InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Fall into Rut ❯ Chapter 3: To Live with Sins ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sesshoumaru has been captured, and to make matters worst, he is about to go into his first rut. Kagome a traveling miko is kidnapped to serve as his outlet so his beast wouldn't escape in a lustful rage.
To Fall into Rut
Chapter 3: To Live with Sins
“What is the meaning of this? You took a miko to service the demon filth? What were you thinking? Do you know that defiling a miko directly, or indirectly, is a serious crime?” Ungai asked, his aged face controlled by ugly anger.
Bowing low, the young monk who had brought Kagome into the cell answered, “Master Ungai, it wasn't on purpose, I swear. I just thought that I…if I just took her, you would be glad for a female at such short notice.”
The contorted face grew even fiercer, his dark beady eyes fixed on the cowering male before him, “So what you mean to say is that you knew she was a miko, yet you brought her here to be ravaged by the demon because you thought I would be glad to have someone to sate the beast at such a short notice? You fool! Bring her here to me now! I need to speak with her and apologize for your bumbling mistake!”
“As you wish, Master Ungai,” he bowed several times before heading to the door. Before he stepped out, the young man bowed once more, “Thank you for forgiving me, Master Ungai, I know I have done you wrong and…”
He was cut off by Ungai, “Get out this minute, you insipid fool! I did not say that I have forgiven you for your idiocies. Now leave my sight and fetch that girl!”
Without another word, he left swiftly, not wanting to disappoint Ungai once more. Pattering feet sounded through the room as the monk rushed out, trembling as the full burden of his grievous mistakes was made known to him.
Alert amber eyes snapped open at the sound of the door to the dungeon creaking as it was slowly opened. The soft creaks emitting from the rusty hinges rang clearly in Sesshoumaru's sharp ears as he suppressed a wince at the grating sound.
Apparently, the miko he had bedded was unaffected by the noise, still slumbering peacefully where he had left her last night. `Well, at least she's proving to be unfazed by what I did to her, though I can't say the same for myself,' Sesshoumaru mused gravely. The demon had worried his way into a weary sleep the previous night. In fact, he hadn't shut his eyes for more than an hour before the creaking sound of the dungeon doors disturbed him.
The only thing that kept him from sleeping was the fact that he had remained guilty about violating the miko, even if she had accepted him. The honor and pride residing within him would force him to make it up to the girl somehow, but the rational side of him argued that since the girl had accepted him before he took her the previous night, he should be satisfied with how things turned out, even if the actual facts did leave a stain on his honor.
Although Sesshoumaru rarely allowed himself to be affected by something as insignificant as guilt, he acknowledged the fact that this was one of the rare times he felt guilty for doing something he was not supposed to do. Both the fact that he was feeling guilty and the fact that he had actually done something wrong to warrant this guilt, irritated him to no end. Suppressing a frustrated scowl, Sesshoumaru turned fierce amber eyes on the monk that thought to sneak in without his notice.
Sensing the silent stare on his back, the young monk from yesterday winced and rubbed his neck nervously. A cold sweat broke out across his forehead as he inched towards Kagome's unconscious form, hoping that Sesshoumaru hadn't realized that he was moving for her. The monk had been worried about the miko since the moment he threw her into the cell with the demon. Under Ungai' orders, he had come back to the dungeons to attempt to rescue the miko he had wronged. Sesshoumaru, however, wasn't going to give up the innocent miko as easily as the monk had first thought.
Snarling with possessive anger, Sesshoumaru warned the monk from touching his Kagome. Last night's events had somehow changed his perception of the miko and had also, dare he admit it, endeared her to him in a subtle manner. In fact, so subtle that he could barely recognize it for what it was.
The inexperienced monk ran with his tail between his legs. No matter how much he wanted to help the poor miko, whom he had brought to ruin, the demon lord was simply much too intimidating to withstand. Even with the assurance from Ungai fear still gripped him. The youthful monk forgot that Sesshoumaru could never hurt him, not as long as he had the collar on, which had been made especially for him even, before his capture had taken place.
