InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Youkai and the Exterminator ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Four
Sango dropped to her knees, tired. Sweaty and dirty too, she braced her hand against Hiraikotsu and tried to catch her breath. "Tell me that was the last of them," she panted.
Miroku smiled, wrapping the rosary beads tight around his hand. "I believe it was. They weren't very willing to be exterminated, were they?"
A nasty little nest of serpent oni had been plaguing the local villages and Sango had felt that they were morally obligated to root out the pests and destroy them. Serpents had a nasty trick of sneaking into human habitations at night so they could bite and steal children. When they'd walked into the small town, her uniform, which clearly identified her as an exterminator, had caught the peasants' attention. So much that they were willing to brave the sight of Inuyasha in order to approach the group and beg for assistance.
The half-demon had been less receptive to their requests. "Damn snakes, they don't even have jewel shards. Why is it always our problem when we've got more important things to be tracking down and killing?"
Sango planted her hands on her hips and glared at him. "I am a demon exterminator, that's why it's my problem. I'm not asking you to help. I can take care of a damn snake nest on my own."
"Not alone," Kohaku piped up. "I'm an exterminator too, I'll help you."
She smiled at her brother, touched to find that he still had his sense of duty. "Thanks, Kohaku, but I can handle it. You're still not feeling well, are you?"
The truth was she was a little concerned about Kohaku. Although the boy lay quietly at night, seeming to sleep deeply, his eyes had dark circles under them and she noticed how any exertion seemed to leave him short of breath. She wasn't going to risk her little brother, not over a nest of miserable serpent oni.
The monk sighed and leaned forward to pat the boy on the shoulder. "I will go with Sango, just in case it turns out to be more than just a simple extermination. Why don't you remain with Kagome? She could use your help in treating those poisoned by serpent bites."
Kagome gave him a grateful look and turned a happy smile on the young exterminator. "Kohaku-kun, I could really use your help. I have herbs to steep that might ease these people's pain." She shot a dark look over her shoulder at the hanyou. "And you'll be more help than some people in calming these villagers down and getting them to trust me enough to take the medicine.
Inuyasha yawned as if this exchange had simply bored him to tears. "Whatever. You go play priestess if that's what you want. I'm going to find a good place for a quick nap."
"Selfish snot," she muttered, watching the hanyou walk away. "Like it kills him every time he has to help someone and there's nothing in it for him."
The girl continued muttering under her breath, oblivious to Kohaku's shy smile. Since joining the group, he'd come to have a great respect for Kagome; she was so different from anyone else he'd ever met. So kind and forgiving, and very tolerant too otherwise she'd have sat Inuyasha right into the underworld by now.
He knelt beside her as the young woman began laying out her things. Although desperate for help and attracted by the idea of medicine to ease their suffering, it was clear the villagers didn't want to come too close to the strangely dressed girl.
Kagome set out different packets of herbs, scratching her head thoughtfully as she decided to try a simple combination to start with. Most serpent oni were closely related to real snakes and she thought that a true antivenin would probably be the most effective. But it wasn't like she had the kind of time or resources to come up with something that sophisticated.
When in doubt, treat the symptoms, she decided, selecting a packet. Kohaku watched her.
"What's that?" he asked.
Kagome smiled at him, she liked Sango's little brother. He was so inquisitive and gentle, it was hard to believe the horrors he'd committed while under Naraku's influence. She shook out some of the herbs into her palm. "This one is good for taking the sting out of bites; Kaede told me that if it's made into a poultice, it can draw out poisons also. After I let these steep awhile, we'll mix it up and see if she's right. Then I've got some antibacterial spray that should help their wounds heal."
She frowned slightly, digging in her pack. "I'm almost out of everything," Kagome murmured. "I think it's time we took a break anyway. We haven't heard even a rumor about shards for weeks and no sign of Naraku."
The boy flinched at the name and Kagome instantly put her hand on his, struck by the look on his face. "I'm sorry, does it bother you that I said his name?"
Kohaku relaxed and tried to smile at her. "Not so much anymore," he said quietly. "It just that I forget to be afraid of him, and then when I'm reminded that he's still out there, it all comes back to me."
