InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Feelings ❯ Reunited ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

R_S: Sorry this took so long; I had a lot going on. Look: standardized testing started, I was so sick I could hardly get out of bed, then there was the science fair, plus a close friend of the family ended up in the hospital. Also, I wanted to post all my stories on the same day… but I didn't.
Chapter 11
“Who is it, Inuyasha?” Sango asked worriedly, lifting her weapon once more.
“My darling brother.” The half demon spat back.
“I'm touched to hear you hold me in such high regard.” Sesshomaru stepped into the clearing.
“Grr… look, I don't have time for this. Just give us the girl so we can go.”
“If you hurt Flora in any way…” Musa threatened, hands balled into fists.
“I see you've added to your little group.” The lord mused conversationally, as if the raven-haired fairy hadn't spoken a word.
“Believe me, they're temporary.” Inuyasha back, tetsusaiga drawn and ready for action, “They came with the wench you stole.”
“For those who care so much about that lowly human's well being,” Jaken squeaked, “you sure leave her in a horrid form. If Lord Sesshomaru-sama hadn't-”
“Quiet Jaken.”
“Yes, of course milord.” He promptly shut his mouth.
“Wait a minute,” Kagome interrupted softly, “you helped her?”
“Rin seems to have taken quite well to her.” He narrowed his eyes.
“Well,” Sango spoke as she and Miroku bowed slightly at the waist, “we are deeply thankful for your help. However, it is time Flora-chan returned with us.”
“Grr… what are you thankin' him for?” Inuyasha exclaimed angrily.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome attempted to reason, “Had your brother not helped, Flora could have been injured even worse than she already was. He deserves some-” “Feh, all he deserves is to have his throat slit.” And with that the usual battle began…
“Do they always fight like this?” Bloom asked as the entire group sweat-dropped.
“Yeah, pretty much.” Sango answered boredly (An: all of my favorite words aren't actual words… what does that say about me?), opting to casually lean on her hirakatsu while regarding the pointless battle.
“Aren't they brothers?” Brandon asked confused as he ran a hand through his brown hair. (An: ok, I'm going to edit the other chapters when I get a chance. When I first wrote this story, the whole `switched identities' thing was a spoiler. But, it's not now and I want to use the proper names.)
“They are.” Kagome stated bluntly, ignoring the fight in front of her, “ They just cannot even attempt to get along. It's like they think they're allergic to one another or something.” She waved her arms around to emphasize her point.
“I see half-demon Inuyasha is still unable to make amends with his brother.” A cold voice drawled from far above.
“Kagura.” Miroku pointed his staff threateningly in her direction.
An: ok, I know this is the middle of the chapter. However, there is a matter I found important and needed to address: ditching stories. This is not a personal insult, but some of you may connect with what I'm saying in a positive or negative fashion. It's no problem if you are going to put one on Hiatus if you need a break from it, but if you may not come back to writing it make sure you say it somewhere. There are plenty of places, including an author's note or your bio.
Further more, if you're a member but no longer wish to be one, LET PEOPLE KNOW YOU'RE LEAVING! This is especially bad when you have a large number of fan fictions, like fifteen, in the works. Many loyal reviewers are waiting for an update that never comes. The least you could do is announce your departure so no one's holding his or her breath. In fact, if you're leaving, why keep half written stories up?
I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, but this really gets on my nerves. I had to put this here because, in my experience, no one reads authors notes. Now, back to the fic.
“The one and only.” The red-eyed demon bowed on her floating feather, before crossing her arms. Her weaponry never left her grip as she spoke to the snowy-haired brothers and their observers.
“What do you want?” Sango asked guardedly, hand resting on her own weapon waiting to draw it. Kagura didn't answer. Instead she lifted her fans and sent a half-hearted attack Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's way.
“Dance of the dragons!” the two tornados were easily dodged. “Good, now that we're all warmed up, the real battle can start.” And start it did. Kagura was on offense the entire time as the two brothers dodged her every blow, without a second to send their own towards her.
“Come on, Sango,” Miroku ordered, “they need help.” The demon slayer nodded in agreement and the two joined the fight.
“We should help.” Tecna decided, addressing her three friends. They agreed and did their little transform-a-majiger-thing. “Ready?” she asked. No one answered; the four of them just flew into battle. Now, needless to say, they caught the attention of all three parties, one slightly less than the other two.
“Sonic Blast!” everyone had to cover their ears as the sound waves from Musa's attack sent Kagura flying backward into a tree.
