InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ Chapter 16 - A Chance for Freedom ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Violation of Honor

By Rinseternalsoul

**Disclaimer: I do this for free. I'm not affiliated with Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha, and only write free fanfiction for my love of twisting her character's to my dark, demented will. May the smut live on.

Chapter 16 - A Chance for Freedom

A/N: You guys really blew me away with the last reviews! I mean, I was so stunned at the responses that I walked around in a giddy haze for several days! Thank you soooo much for your support. It really means a lot to me. I especially loved getting so many reviews from new readers (well, new reviewers really). It's awesome to know that so many people enjoy my story. I'm sorry that I didn't respond to all of you this time. Please forgive me. I am just so excited about getting this chapter posted for you, that I couldn't wait any longer!

Bountiful thanks goes to Risa, my friend and editor.



Iku made his way toward the dungeon, passing the slave girl who had obviously just left Sesshomaru's side. He could smell the inu on her, and that made him pick up his pace. He had a bit of unfinished business to attend.

'Asuza and her games'... Iku snarled angrily. 'She blames me for the monkey prince's silence.'

In two days they would be launching a full-scale attack against the monkey clan and it was imperative that they acquire certain information. Of course, he agreed with her completely, the prince could tell them what they needed to know for the upcoming battle. The problem was that he refused to talk even under great duress.

The barrier that surrounded most of the clan's territory would be nearly impossible to break through without knowledge of a weakness. Asuza wanted Uchuu to give them the key, but he was proving to be unbelievably stubborn about it.

Iku grunted disdainfully. It was not his fault that the information wasn't forthcoming. He had not lopped off the monkey's tail, nearly draining him of blood. Again, Iku cursed that bumbling fool, Kunomaru. He was the reason that the mistress was angry. Had he not killed the baka already, Iku would have taken considerable pleasure in gutting him right now.

He took the stairs, leading down into the bowels of the castle. His steps were light, and he took each one with hardly a care. His thoughts were elsewhere. Asuza had been gone for nearly four hours now, headed out to the battlefield where she would join up with her army of youkai and men. He had been appointed to oversee the final affairs of the castle, then he was to fly out and meet her. He had to admit, that he looked forward to the coming fight. His talons positively itched for the blood of monkeys.

In the meantime, Iku had one last task to complete. There was a nice warm piece of ass that had recently evaded him, and he refused to leave the castle without it.

Finally he reached the wooden door leading to the dungeon cells. He bade the jailer to let him in and the filthy mortal immediately obliged with fiercely shaking hands. The large ring of iron keys rattled under his fear creating an irritating noise. Iku ignored the trembling lout and shoved his way inside.

He came up short at the sight that greeted him, wondering why he had not come down here until now. Sesshomaru looked positively divine in chains and mounted to the wall. An appetizing ass snack, indeed.

Sesshomaru was trying desperately to push away the rising terror that clawed at his gut. Iku's intrusion had caught him off guard. The bird had not made an appearance down in the dungeon before, and that made him wonder why he was here now. A snarl of warning turned into a deep-throated growl. He was wholly focused on Iku's grinning face, completely unaware that Uchuu was snarling as well.

Instinctively, he drew his legs up closer to his body, preparing to strike out in anyway that he could. Unfortunately, it would be a futile attempt at best. His wrists and neck were stiffly contained beneath the irons and magic spell. It had only been minutes since the girl, Chisumi, had left them after relaying her plan - not enough time for the drug to be cleaned from his system.

It was then that he wondered if the girl had been exposed. Could her plan have been discovered so quickly? Through a haze of fear and fury he sniffed the air, praying that it wasn't so.

He smelled no mortal blood, or any scent of the girl, though admittedly, his senses were severely weakened. Sesshomaru hoped that she was safe. Without her, they might never escape.

Kagome was huddled up next to the bars of her cell. She couldn't see anything clearly, and had to rely mostly on her hearing and miko senses. There was obviously a youkai standing on the other side of the door to their cell, and a powerful one at that. She could feel the jaki slipping over her skin like a foul smog and shivered.

Had she not known that he was evil by her own senses, she would have guessed just as well by the reactions of Uchuu and the silent youkai, who was not silent anymore. He was snarling and growling like a fierce beast bent on ripping an enemy to shreds.

"Ah... what a magnificent sight," the unknown visitor said. "A beautiful slave all tied up in chains."

