InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waking Powers ❯ A Breath of Life ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

- Chapter 5 .-

A Breath of Life


Kagome ignored Inuyasha when he crashed to the floor, she was too worried about Miroku. Struggling out of the blankets that covered her, she ran towards the monk as Inuyasha's spell began to wear off. She wasn't going to give him a chance to stand. She didn't know why he had attacked Miroku and she didn't want to give him the chance to do it again.


She yelled as she reached her friend. "Miroku? Miroku can you hear me?" She carefully moved him over so that his head was resting in her lap. "Please Miroku talk to me." She pleaded as she patted him on the head, more to calm herself than to calm him.

He didn't move.

Bringing her fingers carefully to the side of his neck she checked for a pulse. Her heart nearly stopped when she couldn't find one. "Miroku? Please don't be dead." She was quickly beginning to panic when the training from her lifesaving-class kicked in. He wasn't breathing so she had to breathe for him, but could she do that?

She glanced over at Sango and saw that she was on the verge of tears. Kaede was for the first time since Kagome had known her, in something close to shock and Shippo was crying in the doorway. Lastly she looked at Inuyasha. He lay unconscious in a deep hole in the floor. He would be devastated if he knew that he had killed Miroku.

"Is… Is he dead?" Sango chocked at the question. Kagome looked over at her again. At her tearstained face.

She could do it.

"Not yet. There's still time. I-I can bring him back, but you have to trust me. It's… it's something from my time and it may seem strange for me to do it." Kagome knew what Sango felt for the monk, even if she would never admit it herself, she loved him. And she didn't want to give Sango the wrong ideas with what she was going to do… "Just trust me, please?" Sango nodded numbly. "Anything if you can save him." Kagome smiled weakly and nodded again. She didn't know if it would work, she had never done it for real, only as a practice.


Sango watched intently as her best friend laid Miroku straight on the ground and carefully pushed his chin up. Please don't be dead! Please live! For me Miroku. I-I love you.

She trusted Kagome, she really did, but when Kagome brought her lips down to the monk's mouth she nearly hit her. Miroku was hurt, maybe dead. How could she kiss him!? It didn't take long for Sango to realise that Kagome wasn't kissing him. It was an impersonal joining of the lips and Kagome… blew air into Miroku as she squeezed his nose? Sango's eyes widened. Was she breathing for him?

Kagome blew three times into Miroku's mouth before she began to push her hands down on his chest the way she had been taught. She hoped it would work. She prayed it would work. He couldn't die now. Not now that Naraku had finally been defeated. Not with his entire life in front of him.

She brought her lips to his once again, giving him her breath as she watched the rise of his chest. Please let this work! Please! She felt the pain in her again, pricking on the borders of her senses. She ignored it, blocked it out. She had to save Miroku. She had to save him. He couldn't die. Inuyasha would be crushed…

A tear made its way down her cheek as she bent down one more time to breath into him.

Frantic coughing made her stop the move midways and she scrambled out of the way. He was a letch after all and she didn't want to give him the wrong idea.

Sango couldn't stay still anymore as Miroku began to cough. She ran over to him and cradled him in her lap, not caring if she gave him the wrong idea. She loved him!

"Thank you Kagome-san! Thank you so much!" She looked over at the young miko and Kagome could read everything in her expression. "I'm just happy he will make it." She smiled back.

Turning her back to Sango and Miroku she focused her attention at the unconscious hanyou. He had a lot to explain when he woke up and she would make sure that he regretted ever hurting a friend.

When she looked around the room again, she finally realised that the distressed kit needed comforting so she walked over to him and picked him up. Shippo dug his claws into her clothes, never wanting to let go of her again. "Shh, Shippo. It's okay. I won't let him hurt you. Everything's fine." He only nodded weakly as he whimpered into her neck. Kagome turned once again and addressed Kaede. "Could you please tell me what has happened and why Inuyasha acted like he did?"

A weak nod was Kaede's response.


Kagome was sitting on the edge of the well. She was stunned after Kaede's story and she needed some time alone to think. Inuyasha had been locked into an old shed covered with ofuda's so at least he couldn't hurt anyone if he awakened when Kagome wasn't present. She sighed heavily as she looked up at the stars. She needed to calm down, her heart was still racing in fear of Miroku's life. When she had first opened her eyes she had been too confused to register what was happening. It hadn't made sense. Why would Inuyasha hold Miroku by the throat? Then her instincts on helping her friends had kicked in and she had said `sit' without thinking.

She was so confused.

When Miroku had gained enough consciousness to speak, she had put some herb-potions on his neck to keep the swelling down and to help his breathing. He was still in some state of shock, but he hadn't seemed to mind too much as Sango held his head to her chest.

