InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Valentine's-A Day For Lovers ❯ At the mall (Part 2) ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Valentines- A day for lovers
Summary: Kagome celebrates Valentine's Day in the Feudal Era then decides to take Miroku and Sango to the dance at her school. Fluffiness and WAFF alert. Maybe a lemon. Inu/Kag, Mir/San.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own so......... *puppy dog eyes* please don't sue
Genre: Hentai/Romance/Comedy
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Last time: "How's my favorite hanyou doing?" She asked as she stared up at him lovingly.
"Um.... great but a little hungry..." He said, rubbing his stomach
"That's my Inuyasha...."
'And my Kagome.'
~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Chapter 3 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Kagome bought the outfit he was wearing-A black shirt with the words 'take me home and feed me' with black jeans. She also bought a pair of blue jeans with a green shirt that said 'I see dumb people'. She knew he would like stuff like that. Miroku chose a dark purple T-shirt with the word 'hope' on it. He tried to get a dress, but Inuyasha explained that it was a girls-only thing. So he settled for a dark blue tee that went with his black basketball pants that had white stripes down the side.
'I'm glad I already paid for Sango's clothes because she might not want to match Miroku... Oh, well... Too bad...'
He picked out a pair of blue jean shorts to go with the t-shirt. After Kagome finished paying for the clothes, they went to the food court. She got a couple of cheeseburgers for Sango and Miroku. She also got a bowl of Oden for herself and two bowls of ramen for her hanyou. She sat down at a booth and Inuyasha quickly sat down beside her. 'Like I'm gonna let anyone else sit by my Kagome.'
Sango sat down on the opposite side of her and Miroku slid in along with her. They ate hungrily in silence since none of them got to eat breakfast. Guess who was the first one done?
"You couldn't be that hungry, Inuyasha... Oh wait, yes you can... I forgot who I was talking to..." Kagome said with a smile
"You better watch it, wench..." He replied playfully.
"Don't make me 's' you...The floor here is made of concrete and it is much harder than dirt..." She warned jokingly. She loved to tease her hanyou.
"I was just kidding..." He mumbled under his breath.
She linked arms with him and intertwined their hands. Then for some reason or another he started blushing and sweating again.
"Are you okay, Inuyasha?" Kagome asked sweetly.
"Um... y-yeah I-I just need a lit-little bit o-of f-fresh air..." He managed to get out.
"OK, we can look for tuxes and dresses now. Sango, Miroku, let's go!"
"So... Kagome... who is everybody going with in the store?" asked Miroku.
"Well..." Right as she was about to tell him that Sango would be with her, Inuyasha put his arm around her waist and clung to her. "I guess I am going with Inuyasha this time and you are going with Sango." If they were any bit surprised, they were really good at hiding it.
"Come, my dear Sango..."
Miroku grabbed her hand and went in the store, dragging a Sango that was rolling her eyes. "Kagome... Don't leave me." Sango was trying to get away from the lecherous monk.
"Well... First we need to look through these books to see what kind of tuxes you guys want to get. (A/N: They were in a shop that custom made the dresses and tuxes.) Sango and I will look in these books for dresses. We can actually help you and Inuyasha look for tuxes though."
'I can't wait to see what happens at this dance...' Inuyasha thought. When she went up to her room with Sango, he had grabbed the book out of her backpack and quickly leafed through it. He stopped on a page where they mentioned dances. It told about the affection the girls and guys show each other. It made him think about Kagome. He knew he loved her... but... he didn't know how he could tell her without him looking weak. 'But does she love me back?' He wanted to tell her at the dance and he vowed he would find a way to tell her how he felt. 'I want her to be mine but she has to know how I feel... Damnit! Can't anything ever be simple...?'
"...So how about this one, Inuyasha?" She showed him a picture of a regular black tux but instead of the white shirt that was usually underneath, he could customize it with a red shirt instead to match the little red handkerchief in his front pocket. She already knew his favorite color is red.
"What? Oh... Yeah. What kind is Miroku getting?"
"Same one as yours except he has purple in stead of red."
"OK, sounds good to me."
"We already looked for our dresses when you were in la la land."
"Show us then."
"Sorry, you can't see until the day of the dance."
"Hey, no fair!" He whined.
"It'll be worth the wait..." Miroku whispered in his ear.
"Hmm... Maybe..." He thought out loud.
"What are you guys talking about?" Kagome asked.
"Nothing..." He replied.
"Feh" Both of the girls replied. Miroku busted out laughing at the personality switch. They all ended up laughing and breathless. They decided too call Kagome's mom to pick them up. Even after that, they knew it was gonna be a long day...
A/N: Still sorry that it is short, but it's longer than the last one... I would wait until I could make it longer, but who knows how long that could be since school has started. I will find a way (and time) to update and post. I will update if I get 10 more reviews. If I get more than that, I'll make it twice as longer.
~*~*~ Meagan ~*~*~
*~*~ (I Love IY) ~*~*