More than that, the sound of the monster's name triggered other memories. People screaming as he relentlessly tracked them down, cutting them open, watching their blood and guts pouring into the dirt while they were still alive and crying. He pushed the memories back, rejecting them.
Kagome's soft fingers were curled around his and she very gently reached around him to hug his shoulders. Kohaku let his head drop a little and Kagome released his hand so she could brush the hair out of his eyes. He was so like Souta, she missed her brother with a pang.
I bet he's getting taller, she thought wistfully. "Kohaku, don't you think about him one more minute. He's never going to get his hooks into you again."
The boy stared at the ground, his eyes dark. "I'm not so much scared of that, I just hate remembering everything. Maybe it was easier when I didn't know who I was, but then I wouldn't have Sango, and you and Shippou. I like having friends again."
"Yes," she said, smiling at him and trying to get him to shake off the ghosts.
He blushed and edged away from her. It was embarrassing to have such a pretty girl holding him like he was just a kid. He'd gotten used to it from his sister, who took every opportunity to hug the stuffing out of him. "Kagome, can I tell you something?"
"Of course, Kohaku. What is it?"
He took a deep breath, feeling the need to unburden himself just a little. "Naraku, he...when he made me hurt people. When he made me kill people...he made me like it."
There, it was out. He felt so damn guilty about that, wondering what had ever twisted the demon's mind to do that to him. Bad enough to be used as Naraku's personal executioner, it was worse to remember the thrill and the avid gleam he had gotten from his crimes. He felt dirty, used. Like he'd never be able to be clean again, much less deserving of friendship and his sister's love.
"Kohaku-kun, listen to me." Kagome took his face in both his hands and looked into his eyes. "You've done nothing to be ashamed of, understand? He used you like he uses everyone, you were just a puppet. If he made you like what you did, it was because he enjoyed it, and so you'd be even more horrified later."
The boy's face flushed, tension standing out in his features. "But I feel so bad now," he whispered, his voice cracking. Kagome sighed and let her hands drop.
"I know you do, I wish there was some way for us to take that pain away. Give yourself some time. It will get easier, I promise."
Miroku whistled happily as he strode through the forest. A mere nest of serpent oni indeed. It was more like a whole damn colony, they had been getting fat off the blood of the villagers and their numbers must have multiplied. He made a mental note to renegotiate their fee. Sango didn't like him asking for things in return for their help, but someone had to be practical. They were low on all their supplies, tired of sleeping on the cold ground.
He in particular was tired of sleeping alone, but he'd already taken a good look around the village and realized dismally that the best looking women must have run off in fear of the serpents or made them a tasty meal. Not one attractive female in the lot.
Speaking of which, he increased his pace so he could fall in alongside Sango. "That was a nice bit of work back there, Sango. I must say your skills seem to be constantly growing stronger. It was a true pleasure to watch you in action."
She smiled. "I could hardly have taken them all without your help, houshi-sama. If you hadn't come with me, I would have almost certainly let some escape and they'd have burrowed deeper into these woods until their numbers were strong again."
A placid, contemplative smile. "It is our duty to protect the innocent. I am always glad to have been of service."
Sango grinned at him and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "We're almost there now," she said, walking ahead of him again. He watched the motion of her hips in the tight uniform. It was definitely a pleasure to work with her, travel with her, having her always within arm's reach, but still unobtainable. He sighed. A man did love a challenge.
He sidled up beside her again, his hand casually dropping between them. "If you like," he murmured, rubbing her bottom meaningfully, "our return won't be expected for some time..." He trailed off and waited for the inevitable slap and shout of anger.
It didn't come. Sango froze in her tracks, Miroku's hand still sliding in a slow caress over her hips. Her face burned red and she looked away from him.
"Please don't do that."
Huh? Where was his slap? Where was the delightful look of outrage and embarrassment that he'd come to treasure? His hand stilled, but didn't move away from her body.
"Sango?" he said, uncertainly. Why wouldn't she look at him?
"Miroku, please don't touch me like that anymore." He withdrew his hand, startled by the serious chill in her tone.