Sesshomaru thought to mention to Iku that he should know, since he had just recently been bound in chains himself. He refused to respond to his goading, however, because it would only encourage him to stay.

Iku spared the snarling monkey prince a glance, and offered him a lascivious glare. "And you, monkey boy. It is good to see that you are healing so nicely. I look forward to more time with you very soon."

"Fuck you, bastard!" Uchuu growled.

Iku merely laughed and raised a dark brow. "Oh, you will, but it is I, who intend to do the fucking."

"You are one sick piece of shit, you know that?!" Uchuu snarled.

"To each their own, I always say," Iku replied with a flip of his hand. He dismissed the loudmouth youth and turned his full attention to the inuyoukai, sparing the human woman sharing his cell a brief glance. Immediately he could see that her eyes were not following him, and smirked. It would be fitting for Sesshomaru to have a blind voyeur when he took him - blind just as he had been when Asuza had teased him so.

Without further delay, Iku instructed the jailer to open the cell and stepped aside. The female pressed herself against the bars as far as they would allow her to go, but he paid her no mind. His prey was much more desirable than her.

The slave was helpless against him. Iku enjoyed that fact. The white dog was also free from Asuza'a control, which meant that he was willing to fight. That stirred his cock until it grew long and large. He reached down and parted his robes.

Iku ignored the growling, and vicious snapping of teeth, his concern was for the legs that were ready to kick at him. In the end it took hardly any effort at all to bring his struggling victim under control, compliments of his weakend state. With his subdued limbs elevated, thighs spread, and tempting rectum within sight, Iku pressed his aching member against Sesshomaru's flaccid cock and groaned.

He leaned up, close to the inu's ear, but careful of his deadly fangs. "I've waited too long to have you again, slave. I've dreamed of the moment when I would have the pleasure of fucking you once more. The need is so powerful that I do not think I can wait long enough to prepare you. Do forgive me," he added with a dark chuckle.

With heavy expectation, and panting breath, Iku used one arm to anchor the slave's leg. The beautiful beast fought, but it was to no avail. In minutes he was positioned for entry. He licked his lips in anticipation, wrapped his fist around his aching cock, and then positioned the inflamed head at the inu's tight, puckered hole.


The feminine scream had barely left her throat, before Iku felt the searing pain. A pain so fierce that he cried out loudly in the agony of its grip.

Kagome latched onto the youkai with all of her might. She flared her power with the desperation of a wild-woman; unthinking of anything except fighting off the disgusting creature that was forcing himself on her companion. "No!," She screamed again. The sound was filled with frustration, fear, and genuine rage.

Sesshomaru could hardly believe what was happening just scant inches from his eyes. The miko had flung herself from her huddled position and attacked Iku with her bare hands. Purity sizzled against Iku's evil skin and the bird screeched in pain. It happened so fast, that it took his mind a moment to catch up to the attack. One minute Iku was just short of impaling his foul staff inside of him, and the next Kagome was putting the fool to shame.

The pain was excruciating! Iku snatched away from the girl in a flurry of twisting blue fabric. His face was sizzling and smoking from where she had placed her hand. She had also grabbed his left arm, burning right through his clothes, searing the flesh of his arm until a thick portion of it was literally gone. He couldn't think, the pain was so terrible. He could only flee.

He stumbled to his feet in a rush, nearly falling against the bars, but managed to right himself with his good arm. Once upright, his feet took him through the bars as quickly as he could go. "LOCK IT!" He shouted through the violent storm of agony seizing his every thought.

In his eagerness to seek his pleasure he had not realized that the mortal bitch was a miko.

"Shall I kill the wench, sire?" The jailer asked with an eager leer.

Iku snarled at the baka. "Touch her and die!" He then grabbed his shoulder, holding the wound tight, and turned back to glare at the miko who now lay protectively over the object of his desire. "No, the miko is mine. With her, I will take my time." He swallowed another gut wrenching bolt of pain and then ground his vow out between tightly clenched teeth, "She will die a slow and torturous death."

Iku snarled at the inu and monkey, before sweeping out of the room in search of aid for his grievous wounds. By the Gods, he wished that he had time to make the bitch suffer now, but retribution would have to wait. He was scheduled to meet Asuza soon, and she would be furious if he were late.

