InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ Lean On Me ( Chapter 41 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

Last time:

“When we get home, you’re telling me what really happened,” he whispered in her ear.

This time:

When Kiyomi and Hitoshi had gotten back to their dorm Kiyomi had told him everything, and she was currently in her room waiting for Hitoshi to get back from hunting Naraku . She sighed and looked at her dresser and was surprised to see a note there. She stood up and walked toward it, and, as she got closer, she noticed it had spots of blood on it; her blood. The last moment of her encounter flashed through her head and she remembered him throwing it on her stomach. She opened it and it read:

My dear Kiyomi,

I have watched you from afar my dear and it saddens me that you have found another. But rest assure that I will save you from that bastard and take what is mine. Remember if you change your mind just say my name.

The one you love,

She threw it down in disgust; she was finally figuring out that the man is a psychopath! She plopped back on her bed and continued to wait for Hitoshi. She heard the door slam and she rushed out her room and into the living room. She gasped as she saw his knuckles covered in blood and ran up to him.

“Baby, what happened!” she asked.

“I followed Naraku’s scent into a forest and when I couldn’t find him I got mad and broke every tree near me into a million pieces,” he explained not looking at her.

She got up and got a first aid kit from one of the pantries. She sat down, took one of his hands, and started to disinfect the cuts. She wrapped the hand in white bandages and then moved on to the next. Hitoshi didn’t look at her the whole time; was he mad at her? Once she was done, she set the first aid kit on the coffee table, turned his head gently toward her, and spoke,

“What’s the matter?”


“Don’t you dare try to lie to me Hitoshi Takahashi!”

He was silent and stared at her blankly. He sighed in defeat and spoke,

“I’m sorry kataki, it’s just that I feel like you find me…useless. Since the day I discovered my feelings for you were real, I’ve vowed that I would love and protect you; the problem is, you won’t let me protect you! I understand that you’ve been hurt and all your life you’ve had no one to lean on but yourself, but you need to know that you can lean on me. You can’t win every battle by yourself, and you can’t expect me to watch it. You need to understand that I will always stand and fight by your side. Kiyomi, I love you; let me prove it.”

She looked at the determination in his eyes, smiled, and shook her head. He was always right, she was like an open book to him! Tears fell from her eyes; no one had ever been there to support her except her old parents, and she didn’t have that much time with them. She wiped away her tears quickly hating how much she was crying lately.

“I’ll promise to lean on you if you promise not to leave me when I do,” she mumbled looking into her lap.

He grinned, ““Don’t leave me”, ahh words I never get tired of.”

(A/N: It’s 1:35 I’m tired as hell if there are any mistakes, tough. Review)