane scene. Not don't right? I apologize. I haven't been on a plane in a little over a year, so I'm a little rusty. You've got the general idea, though!

Midnite Wolf: Yay Bahamas! Oo, have fun at your dance! I don't go to dances because I don't go to public/private school, but I just pretend I know what they are like for the fic. teehee Thanks for having so much faith in me!! ^_^ Oof, I was up WAY to late the other night, I nearly fell asleep at the grill at work! But, I was so happy I finally got the chapter up. lol Yeah, newbies and managers are a good idea, but I don't want to be a manager at a food place. lol I'm going to get a new job in a while, but for now, this is as good as I can get. Hm… like a kite and the person flying it… Interesting. I never thought of it that way. =D Good job on your test!! Glad you didn't fail. *hugz* Aww, so glad you liked it! I was mad tired when I finally finished that chapter, but I'm glad it came out well. I agree, Mir/Sang, Inu/Kag, and Sess/Rin go together SO perfectly! Rin's dad does act like a butthead… But I won't say how, you'll just have to see when they get back from The Bahamas! =D lol! Inu is such a dork sometimes! I'm not sure how I'm going to have him propose to Kag, but your idea is great! teehee lol I love your praise! Glad you like my fic so much! ^_^

YasashiiAme: Glad you liked it! Work is just that - Work. hehe But, I'm getting it, so yay. ^_^ I hope you keep reading!

yuyuInuYasha: =D Glad you liked it! Hope you keep reading!

fanficluvr: lol!!! I love your enthusiasm! I'm glad you like it! ^_^ I'm updating as quickly as I can! teehee

~*Ayumi*~: Sorry about your computer! Glad you got to review now. ^_^ teehee Glad you liked the chapter! Ooo!! Have fun in Puerto Rico!!!!! I'm going to Canada this summer. lmao Not as exciting as Puerto Rico, but oh well. =D The job is getting better, though I wish I didn't come home smelling like food. hehe Happy Birthday Dr. Suess!! I love that guy, he wrote the coolest books! lol Have fun with your homework! An essay writing genie would be so cool!! hehe

kaoru-chaness: HOW COOL!!!!! I've never been to the Bahamas, but I so wish I could go! I've just been all over the Middle East. Which was cool, but the Bahamas would be awesome! hehe Well, glad you like the fic! ^_^

Mimiko!: Eeee!! I love cookies! teehee ^_^ I'm so glad you enjoy my fic so much! I know what you mean how some fics make Kagome seem to really hate him. It's pretty annoying! I'm glad that I don't do that, though. =D Well, enjoy the fic!

fluffysprincess: teehee! Glad you like the fic! S'cool about not reviewing sooner, I'm just glad that you did! ^_^ Yay! I love e-mails! lol Well, I just couldn't leave Sango's and Kohaku's father all drunk and stupid. And yeah, Rin's father isn't the bright peanut in the turd. lol Hope you keep reading!

MIztikal_Dragon: teeheehee!! Glad you liked it! Gigglefest? How cool! lol ^_^ Well, I hope you keep reading!!

blood of a wolf: lol!!!!! I'm updating as quickly as I can! hehe Thanks for the review, glad you like it! ^_^

shorty14090: ^_^ Glad you liked the chapter! I'm pretty sure that there is going to be one more proposal. Probably even two. hehe =D

The six teens sat around on their luggage, watching people running to and fro. Kagome yawned for the umpteenth time, causing Inu Yasha to growl and wrap his arm around her, tugging her against him roughly. Kagome game him a tired smile and closed her eyes, leaning on him like a pillow. Rin, like always, was not tired at all, and kept throwing her hand behind her back and saying, "Okay, somebody guess how many fingers I'm holding up!"

Finally, a teacher with a microphone bellowed, "Please line up next to the buses we have here! Bring your luggage over, and we'll store it beneath the bus before we depart for the airport!"