Once the bird was gone and the jailer had locked the cell door, Sesshomaru turned his concern back to Kagome. Though his heart was pounding a maniacal rhythm, hers was twice as fast. She was shaking, now that Iku had gone, and leaning against him completely. She only had time to turn her head towards him and give a little smile before passing out right on top of his chest.

He was amazed at her bravery and strength. Had Iku not pushed away when he did, she would have completely purified the fowl. 'Baked hawk'. Sesshomaru liked the sound of that and grinned. The miko had saved him today from a fate worse than death. Just thinking of Kagome and Uchuu being witness to his desecration by Iku made his stomach roll with sickness. It was bad enough that they knew about it at all.

Before thinking it over, he was nuzzling against the side of her neck. Silky hair tickled his face and he laughed. She had sent Iku out of there with his tail-feathers on fire. She was truly amazing!

Uchuu heard the chuckle and added one of his own. Kagome had really shown that asshole what it was to mess with a miko's friend. He saw the dog rubbing his face against her reverently, and said, "She's one fierce little woman, isn't she?"

Sesshomaru smirked into Kagome's hair and replied, "That she is, monkey. That she is." With a heavy sigh he pulled away and looked at Uchuu. "The problem now is with Iku, who means to have his revenge."

Uchuu collapsed against his sparse nest and grunted with sudden dejection. "You're right about that. He was really pissed." He leaned up as he realized the risk. "Do you think he will be back soon?"

"Hn. Someone as self absorbed as Iku would be unwilling to appear in anything less than his best, though I can not say for sure. Let us hope that it takes some time for his wounds to heal."

Uchuu nodded with agreement. The future looked short for Kagome if they didn't get out of there soon. He had just moved to settle down more comfortably when the inu spoke again, causing Uchuu to raise his brows in surprise.

"Conserve your strength, monkey, for tomorrow, at sunset, we escape."  


The following day began with Kagome's awareness of a warm hard body beneath her. After snuggling into the yummy contours and giving a little moan of pleasure, she was horrified to blink and realize what her sleep addled mind was letting her body do. She froze first, but then he began making a wonderful sound that vibrated through his chest and into hers. It was a deep and resonant thrumming, which felt oh so nice.

Her eyes slipped closed and she sighed, uncaring at the moment of impropriety. From her earlier exploration she knew that he was naked and that her own clothes were all that separated their skin from touching. Shamefully, she wished them away. She couldn't help imagining the press of his warmth all over her body. No - she breathed deeply in contentment - she wouldn't mind that at all.

Sesshomaru regarded Kagome silently as she relaxed and once more settled trustingly against him. He cursed the iron bands that kept him from taking her in his arms. Unfortunately, the only thing that he could offer was a soft brush of his chin against the top of her head and a soothing vibration from the larynx running through his chest. Perhaps soon, he could do much more.

He was also thankful for the final passing of her womanly course. He thought it short compared to what he knew of Rin's normal bleeding time, but considering what Kagome had been through recently, and the lack of nutrients, it was probably due to that. Whatever the reason, he was relieved that it had ended so quickly. At least he could think beyond the throbbing of his loins, which would certainly be useful in orchestrating their escape later in the day.

Sesshomaru had the patience of a viper awaiting the fatal passing of prey. A being of his age and intelligence could never have survived without learning to evaluate a situation and gauge the perfect time to act. He had honed the art of patience many centuries ago. He could wait for the right time, and when the moment finally came to act, he would be ready for it.

The day moved on in the normal manner, while his mind was occupied with the details of his plan. The water girl came, bearing clean water for them each to drink. In the bread she gave them was two pieces of meat and a slip of rolled parchment that read... The Master and her pet are away. Sesshomaru was impressed that the girl could write at all. It went to further prove his suspicions that she was from a noble lineage.

Another full day free of the drug would have been extremely beneficial before attempting an escape. The drug would have been completely purged from their system by then, giving them a better chance of success. Unfortunately, they would have to hope for the best, because they could not afford to miss what could be their only opportunity. Kagome's safety was on the line and they could not be here when Iku returned.

While Kagome slept the night away, Sesshomaru and the monkey had discussed the matter. They agreed to wait as long as possible before attempting the escape, allowing their bodies to regain as much strength as possible. He had determined that the time would be right just after dusk. The darkness would hinder the mortals from searching, while Uchuu aided him in slaughtering as many youkai as possible on the way out.

