InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waiting for the Weekend ❯ Thinking ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Waiting For The Weekend
All right, here is the revised version of Chapter 2, I am really happy that I am going to continue with this story, and… yeah! So, here it is, and… third chapter is on its way soon. Probably wont start writing it until tomorrow… (December 20th) but that's okay… All right! Enjoy!

InuYasha and Kagome had been sitting silently for the first 10 minutes of their meal. Other then Kagome asking InuYasha what he wanted to eat, they hadn't been able to find anything to talk about, so they sat eating, thoughts running through their minds.

`What am I supposed to say to her? I don't want to sound dense or anything…'

`Oh my gosh, I have never felt so speechless before. I just don't know what to say to this guy…'

Finally having the guts to say something, or at least try, InuYasha cleared his throat.

“So what grade are you in?”

“12, but I am not going to be graduating with my friends because my mother has decided to ship me off to some Saint Willows something or another school for social graces or whatever…”

“Really? How odd.”

Kagome tilted her head in a curious fashion.

“How so?”

InuYasha sat back in his seat and put his hands up behind his head to use as a cushion.

“Well, just so happens that I'll be attending the boys academy across the way from Saint Willows Girls'.”

“Get real!” Exclaimed Kagome excitedly.

“I'm real Kags.”
Kagome smirked at the shorter version of her name.

“What makes you think you can call me Kags, Yash?” Replied Kagome smartly.

“I dunno. I guess the same reason you called me Yash.”

Both laughed heartily before they waved down a busboy and asked for the bill.

“That'll be please ¥1917 ($16. 45 Canadian)…uhh…” The busboy looked from Kagome to InuYasha trying to figure out who was paying.

InuYasha took out his wallet and coughed up the money they owed. Kagome noticed just about wet herself.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! What you doing?!” Kagome pointed an accusing finger at the money in InuYasha's hand.


“No! I was supposed to pay! I bumped into you remember? I am treating you!” Kagome said. She started pulling out her wallet, but InuYasha reached over and grabbed it from her, hiding it behind his back so she could not steal it back. She gave him this death glare that just made InuYasha want to laugh.

He chuckled as he passed the money the owed money and thanked the busboy for his service, with a tip of ¥175.

“InuYasha!” Kagome hissed.

“Relax wench. I had a good time tonight so I decided to pay. Better count your blessings. It's not everyday the person being treated pays.”

Kagome huffed at being called a wench, but let it pass as InuYasha flashed her a charming smile to let her no he was teasing.

She smiled in return and then grabbed her purse, and started getting up to leave.

InuYasha grabbed her arm before she could walk past him, and stood up to face her.

“Do you…Could I…I'm leaving tomorrow and…do you have a—”

“Cell phone?” Kagome giggled at how troubled InuYasha looked right now.

“Yeah,” InuYasha smiled sheepishly.
“Yeah I do. My number is 935-7242. Here I'll write it down for you.”

She looked around in her purse for a pen, and then searched for a piece of paper, or a napkin to write on. She couldn't seem to find one, and she turned to InuYasha, with a slightly troubled expression on her face. InuYasha smiled inwardly and stuck out his arm to her.
“Number me,” he said with a mischievous smile.
Kagome rolled her eyes playfully and grabbed his arm.
InuYasha felt a shock of electricity rush through him, starting in his arm, and working its way through his body all the way to his toes when Kagome's small soft hand touched his arm. He smile again to himself as she wrote down the 7 digits on his arm.

“Thanks,” InuYasha grinned down at her.

“No problem. But I…I better get going. My mom might be worried.”

Kagome rolled her eyes again. InuYasha laughed.

“Okay, well I guess I have to get packing anyway. I'll see you around?” InuYasha asked.

“Yeah,” Kagome smiled and nodded.

InuYasha and Kagome exited the restaurant in silence and walked back up to the spot where they had first met. InuYasha waved shortly before turning and walking in the opposite direction and Kagome began walking towards her house, until something struck her.

“Hey! Yash!” Kagome yelled, as InuYasha was already quite a distance away.

InuYasha turned and looked at her.

Kagome ran up to him, and by the time she got there she was panting, and couldn't speak. InuYasha rolled his eyes at how stupid she was, but amusement danced in his eyes as he watched her, waiting for her to speak.

Finally able to breathe, Kagome began talking.

“Why were you out here so late anyway?”

InuYasha stared at her blankly for a moment before speaking.

“You ran all the way back here just to ask me that?

Kagome looked at him. “…Yeah.”

InuYasha turned away from her slightly before winking teasingly at her.

“You really are a stupid wench.”

“InuYasha, you're horrible!”

He chuckled to himself before turning around completely, and began walking again.

“I was just out for a walk. Goodbye Kagome.”

He muttered the last part in a singsong voice, and then became lost in his thoughts.

Kagome looked at his distant silhouette and sighed.

`See you around then, InuYasha.'

Kagome turned and began walking home again.


“I'm home!” InuYasha called through his house.

He didn't really think his older brother would be home until he heard him mutter from the living room `Like I care…'

InuYasha walked in there, only to find his brother Sesshoumaru sitting on the couch, with a trampy female perched in between his legs. They were watching a movie about Aliens taking over the planet. War of the world's, it was called, and it was the new version. With Dakota Fanning and other people in it.