Sango's voice was tight and she didn't know how to make this work. She had to make him understand, oh but she couldn't tell him why. It hurt, not being able to explain. Since the first time they'd met, there'd been this playful banter between them, a flirtation between the monk and herself. The attraction existed, had grown into a mutual respect and strong friendship.
Sango didn't want to lose that. Miroku had stood beside her, defended her on more than one occasion. There was no one that she felt she could rely on more to be on her side of a battle. She'd always slapped him back, hit him on the head with rocks, Hiraikotsu, tree branches and none of it seemed to matter to the monk. He kept cheerfully trying to grope her no matter how much damage she dealt him.
She'd known all along that if she really wanted him to stop, all she had to do was ask.
Now she was asking him, praying for Miroku to hear the sincerity in her voice. She didn't want him touching her, not anymore. She belonged to another and by the gods, what would happen if the demon lord caught sight of Miroku's wandering hands? It would be nothing less than horrifying and even if Miroku survived the encounter, she'd never be able to look her friend in the face again and not hate herself.
"My apologies, Sango. It won't happen again."
Wordless, she brushed on ahead, her jaw clenched tightly. If she could have done it, if it wouldn't have seemed like a tease, she would have turned back and thanked him. No, she had to lay it out like that, cold, abrupt. He wouldn't hate her; she hoped it wasn't going to have to be like that. Still, her heart unclenched a little at his easy agreement to her request. They'd left enough unsaid, she knew any explanation would lead to more questions she wasn't ready to answer.
Miroku stared after the girl, watching as her firm, quick steps carried her away. "What the hell was that about?" he said aloud.
"Looks like she doesn't want you grabbing her ass anymore," Inuyasha said.
Miroku looked up. "You saw the whole thing?"
The hanyou bounced down to the ground, smirking a little. "It had to happen sometime. I just figured she was going to beat the shit out of you a few more times before she got serious."
He was still puzzled. "Did I do something to offend her?" Inuyasha gave him a black look and Miroku held up his hands before the hanyou could start to list all the ways that the monk had offended Sango in the past.
"Okay, I know, I know. But there was something weird about that. I know she meant it and all that, but why now? As many times as she's belted me around, and I've enjoyed it too, I've never seen her so serious."
Inuyasha grinned; purely enjoying the confusion the monk was experiencing. He could guess the reasoning behind Sango's actions and couldn't help but be amused. "Maybe it's just you, Miroku. She's finally fed up with your groping and your womanizing. She probably doesn't hate all men, she's just sick of your hands in particular."
Miroku raised his eyebrows. "You mean that she would prefer it if someone else touched her?"
Damn, the monk was sharp when he wanted to be. Inuyasha tried not to let his consternation show. "Depends on who it was," he said loftily.
The monk stared hard at him. "Like who? Are you saying that if it were you she'd have a different reaction?"
Inuyasha scratched his head thoughtfully. "Dunno. Never grabbed her ass to find out."
Sesshomaru stood on the balcony outside his study, letting the night wind play through his hair. It was strange how he still thought of these rooms as belonging to his father. Almost a century had passed since the youkai lord's death and his presence still clung to every stone of the fortress, at least in Sesshomaru's mind. Alone and having a penchant for reflection at the moment, he found he could admit he still missed his father.
Not that Inutaisho had been an easy man to get along with, let alone have as a father. They'd fought far too often in the last years of his life. Sesshomaru had no regrets about it, his father not having been the kind of man who would respect even his own son after backing down from a fight.
What he regretted were the chilly silences, the months of not speaking that usually followed a good knock down of an argument. Now, nearly a century after Inutaisho's abrupt and violent demise, he still found himself expecting to see his father striding across the courtyard, his shout of laughter echoing across the stones.
Sesshomaru turned away from the night and its ghosts and went into the relative comfort of his study. It was going to be a long night indeed if he was dwelling on Inutaisho. He supposed he could pass the night easier if he had company, but at the moment there was only one female that held his interest and she wasn't there.
Not for the first time, he pondered the reasons that the exterminator had taken such hold over his thoughts. She was lovely, but it was more than that. A pretty plaything might be discarded when he tired of it and he had no such inclinations about his human woman.
