InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Remember You ❯ The Final Battle ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
InvincibleInuYasha: Hey everybody! Guess what!! I got some reviews so I decided this chapter should be posted. Thanks to sesshy_lil_slut and jacketslacker for reviewing! It was very nice of them. I hope everybody else reviews as well.

P.S.-I'll try to make this story as action-packed as possible! If it isn't, complain, and I will fix it!

P.S.S.-Character death! There will be the death of a favorite character in this chapter! Don't read the second-to-last and the fourth-to-last paragraphs in the story if you don't want to hear about it. Oh yeah. And not the author's notes either. And if you read them anyway, don't cry! Don't complain either, I am just as upset. It seemed necessary to be in the story. There just might be another one in the next chapter, just a heads-up.

Disclaimer: I don't own much. Just a box of tissues because I'm sick. *_*

::Chapter 26: The Final Battle::

We had been traveling for two days, passing village after village. They were all destroyed in what looked like a battle area. The troops of demons were trailing behind us either by land or air. We only stopped to rest once. Finally we reached a fairly large village beside and ocean that had been completely torn down. Inu Yasha cursed under his breath. Kagome looked close to tears. Inu Yasha walked up to one small area where the wood that built up a hut was shattered. He sighed, "Shiori." I didn't know who Shiori was, but she was probably friends with Inu Yasha and Kagome judging by their expressions. Inu Yasha started to look around, sniffing the air. Then he sped off towards the forest on the other side of the village. Kouga shouted, "Muttface! Get back here!" A few minutes later, Inu Yasha came back carrying a small girl. She had dark skin, red eyes, and white hair. It looked as if she was running away for a while since her clothes were stained with mud and grass and a little bit of blood. Kagome took the little girl from Inu Yasha, "Shiori! You're okay!"

Shiori wrapped her arms around Kagome's neck and began to cry. Inu Yasha asked, "What's wrong?" In between sobs, Shiori said, "N-Naraku.. He k-k-killed my mother!" Inu Yasha clenched his fists, "Damnit!" Kagome stroked the girl's head to try and soothe her. Inu Yasha asked quietly, "Shiori. Do you know exactly where Naraku is hiding out? If you do, tell us, and we'll kill him." Shiori sniffled and said, "He's settled on top of the mountain above the bat-demons old lair." Inu Yasha said, "We'll have to leave right now then. Naraku can't do anything else to hurt anyone." Kagome asked, "But what about Shiori? We can't take her with us." Shiori said, "Yes I can! I'll help you." Kouga said, "How are you going to help us? I can tell you're a half-demon, but your still a little kid." Shiori answered, "I'll sheild you." Inu Yasha brightened up, "Can you do that Shiori? All of us?" Shiori glanced over the size of the army and said, "Without my pearl, my power isn't as strong. The sheild will be as strong as it was, but it will be smaller. I could only sheild about half of you." She looked upset, and a wave of tears came upon her again. Inu Yasha said, "That's okay Shiori. That's plenty. You're still powerful." Shiori shook her head, "I couldn't even sheild my mother when Naraku destroyed the village! She sent me away so I wouldn't get hurt, and I was about to come back when Naraku came!" Inu Yasha sighed, "Shiori, do you understand that your mother stayed behind so she wouldn't slow you down? She didn't want you nearby. You're a half-demon, so I'm sure you can run faster than any human can. She wanted you to leave quickly, even if it meant her life. She wanted you to go on." Shiori wiped her eyes and tried to stop crying, "But mother didn't have to stay behind. I didn't run away. I stayed on the outskirts of the village. And I was safe. She could have come with me!" Inu Yasha said, "You're safe. All your mother wanted was for you to be safe, right? She got what she wanted. You're alive, that's all that matters now." Shiori kept quiet.