He was far from being at normal strength, and that would affect his speed and ability to take flight. He was, however, confident that his full strength could be replenished quickly once he was free. All it would take was one prime kill and his youkai blood would take control and do the rest. Two kills, and within hours he would once again be at peak strength.

After he found his strength again, Sesshomaru was certain that he could eradicate any opponent foolish enough to approach him - as long as it was not Asuza. The amulet she wears gives her an edge that would require extreme cunning and great force to defeat. To eliminate her, he would be forced to face his worst fears, and he wasn't so sure that he could handle that just yet. He hoped that she did not take up the search personally.

With the drug consistently leaving his system, he could feel his faculties returning with near desperation. His instincts were sharpening and the fog that had long resided in his mind began to clear. At long last, Sesshomaru began to feel his strength and spirit returning to him and he welcomed it wholeheartedly.

None of it would have been possible without Chisumi's help. Sesshomaru vowed to do his very best to take her with him, but he could not risk Kagome's safety to do so. If he was forced to leave Chisumi behind, he swore on his honor to return for her as soon as possible. She had earned the right to be freed of this place.

Uchuu was more alert than he remembered being in days and it looked like the last day stuck here would stretch on forever; the sands of time slipping by so very slowly. He was set with determination to succeed in escaping the dungeon. He was edgy, restless, anxious to make his move, and nervous as hell knowing that they would have to act quickly, avoiding attention as long as possible.

Uchuu was fully aware that the inu had opened up to Kagome, even giving her leave to cuddle against him. It was obvious through his recent actions that the inu held her heart in high regard. It wasn't surprising really. For a human female, she was astonishing.

Possessiveness had settled over the silent youkai, and it was awash with the need to keep the miko safe. There was a change in his eyes since Kagome had been threatened. A fierce resolve set in gold that left no room for mistake.

It was clear that he was a born leader, reminding Uchuu considerably of Hyuuga. His brother carried himself differently, spoke differently and acted differently than any other monkey in his clan. He was supreme alpha. Hyuuga was their king. Ever since the day he was born he was treated differently than all the rest, but it never insured his birthright. That he had to earn. Hyuuga had grown fierce and cold, only daring to open his heart to a few.

It was obvious when the inu began giving an outline of his plan that he was a warrior, and by the way he gave the orders, Uchuu suspected that he was alpha of his clan. He was an experienced strategist, with a ruthless bent. It was with confidence that Uchuu agreed to his plan.

The white dog was beaten, but he would not be held down.

In order to keep Kagome from worrying herself sick all day, they decided to hold off telling her about their plan until the very last minute. When his body felt the sun lowering in the sky Uchuu caught her attention, then outlined the game plan for her. She was surprised and excited about breaking out, but listened to him carefully, as if she had taken note of battle tactics a thousand times. He explained that they might need assistance breaking the spell on the irons before they could bust loose. When the youkai in her cell was free of his bonds, she was to climb on his back and hold on tightly, because things were going to get rough on their way out of the crumbling fortress. She understood her part, and agreed to be prepared.

The sun had set nearly two hours previously, and Sesshomaru knew that it was time. He nodded toward the monkey and then turned his full attention on the bonds holding his wrists in place. He tightened his muscles, feeling them burn against the sudden use, and ignored the rush of pin pricks that signaled his limbs were attempting to circulate stagnant blood. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes and focused, pouring every ounce of effort that he could muster into breaking the damnable device.

He could hear the metal creaking against the strain. It was giving way, and he felt elation in the fact, unfortunately it did not last for suddenly the powerful spell flared and ruined it all.

Kagome could hear them struggling against the irons. She waited respectfully for them to attempt escape using only their youkai strength. She actually thought it was working, but then, without warning, she was blasted with a large dose of dark energy that pulsed grossly against her skin. She shivered in revulsion. It was clear that the spell on the irons was holding out, causing their struggles to ultimately be in vain.

Quickly, she scooted up beside of her silent companion and felt her way to his wrists. His arms were strong and hard beneath her hands, nearly luring her to distraction. With effort she put the urge to explore aside and focused on the task at hand. Now was not the time to become a hentai.

She grabbed the wrist-cuff holding his right arm and nodded her head. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's do this on the count of three. One, two, three!" She pushed as much purification into the black spell as her weakened body could produce. At the same time the youkai tightened his muscles and jerked hard with inhuman strength.