“I see you've brought home another one of your prostitutes. Have you already had your fun, or am I going to be listening to the shrieks of your bitch all night. Not to mention you little moans of `cum for me. Come on wench. Ahh…shit…' and the like?”

“Piss off.” Was his only reply. His prostitute smirked at InuYasha before looking him up and down. The dark haired boy rolled his eyes and flipped her off, before walked out of the room and up the creaking stairs to his haven.

In his room, the walls were plastered with star charts, pictures of the latest Harley Davidson's, old-fashioned cars he wished to possess, and a sword that hung on the wall, which he liked to call his `Tetsusaiga.' Then he had his TV, his game cube, his movie collection that displayed War of the worlds (go figure), The star wars trilogy, Lord of the Rings, Harry potter, Baby Geniuses, The Friends collection, Back To The Future, a really weird but awesome movie called The Last Mimzy and a movie called August Rush. Etc, etc. His CD collection consisted of people such as The All American Rejects, Nickelback, Rascal Flatts, The Starting Line, Panic! At the Disco, Edwin, Linkin Park, Rooney, Casting Crowns, McFLY, Third Day, Westlife, Sum41, Starfield, Relient K, and Night Ranger.

He loved his room. It was his hideaway. And now his dad, who was on a business trip in Canada, was sending him away, forcing him to leave his hometown, his friends, and his room. At least, Miroku, his all time best friend had talked his parents (much to his, and their dismay) into sending him there too, only because of the girls' academy down the street.

InuYasha flopped down on his bed and let his thoughts run wild. He was thinking about things he had been trying to avoid. He wanted to know exactly what would be going on at this stupid school. He tried to imagine what kind of people went there. If there were any there like him, who thought the school was stupid and were forced to go there. Then he thought about maybe getting a girlfriend to get his mind of things. But that would maybe be too big to start off. Maybe a girl friend? Someone to just hang out with on school nights of weekends.

`Are we even aloud to date there? I hope so. I think I just might go nuts.'

InuYasha had dated many girls, who were not bad looking, kind and respected that he didn't ever want to rush into things like sex, and commitments.

InuYasha laid his head down on his cushiony white pillow, and his black hair pooled around his face. He knew he had to start packing, and go to sleep soon, otherwise his brothers hungry cries for a blow job would soon be echoing through the house, and he wouldn't be able to sleep a wink.

InuYasha laughed at his own dirty mind and then his thoughts drifted off to the adorable girl he had met just hours previously. She was kind, but stubborn. He liked her spark. She had this constant war in her eyes, where he could tell she was deep in thought. Damn, he could practically read her like an open book. But then she was mysterious. She had this side to her that was like a shadow looming tall and dark. The side he could see was filled with sunshine, clouds, rain, and warmth. Everything that makes up a proper personality that holds deep emotion. But the other side of her was dark and shadowing. He could sense it. It was like she had this built up energy, or anger inside herself that she doesn't know how to let out.
InuYasha felt sorry for that part of her. He had just met her yet, he felt like he needed to comfort that part of her. Give that part of her, someone to talk to or a shoulder cry on or something. He felt like he knew that part of her. He saw a little bit of himself in her, where he used to have resentment and anger in his eyes, and then be happy all of a sudden. He didn't like how he felt back then, and didn't like how it hadn't gotten any better now. He felt that such a fragile girl shouldn't have to deal with things like this at her age.

At the fast food place, Kagome had told him she was seventeen, and was going to miss her prom because her stupid mom was sending her away before the summer vacation to learn a little more about social graces before next term started, so she wouldn't fall too far behind.

InuYasha told her he was eighteen, and finished school, but being shipped off to the guys' academy for the same reason, but early so that he could get settled.

“But you're of age now aren't you? Can't you decide for yourself what you want to do now?” Kagome had asked him.

InuYasha had looked at her for a few moments before answering “Yeah. I should be able to, but I can't. You see. My dad works for a really important company, and he doesn't want me supposedly causing problems every time he comes back from a big meeting or business trip. So he had his lawyer get a form signed by the government saying he has full control over me until I am twenty.”

Kagome looked at him in utter horror.

“That's disgusting. If my mom did that to me I would kill myself.”

InuYasha laughed at that.

“What's so funny?” Kagome had asked, looking annoyed.

InuYasha looked at her with importance written all over his face.

“If you died, whom would I hang out with on weekends at the academy?”

Kagome looked touched before deciding he was probably teasing. Accept that the look in his eye held no joke.

“Well, I suppose you have friends right? And you probably have a friend coming too.”
“True story. But, my friend Miroku doesn't really want to go. He just wants to check out the ladies. And he's still seventeen, so he doesn't have a choice if his parents send him there. At least for a few months anyway.”

InuYasha still remembered almost every detail of their conversation. The words still fresh in his head.

“Ohh…Sessh. Oh. Faster!!!”

InuYasha groaned and threw his TV remote at his wall.

“Shut the hell up you whore!” InuYasha yelled.

“This is going to be a long night…”

There it is, revised and hopefully without grammar/spelling mistakes. Third chapter soon, promise! Bye for now =]