InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Takahashi High ❯ Sexaholics ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Me no own, so you no sue. M'kay?

A/N - I hope you all enjoy this. It would have been out earlier, but I just spent the better half an the evening consoling a distraught friend on her family troubles, so I was unexpectedly delayed. Hope it's still enjoyable, though! ^_^

Warning: I think you can gather from the title that this chapter will be naughty. teehee

YasashiiAme: ^_^ Yay!!!!! Glad you liked the chapter!! ^_^ Urg, stupid work! I almost got yelled at, but luckily someone dropped some glass plates on the floor, shattering them, so I got off the hook! Muhahahahaha! Well actually, I had to clean up the plates. *grumbles* lol Hope you keep reading!!

LSIE: AHH!!! I can't stand it when people jump in elevators! My younger brother does that, and he did it when we were in Vegas a few years ago and I almost cried because I was so scared. lol *shakes head* I'm a wuss! Hooray for reviews!!! ^_^ Perverts are fun!!! Er, that came out weird… O.o lol Enjoy!!

anhimals: Glad you liked it, and GLAD you can't kill me! lol hehe Hope you keep reading!!! ^_^

Nagasaki: Yay! Glad you liked it! ^_^ Hope you keep reading!

Lea_D: Of course I missed you. ^_^ Ah well, I kind of rushed everything because a few people were getting a bit antsy for them to get back together. lol Hope you keep reading! ^_^

fluffysprincess: hehehe Glad you're enjoying the fic!!! ^_^ Hope you keep reading!

Mimiko: lol! Thichheaded sex addicts. teehee That's funny. But yay, back together!! ^_^ Well, hope you keep reading!!

fanficluvr: lol Oh come on, it's like Christmas. If I tell you early, then it won't be a surprise when it happens! But if you REALLY want to know, and you swear you won't tell anyone…. Maybe I could e-mail it to you or something. But then it won't be a surprise!! hehe This chapter answers the `how long will they be in the Bahamas' question. ^_^ Sort of… I think… Bah, I don't know. Hope you keep reading!! ^_^

Amber Wolf: hehe Yay! Glad you liked it, hope you keep reading! ^_^

Midnite Wolf: Thanks for the review, good luck on your exams, and have fun with bball season!! Is that baseball? lol I'm assuming it is, but it could be basketball, too. I'm not good at sports, so I don't know. ^_^ hehe

Higurashi Kagome: lol All the really's are funny. ^_^ Hope you keep reading!! hehe

Ravenz2008: ^_^ Yay!!! Glad you liked it! hehe Hope you keep reading, thanks for the praise!

MIztikal_Dragon: ^_^ Glad you liked it, and hope you keep reading! Go Inu Yasha and Kagome!!! ^_^

ang3lic_pl4ya: Yay! Glad you like it so much! ^_^ Hope you keep reading!!

Naotas Lover: I love music! lol I don't feel to well, so I don't know how much sense I'll be making. But Chevelle is awesome!! ^_^ Hope you keep reading!

i want kirara: Glad you like my fic, and sorry you're grounded!! What do you mean by `something' with Sango and Miroku? Like, break-ups, or like what's going on with Sess and Rin? Because this ends a happy fic, so… Good stuff will happen… teehee Anywho, San/Mir are my favorite couples, too! ^_^ Hope you keep reading!

Rain B: hehe Yay! Glad you liked it! ^_^ Hope you keep reading!

As the days went on, the closer to the end of their trip drew nearer. The seniors spent more and more time looking for information on the Bahamas, and less and less time lounging around with nothing to do. That's not to say that they weren't enjoying themselves, however. It was the Bahamas, after all! The sights they saw and the places they went were still enjoyable and interesting. But the fact that they were still working instead of playing was on all the students mind, so when Ms. Tsuyu informed them at breakfast one morning three days before it was time for them to leave that they had the day to themselves, they all rejoiced.