Kagome smiled to herself. She was glad that Miroku had recovered enough to grope Sango. It was a sure sign that he was getting better. Even Sango didn't seem to mind too much since she only slapped him lightly instead of using her bone boomerang.

Kagome was still worried on how Miroku would react when he saw Inuyasha again. Would he hate him? And worst of all, how would Inuyasha react? Would he even remember it? Nobody were sure if he had gone full youkai, nobody had been able to glimpse his eyes to see if they were red.

Kagome shivered and hugged her knees to her chest as she slid down of the well and leaned against it. Oh Inuyasha, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. She didn't really know what she was sorry about, but her heart still ached for him. A loud crash from the outskirt of the village signalled that Inuyasha was awake. They had all decided to keep the incident secret from the rest of the village… for the meantime at least, ultimately it was Miroku's decision.

Kagome glanced up at the calm lights of the stars one last time before she rose and dusted off her clothes.

It was going to be a long night…


Kagome slowly walked up to the shed where all the noise was coming from. She dreaded what was to come, but she knew she was the one that had to do it. Sighing she pushed all doubts aside and knocked at the door. The shed instantly became silent.

"Inuyasha? It's me, Kagome. I'm coming in so don't try anything okay?" Inuyasha nearly growled at her, but remained silent as the door began to open. She didn't have to tell him that it was her, he had caught her scent the moment she knocked at the door…

Kagome pushed herself through the door and quickly closed it after her. She was nervous, but as she turned the feeling instantly evaporated. "Inuyasha?" She looked him over and noticed that he sat abnormally quiet in the farthest corner. "Inuyasha are you alright?" She couldn't bear to see him like this. He looked so… broken.

She reached her arm out to him and moved closer, but stopped when he scrambled out of her reach. He acted like a trapped animal. "Inuyasha, please talk to me." She whispered. It hurt her to see him like this. It hurt her that he was afraid of her. It hurt her that he was hurting.

"Please?" She whispered silently as she reached out for him again. Her eyes went wide when she saw the sparks dancing over her arm. Kaede had told her that something was wrong with her power. It was out of control and she was very capable of unintentionally hurting others. Yanking her arm back to her chest she fought her own tears. She didn't want to hurt him, anyone but him. Backing away and fumbling for the door she whispered weakly: "I'll leave you alone and send someone else. Maybe Kaede… I-I'm sorry Inuyasha. I shouldn't have come." She turned and was about to leave when he spoke.


"How is Miroku?"

Kagome stopped in her tracks and slowly turned towards him. He could smell the salt from the tears she fought. It angered him in a strange way and at the same time it made him sad too. Nobody should make her cry, nobody. Least of all him. He had seen the sparks dancing over her arm and then he had smelt fear. She was afraid, but she wasn't afraid of him. No, she was afraid for him. He wanted to comfort her, but somehow he couldn't make himself say the right words, so instead he opted for the second best. He asked about the friend he had attacked, hoping to bring her thoughts away from whatever it was that frightened her.

When he met her gaze, his heart went out to her, but still his body wouldn't move. A tear finally escaped from her eyes and she brought her hand up to wipe it away.

"He's recovering." She whispered after a long silence.

He lowered his head and looked at his own hands, flexing his claws without realising it. "I-I'm sorry." He forced himself to say. It was the truth, but it was still difficult for him to admit to such an emotion.

Now that he thought about it, he really didn't know why he had reacted the way he did. He hadn't turned into his youkai form, but still he had nearly killed a friend without just reason. The whole incident seemed so strange, so distant. Like a fog was covering the details. He remembered anger and worry, worry for Kagome.

"I'm not the one you should be apologising to," Kagome said as she took a step towards him. He nodded and raised his head to look her into the eyes. "I know, it's just that I feel…" He stopped talking and turned pleading eyes at her. "Please… please don't hate me." He begged. He didn't know if he would be able to continue living if she said that she hated him. He wouldn't blame her, not after what he had done. He hated himself…

Kagome looked into his pleading eyes and her heart broke. She had never considered hating him for what he did. Be angry at him, yes. But hating him?


"I could never hate you." She said as she walked closer and drew him in for a hug. "I could never ever hate you Inuyasha. Don't you ever think that I would hate you." She hugged him tighter as he slowly returned her embrace, afraid that he might let go. Afraid that he would push her away.

Inuyasha was surprised when she pulled him in for a hug, but pretty soon he relaxed and returned it. Rejoicing in the feelings the simple act gave him and the fact that she didn't hate him. Him, a lowly hanyou. I don't deserve you Kagome. I don't deserve you…


A/n: Awww… ^_^

I loved writing this chapter… well, the end of it anyway… Please tell me how I'm doing and feel free to come with requests about things you want in the story. I won't promise that I'll add them, but if it fits with how I plan the story then I'll try my best. Oh, and please review!