Kagome was forced to stifle a yip of joy when the evil rune began to flicker and blink. It was failing, falling apart, as if the sorceress that spun it had lost the base of her strength. It was still strong, and still disgustingly evil, but it was losing the battle against Kagome's pure light and the youkai's mighty pull.

Sesshomaru could feel the spell losing potency and waited for just the right moment. It flared one last time, holding him captive with its taint, before it died. Without the witch's spell, the simple irons had no hope of holding him. He snapped his shoulder hard. Beneath youkai strength and miko might the band holding his wrist gave one last wrenching metal crunch before shattering into a dozen pieces. One more shoulder movement freed his other arm, then he grabbed the thick metal collar around his neck and snapped it in two.

He was on his feet and moving before Kagome ever heard the discarded chunks of iron hitting the stone floor. On his way up Sesshomaru wrapped his arm around Kagome and pulled her behind him. With practiced ease, her feet left the ground and her leg swung up around his waist as if she had ridden him a thousand times.

'Inuyasha', he thought irritably, but refused to dwell on the source of Kagome's skillful mount. As it was, he had an escape to complete.

Sesshomaru grinned ruthlessly and stood, then wasted no time in ripping the flimsy cell door free of its hinges. It flew across the chamber making a noise that was bound to bring soldiers, but he didn't care. He could easily destroy each and every one of them.

As agreed, Sesshomaru went to the monkey's cell and busted the lock on the door. Kagome waited until he leaned down beside Uchuu, before removing her hand from his shoulder. He refused to release her though, in case they had to leave faster than expected.

Uchuu breathed a sigh of relief when Kagome finally pressed her small warm hand against his arm. In seconds she found the ensorcelled chains that held him prisoner, and for the first time her miko power touched his skin. It made him flinch at first, giving him an eerie feeling that reminded him of passing close to death. Like Kagome, it was as beautiful as it was deadly. The pulse poured over him with a rush of warm goodness that made him want to cry. He gritted his teeth against the new sensation and tried to relax. He was surprised when the feel of it actually became soothing, causing him to forget that he was supposed to be fighting against the metal bonds.

The Inu snarled and snapped.

"Damn!" Uchuu grunted, realizing his mistake, then shook his head from the lull. Focused now, he put all his strength behind the move and snatched hard just when the spell completely blinked out. With the spell dissolved the chains busted apart with little effort and soon the three of them were breaking through the heavy wood of the dungeon door with extreme force. It splintered into hundreds of pieces as the dog blasted through with a mighty punch.

Kagome ducked her head low and buried her face against her youkai's back. She felt the sting of several flying bits of wood hitting her legs, but her adrenaline was so high that she hardly noticed. They ran through the doorway and had not made it far when she heard him growl.

Halfway up the long hallway, Sesshomaru encountered the first victim... the repugnant jailer. The man must have heard the noise and was in the process of running toward the cells. His pudgy bulk was flapping all around him in the rush. As soon as he looked up and spotted the youkai - now free of restraints - he stumbled to a halt, then turned to flee with wide, frightened eyes.

Sesshomaru cursed as the fool shouted for the guards, he had hoped to get a bit further before having some fun. He tucked the miko in tight, and released her warm, smooth thighs, then took the turn ahead with screaming speed. As he caught up to the despised mortal, he grinned, reached out, and swiped his claw across the human's fat belly. The man stumbled and fell, rolling behind them in a huddle of excruciating pain. He had been careful to use only a small dose of his Dakkasou and to cut shallow. It was his intent to conserve energy needed for the escape, as well as to ensure that the cretin writhed in agony for many days before death claimed him.

Uchuu watched ahead of him as the inu took down the jailer, so when he ran by he added a swift kick to the nasty fucker. His main focus, however, was on the approaching guards up ahead. Since the inu was carrying Kagome, he quickly leapt ahead of them to take out the first row of enemies. The white dog growled his displeasure in the act, but Uchuu ignored him. He first ripped his claws through the lead soldier, tearing the human's face off. Simultaneously, he gutted another, then aptly ripped the throat out of a third with his fangs. Before he could shake off his fallen prey he was hit in the side with an arrow. Uchuu ignored the pain and continued on.

Sesshomaru was impressed with the monkey's skills, but anxious to join in the fray. He was concerned for Kagome, though, and cautious for her welfare. She, however, was used to battle, as she reminded him by picking up a vase from the table they just bumped, then smashing it over the head of a soldier that he was in the process of strangling. The fool promptly went out like an extinguished flame, so he released him and grabbed another.