There was something elusive about her, some indefinable quality he couldn't quite put his finger on. He wanted more from her, much more than he had wanted from any of the number of lovely youkai women that had caught his attention over the years.
The demon lord paced the carpet, his light footsteps whispering faintly on the fine embroidered texture. He was restless tonight; a sensation like an itch that couldn't be scratched tickled at the back of his mind. Across the room, his eyes fell on Toukijin hanging on his wall.
The sword's dark swirling aura challenged him; even at rest the malice could be felt. He had standing orders that under no circumstances were any of the household staff to ever go near it. The damn thing had a mind of its own and could easily seduce the unwary into touching it, burning away any sense of self or volition and turning their bodies into tools that existed only to slake the cursed sword's bloodlust.
Sesshomaru's mouth twisted in a slightly bitter sneer. Weak minded fools might be vulnerable to Toukijin's influence, but he was its master. The sword might have a will of its own, but it was far less powerful than his. He knew how to dominate the sword, bend it to his will. It was easy, it was natural, hell it was what he did best when it came right down to it.
Being born daiyoukai meant that other demons instinctively saw him as their leader, biologically driven to submit and follow him like the fawning lapdogs they were. However, if there was one thing he had inherited from his father it was the power to utterly command and dominate those around him. He would tolerate no dissension from his allies and not a hint of disloyalty from his household.
He knew he had not inherited Inutaisho's charisma or diplomacy, much less his deviant sense of humor. His father was the kind of youkai who lit up the room wherever he went, holding together the unruly clans of the West with the force of his personality alone. He shook his head, remembering how his father's temper could bring the whole fortress to a standstill with a single shout.
Sesshomaru himself was not so quick to anger, but those who did cross him rarely lived long enough to warn others. He preferred it that way; a clean end to conflicts and no one ever doubted his pure youkai nature.
A pulse of powerful energy caught him unawares and Sesshomaru stood frozen, held in the grip of youki. His hand reached slowly for the back of a chair, his claws digging in and shredding the fine upholstery. Tenseiga.
A hiss escaped his lips, angry. He looked over his shoulder at the inoffensive looking blade, hanging not far from Toukijin. He despised that katana; he would have despised anything that had the power to compel him like this. Once again, the combination of a swordsmith's ultimate skill and his father's powerful will made demands on him. Tenseiga was not the weapon that Toukijin and Tessaiga were; its powers were far more subtle and demanding.
Gritting his teeth, the youkai lord went to the katana and took its shiny smooth blade in his hand. It couldn't cut him; it felt as dull against his palm as a child's toy sword. It was the youki that bit into his fingers and ground against his soul.
"Curse you," he muttered. "I, Sesshomaru, do not bend to you. Tenseiga does not command me!"
An answering pulse brought him to his knees, flooding his body with a burning white-hot energy. Tenseiga did demand, Tenseiga did compel and exact a price from him when he chose to use its powers. Sesshomaru felt an almost incandescent fury at his father for putting him in this position. "Curse you, old man, you're making me weak!"
He wanted to throw it away, bury it in the earth and forget about what the katana could do. He had learned better and knew that Tenseiga would hound him until he complied with what it wanted from him. The blade was possessive about those it had called back from the grave. The demon gripped the blade hard and pulled himself to his feet, tasting copper in his mouth and hearing his father's laughter echoing in his ears.
"All right," he ground out. "What do you want from me this time?"
Kagome stared at Inuyasha; she couldn't have been more surprised if the half-demon had suddenly sprouted wings and started flapping around her head while crooning love songs. "You mean it? You're not going to argue with me at all?"
He rolled his eyes. "No, I think it's a good idea."
They were sitting next to each other on the soft grass next to a small creek and Kagome's mouth dropped open in surprise. She scooted closer until she was practically in his lap, causing the hanyou to flush and edge away from her nervously. Her face held a rapt expression.
"Who are you and what have you done with Inuyasha?"
She was starting to creep him out a bit, staring at him with those big eyes of hers. "Look," he said peevishly. "You haven't been home in what, three weeks? Your mom is probably getting worried about you. I know you're tired, Sango and Miroku are tired. As for Kohaku, I don't know how he's even staying on his feet. It's as good a time as any to go back to the village for a rest, it's not like we've even heard so much as a rumor about a jewel shard."
