InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire fighter ❯ Kagomes Past ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

…Please don't hurt me lol. Ha-ha guess whose back…back again….jennys back tell a friend. Lmao my brother listens to rap…..grrrr I hate rap any who. Here is a new chapter…Now I know I haven't updated in a while. And I know the people who enjoy this story wish to kill me. But eh here it is. Now go read! Lol
Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha.
Inuyasha paced back and forth Mirokus office. “Why the hell did you come when you did? I mean I was enjoying my fucking self!” Inuyasha now spoke having a grip on the mans purple shirt.
“Inuyasha calm down….That Kagome girl is not safe to be around.” Miroku spoke in a soft tone. ~I really don't want to piss this dog off…That's all I need is to be dead~ Miroku thought to him self.
Inuyasha cocked an eye brow. “What do you mean? She's just a weak girl Miroku.” Inuyasha stared into the man`s brown eyes waiting for him to speak.
Pushing his hand off of his shirt he spoke not looking at Inuyasha. “She's…Wanted by someone that I don't think we can handle right now Inuyasha also…she's a rare demon piss her off enough and you won't be here.”
Now those words right there is what hit home…..~ Kagome Himes is Kikyos younger sister…But how Kikyo was a miko not half anything.~ Inuyasha did love puzzles and knew one thing…Kagome would be something to solve.
Running through the streets, a girl held her book bag close to her chest. ~Why is that man following me…What dose he want? ~ Kagome thought as she dashed down another street running as fast as her human legs would take her.
Breathing went unsteady as she bumped into a chest and felt strong arms rap around her waste.
Brushing her shoulder length hair from her cheek, the man leaned down and whispered into her ear.
“Kagome you have been such a bad girl.”
Kagome's whole body shivered. Taking in a deep breath she spoke. “…Please just let me go home…I don't know why she did this to me.” Tears fell from her sad blue eyes sliding down her cheek. Kagome felt a warm tongue lick up every drop of salty tears.
“Placing a clawed nail underneath her chin, he spoke low and in a husky tone. “My Kagome, Kikyo knows what is best for you. She didn't want you in her family having different fathers and making you part demon and human…Poor kikyo just didn't want scum like you in her family so with the right thought in mind she gave you to me.” *
Kagome shot up in bed…..”Why would she do that” Kagome screamed from the top of her lungs. She was beyond upset. She hated those dreams. “How could Kikyo betray me like that?” Kagome asked out loud never hearing the door open. But when she herd that voice sound very pissed off, she turned her head to see Inuyasha.
After hearing her scream he came running but when he herd he mention his Kikyo…Well that just pissed him off.
“Kikyo loved you! She wasn't the person to betray people KA GO ME.”
~What….The hell how dose he know my sister? ~
Kagome stood from the bed and walked over to Inuyasha now standing an inch shorter then him she spoke.
“Don't tell me how my own fucking family is…That fucking bitch didn't love me. Tell me Inuyasha how do you know my dead sister?”
Kagome asked beyond pissed. ~How is he going to talk like he knows me? ~
Inuyasha felt the rage come off of her in waves…Ignoring what Miroku said he spoke once more. “She was my lover beautiful, kind person.” What Kagome said next made chills run down his spine, and that hardly ever happen to the dog demon.
“My own blood the people I trust, my sister I trusted turned me into what I am by giving me to a man named Naraku! Now tell me Inuyasha is she really that fucking kind in your eyes?”
Oo0o0o0o0 Cliffy but I really am going to update but you guys review first and Ill give you the next chapter ok
Well bye bye ill have a chapter up when I get some reviews for this I want to know if my readers are still reading lol.
Any way bye