InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ These Crazy Bitches ( Chapter 61 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello my beautiful people! It has been too long! Enjoy!
I don not own Inuyasha.
I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.
Last time:
"Maybe we should be on our way to Paris?" Miroku suggested.
Sango nodded and they ran for the door.
This time:
"So I'm sorry Sango my dear," Izayoi apologized to Sango through video chat.
"Me too darling, I ruined your wedding," Mizuki added.
"Not at all! You two saved us! My father and brother were torturing poor Miroku," she giggled.
"Indeed it was torture. You gave us a chance to escape," Miroku sighed in exhaustion.
"Well we're still sorry."
"It's fine and Izayoi," Sango whispered, "you have a stuffed mushroom in your hair."
Izayoi sighed, "I'm not surprised. This bitch put me in quite a bedraggled state. Oh well, at least I can pull it off better than she can."
Mizuki growled and Sango immediately signed off. They did look pretty messed up. Izayoi's once beautiful white halter dress was torn everywhere revealing cleavage and a lot of thigh and her elegant bun was deformed into some kind of peacock thing with ore'dievers (idk if I spelled it right) smashed into it.
Mizuki was no better. The red strapless dress she came in was nothing but a skirt since Izayoi tore the top off revealing a black bodice. Her pigtails were taken out and her silver hair fell down her back below her hips. Her hair was covered in blotches of brown and yellows and greens that were very noticeable on her hair color.
"Don't even get me started Izayoi. I'd hate to make you cry," Mizuki huffed walking out of the room.
Izayoi followed soon after and saw her limping up the stairs.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Izayoi questioned.
"To the room that was prepared for me," she flashed a beautiful mischievous grin. "Maybe take a bath with my dear InuTaisho."
Izayoi growled an inhuman like growl and ran after the inu who was prancing up the stairs quickly.
With InuTaisho:
InuTaisho averted his attention from the repair bills and medical bills from the wedding sprawled on his desk and looked around.
"Why do I have a feeling that two woman are fighting over me?"
He thought for a minute and grinned smugly.
"Cause women always fight over me!"
He heard the shattering of glass and sighed.
"Mother was right, it's hard being this attractive."
He then made his way down to the living room.
With the crazy bitches again:
"Mom, come on get off her!" Inuyasha grunted pulling his mother off Mizuki.
"Mother you will cease this nonsense and release Izayoi's hair!" Sesshoumaru ordered irately trying to pry his mother's claws from Izayoi's hair.
The two woman were finally yanked apart. A second later they released themselves from their sons and went at it again. It looked like they were playing Mercy as they clashed again. Mizuki grabbed Izayoi's wrists and pushed her back sending her flying through the huge patio window and into the shallow end of the pool.
Izayoi emerged coughing only to be tackled by Mizuki. Izayoi flipped her over shoulder and grabbed her hair dunking her in the water repeatedly. Mizuki grabbed her arm and flung her out of the pool and onto the patio lawn. She jumped on top of her and raised her poison claws above her head to bring them down. Izayoi gasped and grabbed the nearest thing next to her, which was a big ass rock, and cover her face as Mizuki's acid melted the rock.
InuTaisho came downstairs and gaped at the patio window.
"What the devil is going n?" he barked.
"Your wives are going at it in the pool," Inuyasha clarified rubbing his shoulder.
InuTaisho turned his glare to the women in the pool but it diappeared quickly once he saw the two soaked women fighting. He licked his lips as Izayoi socked Mizuki in the face and pinned her down giving him a nice view of her bosom and thighs.
"Father, aren't you going to stop them?" Sesshoumaru asked.
"Son, a real man never passes up the chance to see two wet women fighting," he replied never taking his eyes off the Izayoi.
"That's not disgusting," Kiyomi stated sarcastically.
"Damn, Izayoi can kick some ass!" Kagome praised.
"That's for sure," Rin agreed.
Mizuki snarled at Izayoi and freed one of her wrists slashing her across her torso removing the top part of her dress. Izayoi gaped down at her revealed white lace strapless bra.
"You bitch! That was my favorite dress!" she growled.
Suddenly she was yanked off Mizuki and thrown over InuTaisho's shoulder.
"That broken window is coming out of your bank account woman," he declared.
"The hell it is! Put me down so I can finish this bitch off!" she screamed.
"No, you're going to help me with the repair bills," he smirked and moved his hand higher grabbing her thigh, "understood?"
She gasped and knew full well he didn't want to work on bills. She smirked.
"Yes dear."
He chuckled and hopped up the stairs. Sesshoumaru snorted in disgust and walked over to his mother picking her up bridal style.
"Honestly mother, you haven't even met the new members of the family, yet you still went out for Izayoi's blood," he sighed taking her to her room.
"Oh but Sesshoumaru, I don't like Izayoi!" she pouted.
"Why not? You are the one who wanted to undo the mating with father in the first place," he reminded.
"I am aware of that," she snapped irately.
He opened the door to one of the guest rooms and sat her down on the bed closing the door behind him. He sat down gracefully next to her and sighed as she still pouted.
"Tell me what troubles you my dear mother."
She sighed, "It's just not fair! He had me, a beautiful Inu demoness for a wife, then when I leave him, he replaces me with that, that human. Do you have any idea how embarassed I was? It was the talk for half and year until it died down! And just when I was about to return to the public with my regained pride, he had Inuyasha! Don't get me wrong I consider Inuyasha my family, but I was so humiliated! I'm lucky they didn't have those cameras and the world wide web back in the feudal era; my humiliation would have bee nthe talk of the world! And now I come to visit and a human is latched on to my baby Sesshoumaru, the only one I have left in this cruel world. I'm being replaced by human women! The shame!"
She was crying now and Sesshoumaru hated seeing his mother cry. He sighed and hugged her.
"Mother, are you truly that ignorant."
She sniffled and looked up at him. He then grinned a grin his mother had only seen when he was a pup.
"I could never replace you mama. You're my best friend."
Mizuki's lips quivered and she started bawling again, this time in happiness. She hugged him tightly causing him to grunt. Later, she calmed down and composed herself.
"Thank you Sesshoumaru for making me feel better. Now I'm afraid you must leave so I can be clean once again." she chuckled.
He stood and bowed before leaving the room.
(A/N: Aww, mama's boy! Review!)