InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Great Mom Detective ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

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Blanket Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters listed below. They all are the property of Rumiko Takahashi.  I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.  I also am not affiliated with neither Lena Park nor Kana Nishino or their respective record labels.

Chapter 4

‘I guess the main question is, how many coincidences becomes one too many?  And am I drawing false positives from connections that aren’t even there?’ she reached for her tea just as she remembered that she didn’t think to brew any.  She sighed as she got up to grab something to drink.  

Akina decided to grab one of Souta’s juice boxes instead of going through the hassle of boiling water for tea.  As she drank through the tiny straw, she contemplated her growing list.  ‘I still need to ask Dad and Souta about the cookie jar money.   And all those names from the past keep popping up.  Along with the dog-related family names…’

She sighed as she sat back down at her pad of paper.  ‘Let’s get all the info down before jumping to conclusions, however farfetched they may be…’

****FLASHBACK to One Month Ago****

Akina was preparing breakfast when she heard noise upstairs in a part of the house that was usually quiet these days.  She smiled and threw a couple more servings into the miso soup she was making.  It sounded like her daughter and her beau showed up last night or early this morning.  

As if to confirm her thoughts, she suddenly heard her daughter’s voice raised in frustration say, “Just go!” followed by a door slam.

A minute later Inuyasha entered her kitchen while he sniffed the air.  She smiled at him and greeted him, “Good morning, Inuyasha.  Breakfast will be ready soon if you and Kagome would like to join us.”

“Keh,” he replied as he sat down.  Akina smiled again at the close-mouthed young man.  She pulled the carton of eggs from the refrigerator and was surprised to hear Inuyasha speak again.

“Oi, could you skip the eggs this morning?  The smell has been making Kagome sick recently.”

“Oh really?” she asked him while giving him a scrutinizing look.  But she did put the eggs back.

He began stuttering and blushing then while she was staring him down.  Eventually he got out, “F-feh, the…the runt, yeah, the runt brought us some, uh, eggs!  W-when we went to, uh, cook them, th-they had, um, half-grown, um, chicks inside.  K-Kagome started bawling, and um, now we can’t have eggs.  The s-scent gives her memories or something…”

‘Well, that would probably disturb me too.  I wonder if that’s true though, there sure was a lot of stuttering and blushing going on.’  She mentally shrugged.  If that wasn’t true, she would eventually find out what is really going on.  

“Ok dear, I understand,” she said and continued cooking breakfast.  She glanced at Inuyasha occasionally as she was making breakfast and saw that when he didn’t think she was looking he had a slight smile on his face and a far-off look in his eyes.  ‘Hmm, maybe those two finally admitted their feelings to each other.’

Finally she was finished cooking, and she went ahead and served Inuyasha at the table before yelling up the stairs that breakfast was ready.  Before too long, her entire family (along with a possible future addition) was seated around the table talking excitedly with each other.  Before too much time had passed, she noticed that her daughter wasn’t wearing her school uniform but a T-shirt and jeans.

“Kagome, are you going to school today?” Akina asked her daughter.

“Oh, um, not today, Mama.  I was planning on resting today and maybe studying some and then going to school tomorrow,” Kagome replied.

“Keh,” Inuyasha put in his two-yen worth.  Akina had also noticed that he had moved his chair right beside her daughter and that they were nearly touching as they sat at the table.  Then there were the moments when he turned towards her and smiled gently before he caught himself and put his gruff mask back over his face and continued with breakfast.  

“Ok dear,” Akina agreed.  Her daughter did look a little worn out.  That was probably to be expected when she was traveling all over ancient Japan and fighting who-knows-what in their quest.

Eventually breakfast was finished and everyone was sent their different ways for the day.  Akina turned on the radio to have some music going while she started the cleanup.

She couldn’t help but to look outside at her daughter.  Earlier Kagome and Inuyasha decided to go outside and sit on the bench under the Goshinboku and enjoy the outdoors.  It was sometimes hard to believe that Kagome was the same daughter that she used to have to literally chase out of the house to get her to get some fresh air.  Now she spent most of her free time outside.  But then Kagome is a totally different person than she was before she fell down the well.  Her little baby has grown up so much in the last year or so.

There just happened to be a love song on the radio as she watched the couple outside.  They were sitting close together talking with gentle smiles on each of their faces.  Akina watched as Inuyasha brought a hand up to her daughter’s cheek and slowly leaned down to kiss her.  

Knowing she was by herself in the house, she pumped a fist in the air and exclaimed, “I knew it!!”  She calmed down and continued to watch the two outside, remembering how her husband used to hold her.  

The song on the radio ended and the announcer came on, “That was Fall in Love by Lena Park.  This next song is dedicated to my sneaky wench in celebration of our timeless love.  You can osuwari me any day.  I am forever your konnan inu.  Hehehe, the pet names people come up with.  Here is Best Friends by Kana Nishino,” the announcer stopped speaking as another love song started.