Repressing a silent sigh, Sesshoumaru glanced down at the sweetly sleeping miko and apologized to her silently. `I may be deemed selfish, but I cannot let you go, even if it means the sacrifice of your happiness. I have yet to figure out why you have taken a liking to occupying my thoughts ever since I met you.'
A beam of morning sunlight shone into the dark dungeon, falling upon the miko's face, and waking her up in the process. A sleepy mumble left her lips so quietly that Sesshoumaru had to focus before he could even hear. “Good morning, Sesshoumaru.” Her voice was slurred with sleep and made him crack an amused sort of smile which resembled something closer to the baring of his teeth.
He remained quiet, not deeming her greeting worthy enough for one of his own. Instead, the demon prodded her with his foot, much like he did the day before. “Get up, miko. Dawn is here already.” All the answer he got was the graceful yawn that Kagome tried to hide behind her hand, but failed as she snuggled into the soft shirt that Sesshoumaru had placed under her head as a substitution for a pillow.
A little affronted that he had been ignored by the insolent miko, Sesshoumaru reached out with his hand and shook her shoulders. “I said wake up, miko. I do not repeat myself for it is below one of my station,” he said disgustedly, wrinkling his aristocratic nose, as clawed hands still insistently tried to force Kagome awake.
With a soft grumble that showed her unwillingness, Kagome finally turned to face him with squinted eyes, her lack of focus clearly showing him that she was still half asleep. “What do you want, Sesshoumaru? Can't it wait? My entire body's sore. I want to sleep,” she informed him while her head remained lazily nestled on his shirt. Slowly, she registered the silky material under her cheek as being remarkably similar to the fabric of Sesshoumaru's shirt; it even looked similar. When she realized that Sesshoumaru's torso was bare, Kagome sat up hurriedly with a blush. Ignoring her aching body, she respectfully returned his crumpled shirt back to him, thanking him as she yawned once more. “I would never have made the night without your shirt. It's such a comfortable pillow, thank you for lending it to me.”
Nodding his acceptance of her thanks, he donned his shirt, leaving it gaping open to reveal part of his chest. He was rather inclined not to pull on his belt and instead, watch Kagome's embarrassment with the current situation due to his slight show of bare skin. It amused Sesshoumaru, to no end, when he saw the flustered woman-child clearly trying to avoid looking at him. Intent on flustering her more, he said monotonously, “Is there anything I may help you with? You seem to have a tendency to focus your eyes on this Sesshoumaru's body.”
Clear cinnamon coloured eyes immediately shifted from his bare chest to his perfectly sculptured face as Kagome huffed indignantly with a soft tint of pink on her cheeks. “I wasn't looking, Sesshoumaru. Your overly egoistical mind was disillusioning you.” She was staunch in her protest as she glared at him, somehow attempting to use her eyes to intimidate the demon lord. She was not happy being caught staring. He merely stared back, appearing to be bored with her childish mind games, even as he chuckled mentally. Never had he encountered anyone who dared raise their eyes to his, much less attempt to use their gaze to intimidate him. Nobody intimidated Sesshoumaru, he was the one who did the intimidating.
Blinking slowly, Sesshoumaru chose to break the little staring contest he had been holding with the miko. A small smirk was dying to curl his lips while he tilted his head, eyes seeming to express pure, unadulterated amusement. He found himself unfortunately, slightly smitten with her amusing charm.
“What exactly are you trying to attempt, miko?” Sesshoumaru questioned even though he had knew that Kagome was trying to threaten him. Her endeavor was obviously ineffective since he was currently harboring amusement, and not fear of her.
Stiffening, Kagome turned away from him with a short huff, her chin lifted and her shoulders squared in stubbornness, not wanting to admit her threat had failed even as she felt her cheeks grow warm. She never realized he had such a beautifully masculine face. She had not taken the time to study his features in the short time they had known each other. Since most of their time together had been taken up by their rutting and then sleep. Having her back toward the demon, Kagome did not see his eyes express his laughter so clearly.
