InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ties of the Heart ❯ The Gift ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Gift

I've been wanting to write an Inuyasha fic for a long time, and as I've hit a slight mental block with my other stories, I figured there's no time like the present for this! This is super short, but hey, it's just the prologue! Gimme a break! Anyway, this should wind up being veeeeeeeerrrrrrry long. As soon as I got the plot worked out, I looked it over and just said "Holy crap…" Ok, enjoy the prologue!

It was three years after the jewel had been reassembled and Naraku defeated. However, Rin still hadn't left Sesshoumaru. Her unofficial guardian had decided that after spending so much time with demons, the young girl wouldn't be fit for human society. Nor would he want to subject her to that. Lately, he'd begun giving her lessons in sword fighting, after all, living with a demon lord was dangerous. Jaken was hardly thrilled at his master's decision to keep the human, but there wasn't anything he could do about it, as usual.

Sighing as she lay in the grass, Rin gazed up at the friendly clouds in the sky. Sometimes she wished she was like Kagura; a wind spirit. "Come along, Rin," Sesshoumaru called in that cool voice of his. Eagerly returning to his side, the group began moving again. Rin tried to avoid riding Ah-Un as much as she could now. Although she loved the creature like a pet, she wanted to prove by walking all those long distances she was no weak human. Despite her protests, Sesshoumaru seemed to stop for breaks quite a bit more now, though. One day, she thought to herself, I'm going to show him how tough I am.

She had to admit, the last three years had been interesting. Although there hadn't been any major enemies like Naraku, not many demons wanted to pass up on a chance to battle the Great Sesshoumaru. Poor idiots…Rin mused. None had stood any chance really. Her favorite thing that had changed was the sword fighting lessons. According to Sesshoumaru, she showed `some talent as far as humans go,' but they also gave her an excuse to spend time with him. Among the other changes over the years included ones affecting her body. The whole affair had been completely embarrassing, Jaken and then Sesshoumaru trying to explain "the facts of life" to her. However, she had to admit that she had played dumb just a tad, since parts of it were pretty funny too!

Suddenly, she walked into what felt like a wall. Snapping out of her reverie, Rin looked up, and saw that Sesshoumaru has stopped for yet another unneeded rest break. I'm not tired in the least!! she thought furiously. However, she only sighed quietly, and sat down on a nearby rock. Everyone knew it was useless to argue with Sesshoumaru once he had made up his mind. It was frustrating, though, to say the least. Sometimes it felt as if he didn't know she was alive. That's all I want, she thought, quiet even in her own mind, All I want is for him to care about me. Once again, she was quickly called back to reality by a sharp order from Jaken to get back on her feet. Looking over to Sesshoumaru, she smiled and thought, One day, I will make you care.

A few weeks later, Sesshoumaru disappeared for a couple days, telling Jaken to carry on in the same direction. When he returned, he called Rin over and handed her a long, slim bundle. Rin gasped as she opened it and found a beautiful sword inside. The gleaming steel blade was slender, befitting a woman's sword, and the hilt was intricately carved white ivory. It depicted two tigers with emerald eyes chasing each other around in a never-ending game. "Sesshourmaru!" she breathed, "It's spectacular! But why?"

"You have been doing well in your training, Rin. It's time you had a proper blade to fight with." Knowing his distaste for conversation, Rin simply nodded her thanks once again, and went to gather her things so they could set out again. Sesshoumaru watched her go about her business, pondering the last few years since she had come across him in the woods. Why have I grown attached to this human? he wondered, All the times I could have handed over to Inuyasha, surely he and that wench of his could have found a decent village for her to live in. I could have done that myself at any time for that matter. Looking down at his own blade, the Tenseiga, he sighed. Father gave me this sword to make me care for humans. Could he possibly have succeeded?