InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Rebellion ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lolleh| I had a dream last night and I figured that it would make a wicked Inuyasha fic o.o Anyway, here it is. XD
Summary| Ten years after the rebellion against youkai, Inuyasha and the rest of his race fight for survival in the darkened place the world had become. But when the hanyou meets a young human girl from his past, his life, and hers, are put into immediate jeopardy. InuKag
The Rebellion
Nine-year-old Inuyasha opened his amber eyes slowly, his small white ears twitching in the matt of tangles and frizzles that his long silver hair had become during his short nap. He rose up on his elbows and looked to his mother Izayoi, who hovered next to his bed as she closed the shutters to his bedroom window, latching them over with a small iron bar.
“Mother?” the young hanyou yawned and sat up. “What's going on?” his ears twitched again to the sound of sirens and gunshots outside in the streets, followed by the wails of men, women, and children. He froze and his eyes grew wide. “Mother?”
“Inuyasha.” Izayoi turned quickly and picked up the boy from his bed and placed him firmly on his feet in front of her. She sank into a crouching position and took his hands. “My dearest, everything that your father had feared is finally happened, they are hunting down all the youkai in the city.” She swallowed and traced her fingers down over Inuyasha's cheeks. “I have a bag packed for you…”
Inutaisho was Inuyasha's father, and he was also father to Inuyasha's older half brother, Sesshoumaru. The youkai had always said that one-day people will see a threat from the youkai and hanyou and the city, then it wouldn't be long before a rebellion would start. Inuyasha, though still not too understanding of what his father was talking about, knew this was it.
Inuyasha nodded and followed his mother out of his room and into Sesshoumaru's old room. Izayoi picked up a small knap sack and put it over Inuyasha's shoulders. “There is clothing in there, along with some food…” she explained, standing up and opening the closet door, stripping everything out of it and revealing something that looked to be a garbage shoot.
“Mother?” Inuyasha's eyes grew wide; he didn't like the darkness inside that little tunnel, for he knew he would soon have to enter it.
“Be brave my darling.” Izayoi got on her knees and kissed his forehead. “Remember that I will always love you.”
“Aren't you coming too?!” Inuyasha asked, now extremely terrified. She was, wasn't she?
“I have to await your father's and Sesshoumaru's return.” Izayoi said. “And I cannot fit into that tunnel, it was made specially for a child's body.
Inuyasha looked his mother over and shook his head, tugging at her arm. “Mother you can fit! Please!” tears welled in his eyes.
“Inuyasha…” Izayoi jumped, hearing the door downstairs being smashed in and a roar of men echoing through the house. “The mob is here.” She picked Inuyasha up and carried him into the closet. “You'll find me again.” She whispered, kissing him on the top of the head. “I promise, my baby…my darling…take care.” With that, she more or less tossed Inuyasha into the shoot, feet first.
“Mother!!!” Inuyasha screamed as he slid down through the tunnel, trying to dig his claws into the ceiling to stop himself, but that only resorted him into breaking them off.
The young hanyou tumbled out of the shoot and into the street in a place that never even looked like his neighborhood, and his house nowhere in sight. Inuyasha looked around frantically as he tugged at the straps on his old overalls, then the straps on the knap sack before running off into the darkness of a neighboring alley, but as an angry mob stormed past.
Tears stained Inuyasha's face as he ran; he didn't know what to do or where to go. He wanted to go home with his mom, to help her! But he didn't know how to get back. When he rounded a corner he slapped into another body and fell back onto his butt, letting out a small cry of surprise.
His ears were flat on his head, as he looked up, frightened it was one of those men. But, instead of staring death in the face, he was staring up at the young girl, one about a year or so younger than what he was. Her hair was long and black, though partly covered by the overly huge black peek cap she had on, her eyes were dark in the shadows of the alley; and around her neck was a beaded necklace, probably a rosary if Inuyasha were to have guessed. Attached to her hand was the hand of a smaller boy, who just stood there sucking on his pacifier silently. They were human, that much Inuyasha knew for sure.
Since they were human, and Inuyasha by this time had realized that it was humans that attacked his house, he did the only thing he could possibly think of doing to keep himself from getting hurt…he started to cry.
The human girl blinked at his tears, frowning slightly as she tilted her head to one side, watching him. “You're a youkai, aren't you?” she asked, her voice soft.
“Uhn…” Inuyasha murmured as hew rubbed the tears from his eyes with the backs of his hands. “Hanyou…” he corrected her after a moment.
“All the same,” the girl said, holding out her free hand to him. “My family are helping move all of you we can find to safer locations so you can escape the rebellion. Come with me and my brother, we'll show you to a safer hideaway than this alley…”
Inuyasha sniffed and took her hand and pulled himself to his feet. “ `Kay…” he mumbled, his ears limp on the top of his head.
“Good,” the little girl let go of his hand and picked up her brother. “Come on then, Souta. We have another one.” She smiled at Inuyasha. “You'll be safe with us! Don't cry!” she then turned and ran off through the alley.