The six teens stood up, after waking Kagome, and pulled their luggage to the first bus. They stored it in the bottom compartments before walking on the bus all the way to the back. They all sat on the left side of the buss, Miroku and Sango in the farthest, Kagome and Inu Yasha next to them, and Sess and Rin next to them. Students around them took the other seats.

Kagome pushed Inu Yasha against the edge of the bus and laid down against his chest. "Why are you so damn tired?" He asked her gruffly as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Mm, because I had a wild night last night with my boyfriend." She mumbled into his hard chest, grinning.

Inu Yasha smirked for half a second before wrenching her forward and saying, "WHAT?"

She began laughing hard. "I was kidding! God, you should see the look on your face!"

Inu Yasha growled and pulled her towards his body roughly, but not enough to hurt her. "You're such a bitch."

Kagome giggled and wrapped her arms around his torso. "And you're an ass. Now hold still."

Inu Yasha growled slightly but situated his body on the seat so Kagome was lying between his legs and against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and gently stroked her side as she napped.

Next to them, Rin had lunged across the top of her seat to tap Sango on the head. Sango looked up quickly. "What?"

Rin giggled as Sess pulled her back into the seat and said, "I just had a thought."

Miroku poked his head up and said, "Hold the phone. You had a thought? Well good God woman, hold on to it or you'll lose it!"

Sango snorted and pushed Miroku back onto the seat as Rin stuck her tongue out at him. "What was your thought, Rin?"

She bounced excitedly on the seat and said, "Potatoes!"

Everyone gave Rin a confused look. Even Kagome opened her eyes sleepily. "What?" Sango asked, trying not to laugh.

"The potatoes might taste differently there! Do you think they will?"

Sango laughed hard as Miroku looked at Rin like she had just sprouted a bunny rabbit out of her head. Sess shook his head and pulled Rin into a sitting position on the seat. "I'm sure that everything will taste the same, Rin."

Rin grinned and jumped on Sess's lap, hugging him round the next. "Out of all my fiance's, you're by far my favorite."

Sess gave her a suspicious look. "When they hell have you had other fiance's? You're seventeen for crying out loud."

Rin grinned and kissed his nose. "I miss Jaken."

Sess shook his head and tightened his grip on her. "I'm sure he misses you, too."

Soon enough, all the students had a seat on one of the buses. Several teachers that were coming along for the ride had entered the buses to do a head count and to make sure that everyone who was supposed to be there, was there, and no one extra. Finally, the buses left the school parking lot. As they rode along to the airport, Rin and Sess discussed marriage plans.

"How soon do you think we should get married?" Rin asked as she braided a piece of Sess's hair.

"I don't know. Soon. But, not soon." He answered as he watched her.

Rin gave him a confused look and giggled. "You aren't making any sense, Sessy."

He grinned. "Well when do you think we should get married?"

She thought for a moment as she began braiding some more of his silver hair. "We should graduate from high school first. It would be nice to get college out of the way first, too, but waiting so long could be annoying. I don't know either." Sess chuckled and kissed her forehead. She grinned and looked up at him. "I still can't believe we're engaged."

He smiled at her and pulled her into a tight hug. "You better get used to it, because you're going to be stuck with me for the rest of your life."

Rin sighed dreamily. "Good."


Sango had her legs draped over Miroku's while she looked out the window. He absently stroked her thighs as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open and he grinned mischievously. Carefully, he brought one hand up to the unsuspecting Sango and groped her breast. She shrieked and turned towards him. She smacked his hand away quickly and shoved him out of the seat. He landed in the aisle and chuckled as he watched her shocked face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She cried as she crossed her arms in front of her.

Miroku dusted off his bottom and sat back down next to her. "Remember last night? I didn't grope you once, therefore allowing me to grope you wherever and whenever I please today."

Sango glared at him. "You are so tactless."

Miroku chuckled and draped her legs back over his own. "I still get to grope you."

Sango rolled her eyes. "It's to early for groping, Miroku."

He shook his head. "I disagree. But, I'll settle for a kiss."