Knowing his defiant lips were about to form into a grin, he stopped his silent amusement and formed a frown across his features. He was disinclined to admit it, but he was a little concerned about her continuous silence. He realized, from the first moment they met, that she was not a normally quiet human. He instinctively moved closer, lowering himself toward Kagome so he could ask her why she was holding her tongue when she unexpectedly turned around to face him again. Instead of speaking his intended questions, his beast took over, leaving his mind to wonder off precariously.
Kagome's mouth had just opened to retort to his earlier statement when his mouth came crashing down on hers. His eyes were wide in silent shock when he felt her soft lips mold to his. Kagome pushed her tongue into his mouth, searching and feeling his against her own. Her eyes wide as she slightly gasped in shock and instinctively opened her mouth further, allowing Sesshoumaru to slid his tongue past her lips as he pressed harder against her.
This was a situation that was not familiar to Sesshoumaru and one he had never encountered before. He simply did not know what he was to do in times such as this. To put it bluntly, as he often liked to do, he was at a complete loss as to what to do. This woman was causing him to go into heat again. He could barely restrain his blood. Sesshoumaru willed himself to calm down and think rationally. 'How could one control his beast? What would one normally do when unintentionally kissing a female.' The answer should have been quite simple: remove your lips from hers in an instant.
Unfortunately for him, Sesshoumaru had no desire to let the miko, entangled in his embrace, go. In fact, the demon lord desired to drag her into his arms and kiss her until she was dizzy from the lack of air. In his current state, it would give his beast, and him, a psyche high. He reasoned that it was useless to deny his beast the pleasure of simply kissing the woman, when he perceived it had already taken the liberty of doing so. His eyes flared red-hot, burning for the female in his grasp as his beast finally reared it's head, demanding satisfaction.
Sesshoumaru was adamant in keeping his control over his beast, it would simply not do for it to take Kagome so soon, especially after she had been ravaged mercilessly by him. He wasn't usually indecisive in his actions, but it seemed that it was slowly becoming a problem around the enticing miko. Even as he ravaged her mouth, he was still attempting to gather his scattered thoughts.
`I never would have thought that I would live to see the day where I have succumbed so shamefully to my rut,' Sesshoumaru thought. The crimson burning in his passionate eyes faded back into a sharp amber while a sigh escaped his mouth. He came to realize that he desired this miko even after having taken her only the night before.
Kagome's wide eyes drifted close and her shock slid from her, she reached her hands into his hair and tugged him lower, absorbing the feel of his kiss, even as she became aware of the slightest hint of electricity that arched between them. Her mouth was moving underneath his as she mumbled, “Cinnamon.” That was what he tasted of: cinnamon.
Her mumbled word seemed to break the spell of enthrallment that surrounded the tangled couple. Sesshoumaru carefully removed his claws from her tresses as Kagome brought one of her hands to her swollen lips, looking dazed. Her eyes held his, and she sensed hesitant remorse coming from the stoic demon lord who looked at her with a calm gaze. Amber eyes stared unwaveringly at her. After a short pause, Sesshoumaru managed to force words from his uncooperative lips while staring at her painfully tranquil eyes. “I will not apologize, miko. This Sesshoumaru does what he desires, and will not take anyone else into consideration.”
Kagome merely nodded with a smile, knowing it was his nature to be this uncaring, and even without having to say the words themselves she forgave him for his harsh words. Sesshoumaru gritted his teeth as he maneuvered himself until he was leaning against the wall. He shut his eyes, ignoring the clenching feeling in his chest, hating that he had to be forgiven by the miko. Even though he adamantly told himself that he had done nothing to warrant her forgiveness, he knew otherwise and that fact made him feel wretched.