Kagome smiled and reached for his hand, squeezing it with both of hers. Creepy. "I can't believe how considerate you're being."
"Bah," he said, and pushed her away. Kagome fell over, giggling wildly at the expression on his face. It was priceless; he looked so offended at the idea of being thought of as considerate.
Inuyasha glared at her. "What is your problem, girl?"
That just set her laughing harder, curling up in a ball with her knees kicking wildly. So she thought he was funny, did she? Inuyasha grabbed for the kicking legs and rolled the girl over to face him. Kagome hiccupped a few times before she could stop laughing long enough to speak.
"I'm sorry Inuyasha; I'm just so used to fighting with you every time I want to go home."
"If I'm such an asshole, why do you even bother coming back?" he asked sourly.
She sighed, one hand plucking absently at the frayed edge of her school fuku. She really needed to go home for more clothes. "You're not an asshole, not all of the time anyway."
"Not all the time?" he demanded. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Kagome grinned at his too serious and grim expression. "I mean you can be nice when you want to be. You just like to pretend you're such a tough guy, I know inside you're really a big softie."
He snorted in annoyance. "Kagome, I swear I can't figure you out."
She just chuckled again. "That's okay, Inuyasha, I still like you anyway. Even when you're a jerk."
Something about her expression intrigued him, her face flushed and rosy from laughter; her eyes were soft and yielding. He was suddenly very conscious that he was still holding her knees under his hands. He raised himself up so he could lean over the girl, his palms slipping up to hold her thighs.
"Why? Why do you like me when I'm not even very nice to you in the first place?"
She stared at him, a soft smile on her lips. "I don't know, I guess because I don't think that's how you really are."
Had she ever been afraid of him? He didn't think so, definitely not after he got that damn rosary around his neck. Why should she be afraid of him when she could drop him with a single word? After that he'd found himself driven for some reason to protect her, a tight, possessive feeling erupted in his heart whenever she was out of his sight. He didn't fight it and it wasn't in his nature to question it too deeply. It was just part of him.
She was probably the only person who had ever accepted him for being exactly who he was, even Kikyou hadn't done that. The priestess had seen him as a hanyou first, a dangerous half-demon. When she'd gotten to know him better, even then she had wanted to change him into something else, human and more acceptable. He didn't blame her; he couldn't hold it against her for not being able to accept his demonic side.
Sometimes he had a hard enough time accepting it himself. But not Kagome, her acceptance had always been unqualified and unconditional; her friendship given freely without demands, with only a simple string of beads to ward off the darkness they both knew was part of what he was.
Kagome was very aware of Inuyasha's hands on her legs and tried not to let it make her nervous. He had a strange expression on his face, one she hadn't seen before. It was soft and fierce at the same time and something about the look in his eyes made her want to blush.
"Are you okay?" she asked hesitantly.
He didn't answer, but sniffed the air like he was looking for something, his hands sliding up her legs and his palms warm against her skin. She drew in a quick breath as the tip of one of his claws grazed against her inner thigh. Her heart was starting to race faster and Kagome felt distinctly dizzy. What on earth did he think he was doing?
Inuyasha wasn't doing much thinking at the moment, his hands had a mind of their own and he didn't even realize how Kagome might be confused by his actions. He just wanted to feel her skin, smell the responsive rush of her scent as her pulse quickened. It was intoxicating and he just couldn't resist anymore, bent his head and gave her a quick lick on the inside of her knee. Kagome jumped, staring up at the trees and swallowing hard.
This can't be happening, she thought furiously. Do I say something? Do I tell him to stop?
Do I want him to stop?
One taste was not enough and Inuyasha licked the girl's leg again, the tip of his tongue traveling sensuously up the inside of her left thigh. His hands slipped under her skirt and reached to cup gently around her hips. It was more than she could deal with and Kagome hitched herself up on her elbows to look down at him in astonishment.
He just grinned and pressed his finger against her forehead to make her lay back down, enjoying the purely confused look on her face. She smelled good, beyond good. Every nerve in his body was alive with tasting her smell and her texture.