Sango rolled her eyes and leaned forward, intent on giving him a tiny kiss. However, as she pulled away, he continued moving forward, his tongue fiercely moving with hers until she gave in. She eventually did, giving a small sigh of pleasure as he gripped her legs and moved his lips against hers. Miroku smirked into the kiss and pressed her against the back of the seat. When he finally pulled back he muttered against her lips, "Resistance is futile."

She laughed and pushed him back gently. "Now no groping!"

He chuckled and leaned his head back again, closing his eyes. He once again began rubbing her thighs and said, "For now."

Sango laughed and rolled her eyes. She looked back out the window and bit her lip, trying not to smile. She couldn't help it. As strange and perverted as Miroku was, she loved him so much.


Kagome lightly trailed her fingers over Inu Yasha's open palm as he watched her. "Not tired anymore?"

She shook her head. "This bus is moving around to much. Maybe I'll fall asleep on the plane."

Inu Yasha kissed the side of her head and whispered, "Do you realize how much trouble you're in?"

Kagome gave him a confused look. "What are you talking about?"

He grinned. "Ooh yeah, tons of trouble. Every chance I can get you alone, I'm going to ravage you till you can't walk." Kagome shivered involuntarily as her heart sped up. He smirked. "You just wait."

Kagome bit her lip and giggled, silently looking forward to this trip but a tenfold.


The ride to the airport was boring, to say the least. What bus rides aren't boring? When they reached the airport, all the seniors followed the teachers into the airport. They checked their baggage and went through the security. When they finally reached their terminal, they all took their seats and sat around, waiting excitedly. The teachers once again did a head count, and told everyone to check with them before they went anywhere.

Rin, who was sitting between Sess and Kagome suddenly stood up and said, "Ooo!" She told everyone she'd be right back, and hurriedly talked to a teacher. When she finished, she hurried into the tiny food place next door. A few minutes later she came back holding a huge bag of-

"Cotton candy!" Sess groaned.

Rin sat down in her seat, giggling madly. She opened the bag and said, "This stuff is so good! I haven't had it in so long!"

Kagome laughed as Rin shoved a huge piece in her mouth. She took some for her own and handed some to Sango. "Rin, you're hyper enough as it is."

She giggled. "There's no such thing as to much hyperness."

"I beg to differ." Sess muttered. She laughed and stuffed some cotton candy in his mouth.

After they all waited for what seemed like an eternity in the airport, the attendants finally made an announcement, allowing people on board the plane. The teens grabbed their carry-ons and got in the line to board. Their tickets we're checked and they hurriedly boarded the plane. Two flight attendants were greeting them at the entrance of the plane. Or rather, one was greeting, the other was staring. The one who was greeting had dark hair and red eyes, while the one who was staring had very pale hair and dark eyes. Both were very young, probably late twenties.

They quickly hurried to their seats. It ended up being Sango and Kagome next to each other, Rin and Inu Yasha in front of them, and Miroku and Sess in front of them. As Miroku sat down, he turned to look at Sess and said, "What the hell? You're not my girlfriend."

Sess smirked. "No shit, Sherlock."

Miroku laughed and stood up, looking back at Sango. "Well damn! How the hell am I supposed to make out with her when she's all the way back there?"

Rin giggled and stood up. "How long is your tongue?"

Sango laughed and said, "Gross!"

Kagome giggled and stood up. "Okay everyone, musical chairs."

Immediately, the six friends got up and moved. It took a while, considering they had to move around the other passengers, but the final result was Inu Yasha and Kagome, Rin and Sess in front of them, and Miroku and Sango in front of them.

Rin polished off her cotton candy in no time, thanks to Sango and Kagome who kept leaning over the seats to steal some. As everyone on the plane took their seats, the two flight attendants at the front of the plane walked back and forth making sure everyone had stored their bags and were seated correctly. The dark haired stewardess stood at the front of the plane and got everyone's attention.