The six friends immediately decided on going to the beach, since they hadn't been there for a few days. So they quickly finished eating, changed into their swim things, and rushed down to the beach. After nearly an hour of fooling around in the water, the three girls retreated back to the sand to sunbathe, and the three guys joined in a football game.

As the three girls laid in the sun, Kagome asked, "Anyone seen Hojo around?"

Sango snorted in amusement and Rin said, "No. Either he's avoiding us or got someone else to check our floor. Why? Are you looking for him?"

Kagome shook her head. "No, but I was hoping that I could apologize to him if I happened to see him."

Sango flipped onto her stomach and sighed. "Don't bother, he's probably still scared of Inu Yasha."

Kagome sighed and closed her eyes as Rin laughed. The three of them laid in silence, each with their eyes closed and in their own world. Suddenly, Sango shrieked and Rin and Kagome opened their eyes and sat up quickly. Miroku was standing over Sango with a perverted grin on his face holding an ice cream cone. Wait, scratch that, no ice cream, just the cone. Looking down, Rin and Kagome saw the ice cream on Sango's back, melting quickly.

"Oh my God that's cold! Miroku what the hell is wrong with you?!" Sango yelled as she tried to get up.

Miroku quickly sat down next to her and held her down. "It was an accident Sango, I swear." He leaned down and licked some of the ice cream off her back.

Kagome and Rin howled with laughter and Sango blushed. "What the hell are you doing, Miroku?"

He smirked against her back. "I can't let good ice cream go to waste, now can I?"

She struggled to get up, but Miroku's strong hands held her down. He licked her back again and nipped at the skin when she continued struggling. Sango gasped and blushed. Kagome and Rin leapt to their feet and Rin said, "We'll leave you two alone!" Before Sango could respond, the two of them took off to find Sess and Inu Yasha while laughing.

Sango smacked her head down on her towel and sighed. Miroku just grinned and went back to eating the ice cream. "Oh, get off!" Sango yelled, trying to get up again.

Miroku pinched her backside to still her actions. "Hold still, damnit! I want my ice cream."

Sango shook her head and propped herself up on her elbows to turn her head to look at him. "Well you should have thought of that before you dropped it on me!"

Miroku just grinned and said, "This will go a lot quicker if you'd stop moving around so much."

Before Sango could respond, the two of them were suddenly drenched in water by Rin and Kagome, who had miraculously found a couple of buckets. Needless to say, the seawater washed the blop of ice cream off Sango's back. Sango gasped and leapt to her feet, quickly followed by Miroku. She glared at her two friends who were bent over from laughing so hard. "You're all insane!" Sango screamed, squeezing out her hair.

Rin, finally controlling her laughter, looked up to answer Sango, but suddenly spotted a group of hickeys on her thigh. Giggling again, she pointed to them and said, "Where did those come from, Sango?"

Sango gave her a confused look and glanced down. Seeing the dark hickeys, she turned to Miroku looking pissed. Miroku's grin fell and he gulped visibly. "Uh… Baby?"

Sango screamed and ran after Miroku, who had the sense to begin running half a second before her. "You freakin pervert!!! What the hell is wrong with you!!!"

"They're love marks, baby!" He screamed back, running from his enraged girlfriend.

Sango screamed again.

Rin and Kagome fell to the ground from laughing so hard. Sess and Inu Yasha walked over to them looking confused and amused. "What's up?" Sess asked as he wrapped his arms around Rin.

She giggled and kissed his cheek. "I love the beach."

Sess grinned and shook his head. "Want to go back up to the hotel, babe?"

She agreed and began gathering her things as Kagome laid back down on her towel. Inu Yasha sat next to her and watched as she rubbed suntan lotion over her legs.


Rin and Sess carried her things back to the hotel. They dropped them off in her room, and right as Sess was about to pull her into an embrace for a kiss, she tapped his nose and whispered, "Tag, you're it!"