The tensed silence was broken when the young monk, from earlier that morning, entered the cell. His wary eyes were glued onto Sesshoumaru, just in case he made any sudden movements. Or just in case the demon lord decided to decapitate him on a moment's notice. “Miko,” he started respectfully, he forced his eyes away from Sesshoumaru and instead focused them on the floor at Kagome's feet, “If you would follow me, Master Ungai has requested to meet with you, and after that, you will be allowed to bathe and eat before returning into the cell. Master Ungai wishes to have a chance to explain your presence here with the filthy demon in hope that you will understand his predicament.”
Sesshoumaru allowed a deep rumble to rise from his throat, eyes threatening to flood with an angry red, as he turned to face the frightened monk and the mostly calm Kagome. It wasn't that his beast was thirsting for Kagome's body again, it was just that she was his bitch, and his more bestial side absolutely refused to relinquish anything that belonged to him. Especially not to the one who locked him in this dingy cell. “Please extend my regrets to your Master, but I do not wish to be in his presence. I trust that food will still be brought into the cell for both Sesshoumaru and I?” Kagome asked with awkward politeness as she looked at the monk, daring him to refute anything she said while not sure if the young man before her deserved the harsh attitude she was exuding.
“Everything shall be done and Master Ungai will be alerted to your request. The food will arrive shortly, along with a wooden pail for you to empty your waste in.” The monk managed to say it all without stammering as he felt Sesshoumaru's angry stare burning holes at the back of his skull and Kagome's stirring irritation.
“Thank you, you may leave now,” she said with a slight smile, her head inclining gracefully. As the monk turned to leave with a feeling of foreboding and guilt surrounding him, Kagome turned to Sesshoumaru and pretended she didn't notice his red orbs. “Sesshoumaru, he actually doesn't seem that bad, just a little spineless. He's not one of the two monks who assaulted you, is he? I didn't sense any malice in his aura.”
It was a while before Kagome was graced with the almighty demon lord's answer. “You are correct in your assumption, miko.” Sesshoumaru said as he concentrated on ignoring his earlier anger, and letting the red in his eyes slowly retreated. He wasn't about to explain that his reaction was to the monk attempting to remove his miko instead of anything done to his person. 
Sighing, Kagome moved to sit closer to the demon lord, her shredded garb held tightly around her body as she lowered her lashes humbling herself before him. “Look, Sesshoumaru, being silent is not going to work seeing as I'll be spending a long period of time here with you. So how about we stop hiding behind masks and get to know each other better? That way, we can protect each other if the enemy decides to harm either of us.”
Holding back a scoff, Sesshoumaru painted a sneer onto his face as he said haughtily, “I doubt we'll be protecting each other much, miko.  The only one they want is me, and once I am dead, you'll be free to go. Even if you did have the slightest chance of getting hurt, what makes you think that this Sesshoumaru would aid you?”
Either ignoring his sarcasm or completely missing it, Kagome cheerily said with a smile on her face, “That's because I'm a female, and unfortunately, you are in rut. You could attempt to relieve yourself, but that isn't plausible since you're too proud and it won't bring a satisfying gratification given your rut. It may, however, take the edge off the need, maybe. Well, you do have the other opinion, which is to die, but I doubt you would want to do that.”
At the end of her little speech, Sesshoumaru didn't know whether to laugh or to get angry at her audacity. Suggesting that he would ever touch himself was atrocious. Why would he need to when there were females surrounding him every minute of the day? Though it was a little impossible to have anyone other than Kagome since he was locked in a dungeon, which happened to be under holy ground where no demon would ever venture. Settling on a neutral emotion, Sesshoumaru turned to face her with a stoic face as he merely murmured, “Hnn.”
Rolling her eyes with childish impatience, Kagome said, “Fine, if you don't want to start, then I will. My name is Higurashi Kagome. I'm turning eighteen next moon cycle. I have a mother and an elder brother back home. I left my village because a wandering miko came along and wanted to stay." Pausing in thought Kagome tapped a finger to her chin. "And…oh yeah! I like the colors white and pink. I like dogs too.” She blushed at Sesshoumaru's arched eyebrows and quickly changed her choice of words. “I mean pet dogs.”