"Welcome to Rumiko Airlines. We hope that your flight will be a pleasant one. In order to ensure the safety of yourself and those around you, please make sure that your seat is in an upright position, and your food tray is away. Your seatbelts should be buckled correctly. If you are unsure how to buckle your seatbelt, feel free to ask for our help. My name is Kagura, and the other flight attendant is Kanna. Captain Naraku would like to make a quick announcement before we takeoff."

Miroku leaned over to Sango and whispered, "Can you buckle my seatbelt for me?"

Sango rolled her eyes. She snapped his belt, ignoring his smirk, and suddenly grabbed hold of the strap, yanking it hard to tighten it. Miroku yelped and quickly unbuckled the seatbelt.

"Miroku baby, you're supposed to wear your seatbelt." Sango said sweetly.

He shook his head as he loosened it and put it on. "Sheesh woman, what are you trying to do, kill me?"

Sango kissed his cheek and laughed. "That's payback for groping me."

Before he could respond, the captain came over the intercom to make an announcement. "Welcome fellow fliers. I'd first like to congratulate all the seniors from Takahashi High for being able to make a trip down to the Bahamas." A few passengers clapped politely, and Rin stood up, bowing. Sess pulled her back into the seat and chuckled. Captain Naraku continued. "We hope that your stay in the Bahamas will be a pleasant one, and that this is not your last time flying Rumiko Airlines."

As the plane began moving forward down the runway, Kagome quickly gripped Inu Yasha's hand tightly in her own. He looked over at her and smirked. "Scared?"

"No!" She yelped in a high-pitched voice.

He laughed. "Calm down, Kagome. Nothing is going to happen."

She just looked straight ahead and ignored him.

Rin looked back and peered between the seats, giggling. "Look Sessy, Kagome's scared."

Sess chuckled and turned her to face forward. "It's not nice to stare."

She giggled and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Sessy."

He smiled. "I love you too."

"Ah, enough of that mushy crap!" Miroku hollered from in front of them. They laughed as Sango flicked his head. "Ow!"

Inu Yasha smirked at his friends and looked back at his girlfriend who was gripping his hand almost painfully tight and squeezing her eyes shut as the plane picked up speed. He leaned over and kissed next to her ear. "Calm down, it's okay."

Kagome took a deep breath and continued keeping her eyes shut until they were level in the air. She slowly opened one eye and looked around. Inu Yasha chuckled. "See? Nothing happened."

She opened her other eye and looked out the window. Whimpering, she turned to Inu Yasha and said, "Switch places with me!"


"I don't want to look outside!" She hissed frantically.

He chuckled. "Sorry, we can't until the seatbelt sign turns off."

Kagome slowly turned to her boyfriend and whispered, "If you don't switch places with me right now I'm going to chop off your dick and staple it to your forehead."

Inu Yasha's jaw dropped at her words. Kagome never swore like that! He would have laughed if the threat hadn't been directed at him. Quietly, he unbuckled his seatbelt and lifted the armrest up as Kagome unbuckled hers. He gripped her hips, moving her across his lap and scooting into her seat. He set her back into the seat and they buckled their seatbelts again. "Happy?" He asked, still pissed about the threat.

Kagome sighed happily and kissed his gently. "Yes. Thank you."

Inu Yasha nipped at her bottom lip and murmured, "You've got quite a potty mouth."

She laughed. "Hm, and where could I have possibly heard such terrible words from?"

He growled and nipped at her neck. "Bitch."

She giggled. "Ass whole."

He grinned against her neck. "I'll let you get away with this for now, but you're going to pay later." His lips moved back over hers and drove his tongue quickly inside her mouth until she gave in. Kagome complied to the kiss quickly, trying not to smile at her excitement.


Sango looked outside her tiny window as Miroku placed wet kisses on her neck. He latched onto her earlobe, grinning as she shivered slightly. She turned towards him and their lips instantly met. Her eyes fluttered shut happily as she brought one hand up to touch his cheek. When they pulled apart she muttered against his lips, "Did you bring a water bottle?"