Through the wall of humans, a youkai met his eye, and Sesshomaru growled low and mean. He was cornered and dangerous and the insolent fool actually thought that he could stop him. He felt Kagome tighten her heals and he grunted his approval. The youkai smirked, and twirled a sickle with speed that defied the eye. Sesshomaru narrowed his gaze and focused on his newest enemy. The soldier moved with the skill of a warrior long tested in battle, but still he was no match for him. With the blink of an eye Sesshomaru disarmed the baka, then flicked his wrist to destroy him with his jaki whip, but nothing happened. 'What?'

Sesshomaru was forced to evade a desperate swipe of claws, as he realized that his whip had regrettably failed him. Obviously, his strength had not increased enough to support it causing it to literally fizzle out. After blinking wide in surprise he had to quickly re-think the attack. With a move to the left and a swift counter to the right, he managed to reach back and slice his opponent's head off using his claws.

From the corner of his eye, Sesshomaru saw Uchuu swing around and break the arm of another youkai. The soldier went to his knees in pain, and Uchuu callously proceeded to bite out his throat. Blood sprayed the hallway in a spectral sheet of red, coating two human soldiers that were just raising their swords. Uchuu released the dead demon and grabbed another. He had just snapped the neck of one, but the second managed to get in a strike that cut through the monkey's left hip.

Sesshomaru reached his claws out, slashing through the guts of the two mortals standing side by side with weapons raised. His speed was too fast for them to match. By the time they'd had him sighted in for the kill, he was already standing next to them and taking their lives.

The three of them followed the twisting hallways, leaving behind a trail of carnage. Ahead of them, women screamed and rushed away while several men did the same. The servants of the castle were afraid, but the soldiers continued to swarm.

He sniffed the air, searching for Chisumi's scent and thought that he smelled her faintly from the hallway to the right. Unfortunately it was too far from the exit that he sought. When an arrow whizzed by his head, causing Kagome to gasp in fright, Sesshomaru knew that he had no choice. He would have to get Kagome to safety first. Regrettably, he would have to leave the water girl behind.

He shifted to the left like a white shadow, and took the way out with Uchuu right behind him. One punch and the main door burst apart with ease and for the first time in months he smelled fresh clean air. It fueled the desire for freedom and together they stepped through the portal prepared to fight.

Outside, surrounding them, were only a handful of soldiers, both youkai and human waiting to stop their flight. The boneheaded fools launched their offensive as soon as the escapees stepped free of the door.

Sesshomaru dodged the first flint bullet, and even the second, but the third nicked him on the ear and left it ringing. The sudden handicap nearly caused Kagome to be shot in the hip, but he managed to turn in time to take it himself. He winced as the pain flashed in his thigh, but still refused to back down.

A familiar sparkle of death glimmered in Sesshomaru's golden eyes as he determined his next three victims.

It was probable that the better soldiers had been marched out for battle, leaving a skeleton crew behind to guard the castle. The youkai they had encountered here were weak. No contest, really. Their opponent's lack in power was fortuitous, because without weapons and suffering reduced strength, they might not have made it otherwise. As it stood, he and Uchuu were cutting through them like warm blades through lard.

Without their guns the humans were easy prey, and the few youkai daring to draw blades were easily ripped apart. They headed for the high wall and easily cleared it, then crossed the vast meadow beyond. Sesshomaru slowed only to flick the gore from his dulled claws, then headed for the west. Uchuu was right behind him and together they covered ground very fast.

Sesshomaru was relieved when he finally smelled the river bordering his lands. Upon approach, he entered the swirling depths, hoping to further diminish their scent in the unlikely event that they were followed. Suddenly, Uchuu called out to them, so he stopped to look back. The blood soaked monkey was still standing on the bank.

"Sorry, but I can't go on."

The inu raised a brow in question, and Uchuu explained. "I have to get home to my clan as fast as I can to stop Asuza. My brother needs me, and I can't let him down."

Sesshomaru nodded in understanding, but said nothing, instead allowing Uchuu the opportunity to see a rare offer of friendship in his eyes. Kagome however, lifted her head and through chattering teeth, wished Uchuu well.

"Thank you, Uchuu, for being a wonderful friend when I needed one the most. I hope that we will meet again someday."