Sess blinked twice as Rin took off out of her room and down the hall. He shook his head and chuckled before leaving the room in search of his fiance. He could hear her as she ran around the corners, giggling madly and occasionally stumbling over her own two feet, but he continued walking at a slow pace, a grin playing on his face. As he was about to go around another corner, he heard her fumbling with a key before letting herself in a room. He rounded the corner to realize she had gotten into his room. But how? He had the key. He absently brought one hand down to the pocket it was supposed to be in on the side of his swim shorts, only to feel the key missing. She must have taken it when she touched my nose. He thought, walking over to his room. But how had he not noticed? Shrugging, he knocked on the door. He could hear Rin giggling on the other side of the door.

"Can I help you?" She asked sweetly.

He shook his head. "Open up, baby."

Rin peered through the peephole and said, "But why? If I open the door then you might ravish me!"

Sess smirked. "And you don't want that?"

Rin giggled and opened the door slowly. She backed away when Sess made a grab for her and he growled slightly. Closing the door behind him he stalked over to Rin, watching her with a seductive look in his eyes. Rin grinned and jumped on his bed and placed her hands on her hips.

"Sessy, do you know who lives in a pineapple under the sea?"

Sess grabbed hold of her hips and forced her onto her bed. Kneeling over her he muttered, "I don't care."

Rin giggled but suddenly gasped as Sess began nibbling on her neck. She ran her fingers through his long silver hair and closed her eyes as Sess mouthed behind her ear. He spread her legs with his knees, pressing himself against her bikini-covered body.


Sango held her side as she scanned the area for her idiot boyfriend. He had run behind a group of teens, and by the time she made it over there, he was gone again. Huffing angrily, she was about to walk back to her friends when she was suddenly grabbed around the waist and pulled underneath a tree. Twisting her head she saw it was Miroku, smirking. He pressed his body against her own and whispered seductively in her ear, "Forgive me?"

She turned her head to glare at him, but he quickly captured her lips in his own. Try as she might to be angry with him, as his tongue slipped past her lips, all coherent thought flew out of her head. His hands rested modestly on her hips, though he slipped his fingers beneath the edge of her suit to gently caress her flesh.

When he pulled back from the kiss he pulled her towards the hotel, smirking to himself when she held onto his hand, following silently. In the elevator he held her in front of him again, kissing the back of her neck as she closed her eyes. When the elevator stopped, he pulled the two of them into her room and had her against the wall in a matter of seconds, placing open-mouthed kisses all over her neck. She gasped in surprise, but the gasp turned into a moan as his fingers grazed over her nipples.


Inu Yasha sat next to Kagome, watching intently as she rubbed suntan lotion over herself. Kagome was completely oblivious to the way he was nearly panting, and not even blinking for fear he would miss something. She closed the bottle and was about to lie down when Inu Yasha's hand suddenly found hers and he stood up.

"Let's go for a walk." He said.

She smiled and stood up. The two of them walked hand in hand along the beach, Kagome unaware of the fact that Inu Yasha was leading them to an area on the beach that wasn't as populated with people. He grinned as he looked around, his insides jumping when he realized that a group of trees a short distance away would shield them completely from anyone else. He put an arm around her waist, idly stroking the oily flesh as he led her to the trees.

He sat down and pulled Kagome into his lap, his lips instantly finding hers when she was settled. He brought a hand up and squeezed her breast to let her know what she wanted and she gasped. Pulling away from the kiss she panted, "But we're in public!"

He smirked at her and tugged her close to her, letting her feel his rock hard arousal against her thigh. "And your point is?"

Before Kagome could respond, he was kissing her passionately again, his tongue slipping past her lips quickly.


Rin moaned as Sess kissed his way down to her breasts as he untied the straps to her bikini top. He pulled it away from her body as he latched his teeth onto her right nipple, letting his other hand squeeze and tease the twin breast. She ran her hands over his back and through his hair, panting and gasping as his tongue flicked over her nipple teasingly.