He nodded. "In my bag."

She moved from his lips and grabbed his bag beneath the seat in front of him. Miroku chuckled and leaned back against his seat. A second later however, his eyes snapped open as Sango said quickly, "What they hell is this?" Uh oh…

Sango sat up quickly holding several boxes of condoms. "Miroku, what the hell!"

He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. "Uh, protection?"

She glared at him. "This is a school trip, Miroku!" She threw them back into his bag and sat back in her seat, turning away from him.

Miroku leaned forward and whispered huskily into her ear, "Can you blame me?" He kissed the side of her neck and continued. "We've only done it once, and now I've got you in a foreign county, away from adult supervision. Did you honestly think that I wasn't going to take advantage of the situation?"

Sango turned her head slightly to look at him. "There will still be teachers, Miroku."

He chuckled. "But probably not all the time." She looked back out the window and he placed a hot, wet kiss on her neck. "Come on. Are you trying to say that you aren't as excited about the idea as me?" She bit her lip to keep from smiling and he grinned against her neck. "When they say we're going to have a good time, they have no idea how good it will be."

She laughed and turned back towards him. "I think you're the horniest person I've ever met."

He grinned. "Isn't it great?"


Rin turned to Sess and watched him as he looked through his backpack. When he sat back up, he glanced over at his girlfriend, or rather fiance, and smiled at her. "What's up baby?"

She smiled back at him. "When did you buy the ring?"

Sess settled back in his seat and said, "Remember a while ago when I had to leave your house for a while and then come back, and I said I was doing stuff for my dad?"

She nodded and then said, "You lied?"

Sess shook his head. "No. I exaggerated slightly. I was doing stuff for my dad, and I also bought the ring."

She thought for a second before accepting his answer. "What made you decide to get this ring?"

He frowned. "Do you not like it?"

Rin sat up straight and quickly shook her head. "No! I love it! I was just wondering."

Sess smiled at her. "I was looking at all the other rings, and none of them seemed right. But this one, this one was perfect."

Rin leaned forward and kissed him. She pulled back and smiled. "Our wedding is going to be beautiful." He smiled at her. Suddenly her faced brightened. "We could do a theme wedding!"


"Like a Little Mermaid theme!" She said excitedly.

Sess laughed. "Whatever makes you happy, baby."


When the seatbelt sign turned off, Kagome stood up on shaky legs and stepped into the aisle. She told Inu Yasha she was going to the bathroom, but when she passed Sango and Miroku, she motioned for Sango to follow her. Sango detached herself from Miroku and hurriedly walked over to Kagome, who was standing outside of them bathroom.

"What's up?" Sango asked her she put her hair up into a messy bun.

"You know how the Captain made that announcement for all of us?" Kagome asked excitedly.


"Well, we should ask him if he'll make another announcement!"

"What kind of announcement?"

"One for Sess and Rin." She said, grinning.

Sango grinned widely. "That would be so cool!"

Just then, Kagura walked over to them. "Do you two need anything?"

Kagome nodded her head. "Actually, we were hoping we could talk to the captain."

Kagura raised her eyebrows at her. "We normally only let younger children into the cockpit."

"We wanted to ask him if he'd make another announcement for a friend of ours." Sango said quickly.

Kagura pursed her lips before answering. "Go take your seats, I'll talk to him about it and then come back with the answer."

"Okay, but we can't let our friend here."

She nodded and walked away. The two of them walked back to their seats, grinning, hoping that he'd agree.

A few minutes later, Kanna walked up to Sango and asked her to come with her. Sango motioned for Kagome to follow, and the two of them followed the quiet stewardess to the front of the plane where Kagura was waiting.

"The captain says he has no problem with the announcement as long as it's tasteful."

"It is!" Kagome said quickly, grinning.

Kagura nodded and said, "Follow me, then." She knocked on the door of the cockpit and opened it slowly. "Captain Naraku?"