Uchuu smiled broadly, though the miko could not see it. He had a feeling that they would, indeed, see one another again. "I hope the same, my friend. I wish you well in all of your endeavors. If either of you ever have need of me, I am yours. I owe you both a great debt."

"Doomo Arigato. And if you ever need a miko, you can find me on the outskirts of Edo village. Just ask for Kagome."

"Sayonara!" She called, and barely had time to grasp hold of her youkai's neck before he began pushing through the frigid waters.

'Funny... I keep saying that he's mine', Kagome thought with a smile. She had practically laid claim to the guy in her mind. It was silly, and she knew it, but she couldn't help thinking of him that way. Besides, how else could she think of him? She didn't even know his name, and he didn't want her to know. 'Why'? She wondered for the hundredth time. Was it because she was a miko? Had she met him before?


Most of the powerful demons that she had met were dead because they had a nasty habit of attacking her - or trying to take over the world. Sadly, she couldn't think of one full demon that she had met who was as tender and broken as her youkai. Kagome sighed deeply and tightened her arms around his fast pumping shoulders. She rubbed her face against his back, enjoying the tickle of his hair moving gently against her face.

She wished so badly that she could see, although her eyesight was getting better. Nothing was clear though, and colors were impossible to determine. Everything was still shadows of gray, but it didn't really matter now. Here in the darkness, Kagome couldn't see her hand in front of her face even if she weren't blind.

Her legs were getting tired, but she held on, ignoring the biting pain. Obviously, her protector did not deem it safe to stop yet.

After leaving Uchuu, they had continued through that river and then on to the next. He was obviously masking their trail by seeking bodies of water. She had even been submerged in one salt-water tributary that was as deep as her elbows, making the cuts on her body burn like fire. She was forced to clench her teeth together just to keep from crying out like a sissy and embarrassing herself.

They had even gone through one body of water so big that it had to have been a small lake. Even then, he had refused to let her go. She had tried to climb off and swim on her own, but he wouldn't allow it. She wondered how he would manage to keep afloat, but as soon as he began to swim she felt a pulse of jaki beneath her. He was using it to keep them both up. Astonishingly, he had swum the entire distance with her on his back.

She was impressed. His limbs had stroked through the water with powerful strength. He was agile, long and lean, with muscles that were not too pronounced. His body was sculpted like that of a tall Olympic swimmer, and he peeled through the still waters with ease. Kagome had squirmed from the feel of all that raw power stroking hard beneath her clutching body. She'd had to fight the urge to rub against him like a cat. It was ridiculous, the way he made her feel. They were in danger of losing their lives, yet she couldn't seem to keep her mind out of the gutter.

Sesshomaru could feel Kagome's strength fading fast. She had been holding on strong for several hours now, and he imagined that she was exhausted. Her human body was already weak from malnourishment and overuse, so he thanked the ancestor's that they were almost there.

If the enemy still followed, then he was happy to have led them on a merry chase. Sesshomaru had taken to his lands as soon as possible, where he knew every tree and stone. Through forests and valleys and rocky inclines, across rivers and streams and even one small lake, he had twisted his path and hidden their scents with every technique that he knew.

He had never needed to flee from an enemy before, but this time things were different and he was grateful for the training in his youth. Even if their enemies were following, it would take days to track them down. By then, they would be gone again.

Up ahead he could hear the roar of the falls. He soothingly rubbed his hands along the miko's tired thighs, and pushed on through the bramble. Once he had the river in sight he once more plunged into the rapid moving water in order to further confuse anyone seeking their scent. Using his last reserves of jaki, Sesshomaru swam upstream toward his goal.

The falls were pounding loudly against the smooth rocks and pooling water at the basin. He ignored the offense to his ears and reached up to grab Kagome's hands that were threaded together around his neck. Holding her firmly against him, he dove down, below the surface, and under the falls.

There was one more entrance to the cave's system further up the cliffside, but he did not use it, because he sought to leave no trace of their entry behind. It only took a moment of being submerged, before he once more broke the surface on the other side. Kagome drew in a harsh breath of air and used her tiny fist to pound him on the back.

"You could have warned me, you know!" She coughed and wiped the wet strands of hair from her eyes. She was shivering all over from being wet so many times and didn't think she would ever be warm again. From the echo when she had complained, Kagome guessed that they were in a small, narrow cave. It felt damp, and cool too, like the sun had never shone in this place.

