InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tear Drops ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tear Drops
By: DarkCrystalis
Lime content warning!! Not suggested for younger readers!!
Chapter Nine

As Sango walked down the stairs the next morning, she was filled with dread. Something told her that Miroku announced their newly established relationship with the entire household and the first thing she'd be hearing is cat-calls in reference to what may have happened the night before—from Inuyasha and Kagome, as well as Rin; Sesshoumaru wasn't the teasing type.
Sango had ended up going out with Miroku, deciding to ditch the movie in favour of coffee and good conversation—the conversation in question being about their high school years, which brought up old memories. In the end, Miroku had asked her out, professing that his fuck ups shouldn't prevent him from having another chance with her. Sango had relented, of course, accepting his proposal before they'd left the coffee shop.
Their night was over once they got in the door—everyone else was asleep, it seemed. Following suit, they gave one another a quick goodnight kiss before disappearing in their bedrooms to retire for the evening.
When Sango walked into the kitchen, Kagome waved at her as she cooked breakfast for herself while Rin munched on a bowl of cereal and milk. Miroku was reading a newspaper at the kitchen table across from Rin and seemingly didn't notice her presence. Nothing seemed out of place.
This is weird, Sango couldn't help but think as silence reigned over the kitchen. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru had left for work while Miroku lazed about in the house, deciding to take some time off, it appeared.
“Good morning, Sango dear,” Miroku purred, getting up from his seat to wrap an arm around her shoulders.
“Don't touch her, leach, or you'll get a morning wake-up call like never before,” Rin stated evilly with a smirk on her face before stuffing another spoonful of cereal into her mouth.
“And what would you know, Rin? Perhaps things have changed recently between Sango and I,” Miroku retorted with a face of softened defiance.
Sango's face flushed light pink as she elbowed him seconds after his bold statement. Kagome, from near the stove, began to laugh uncontrollably.
“Pigs will fly in the skies before anything happens between you and Sango,” Kagome managed to say in-between her giggles. “Sango deserves to be with someone that isn't a pervert in every way possible,” she added as an afterthought.
“Well Kagome, you'd better look out that window, because if I'm seeing things correctly, there's a large fat pink pig with pristine white wings flying near the glass pane.”
The look on Kagome's face was memorable enough, but Rin's reaction was priceless.
The cereal she'd had in her mouth was spewed all over the table, a look of sudden sickness crossing her features. Somehow, her unfinished cereal bowl had been flipped over as she abruptly got up from her chair, moving toward Sango. Weakly grabbing onto her sleeve, Rin's face was pale.
“Is he serious? Are you two…serious?” Rin asked suddenly, feeling awfully shocked and awed.
At first, Sango didn't know what to say, but who could blame her? Her two best friends stared at her with uncertainty and disbelief, their mouths hung open unintentionally. Sango's initial reaction was to laugh and to remark that their faces resembled fish, but she held the comment back for the sake of their sanity.
“Well, I don't know,” Sango mumbled while turning away from their intense gazes.
“You did it with the pervert?!” Kagome practically screamed in frustration, more as a statement than a question. “Are you insane? What if he got you pregnant? Are you ready to carry on a line of morons and womanizers?”
Although Kagome was obviously going overboard, the thought made me feel sick to my stomach.
“No, I didn't do anything with him. We just talked,” Sango amended, smiling at the memory from the night before.
“Yeah right,” Rin spoke, grinning all the while. “A woman who hasn't had any since high school isn't going to hold back when she's got a good opportunity, even if it is with Miroku, of all men…”
A friendly slap across Rin's arm echoed in the room as Sango's face darkened. “You stop that this second! I said we just talked…”
Kagome rolled her eyes disbelievingly. “I don't believe you.”
Sango caved. “Okay, he kissed me, big deal!” Her face reddened more with each passing moment.
Rin oohed and ahhed, smiling approvingly while Kagome had a satisfied smirk on her face.
“Actually,” Miroku added slyly, “Sango was the one to kiss me.”