"Ah Kagura. You have the girls?"

She nodded and stepped aside, letting Sango and Kagome walk inside. It was pretty cool being inside the cockpit, although Kagome looked everywhere but outside of the plane.

The captain turned around in his seat as the co-pilot next to him glanced over his shoulder. "It's nice to meet you. This is the copilot, Onigumo." Sango and Kagome shook each other their hands as Kagura left. "So what's this announcement you want us to say?" He asked them.

"Well, last night our friend Sess proposed to his girlfriend, and our other friend, Rin. We were hoping you could congratulate them or something." Sango explained.

He gave a small smile. "Sounds great. Any particular time you want us to leave the message?"

Kagome shrugged. "Any time would be great."

"What's your names?" Onigumo called over his shoulder.

"I'm Sango, and this is Kagome." Sango introduced quickly.

Naraku smiled. "We'll be sure to make the announcement. Probably pretty soon, too."

They both them the pilot and co-pilot and went back to their seats. Inu Yasha and Miroku tried to ask what they had done, but Rin and Sess were to close that they'd be able to hear.


After a while, Rin had stood up to go use the bathroom. She had left her shoes, and so when Sess noticed, he grabbed them and walked over to her while she waited for a vacant stall.

"You should put your shoes back on, Rin." He said when he was next to her.

She pouted but began putting her shoes back on. Suddenly, Captain Naraku came over the intercom.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We will be reaching our destination in approximately one hour. We hope the ride so far has been a pleasant one. And on a side note, we'd like to congratulate Sess and Rin, who are engaged as of last night. How about a round of applause for the lovely couple."

Rin began giggling as the passengers began clapping, and she bowed deeply. Sess pulled Rin towards him and kissed her temple, grinning. Some female passengers said "Awww!" loudly, causing Rin to laugh.

When the bathroom opened, Rin went inside of it and Sess waited for her. When she came back out the two of them walked to their seats, grinning at their friends.

"Whose idea was that?" Sess asked as he sat down.

Sango and Kagome leaned over the seats. "You're welcome." They said in unison.

Rin laughed and stood up, hugging both of them. "That was so sweet!"

An older woman walked over to them, tugging on an older mans hand. "Excuse me, but we had a question for the pair of you." She said to Rin and Sess.

"Yes?" Sess asked as Rin laced her fingers through his.

"Are you pregnant?" The old man asked loudly, pointing at Rin.

She looked startled and Sango and Kagome began laughing at the shocked look on her face. "No, I'm not."

The woman smacked her husband's arm. "See Frank? I told you people got married because they were in love, and not only because the girl is pregnant!"

He glared at his wife. "Are you sure you aren't pregnant?"

Rin tapped her chin. "Well I just finished my period, so I'm pretty sure."

The older couple looked shocked at that and scurried away, still arguing. Sango and Kagome laughed again.

"Old people are weird." Inu Yasha mumbled as he held onto Kagome's hips, trying to tug her back into her seat.

Sango laughed, but suddenly a loud and obnoxious farting noise was heard, causing her to blush and screech, "Miroku you freak!"

He laughed and said, "I'm sorry, but your stomach was just there, asking to be blown on!"

She quickly sat back down, covering her stomach. "I swear, you were dropped on your head as a baby."

He grinned at her and nuzzled her neck.


An hour later, Captain Naraku made one final announcement.

"It is approximately 4:31 in the afternoon, and 82 degrees Fahrenheit with humidity. We hope that you enjoyed your trip, and that your stay in the Bahamas is a pleasant one. Thank you for flying Rumiko Airlines."

The plane landed with no problems, except for Kagome who nearly burst into ears when her ears popped. Rin handed her a pack of gum and Inu Yasha watched in amusement as she began chewing every piece in the package. He quickly stopped her before she ate the wrappers.

When the plane pulled to a stop at the terminal, they all gathered their bags and the teachers lined them up and told them to stick together and follow them as they left the plane, the excitement in the air thick enough to cut with a knife.