“Sun Sweeper!” Stella used her newly transformed staff to throw another powerful attack the demons way, but she dodged it. The forest shone bright as day for a few seconds, until the spell wore off. Kagura slowly stood up, ready to fight back.
“Hey Flora,” Rin asked faux-nonchalantly as they sauntered through the courtyard, “have you thought anymore about my question?”
“Rin, I hardly know the guy. I can't just decide whether or not I have feelings for him.” The brunette expertly avoided the question, effectively hiding her newfound crush.
“Why not? I've seen people do it all the time.”
“Things are different where I come from.”
“Really? What do you mean?”
“Well, for starters we go on dates.”
“It's hard to explain. Basically, if the boy likes a girl, he asks her to go somewhere with him and he takes her out to just have fun.”
“What if he doesn't like her or she doesn't like him?”
“Well if the boy doesn't like her he just doesn't ask. If the girl doesn't like him, it gets a bit more complicated.”
“Well, the girl either says no and the boy feels a bit hurt, or the girl says yes and decides to give him a shot. If she still doesn't think they'll work out, she tells him and they don't date again.”
“So, after they go on the date, then they're a couple?”
“Well yes, unless they break up. If they don't break up and stay together long enough, they may get married.”
“Oh. How long does that take? A month?”
“Actually, it's usually six months or more.”
That long?” the girl's eyes widened.
“Things are different in my time. For example, my friends and I are still in school.”
“It's where we go to learn things.”
“Like reading and writing?”
“Well, besides reading and writing, we learn other more complicated things.” Rin opened her mouth to ask another question when a loud noise caught the girls' attention. It was followed by a bright, blinding flash that rivaled the sun.
“What was that?” the young girl asked fearfully.
“I'd know those spells anywhere…” Flora whispered to herself, before turning towards her young companion “Rin, go inside. Whatever happens, don't leave unless you have to.”
“What about you?”
“I have to do something, sweetie. I'll be fine, just wait inside.”
On that final note, Flora tore off in the direction of the occurrence. Jumping over roots and dodging branches, she made her way toward her friends with expert precision. The young fairy was used to these types of terrain, having grown up with plants and animals all around her. She stopped when she could just see the battle, in order to assess the situation without running head first into danger.
Kagura had summoned some of Naraku's poison insects, which were currently distracting most of the group. Kagura had the upper hand over the rest, and was coming down on them relentlessly. Flora turned toward the target of the enemy's next attack and gasped. A tree had pinned down Kagome and Musa, making it so the girls were unable to move. She decided it was time to step in.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha couldn't get to them in time, no one could. Kagura brought her fans up to attack and the two girls shut their dark eyes. Suddenly, their attacker was sent hurdling sideways by a blast of green energy. Flora floated down in fairy form, wings beating, in a seated position with her legs crossed and hands resting on her knees. Inuyasha pulled himself from his stupor and lifted the tree while everyone stared.
Sesshomaru's head was screaming at him to do something, but he could only manage to stand there focusing on how hot she looked scantily clad. He resisted the urge to bang his head against a tree… or grab the object of his confusion and kiss her on the spot. He deemed both ideas degrading and unfavorable.
“Flora!” her friends wasted no time in killing the distracted insects and jumping on their companion in a huge group hug.
“We were so worried!” Bloom exclaimed as she and the other girls tightened their grip. No one noticed the pink-clad girls painful wince as they did, other than Sesshomaru.
“I-I'm fine, but shouldn't we be focusing on… no one?” Kagura had taken the opportunity to slip away unnoticed as she arrived.
“She must have retreated while everyone was focusing on you. It doesn't matter, we're glad to see you're well.” Miroku greeted kindly.
“Which makes absolutely no sense.” Inuyasha rudely pointed out.
“We saw you get crushed and thrown by that demon puppet,” Sango explained, “how can you possibly be in such an unharmed condition?”
“It's nothing, I just recited a protection spell I learned from Bloom.” The fairy waved off nonchalantly.
“A protection spell?” a small, shy voice called out.
“Rin, I told you to go inside. What are you doing here, sweetie?” Flora half reprimanded, half questioned.
“I got worried about you. What's going on?” the little girl cocked her head in a confused manner.
“Nothing, sweet heart. Don't worry about it.” Rin didn't know why, but she instinctively hugged her friend.
“Aww…” Bloom couldn't help it: she had to coo. The scene was just too cute.