Rin and Kagome high-fived each other while Sango's none-too-friendly smack resounded in the kitchen. “See if we'll ever kiss again after that!”
“Sango deaaaarrrr!” Miroku whined as she walked upstairs.
“You need to know which battles to lose, Miroku,” Rin whispered as Sango wandered out of sight.
A couple hours later, Sango heard light tapping on her bedroom door. Rolling her eyes, she yelled, “What do you want, pervert?”
When he didn't reply, Sango grinned, knowing she'd shocked him. “How did you do that?!” he asked, paranoia settling around him.
“Call it a girl's intuition; we can smell sex-crazed men from afar,” was her swift reply as she unlocked her door.
“Did you want something, Miroku?”
He'd wanted something, but once Miroku assessed her beautiful body casually dressed in sweat pants and a cleavage-revealing tank top, words vanished from his lips. Sweat trickled from her neck, glistening her chest and upper arms.
“What have you been doing in here which requires you to sweat so much?” Miroku mused aloud, his mind already working up dirty scenarios.
“I usually do a brief work-out before singing; it helps get blood pumping in my body and allows me to do a better job when vocalizing.”
“Your band gathering thing is coming up, isn't it? I guess I forgot about it.”
“It isn't a `band gathering' Miroku; it's so much more than that. It resembles something akin to a Battle of Bands. This is a big deal for us… if we make it in one the top three spots, we could have a record deal and begin performing all over in only a few months' time…” Her eyes became dream-like as she spoke, and Miroku could tell she wanted this badly. All too soon, however, she snapped back to reality and gave him a brief smile. “You needed something, right?”
“Is there anything I can do? To help you with the Battle of Bands ordeal, I mean… Anything at all, really… I can see this means the world to you, Sango.” His face was serious as he stared into her eyes and Sango could do nothing but stare back.
“Uhm… just give me the time off work. I really need to practice between now and the next week or two; the same goes for Rin and Kagome. We're all in this together.”
Without thinking, Miroku grasped her shoulders and pulled her towards his chest. His arms enveloped her, holding her close as his head rested by hers. Tentatively, Sango's hands worked their way around his back and they shared an embrace. He wanted to tell her he'd be there for her, no matter what hardships she would be forced to go through, but didn't know how. Miroku hoped this would show her how much he cared.
Sango sighed gently against his neck, her warm breath giving him tiny shivers up his spine. Her grip on him strengthened, silently telling him not to let go.
Although things were innocent enough at first, they heated up quickly. Before long, Miroku couldn't help remembering their last intimate encounter by the elevators at the Taisho building.
His mouth ravaging her lips and gently nibbling at her neck afterward, their hips grinding against one another with an urgency which tightened his suit pants…
Taking Sango's hand, he none-too-gently dragged her to the bed and plopped down beside her seconds later. He rolled on top of her, being careful as he did so, never breaking contact with Sango's body. Miroku's lips brushed hers, softly at first, but growing feverish as her nails traced his clothed back.
“Miroku,” she whispered into his lips as she kissed him, her tongue gliding into his mouth. “We shouldn't,” Sango nearly moaned as he freed one of his hands to play with her covered breast.
“Why not? I know you want to,” his mischievous smile was back as her nipple hardened under his teasing fingers. He began to work on the other as she cried out in delight.
“This is torture,” Sango mumbled as her back arched backward, suddenly dreading her thin tank top and cotton bra.
“Then lets move things along,” Miroku purred in her ear, making her tremble with anticipation, and for once she didn't object.
As Miroku tugged upwards on her shirt to remove it, he silently cheered that Sango was okay with his ministrations. It seemed like he'd finally be getting some…
Once her tank top was tossed to the ground, he admired her cleavage by gently gliding his fingers over the perfect skin. Bending down, he traced tiny kisses all over the top of her breasts, loving every moment before moving down to her flat stomach. He kissed everywhere he could, seeing every part of her as nothing short of perfect.