Kagome chewed her lip nervously, wondering if he'd lost his mind. His hands tugged her closer and Kagome's eyelids fluttered shut when he pressed his face against her, nuzzling his nose into the cradle of her hips and growling softly, almost like a cat's purr.
She was trembling; he could feel that easily enough. Her breath began coming out in short, harsh gasps as he moved farther up her torso, rubbing his cheek against her clothing, burying his face in the deep valley that existed between her breasts. He took the tie of that silly uniform in his teeth and slowly pulled.
Inuyasha grinned again at the look of shocked disbelief on her face when the school tie came loose, teasing her like this was the most fun he'd had in weeks. Her confusion, her nervousness, contrasted deliciously with the way her body was responding. Her scent intensified even more when his lips hovered over the hollow of her throat, his breath a hot whisper against her skin.
He flicked the tip of his tongue over her pulse and Kagome whimpered, turning her head submissively to the side. His hand had found its way under her shirt by now and was growing steadily bolder, squeezing her and tracing over the lacy patterns on her bra. His claws inadvertently split the delicate fabric and Kagome gasped aloud as his hand slid over her bare flesh.
Inuyasha's heart was pounding so loud he couldn't think straight, the next thing he knew he had her shirt off and was covering her neck and chest with his mouth, growling possessively and grinding himself into her body. He was drunk on her, lost in her, letting himself slip away from everything, his blood demanding that he only think of here and now and yes, she was his and now he'd take her as his own. No other fucker would ever lay a finger on her, he'd kill them first.
Kagome's arms went around his shoulders, holding him tight against her and gasped out his name in a ragged, husky voice he almost couldn't recognize.
Somewhere deep in his mind, the memory surfaced, like it sometimes did when he was dreaming or in a bad place in his own mind. Turning, turning slowly, and looking over his shoulder. Shock and betrayal, and yes, pain too as the shaft went into his body. Disbelief then, anger after that. The feeling of slowly fading out of the world was a memory that gave a half-demon nightmares. Helplessness as the cold filled him up, driving him away into something like sleep, something way too close to death to really be like sleep at all.
He could die again. He could die here in her arms and count himself as lucky. Almost he wanted to give up, to surrender, and let his body take over where his confused mind wanted to abdicate. He wanted to have the solace and the relief that Kagome's embrace offered him.
But that wouldn't erase the guilt. It couldn't erase the scar that still puckered on his chest or the fury that had dominated his life before he set eyes on her. It wasn't fair to Kagome. He couldn't let her give herself to someone as unworthy as himself, and not when he didn't deserve her. Not when he couldn't erase the shame that had haunted him, how he had inadvertently caused the death of a woman who loved him, let her love of him weaken and destroy her. Let the lack of trust between them scar them both and make it too easy for a manipulative bastard to sprinkle seeds of doubt, tricking them into betraying each other.
Kagome deserved better, she deserved better than to be used for his release and his comfort. He wouldn't ever let himself be that weak again.
Inuyasha pushed himself off her, cursing his rotten luck and stupidity. Kagome looked up at him, her face pink and shining, evidence of his mouth and hands coloring the creamy flesh of her body. She looked at him, breathless, smiling.
"What's the matter, why did you..."
"We shouldn't be doing this," he ground out, his voice dark ashes of bitterness. He turned away from her, because if he kept looking he really was going to lose his resolve. "I'm sorry, Kagome. I shouldn't have let us go that far."
"It's okay," she babbled, confused and still eager. "I didn't want you to stop, I just thought that we..."
"No," he snapped, a little stronger than he intended. She flinched at his tone. He couldn't look at her, got to his feet without looking at her face, but he could still feel her pain and confusion. He had to make it clear. "It's not right."
"Why?" she demanded, getting angry now, a flush of humiliation rising in her face. "Why is it not right? Is it it because I'm not Kikyou?"
Inuyasha hesitated, she was right in so many ways it was scary, but not in the way that she meant. "Yes," he bit out, stalking away from her so she wouldn't see his self-loathing.
Kagome watched him leave her, sitting half naked on the ground and feeling like a fool. She pulled her knees up under her chin as she balled her discarded clothing to a ball, buried her face in them and wept.