Kouga said, "Should we go now?" I said, "We've been here for a while. We should get going." Inu Yasha nodded and picked up Shiori. We walked for another half an hour until we turned a corner and saw a big cave opening. Above it were huge purple and black clouds hovering above a castle. I asked Kagome, "Is this the place?" She gulped and said, "Yeah." Suddenly, a surprisingly powerful gust of wind swept over us. A few of the smaller demons were blown back a few feet. Once the wind subsided, a woman stood in front of us. She had black hair tied back in a tied bun with two feathers sticking out of it. Her eyes were red and she held a red and white fan that matched her kimono. Inu Yasha growled, "Kagura." The woman smirked evilly, "Well well, if it isn't Inu Yasha and all of his little friends." Inu Yasha snarled, "Get out of the way Kagura! We're here to kill Naraku, so step aside!" Kagura blinked and was about to say something when a dozen bees the size of large rabbits flew beside her. She sighed angrily and said, "Inu Yasha, I'll have to kill you." Inu Yasha put down Shiori, leapt forward, and prepared to strike Kagura with his claws. Kagura opened her fan and shouted, "Dance of Blades!" Cresent shaped blades of wind sliced at Inu Yasha's shirt. Inu Yasha looked confused. He wasn't hurt at all. He leapt again and this time slashed Kagura's waist. She fell to the ground and cursed. Inu Yasha stood next to her, ready to strike again. The bees flew back up to the castle. Kagura whispered, "Inu Yasha, please kill Naraku. I shall gain my freedom." Inu Yasha looked puzzled again, "What're you talking about?" Kagura explained, "Naraku has my heart. I only follow his orders because he could kill me at any moment. All I wish for is my freedom. In order to get it, Naraku must die. Please, kill him and I will be forever in debted to you." Inu Yasha waited a moment before he lowered his hand and stepped back, "Fine. But tell me something first." Kagura asked, "What is it?" Inu Yasha asked, "Is Kohaku still alive?" Kagura shook her head, "Naraku has taken the jewel shard out of his back just a while ago. As soon as it was removed, the boy died." Inu Yasha cursed and asked, "Does this mean that Naraku has finally completed the jewel?" Kagura said, "No. He is in need of only one more shard." Inu Yasha asked, "Does he know where it is?" "Yes. He thinks that the preistess has it." Kagome blinked, "Me? But, he stole my portion of the jewel already." Kagura shrugged, "I don't know what Naraku plans to do. Just kill him, please." She plucked a feather out of her hair and it grew to be twice as big as Inu Yasha. She leapt on it while clutching her side and flew away.

Once the wind demon had left, Inu Yasha picked up Shiori again and leapt up the side of the mountain. Kouga picked up Kagome and followed. All of the other demons and I did the same. As we got closer to the castle, it became harder to breathe. The altitude and the miasma made it difficult to maneuver easily. Inu Yasha and Kouga were slowing down every once in a while. Finally, we made it to the top of the mountain. The castle was surrounded by huge stone walls with a large gate. Inu Yasha put Shiori down and said, "Don't use your powers unless I tell you too. We might need it later. Just stay out of the way of the battle." One of the demons shot a fireball from it's mouth and tore down the gates, leaving a large opening for the demons to charge through. Suddenly a wall of the castle was torn down as well by various demons. Then a large battle broke out.

Claws, fists, wings, and fangs collided. Energy blasts, fire balls, and water jets shot through the air. Roars, yelps, screams, and shouts echoed throughout the courtyard. A particularly large demon rounded up on me and punched me in the stomach. It's power blasted me back a few yards until one of the walls caught me. A large crater formed in the walls from my collision. I was surprised it didn't hurt that bad. I got up and the demon charged at me. I tried to remember what Inu Yasha had told me. I opened my hand and shouted, "Iron Reaver, SOUL STEALER!" My claws extended to twice their normal length and they glowed a bright gold. I slashed through the demon's armor easily and also dug a few inches into it's chest. It shreiked loudly and grabbed my arm, flinging me back against the wall. This time it hurt a little more. Before I could get back up, it punched me again in the stomach. And it continued. I coughed up blood. But it just wouldn't stop. Am I going to die?

