InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Taken ❯ Rescue ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 3: Rescue

I do not own Inuyasha or the characters therein; all rights go to Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions

Inuyasha flung open the door, the hinges creaking briefly before it completely fell off of its rusted hinges, crashing to the floor with a rattling thud, the silence from Kagome scaring him to the core. His eyes turned red with his anger and taste for blood as he raced in and dragged the psychotic man off of Kagome. “You are going to die, bastard.” He growled, gripping his imminent victim by the throat as his face gained stripes and his fangs grew a few inches, this monster was going to pay. The tearing of his flesh made Inuyasha’s blood boil with enthusiasm as he sliced everywhere with deep incisions. The blood was pooling at the man’s feet, but Inuyasha would not relent. All he could think was ‘Its not enough! As he tore through fragile flesh, and bone, the man was completely dead, but Inuyasha wasn’t done, he was going to make sure he was unrecognizable before he relented to his vengeful side and just made sure the man was dead and stayed that way.
He realized at some point that he had to release his attention from the monster that had torn Kagome’s flesh, and just take her and run he tore the man’s neck until his head nearly came clean off, and dropped him as if he were no more than a bag of rocks. His bloodlust subsided and he transformed back into the hanyou Kagome knew and loved, and lifted her with as much care as if he were carrying a newborn child. He raced like a tornado to the well, knowing that she would die if he didn’t do something about the poison, because if he didn’t, no amount of modern medicine would save her. Koga would have been green with envy at the speed Inuyasha was exhibiting, leaping from rooftop to rooftop with ease as he landed in Kagome’s backyard, racing to the well as he carried his burden, the only thought in his mind being that if he didn’t get there soon she would die. He didn’t realize that his tears were streaking his face and dropping on the ground behind them. He burst into the well house and leapt down, clutching her to his chest gently. He watched the blue light barely fade as he leapt out of the well with ease, landing on his feet and not taking half a second to get his bearings as he headed to Kaede’s hut. He burst in, his chest heaving with his unheeded sobs as he screamed for Kaede at the top of his lungs. She hobbled in and suddenly rushed as fast as her old feet could carry her. Her eyes lit upon Kagome’s broken form, and her eyes widened at the sight.
“Inuyasha, what has happened to Kagome?” she spluttered as she led him to a futon where she treated her patients, and listened as Inuyasha told her what the bastard had used on her to keep her from fighting or using her miko powers. Inuyasha felt like his heart was being torn out as he told her what he’d come in to see, and what he’d done to the man who’d done this to Kagome.
Kaede set to work getting the herbs for the antidote together as Inuyasha rushed to get Kagome’s first aid kit from her time to staunch the bleeding. He was so afraid that she’d die if he didn’t get the bleeding stopped. He leapt into her window to find her mother standing there, staring at her daughter’s yellow backpack, and he tore it from her fingers yelling that he would explain later, and leapt out of the window again, practically tearing holes in the pavement as he raced to the well. He leapt down and back out before the light even faded, and raced to her side. Her eyes were closing as a look of ‘What’s happening to me?’ appeared in her velvet eyes through the stream of tears.
“Don’t worry, Kagome, we’re going to take care of you, you’ll be fine, I promise.” He whispered as he kissed her face, his tears falling into her wounds. “I love you.” He finished softly as he stroked her blood soaked hair.
Her eyes closed to his face, his long silver hair, and his beautiful lips, and his golden eyes glimmering with tears, ‘Did I hear him right? Did he just say he loves me?’ Tears fell from her eyes, and for the first time today, they were joyous tears, and she hoped that he knew that. It had been something she wanted to hear since she was fifteen. She thought it may have been the drug, but she was so sure it was honestly him, she prayed to Kami he was truly saying what she thought he was saying. Suddenly, she was floating, and all she could hear was his heart pounding beside her. A bitter taste filled her mouth and she swallowed the biting flavor down, practically gagging as she did. She covered her mouth quickly, and sobbed as the pain flooded back. She suddenly felt the warm arms of a very worried hanyou around her, wrapping her in his warmth. She felt the relief flooding her as she clutched his hakama in her fingers as she sobbed brokenly into his chest. He picked her up and carried her to the well and told her that she had to go to the ‘hospital’ thing she’d told him about to get treated for her wounds, because she’d lost so much blood. She clutched his hakama again, and they leapt down the well. He’d put his haori on her at some point to cover her, she realized as she began to feel dizzy again, the world was swimming in front of her as he carried her to the shrine, since she’d shown him how to get to the hospital when they’d been walking around town one day. He was there with her, carrying her to her home and grabbing his most despised piece of clothing she’d ever provided him, and took her from home to the hospital with speed even Koga couldn’t match. He rushed in as she lost consciousness, and screamed for a ‘doctor’ as she dripped large droplets of blood on the floor.