Sesshoumaru fought back a grin as the sides of his lips twitched, aching to break into a smirk. “Well, if you insist on doing this,” Kagome nodded furiously as she blinked, a look of sheer determination crossing her face, “then I have no choice but to agree. My name is Sesshoumaru. I am three hundred and sixty-four years of age. I have only one living relative, my imbecile hanyou half-brother who is currently a nomad. I was tightening security around my lands when I was caught unawares by the monks. And I don't believe there's anything I like.”
Kagome could only gape at the dignified lord as she stuttered in disbelief, “You what? How can you not like anything?”
Leveling a cool gaze at the miko, who sat beside him fervently protesting his lack of interests, Sesshoumaru pulled his lips up to show his sharp fangs in a grin as he murmured, “I don't see how this Sesshoumaru not liking anything would be an impact on your life, or anything related to you for that matter.”
Pressing her lips together, Kagome looked a little confused as she continued without acknowledging his words. “But don't you like playing games? Or sparring, fighting; whatever it is you demon lords do?” She questioned, head tilted and nose scrunching up, as she thought hard about other things that the demon lord may like to do as a past time.
“Playing games? Sparring and fighting?” Sesshoumaru echoed in disbelief as he immediately sought to straighten the wayward facts that Kagome held about him, “Firstly, playing games is something that demon lords never do. Not even as a pup. And secondly, I only enjoy sparring with a good partner once in a while, but fighting is a different matter all together. Fighting is something that I do only when necessary. Like when someone is in my way, when I have to protect what is rightfully mine, and when I wish to expand my territory. Understand?”
“Hai, I understand,” Kagome answered a little sheepishly, realizing she had inadvertently insulted the proud demon lord when she had asked him such seemingly foolish questions.
As if reading her thoughts, Sesshoumaru gave a barely noticeable sigh before running a clawed hand through his silken locks. It was something he only did when he was troubled or confused, which seemed to be a frequent situation that occurred nowadays. “Miko, do not look so…” he could not seem to find a word to describe her current expression, “…unusual. I am not used to seeing such a look of slight remorse on your features. There is nothing to be remorseful about and it is foolish for you to feel this way.”
Giggling suddenly, Kagome nodded with a sweet smile on her face. “You know, Sesshoumaru, you're actually a nice person after all.”
Arching an eyebrow at her, Sesshoumaru's lips pressed themselves into a thin line as he warned her, “Do not make assumptions of someone you have only known for such a short time. That is not a wise thing to do, miko.”
Kagome grinned cheerfully as she waved her hand to dismiss his concern, and to also prove her point, “Ha! I told you that you're a nice person. If you weren't nice, then you wouldn't have bothered to warn me of such a trivial thing as trusting you. Besides, you're more trustworthy than anyone else here. Give me a suitable reason why I shouldn't place my trust in you. Sure, I may often be a bit naïve, but I have impeccable taste when choosing the people to place my trust in.” She was indignant at this point, but her tone turned serious, “You are definitely no different from any other that I have trusted in.”
“You foolish girl. You ask what is different about trusting me like others of your acquaintance. Well for starters, I am a demon, not a human. In addition to that is my title as Lord of the Western Lands, that hardly makes me the kind of person you would usually trust. Am I correct?” Sesshoumaru sneered, fully expecting the little miko to agree with what he had said, for every word was true in his opinion and she would be more foolish for refusing to believe his words.
To his slight disgruntlement, Kagome calmly rocked herself moved as she began to explain to him in soft, measured tones, “Look Sesshoumaru, face it, you're trustworthy. Stop feeling inferior.” Kagome thought that if speaking in this manner, Sesshoumaru would be more inclined to see things from her point of view.
Scoffing, Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at her. “Feeling inferior? Hardly. What reasons would this Sesshoumaru have to feel inferior in the presence such a lowly being as yourself? You humans are always talking about things you will never understand. All I am trying to say is that you should not trust me so easily. I may be planning to do some unscrupulous deed to you.”