Suddenly it stopped. Kouga came up to me and helped me up, "Never let yourself get cornered. They'll never let you go." I nodded and wiped the blood off of my chin, "Thanks." The demon got up again and Kouga patted my shoulder, "Go get him." He leapt back into his own fight. This time I was prepared, "Iron Reaver, Soul Stealer!" I sliced through it's neck. A gurgling sound came from it's throat as a fountain of blood spouted from his jugular. And it fell. It was the first time I've ever really killed anything.

But more demons came. That wasn't the only demon I was going to kill then. Three demons surrounded me. One was like a large bear demon, the second was a huge boar demon, and the third looked nearly human except for the pointed ears and fangs, and large gray wings protruding from it's back. The boar demons charged first, it's horns sharp. I leapt upward and kicked the demon under it's chin. It flew backwards about fifteen feet away. Wow! I didn't know I was that powerful. The bear demon came up behind me. I turned to face it, but it had slashed me across my chest. I staggered backwards and clutched my chest. Then I remembered what Inu Yasha had told me, 'If you're bleeding or something, get it on your claws and say Blades of Blood'. Well, my own blood was already soaking my whole hand, so I jerked my claws towards the demon and shouted, "Blades of Blood!" Sure enough, bright red blades emitted from the tips of my claws and slashed open the bear from all sides. Finally, the human-like demon came up to me, "Well well, if it isn't Inu Yasha." I said, "I'm not sure you know exactly who I am." The demon's wings stretched high above it's head, "Oh really? Naraku's told me so much about you. He told me not to kill you, but to bring you to him. He wants to finish you off himself." I shook my head, "I am not Inu Yasha. He's over there." I pointed across the battlefield to Inu Yasha who was currently clobbering a large coyote demon. The demon who was facing me glanced at me, Inu Yasha, and back again, "But... But how?" I said, "I'm Inu Yasha's reincarnation." The demon thought for a moment before he smirked, "Aha. Ahahaha! So the hanyou will die? I see. It all fits now. How about I let Naraku kill Inu Yasha, while I kill the reincarnate!" He rushed at me and pulled a sword out of the sheath strapped to his back. I shouted, "Iron Reaver, Soul Stealer!" I slashed the demon's arm, but only slightly. The demon continued to laugh as it swiftly flew behind me and stabbed me through my shoulder. I yelled out in pain.

I heard Kagome shout, "Hit the mark!" A shimmering pink light shot above me and into the demon. The demon shreiked as it disintegrated into the air. Kagome ran up to me, "Are you okay!?" I nodded and clutched my shoulder. Kagome grabbed a handkercheif from her pocket and wrapped it around my shoulder. I said, "Thanks." By now, most of the enemy demons had been slaughtered, and only a few of our side had been killed. Sesshomaru and Inu Yasha managed to finish the rest of them off. We gathered around among all of the corpses of the fallen demons. Inu Yasha said, "That was almost too easy. If Naraku has almost the whole jewel, then it should have been much more difficult to face him." Kouga agreed, "Yeah. Even without my jewel shards, these demons were too easy." And it did seem easy to them. Kouga only had small scratches and bruises on his arms, and Inu Yasha had a bloody lip. Sesshomaru didn't have a scratch on him.

Suddenly, a loud, malicious voice boomed throughout the castle, "I see you have defeated my small troop of demons. Very good Inu Yasha." Inu Yasha snarled viciously, "NARAKU! Get out and fight! Don't be a coward!" Naraku chuckled evilly, "Now, why would I go get my hands dirty and fight, when I could kill you from my current location at this very instant?" Everybody tensed and started looking around. Inu Yasha went up to Kagome and whispered, "Kagome, do you sense any jewel shards?" Kagome whispered back, "Yeah. It's near the left wing of the castle." Kouga must have heard her as well because he stared right at that part of the castle. Inu Yasha cursed, "Damn, I wish I had Tetsusaiga right about now. I could have used the Wind Scar to destroy this whole place." Sesshomaru simply stepped forward, towards the castle and raised his sword, "Naraku, we shall kill you." He crashed his sword down into the ground and a bright yellow light began to split the ground. It reached the castle and it was destroyed.