Satisfied with his work, he switched to the other nipple, becoming even harder as Rin moaned and tightened her grip on his shoulders. He slipped a free hand down her body and beneath her swimsuit, prodding her heat with two fingers to test her wetness. Sess groaned as he felt her slick folds when she bucked against his hand.

He quickly detached himself from her nipples and kissed her lips harshly as his other hand slipped down her body to remove the bottom of her swimsuit. Rin's hands slid down his firm chest. When they came to the edge of his swim shorts, she grinned and lowered one hand to his growing erection. She could feel the bulge through the material and giggled when he pulled away from the kiss, panting.


Sango squeaked into the kiss in surprise as Miroku grabbed onto her backside and firmly squeezed. He pressed himself up against her and moaned when his arousal touched her heat. Turning her head away from the kiss, Sango panted as he continued to kiss her neck.

"Miroku, the bed is just a few feet away."

Miroku smirked and quickly freed himself of his swim shorts. He tugged her bikini bottom off her body and moved her legs to get her to step out of it.

"Why use the bed when I can take you right here." Was all he replied before kissing her again, wrapping his arms around her body. He brought a hand down to her bare backside and squeezed again, almost chuckling when she gasped in surprise.


Inu Yasha shifted Kagome around so he was on top of her and laid her down onto the soft sand. He slowly began removing her bikini bottom, hoping she wouldn't try to stop him anymore. With that article of clothing out of the way, Inu Yasha's hands leisurely trailed over her smooth body. He brought her knees up so he was lying between her legs, his arousal directly against her center. Kagome placed her hands on his chest and pulled back from the kiss.

"What if… Someone one sees?" She panted, her eyes hazy with lust.

Inu Yasha shook his head and said, "Stop worrying, no one will see."

Kagome bit her lip in apprehension but didn't try to deter Inu Yasha as he began pulling his own swim shorts down. He kissed her lips sweetly to reassure her, but growled when she pulled away.

"Condom. We don't have any condoms." Inu Yasha chuckled and pulled a condom from a small pocket on his shorts.

She rolled her eyes and giggled. "What, did you plan this or something?"

He chuckled. "Nope, I'm just always prepared."


Rin stroked Sess's manhood a few times before he pulled her hands away and held them above her head. "If you do that again, we're going to have a mess."

Rin laughed and lifted her hips against his own, loving the way his eyes fell shut and he began panting again. The two of them quickly removed his swim shorts and began kissing again. She could feel the tip of his manhood against her heat and she pulled back from the kiss, slightly panicked. "Wait! We need a-"

Sess groaned and moved off of her. "Damn, I almost forgot." He grabbed a condom from his bag, his erection almost painful and slid it on, full aware that Rin was watching. Smirking, he turned back to his fiance and walked over to the bed, resuming his position.

Sess's lips hovered above her own, their breath mingling together. In one swift motion, Sess was completely inside of her. He moaned at the way her muscles tightened around his member and her fingers held tightly onto his biceps.


Miroku kissed his girlfriend harshly as his hands fumbled between them with opened the condom. He pulled back from the kiss, cursing. "Open, damn you!"

Sango laughed and took it from him. She tore open the package and pulled out the condom. "It's really not that hard." Before Miroku could respond, Sango had placed the condom on the tip of his manhood and slowly slid it down his member. He moaned as her tiny fingers delicately touched him and leaned his head forward, kissing her shoulder.

When the condom was in place, he grabbed hold of her hips and lifted her up. Sango placed her hands on his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist as he positioned himself at her entrance.

"I love you, Sango." He said, looking into her eyes.

She leaned forward and kissed him gently. "I love you too. Now hurry up before I go insane."

Miroku smirked and quickly impaled her body. Sango threw her head back and gasped out loud. Miroku's lips instantly attached to Sango's neck, kissing the exposed flesh.