It took a minute for what the announcer said to register in Akina’s mind.  When it did she suddenly stood up straight and looked at the radio, then looked back outside at her daughter and Inuyasha as they were cuddling on the bench.  She looked back at the radio that was currently playing music then looked outside again.



Akina wrote down:

6)  The radio dedication of Best Friends to ‘my sneaky wench.’  Mentioned ‘timeless love,’ ‘osuwari,’ ‘forever,’ and ‘Konnaninu.’

She smiled as she remembered the kiss she witnessed between her daughter and future son-in-law.  More than likely if she hadn’t saw them kiss, she wouldn’t have been paying attention to the love songs on the radio and would have missed the dedication.  This oddity would really only apply if her current theory was correct though…

First of all, who in this time period would call someone a wench?  Inuyasha called Kagome a wench more than he used her given name it seemed like at times.  Then again, who knew what those cosplayers got up to?  ‘Timeless love’ and ‘yours forever’ are sweet sayings, but what if they are meant literally instead.  That would give them a whole other meaning.

The kickers were ‘osuwari’ and ‘Konnaninu.’  She saw first-hand what happened when her daughter said ‘osuwari.’  And Akina heard her talking about it enough to know that they used it in sentences like, ‘I osuwaried him,’ or ‘Don’t osuwari me,” etcetera.  As far as she knew, that was unique to her daughter and Inuyasha.  And then there was Konnaninu again…  Which was the last name used when someone picked up her daughter from school.

Akina sat up and looked at her list.  ‘So, as far-fetched as it seems, apparently Kagome and Inuyasha, at some point, decided to live in the past and have somehow lived 500 years.  Now they are out there somewhere and have signed my yearbook and sent me a thank you card…  I think I need to go to sleep…’  With that thought, she looked at the clock and saw that it was already after one in the morning.  ‘Maybe this is all sleep deprivation.  It’ll make more sense in the morning.’  She then gathered up her notepad and headed to bed.

The next day Akina soon found herself alone with the breakfast dishes once again.  Today was Sunday so there was no school and Souta was upstairs playing video games.  Her father was busy tending the shrine and Akina had a choice of doing the dishes, or looking over the list she had put together the night before.  A couple minutes later, Akina was sitting at the table with the list and her senior yearbook.

She flipped open the yearbook to the picture she found a few months ago of the couple that looked like Kagome and Inuyasha.  Akina ran her fingers across the picture.

“Is that really you, my Kagome?” she whispered.  The longer she looked at it, the more she was sure that it was her daughter.  She then opened the book to the back cover and saw the mishmash of notes and signatures from people that she went to school with.  She zeroed in on two notes in particular that she has been re-reading for months now.  There was one that was a quarter of the way down the page and slightly to the right that said, “You are so nice and understanding to others!  I just know that you will make a great mom!  Watch out for those teen years, we know all about those, huh?  Hahaha -Kagome Inukai-“  That was followed by a winking smiley face.   The next one she looked at was scrunched up towards the bottom of the page like it was hiding and simply said, “Keh.  -Yoshi-“

Every other note on the page (and the other pages that were signed) said things like “Good Luck!” “Have Fun!” “Keep in Touch!” “I’ll Miss You,” or something like that.  The note from Kagome Inukai was the only one that mentioned her becoming a mother.  That was especially odd considering that Akina never really hung out with that Kagome.  And “keh” was practically Inuyasha’s catchphrase.  Seriously, who else would write that as a final goodbye in a yearbook?  Even if you don’t know somebody, you at least write ‘good luck’ or something.

And that did it.  That ‘keh’ in her yearbook that was written twenty years before she met the half-demon from the well, made something click in her mind.  She was suddenly sure that her wild theory was correct.  Somehow, her daughter and Inuyasha have lived 500 years and, as of twenty years ago, look exactly the same as they do now.

Kagome just left through the well the previous day, so she won’t be back for at least a week.  There shouldn’t be any harm in attempting to contact her older daughter.  Hoping that she is right, Akina picked up the notepad with the phone number for Taisho, I. & K. and walked over to the phone.  Taking a breath to gather her courage, she dialed the local number.  After two rings, the other end is picked up.

“Moshi, moshi,” said a young girl’s voice.  A possible grandchild?

“Hello.  Is Kagome there?” Akina asked.

“Who’s calling?” the girl sounded slightly suspicious.  But she didn’t deny that a Kagome lived there.  That’s something…

“This is Akina Higurashi.  I’m-“  Before she could finish, the girl gasped and hung up the phone.  

Akina pulled the receiver from her ear and looked at it.  Curious, she called again.  This time the phone just rang.  It wasn’t even picked up by an answering machine.  Highly disappointed, she hung up the phone.  Maybe she could try back later, like during school hours the next day…