Sango merely kept her head pinned to the bed, her hands fisted in his hair as he continued his pleasurable assault. When he began to kiss her stomach, she giggled—the sensation was ticklish, yet enjoyable.
“You're very sexy when you giggle like that, Sango,” Miroku groaned as he came back to her slightly pouted lips, kissing them thoroughly. “I want you very much right now.”
However, Miroku wasn't going to move along quickly—the last thing he wanted was her to back off and end their delicious make-out session.
Rolling Sango onto her stomach with her curiosity piqued, Miroku began to massage her shoulders and neck, his hands firm but gentle.
“Oohhh,” Sango moaned excitedly, not having expected something so wonderful to happen.
Miroku took a deep breath to steady himself before he completely lost control.
Despite his extreme need of release, he continued to massage her, focusing on her lower back. During the massage, he managed to unhook her bra and have her remove it without hesitation. As Miroku continued, he teased her more by rubbing the sides of her breasts, although never touching her nipples.
He could tell she was frustrated but turned on at the same time which made him even harder. This was proving to be a lot more difficult than he'd first imagined.
Without saying a word, Sango managed to wiggle out from under Miroku and flipped onto her back, her breasts now clearly visible to his hungry gaze.
“They're beautiful…” he whispered as his fingers played with her pert nipples.
“You're driving me crazy,” Sango whined, not liking his constant banter.
“Alright,” Miroku pretended to cave, grinning mischievously yet again, “I'll stop for the time being.” His hands went to the zipper of his pants and Sango watched without missing a beat.
The sound of footsteps shook her out of her daze, making her head whip towards the door.
“You left the door open?” Sango whispered angrily, running to close it before someone walked nearby.
Too late.
“Sango? Oh… I was coming to get you for practice…” Kagome echoed, her eyes wide with shock as she peered at a half-dressed, newly red-faced Sango.
Howling with rage, a severely blushing Sango ran back to her bed and began to shove Miroku away.
“Get out!” she nearly screamed and slammed the door once he'd been forced into the hallway.
Kagome began to giggle behind her hand and nearly felt sorry for Miroku. Nearly.
“If Rin hears about this, she'll have a cow,” Kagome managed through her fits of laughter.
“I need a shower…” Miroku mumbled as he walked away. “A cold one, at that.”
When the sky opens wide,
And swallows us all down…
I hope that we'll be together.
Through the crowds,
Of all the people,
I hope that we'll be together.
When I die,
And go down low, beneath the ground…
I know that we'll be together.
My darkest wish,(darkest wish)
Is for you to,
Follow me until the end of time. (end of time)
My darkest wish,
Would be for you to,
Always be mine.(yeah, yeah)
When the lights,
In all the towns fade away…
I hope that we'll be together.
When I cry,
Out your name…
I hope that we'll be together.
When I die,
And go down low, beneath the ground…
I know that we'll be together.
My darkest wish,(darkest wish)
Is for you to,
Follow me until the end of time. (end of time)
My darkest wish,
Would be for you to,
Always be mine.(yeah, yeah)
My darkest wish, (darkest wish)
Would be for you to,
Always be mine.
Always be mine.
“Great job there, Sango! You sound so full of emotion when you sing that… more than ever before…” Rin cried out loud, tears dangling in her eyelashes.
“We'll get this record deal if I have to work night and day for it!” Sango grinned, hugging Rin as tightly as she could.
“It's kinda funny…” Kagome spoke out loud, capturing the attention of them. “In all these years, I've never forgotten the lyrics to our songs… and even after so long apart, our rhythm and sound hasn't changed. I guess that goes to show how awesome we are when we're together!” She laughed happily, clapping her hands together.
“We should celebrate!” Rin exclaimed joyfully. “I bet we could take the boys out and get them reaaaal drunk!”
Sango rolled her eyes playfully while Kagome left the studio to get ready.
“Time is running out; only a week until Battle of the Bands. Are you ready, Rin?”

“You bet, girl.”
Once they'd prepped for their night out, the boys took them to the local pool hall which also served alcohol.