“Hi,” the little girl walked over to the other fairies and the specialists, looking up at them, “I'm Rin.”
“Hey Rin,” the blonde boy greeted, “I'm Sky. This is Brandon, Timmy, and Riven.”
“Hello!” she chirped, causing Riven grunt uncaringly. Musa swiftly elbowed him.
“Be nice!” she hissed menacingly, he didn't respond.
“What's your name?” she cocked her head at Musa.
“I'm Musa, they're Tecna, Bloom, n' Stella. You already know Riven.” Her amethyst eyes sparkled down as she spoke.
“Great, everyone knows everyone else, now can we get back?” Inuyasha interrupted rudely.
“Inuyasha, it's a day's walk back. We'll have to camp for the night.” Miroku reasoned, before sitting down to make a pile of kindling for a fire.
“Lord Sesshomaru!” Rin exclaimed out of the blue, “there you are!” Stella yelped, before putting a hand to her mouth.
“Jeez, I forgot he was there.” She sputtered.
“Stella's stupidity strikes again.” Riven gave a roll of his eyes to accompany his remark, causing Musa to whack him upside the head.
“Are you going to come back with us?” Rin turned to Flora and everyone got quiet. The fairy gave a sad smile.
“I can't sweetie.”
“Why not?” The brunette squatted to explain.
“I have to go back with my other friends, we're still trying to find a way to get home.”
“You can't get home?”
“Well… not quite yet, but we are working on it.”
All of a sudden, Rin dashed over to Sesshomaru and softly tugged his clothing. He looked down to acknowledge her and she whispered something up to him, knowing his demon hearing would pick it up. He looked unsure.
“Please!” she begged and pleaded with him. He finally gave a curt nod. She ran back over.
“May I come with you? Just until you figure out how to get home. Please?” Flora looked over to the others for confirmation.
“I guess it would be alright…” agreed Sango slowly.
“Indeed,” agreed Miroku, “I suppose the more the merrier.”
“Alright then,” answered Flora, “you can come.”
“Yes!” Rin threw her arms around her friend in another hug, which was kindly returned. (An: ok, I'm desperate to get them back right now, so I'm going to do something you'll probably all hate, but oh well.)
The group's heads whipped around at the sound of rustling leaves. Everyone prepared to grab their weapons or attack as the muttering came closer, until out stumbled… (An: ah, the suspense!) Haitchimon.
“Haitchi? What are you doing here?” Miroku asked, shocked. (An: for those of you who don't know, he's the raccoon dog that's always shape shifting and saying `Master Miroku')
“I was coming to visit you!” the demon answered, confused as to why his friend was out in the middle of the woods with people he'd never met and one of their worst enemies.
“Well, we were just about to set up camp.”
“Why? Where are you going?”
“Tomorrow we plan to head back to Kaede's village.”
“Why tomorrow? Why not tonight?”
“It's a days walk, Haitchi.”
“But only about half an hour's flight!” he transformed into the big pink bubble… thing. “Hop on!”
“I don't think we can all fit on there, so we'll fly.” Flora volunteered as Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Kirara, Sky, Brandon, Riven, and Timmy climbed on.
“Aren't you coming Rin?” Sango inquired kindly, looking down at the little girl.
“She'll be riding with Jaken.” Sesshomaru interrupted, as his human companion climbed onto Ah and Un with Jaken.
“We are coming as well!” piped up the toad like demon from the dragon's back. Inuyasha opened his mouth to comment, but Kagome gave him a warning glance to shut him up.
The group took flight after his words, Sesshomaru in… big ball of light form… yeah. (An: I've seen him travel in this form and on a weird, sparkly trail. This way looks a bit less… gay. I have nothing against homosexuality, but he needs to be as straight as possible for this story.)
`Don't look up her clothing. Whatever you do, do not look up her odd clothing…' Sesshomaru attempted to focus on the ground, as these odd thoughts zoomed through his head.
`Well, now's as good a time as any to think about it.' Flora reasoned, `Ok, let's start simple: why do you like him. Well, he's handsome, his voice is…' she thought for a good adjective, blushing when she found one, `sexy. His protectiveness over Rin is so… cute! …'
“Why do you think Sesshomaru came with us?” Miroku asked Sango casually from their seats on top of Haitchi. She responded in the same manner.
“He probably just doesn't trust us with Rin.” Well, she was half right…
R_S: Ack! Sorry it was so short; I'm sort of in a rut. I'll update asap, but it could take a while. Leave lotsa reviews!