What the demon lord did not expect was an act of pure defiance from the small, yet shapely miko as she suddenly exploded, “Damnit! It's my personal instinct okay?! I am sure that you won't come up with some plan to harm me! Isn't that enough?”
Sesshoumaru was a little stunned by her outburst and merely looked at her silently, not knowing what he could say to contradict her. He had laid the truths about himself right in front of her, and yet she had chosen to ignore them. There was nothing he could do about that.
Kagome took a deep breath. In a calmer and more reasonable voice she continued, “Look, I know you are doing this for my own good, but can't you just accept the fact that you are someone I am comfortable with? Comfortable enough to trust wholeheartedly?”
He was about to retort when a flash of red passed through his amber eyes, causing him to shake his head in an attempt to get rid of the slight dizziness caused.
Watching him closely for his answer, Kagome caught the red pulsing within his eyes. She witnessed the color spread, retract a little, and then continue onward. With a sudden jolt of worry and dread, Kagome knew that his blood beast was clawing at the edges of his control again. Reaching out for him, she brought him into her embrace only to have him jerk violently away from her.
A raspy voice ripped from his throat, “Get away from me! Your foolish trust is misplaced! If you refuse to back away, I have no guarantees that you will be able to get out of this.”
Kagome shook her head insistently as she replied, “No! I refuse to back away! Not when you are like this. I promised myself that I would see you safely through these attacks and I will. Mark my words.”
Sesshoumaru attempted to glare at her through the haze of red that clouded his vision, but he was unable to as he gasped inaudibly, fighting the need to curl into himself as intense pleasure flashed through his body, rendering him temporarily paralyzed. “If I hurt you…” He broke off in mid-growl as another cramp of pleasure wracked his weakened body. The attack was much more ferocious this time, for unknown reasons. Perhaps, the argument had drained what was left of his meager strength from last night. Another strangled growl left his twisted lips as his clawed hands reached up to the collar around his neck and tugged uselessly, draining even more of his energy as he remained prostrate on the cold ground.
“Sesshoumaru!” Her tone clearly conveyed her distressed as she wrapped her arms around him. “C'mon, you can stay strong! I believe in you. Overcome that lust of yours. I know you can do it.” Kagome let out a wince as she accidentally stretched sore muscles from last night, but she remained steadfast through her own aches, encouraging Sesshoumaru to pull through this attack.
Said demon lord froze at her wince and suddenly sat up, gleaming ruby eyes looking a tad worried as they roamed her body, making sure that her pain wasn't serious. Frowning, he noticed many parts of her body was also bruised. With a soft purr, Sesshoumaru pushed her gently on her back, pushing her ragged clothing off her shoulders, baring the soft skin to his hungry gaze as he watched how she looked at him from under long lashes with apprehensive, yet determined, eyes. Emitting a rumbling growl, he nuzzled her cheek affectionately as he murmured in a bestial voice, that differed greatly from his normally smooth baritone, “Don't worry. Relax. Only wish to sooth aches. Your aches.” Kagome peered at him trustingly and nodded as she pulled the clothing completely from her torso, exposing her bare chest to his appreciative gaze.
Carefully, Sesshoumaru began lapping at the small cuts and bruises he had inflicted on her body from the night before. His tongue flicked out and licked at a shallow graze where he had bared his fangs against her delicate skin. Making sure that was fully healed, he then moved on to the bruises peppering her pale body, smoothing them over with his tongue as he laved his thick saliva on them to ensure their fast healing.
When he finished the final cut on her left hip, which had been left by one of his claws, he looked directly into her eyes, asking permission to remove the rest of her clothing. Giving a shy nod, Kagome blushed lightly as his clawed hands proceeded to gently pull her pants off, caressing the bare skin that was being revealed. Squirming at the soft touches he was bestowing on her, Kagome let out soft mewls through parted cherry red lips as she squeezed her eyes shut. She wanted to savor the light brushes of his fingers over her body.