Inuyasha blinked and followed quickly behind her, he really had no other choice in the matter. He wanted to be safe…so he could go look for his family after this night was over, and this girl was the only person who had stepped foreword to help him thus far. “What's your name?” he asked, now running along side of her.
“Higurashi.” The little girl answered. “Kagome Higurashi, and this is my brother Souta.” She hugged the smaller boy into her chest as she ran.
“I'm Inuyasha!” Inuyasha told her.
“Nice to be of your assistance, Inuyasha.” Kagome said with an innocent smile. “Now try to keep quiet, we don't want anyone to hear us, now do we?” Inuyasha nodded and kept his mouth shut after that.
Kagome lead him down a slope in the alley, leading to the underground housing of the city, it was where the poor people lived…like the ghetto. “There is a well here.” Kagome said as she slowed her pace to a quick walk, setting Souta on the ground to follow behind them. “It has a tunnel at the bottom that will lead you to the other side of the city into one of the old housing units.”
“Why should I go there?” Inuyasha asked. “Are there other youkai there?” his ears twitched back to life at this thought. Maybe his mother, father, and brother went there after.
“Aye, there are. The housing unit belongs to a friend of my father's.” Kagome answered, leading Inuyasha to a small well house just off to one side of a small beaten down shack. “So far my bother and I have sent thirteen youkai through the well and into the tunnel, and there are others in my family that are helping out as well, so you will be safe at the housing unit…” Kagome stopped at the door of the well house and turned around. “But just incase something does happen…” she took the peek cap off her head and slapped it on top of Inuyasha's. “This will hide your ears, making you look completely human!”
The hat, which was overly large on Kagome's head, was equally too big for Inuyasha's; but he smiled a fraction and turned it around backwards. “Thanks.” He said with a sniff.
An explosion from behind made the three youngsters jump, and Kagome scooped Souta up in her arms, pretty much tossing him into the well house. “Come on, Inuyasha!” she said, grabbing the hanyou's arm and ragging him in behind her. She pushed him up to the edge of the well. “Jump in!”
Inuyasha peered down into the darkness and fear stuck up through him. He suddenly didn't think this was a very good idea, and spun around to face Kagome. “I can't jump into that!” he exclaimed.
“Jump in, you big baby!” Kagome grabbed him. “If not you'll be found out, and so will Souta and me!” she shoved him. “Get in the well!”
Inuyasha grabbed her collar, and her necklace, as he fell backwards over the wells edge, his hand slipped away from her collar but broke off the rosary, and he took it down into the darkness with him.
“My necklace…” Kagome put her hand to her neck and looked down into the well, she then sighed. “Have it give you luck, Inuyasha!” she called down into the darkness before picking up her littler brother and dashing off from the well house.
Ten years later…
Inuyasha's eyes lifted from his pillow to the wall, his hand lifting up to brush his silver hair away from his face. That damned dream again. For the past week it has been nothing but a bother to him, and the last thing he needed was to be reminded of the start of the rebellion.
He sighed and sat up, looking around his darkened apartment idly before groaning, slapping his hand over his face; he had so many more things to worry about, yet all he could keep his mind on lately was Kagome. Back when he was a youngster, the explosion and the fact that she could get into a hell of a lot of trouble seemed to be little things to him then, but now, that he knew exactly what had went about, he had to wonder…did she survive?
“Hmph, I never even got to thank her.” He muttered, fingers the rosary beads that hung around his neck. “She saved my life in more ways than one…” he looked to his desk, his amber eyes landing on the old black peek cap that rested on the edge. “Heh…”
Inuyasha stretched his arms over his head. “Oh well…another night…another fight…” he gave one last pluck at the rosary beads before standing up and heading to the bathroom.
“Not now Souta…” Kagome looked to her little brother in frustration as she flipped through the numbers on her cell phone. The two sat alone on a darkened subway train heading to the old ghetto to visit their family, as the two did every weekend.
“But sis,” Souta yawned. “I'm tired.”
“I can't let you sleep at night, Souta.” Kagome said. “That's why you were suppose to sleep all day today…”
“Do you really think mom and grandpa have resorted to this way of life?” Souta asked. “They are probably getting ready to go to bed now!”
“This side of the city is still safe, Souta.” Kagome snapped at him. “They are able to sleep at night in comfort of the fact that none of the guards will make a surprise attack on them, there are no youkai in this side of the city.”
“Then why did we have to take the subway?” Souta asked with a groan. “We could have just went through the tunnel that led to the well…”
“Hush!” Kagome slapped her hand over Souta's mouth. “Don't say that out loud, idiot.” She drew her hand back and returned her phone to her pocket. “Its too risky, we don't want to draw attention to ourselves…being the only humans using the tunnel could mean the youkai attacking us…thinking we're the enemy.”
“But shouldn't they recognize us?” Souta asked. “Well…you?”
Kagome shrugged. “I'm not going to take the chances of them not…” she frowned as the subway train pulled to a slow stop. “Come on…we're here.”
Lolleh| This was just a little prologue. There will be an introduction to the time era and n update on the rebellion in the beginning of the next chapter! Hope you like it and please review!