She was surprised when he slowly began to release her, allowing her to lower one leg at a time. He was taking care that she wouldn't fall, since her legs were so tired, and Kagome thought that was very sweet of him. Inuyasha usually just dropped her.

Once she was on her own two feet, Kagome wiggled her legs a little in order to get the blood circulating again. He was very patient with her, holding her waist the entire time. When she finally felt like she could walk, she looked up and smiled. "I think I can manage now."

He grunted lightly and took her arm, then he pulled her close before leading her away from the opening of the cave and waterfall. They went deeper into the subterranean passage, further inside of the earth, and Kagome couldn't help feeling a little nervous. She had no idea what it looked like, or if there were any inhabitants waiting to creep up her legs. She let out a tiny 'eep' of fright when a sticky spider web suddenly got stuck to her face, and her hand immediately went up to slap at the imaginary spider playing in her hair.

Apparently he found her distress humorous because he chuckled, before finally helping her pull the web away. Kagome frowned at him. "That's not funny. I hate spiders!"

Sesshomaru thought of Naraku and wondered how Kagome had ever stood so defiantly against the spider hanyou. He ignored her flare of temper and tossed the sticky web to the cave floor then pulled her close again. He told himself it was to aid her through the narrow cavern and to share his warmth, but in truth he suspected that he simply wanted to be near her.

He was concerned that she was shivering. Her mortal body could not stand the temperature changes as his could. If he didn't get her warmed up soon, she could fall ill, so he quickened his pace, heading deeper into the passageway. They were almost there.

Kagome stumbled, and he caught her, holding her tight against him. Sesshomaru felt her heart - pressed firmly to his bare chest - leap in response, and then she looked up as if she wanted to search his eyes. Her lips were pouted into a surprised little 'o', and he was compelled to stop and press his against them, indulging the moment and simply enjoying the feel of her. It was a heady, welcome feeling that he longed to explore. Unfortunately, she shivered again, reminding him of the urgent need to get her warm. He regretfully pulled away, and continued on his course.

She was stunned when he kissed her. His lips were so gentle, warm and masculine against hers. She had shivered from the contact, and then he had pulled away, brushing his fingertips along her cheek. It was over before she had a chance to really enjoy it, and Kagome pouted silently as he returned to dragging her along. She moved her feet in quick little steps, to minimize her chances of falling, while he maneuvered them deeper within the passageway.

The air here was dry, yet surprisingly well circulated. It was much warmer as well, and she wondered how that could be until she accidentally brushed her bare arm against the stone wall. The rock here was warm, much warmer than usual. It was obviously being heated from underground rivers of lava. It was the only explanation that she could think of.

Suddenly he paused, and released her, leaving her standing uncomfortably alone. She heard the sound of metal and sliding wood, then he returned to her side and wrapped her in a welcome blanket. It smelled like the cedar box that it had been stored in, but it was comfy and clean. She pulled it around her gratefully, and thanked him.

Kagome had thought that they were finally through traveling for awhile, but he didn't even allow her to sit and rest before wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her along again. Kagome allowed him to lead her until she could hear the sounds of water and soon smelled the unmistakable scent of sulfur. It had to be an onsen.

Sesshomaru watched her face light up as she realized where he had brought her. The warmth here would bring her body back to normal temperature, and the water would soothe her aches. He looked up for a moment, to the high ceiling overhead where there were several small holes in the rock that released the humidity. They were impossible to detect at night, unless one knew that they were there.

This cave had served him well since Rin had come to be in his care. Here he could bring his human ward to bathe and rest for the night. Rin enjoyed the occasional cavern stays and had managed to store several necessary items here. There were several candles melted to the top of bulging rocks all around the onsen pool, as well as an oil lamp back in the main chamber. He didn't bother to light them, because he could see just fine whereas Kagome could not see at all.

There was a bedroll and blankets, as well as bathing supplies for which Kagome could make use. Unfortunately, Rin's spare kimono would be too small, but there was one pair of white hakama in the chest that he could wear. There was no food, but he would go out and gather something as soon as possible. First though, he had to attend the miko in his care.  


A/N: I had hoped to squeeze in some juicy stuff, but the chapter was just too long to manage it, so I was forced to write it into the next. Sorry, but you can look forward to it in the next chapter. The hot spring is going to get pretty steamy! Until then...

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