Throwing her garments off to one side, Sesshoumaru started from her toes, laving every scrape on her legs tenderly, careful not to aggravate the petty injuries. “Hold still,” his husky voice intoned as she stilled for barely a moment before shifting again.
Her movements simply could not be controlled when he was of such close proximity to her. Blunt teeth bit into her lower lip, leaving the impression of her teeth on the soft skin as she murmured haltingly, “I-I can't, Sesshoumaru. I really can't.”
By now, the demon lord was rubbing his cheek against the curve of her hip, purring contentedly as his eyes steadily darkened into a blood red, seeming to enjoy the way she wiggled shyly under his tight hold, careful to not leave new bruises her fragile body. Almost lazily, his nose brushed a tingling path across her hip bone, snuffling into her tight curls. Smirking with male satisfaction, Sesshoumaru inhaled the mixed scent of his little miko and himself, savoring the fragrance as he unconsciously bared his fangs in a show of possession. Lowering his head even further into her center, Kagome gave a keening mewl as the demon lord dragged his unusually long inu tongue over her slit slowly, leisurely enjoying the way her body trembled. Delving deeper, Sesshoumaru tasted virgin blood and rumbled in displeasure, for even though the blood scent was lovely, he did not like the idea of hurting the little miko even for his own enjoyment.
Pushing his tongue deep within her, Kagome writhed helplessly under his touch. Sesshoumaru encountered more blood; he had torn her in his heat last night. It was nearly unavoidable, for someone of his girth and length would literally have to force himself into someone as small as Kagome. Though her petite stature gifted her with an exquisite tightness he could never get enough of, that very same gift would hurt her as he pushed himself deep into her depths repeatedly. Although he wasn't doing that now, Sesshoumaru knew such a thing was going to be nearly unavoidable in the future. He had done the unthinkable and had let himself grow addicted to the feel of her.
He could distinctly taste her clear fluid coming from between her folds now, and he ate her ravenously with an insatiable appetite. Repeatedly he plunged his tongue within her to draw out more of her sweet juices to feast on. Sesshoumaru was eating her so harshly that he feared his fangs would cut her, but no matter the reasons he gave himself, he couldn't stop hungrily devouring her. Kagome's hips were arched even with his attempts to hold them down as she cried softly, the killing pleasure ripping through her veins like lightening. To Sesshoumaru, it was no longer just the innocent healing of the injuries he had inflicted upon her the night before. Instead, he was assuaging his hunger for her fragile body and, at the same time, providing her with mind numbing pleasure.
“Sesshou…Sesshoumaru!” She gasped, body twisting hard as a gush of wetness slicked her inner thighs and stained Sesshoumaru's cheeks, making them gleam in the dim light provided by the little window. He lifted his head to smirk at her in bestial satisfaction at the pleasure he had given her.
Kagome murmured quietly as her limbs trembled from the aftershocks, “I've never felt anything like that before.”
Sesshoumaru licked her clean leisurely. Murmuring in a husky voice, “And no other male shall ever touch you the way I have, little miko.” The deep red of his eyes lightened into a soft pink that slowly faded back into amber.
Before she could say anything, footsteps from outside the cell could be heard as Sesshoumaru's eyes burned red once more. Kagome squeaked and hurriedly sat from her prone position as she frantically struggled to put her clothes on. Sesshoumaru leaned over her and helped to hastily wrap her body with what remained of her miko garments, which were becoming filthy with lack of proper care. Wiping his mouth on his sleeve, the lord tugged Kagome into his lap, a sure sign of his possessiveness. She belonged to him, and as he waited impatiently for the footsteps to arrive, he prayed to whatever god would listen to a demon like him, that they weren't here to take Kagome away from him. For he recognized their scent, the disgusting unwashed scents that belonged to his two torturers from a few days ago. Unlike the young monk from this morning, the other two weren't as averse to using the collar to subdue him.
Holding Kagome even closer to him, he buried his nose into her hair and nuzzled her gently, willing to be the victim of the monks' painful torture as long as Kagome would remain by his side.