After waiting a few minutes, a petit blonde woman who looked no older than 18 brought them to an unreserved pool table.
“Is there anything I get you tonight?” She asked, her name badge “Ashley” shining under the dim lights.
“Three beers, Blues, and Screwdrivers for the ladies,” Miroku smoothly ordered, making the waitress blush.
“Anything else?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye, sizing him up as she stared at every inch of him.
“No, Ashley,” Sango hissed as she interfered, her hands on her chest as she stood in front of her man.
The waitress pouted as Sango began to make out with Miroku, her tongue gliding in and around his mouth with extreme urgency. “You're mine,” she said loudly, her arms wrapped around him possessively.
Sango blushed at the scene she'd made, but grit her teeth as he then began to rub her ass. “And this is all mine,” he said, grinning as she slapped him on his check, leaving a red mark.
“What? Just following suit!” Miroku responded innocently enough, although Sango's fuming kept him from adding more.
“Work has been so shitty lately,” Inuyasha commented, changing the subject and growling as he missed pocketing a blue striped ball.
“Naraku's corporation is doing too well and our profits have been dropping lately,” Sesshoumaru said to no one in particular, loudly hitting the green ball into a pocket.
“At least our practices are going well,” Kagome chipped in, smiling. “Don't always focus on the negative, Sesshy. You could be losing money, or going bankrupt…”
Miroku's quirked eyebrow showed his disbelief, but kept quiet.
“This company will never hit rock bottom; Sesshoumaru and his father will make sure of it. But if Miroku keeps referring blonde bimbos instead of women with qualifications, I think he'll be out of a job pretty soon,” Inuyasha laughed, but grunted when Miroku's fist collided with his stomach.
Sango decided to ignore it; chances were that it was a dramatization, anyway. Or at least, she hoped.
As pool balls flew around the table for a couple minutes and no one spoke, Rin broke the silence.
“It's nice to go out with everyone again. We'll be in and out of studio recordings soon, so we won't have much time. All of us should relax and hang out while it's still possible.”
The reality of her statement made a hush fall over the six people. A realization hit them: if the girls were successful once again, they'd be recording, and eventually going on tour for who knows how long. Additionally, everyone knew that if they ever became famous, their lives would never be the same again. Privacy would evade them on a daily basis, telephones would always ring off the hooks; going out like this wouldn't be possible…
As the drinks arrived, neither of them felt as chipper as they'd been minutes before. Everyone sipped quietly, except Miroku; neither of them knowing what to say.
In an effort to lighten the mood, Sango grabbed Miroku's hand and pulled him to the dance floor. “I like this song,” she answered as he stared at her questioningly. “It's been a favourite of mine for as long as I can remember!”
Her arms wrapped around his neck as she buried her head into his chest. “This feels nice,” she whispered dreamily as they rocked slowly in each other's arms.
Miroku held onto her tightly, not wanting to let go. He knew his time was limited, but at least he'd make the most of it.
Soon, the others followed suit and they danced the night away, forgetting about their drinks and the pool game.
As he walked Sango back to her room, Miroku gave her one last squeeze before retreating to his room.
Once the door was closed, he fell to the ground, his chest tight as he struggled to breathe.
Author's Note
Another chapter after a year, yay! Wow, I actually feel really, really bad that it took me this long to put out another chap for this story. I'm really sorry, but with school, writer's block (big time!!!) and being sick for the past 8-10 weeks (sickness unknown by the doctors, even the ones at the emergency hospital…), not many good things have been happening lately.
I'm still sort of lost as to how I can progress this, but I promise it won't take me another year to put out the next chapter. I'll get something, somehow, but if any of you have ideas please leave them in reviews, I'd love to hear what you have to say!
Who liked the song lyrics? (Raises her own hand) Well, I wrote them myself, so there isn't a song for you to download or anything. I like them, even if they're not really professional or whatever. It was for fun, and it looks like the lyrics turned out okay.
Anyway, I hope people are still reading this and that no one's given up on me. Please review and let me know that I'm not hated…
Until chapter 10!