We all waited for the dust to settle. Inu Yasha lightly sniffed at the air, "He's close." Kouga suddenly cried out in pain. We all turned to see a root through his chest. The light slowly left his eyes. Kagome shouted, "Kouga!" The root threw Kouga aside. He didn't get up again. Inu Yasha growled, "Shit. Kouga..." Kouga's demons grew angry and charged towards the source of the roots. The roots gave many of them the same fate, while the others were quickly engulfed in an ugly green goop. The goop pulsed around them and then they were gone. Inu Yasha hissed, "He absorbed them." He turned to Kagome, "Go get Shiori." Kagome nodded and ran out of the castle grounds. She came back quickly with Shiori. Inu Yasha said, "Shiori, can you do this?" Shiori looked at the remaining demons, "I'll be able to sheild most of you. I'll try my best." Inu Yasha smiled softly, "Thanks Shiori. At the first sign of attack, put up the sheild." Shiori nodded.

Inu Yasha and the rest cautiously walked towards the castle. Naraku didn't show any sign of attacking so far. We reached the castle doors. Inu Yasha said, "We should split up. Sesshomaru, take a few demons and go to the right wing of the castle. Kagome, Tatsuya, go around the castle grounds with some other demons. Shiori and I will look everywhere else. Any sign of battle, come immediately." We all agreed with Inu Yasha's plans and split up.We watched as Sesshomaru turned a corner of the castle and Inu Yasha and Shiori disappeared in the dark corridors of the castle. Kagome, me , and a dozen other demons went back outside.

Kagome walked up to Kouga's body, now covered in blood. She wiped a tear that trailed down her cheek, "I didn't think that one of our close friends would die like this. I should have been prepared to face it, since Naraku did the same to all of my other friends." She closed Kouga's eyes and sighed, "We have to find Naraku. He has to be paid back for what he's done to all of us." I nodded, "Don't worry. We'll kill him and go back home safely." She wiped her eyes again and smiled, "Yeah." We continued walking around the grounds searching for any trace of Naraku. We turned a corner and stopped. A short girl in a white robe was stadning in front of us. Her hair was white and cut up to her shoulders, held up with white flowers. Her face was pale and her black eyes were dull. She held a white circular mirror in her hands. Kagome froze, "Kanna." I was curious. What was so dangerous about this little girl? Kagome whispered to me, "Run." I grabbed Kagome's hand and ran, bringing her with me. The demons stayed behind for some reason.

While I was running, I asked, "What's wrong with that girl? What's so dangerous?" Kagome tried to keep up with my pace, "Her mirror... It steals souls. She stole mine once and it's not easy to get out. The demons were probably captured already." It steals souls? That's weird. I kept running until we reached the other side of the castle. And I stopped immediately. Standing in front of me, was Naraku.

::Chapter 26 End::

InvincibleInuYasha: Oh my God! I can't believe I let Kouga die! I mean, I love Inu Yasha more, but Kouga's cool enough for me to care about his life. *sigh* Anyway, the next chapter is were more fighting and blood will occur. Actually, it depends on my mood. I'm sick and I'm mad at my nose for being so irritating, so the chapter should be plenty bloody! lol. Oh yeah! Somebody has offered to be a proofreader for my stories! Yay! Now none of you will have to struggle with my crude grammer! The person is jacketslacker who is one of the people who has reviewed. I thank jacketslacker for the kind offer. Now all of you should review because my story will get better soon! The next chapter will probably be called, 'Life or Death'. Ja ne!