InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Valentine Kisses Challenge ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer : I do not own nor make any monies off of Inuyasha and the gang. No, that pleasure completely belongs to the Goddess Rumiko Takahashi. I am only using them for pure entertainment value.
Sango quietly cried. She had wandered away from the group for privacy, another meeting with her brother, another dreadful act committed, fresh in memory. Noises behind her alerted her to the fact someone was approaching so she wiped tears away hastily. A slender hand gently touched her shoulder making her look up, there was Kagome eyes dark with understanding and shared sorrow. Kagome knelt next to Sango's form wrapping her arms about the older girl and gently kissed the tears on Sango's face before moving to her lips. Silently, Kagome poured her love and comfort into her sister's wounded soul.