Inu Yasha quickly opened the slightly damp package and pulled out the condom. He put it on and situated himself at Kagome's entrance, looking in her eyes. She bucked slightly and panted, wanting him as much as he wanted her. Inu Yasha grinned and leaned down to kiss her. Their lips met in a fierce kiss as Kagome tried to urge him inside of her. When he still made no move to enter her himself, Kagome pulled away and pleaded, "Inu Yasha…"

He grinned and slowly, very slowly, began pushing his way inside of her. He stopped when he was almost completely inside of her and Kagome bucked harshly. That movement, along with her muscles squeezing around his member, caused him to hit her G-spot and the both of them moaned into each other.


Sess pulled out of his fiance and pumped into her quickly as she wrapped her legs around his body. He ran his hands up and down her body as she ran her fingers through his hair, their bodies moving together. The two of them were building to quickly, so Sess suddenly stopped him movements and slid completely out of his fiance. She cried out in need and reached for him. Sess grinned and pushed back into her, moaning as her she placed wet kisses on his neck.

He began a slower pace, building them back up to the orgasm, only not so quickly. Sess moved in and out of Rin's slick entrance easily, only her muscles tightening around him more and more were making it slightly harder. She met him thrust for thrust, arching off the bed to feel him deeper inside of her. They orgasm was building again, and Rin tightened her grip on him, as if afraid he was going to pull away again.


Miroku's hands caressed Sango's smooth bottom as he lifted her up and down over his member. Sango panted heavily and rested her head on his shoulder, kissing his neck as they moved together. Her hands help onto him tightly to keep her balance so she didn't topple over from his powerful thrusts. They could feel the desired orgasm approaching fast and Miroku quickened his pace. Sango threw her head back at the added speed and Miroku began sucking on her neck again. Sango forced her head back up to meet Miroku's lips with her own and they passionately kissed as they waited for the climax.


Inu Yasha gradually began moving faster as Kagome mewed softly. She ran her hands over his body, trying to urge him to go faster. This slow movement was torture, although she wouldn't have been able to say anything intelligible at the moment no matter how hard she tried.

Inu Yasha groaned at his girlfriend's touches, and finally gave in to her silent pleading. Hr suddenly began moving in and out of her faster and faster, falling in love with her moans and gasps. His teeth grazed over her shoulder, not harder enough to break the skin, but hard enough that she felt it and shivered in delight. The two of them kissed fervently as their climax built, their tongues dancing together as their hands roved over each other's sweaty body.


Sess pounded into Rin once more before their came together. She cried out in please as he moaned. His hands held onto him tightly as they rode the wave of ecstasy together. The two of them saw stars and were left breathless. Going slack, Rin's hands fell to them bed and she panted, exhausted. Sess pulled out of her to get rid of the condom before lying next to his fiance, nuzzling her neck.

"Sessy, do you know who lives in a pineapple under the sea?" Rin asked after controlling her breathing.

Sess chuckled and kissed her neck. "Sponge Bob. Now stop asking me that."

Rin giggled and turned her head to kiss him. "You're a silly goose."

Sess cocked an eyebrow at Rin and chuckled again.


Miroku slammed Sango onto him almost painfully hard as the climax hit. She gasped in pleasure, but was cut off as Miroku's lips claimed her own. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled off of them, and when it was over, Sango slumped over her boyfriend, completely spent. Miroku held onto her and teetered towards her bed. Dropping her onto it, Miroku laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"How is it that I ended up having sex with you when I planned on yelling at you?" Sango asked, trying to catch her breath.

Miroku grinned. "I'm gifted, I know."

Sango rolled her eyes and giggled. "Shut up."


Inu Yasha and Kagome climaxed one right after the other, their cries and moans mixing together. They both felt the pleasure in the powerful climax, although Kagome felt something different about this. She couldn't quite place what it was, so just ignored the feeling as she experienced the pleasure with the man she loved.

The two of them stayed in each other's arms when it was over, panting. They slowly caught their breath and Inu Yasha gripped Kagome's waist in his hands and slid out of her. Kagome looked down to see their bodies separate, and her breath suddenly caught in her throat at what she saw. She heard Inu Yasha's sharp intake of breath and she knew he saw it to.

The condom broke.