InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waking ❯ High School Havoc ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Waking" by Jezunya

Chapter IV: High School Havoc

I am getting really tired of saying this, but here it is anyway: *takes a deep breath* I DO NOT, IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, HAVE ANY CLAIM TO INUYASHA OR ANY OF IT'S CHARACTERS! There, I said it!! Are you happy now?! *dramatically bitter sniffle*

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He glared at his brother.

The younger demon glared back. "What?"

"I don't know why I keep paying your bail." He sighed, angry and exasperated. "How do you always manage to get into trouble?"

"It wasn't my fault this time," his brother replied, glancing inside the refrigerator and grimacing at the assorted French crap -- "delicacies," as his older brother called them -- and quickly shut the door again. "I was just--"

"Trying to get a rise out of Kouga?" Sesshoumaru smiled coolly as the half-demon's face flushed. "You can't keep doing that, Inuyasha. Kouga has claimed that area as his domain. You know better than to go trespassing into another's territory."

Inuyasha scowled. "The bastard wasn't even there; he ran off as soon as the police got there. And besides, he's got no business hanging around over there," he growled.

"You mean he has no business hanging around her," Sesshoumaru said.

"Quit puttin' words in my mouth!" the hanyou snarled, stomping upstairs to his quarters. As soon as the door was shut behind him, he let out a sigh and flopped down on his bed.

Was Sango right? Did Kagome really not remember anything of her past life? Even if she was the Kagome they had all known before, it wouldn't be the same if she didn't remember them.

Kagome… I wonder what you're doing now…

He slowly drifted off to sleep, dreaming of traveling an ancient country-side and collecting the Shards of a Jewel that would eventually be the death of them all…


She was poised on the edge of an outcropping of rock, wearing nothing but her skin-tight bathing suit. Well, this is certainly a good dream, he thought, grinning from his perch on a tree branch overhead. Inuyasha watched the girl take a deep breath and dive beneath the waters.

Kagome became aware that she was dreaming when the icily refreshing water hit her skin. She swam to the surface and tread water, taking in her surroundings through large, curious eyes. She was in the middle of a lazily flowing river, lined by boulders and tall trees on either side, with dappled sunlight playing across the ground and reflecting off the water. She recognized the place; she had come here to swim in her dreams before. It all seemed so real, and.. she always had an odd feeling that it was real, that she had once come to such a place. Shaking her head and deciding to simply enjoy the dream while it lasted, she dunked under the water again, swimming back and forth between the banks.

As she pulled herself up onto the rock where sat her pile of usual bathing items, she suddenly felt a presence not far off. She looked around, wondering who or what had intruded on her peaceful dream. A flutter of movement caught her eye, and she turned to look up into the branches of a particularly sturdy-looking oak.

Golden orbs blinked back at her, apparently not expecting to be noticed and therefore caught off guard.

Had this not been a fantasy conjured up by his sleeping mind, Inuyasha would have been afraid that he might be Sat. As it was, he simply wondered if perhaps he should join her in the water. His dreams were often plagued with the demons they had faced together or, on particularly bad days, replays of all the times he'd been cruel to her, often even making her cry. He definitely didn't want to waste such a rare good dream.

Kagome was speechless as she watched the strange boy from her dreams calmly climb down from his branch, his red kimono morphing into a pair of red swim trunks as he went. He came to crouch at the water's edge. "Mind if I come in?" he said, grinning mischievously, and didn't wait for her reply before running and doing a cannon ball into the middle of the pond. Kagome shrieked and dove underwater to avoid being splashed. When she came up all she could do was glare at the boy, who smiled at her innocently before disappearing below the surface again. He swam along the bottom, and she soon lost him among the shadows on the floor. Thus she was completely unprepared for the huge sheet of water that came from behind her.

She spun around to face him, and Inuyasha almost laughed at her soaked, pouty, glare. Almost, but he was too busy dodging the splash she sent his way. He splashed her back, and soon they were both laughing, dodging, and splashing.

Pausing to catch her breath, Kagome managed to gasp out between laughs, "Kami… Who are you?" The boy looked at her sharply, looking like he'd just been slapped. "Oh, I'm sorry… I didn't mean to offend… I mean…" Kagome tried to apologize. She touched the side of her head, willing the landscape to stop moving. Everything was rippling and blurring, like she was looking at it underwater. And what was that horrible ringing in her ears..?

Inuyasha watched as she swayed back and forth, her eyes unfocused, her face confused. Then, she simply blipped out of existence. "Wha--?! Kagome!" he yelled, looking around everywhere. A sudden bright light blinded him, causing him to cover his eyes with his arm.

"Get up, now!" Sesshoumaru's condescending voice came to his ears.

Inuyasha groaned and rolled over to hide his face in his pillow.

"Now!" The pillow was jerked away and his head fell on the not-nearly-as-comfortable mattress. "You're going to be late."

Inuyasha sat up and blinked at his half-brother in confusion. "Late?" he echoed. "Wha… Sess, late for what?"

"School, of course." Sesshoumaru tossed the pillow back at him, hitting him right in the face.

"What?!" Inuyasha demanded, springing to his feet, now fully awake.

Sesshoumaru smirked at him. "Let's just say the authorities were not pleased to hear that you, who are barely old enough to get a driver's license, have not been attending school." Inuyasha could only gape at his brother, who gestured to a set of clothing on top of his desk. "That's your uniform. Put it on and get downstairs. You'll probably have to pull your hair back or something. If they let you keep it long."

The hanyou's hands flew to his mane of hair. "I ain't cuttin' my hair," he said, his eyes wide and slightly wild.

Sesshoumaru smirked again before leaving the room to see how Jaken was doing with breakfast.


She touched the side of her head, willing the landscape to stop moving. Everything was rippling and blurring, like she was looking at it underwater. And what was that horrible ringing in her ears..?

Kagome's hand shot out on a reflex, hitting her alarm clock perfectly. Stupid alarm… always waking me in the middle of a dream… She blinked a few times, glad when her room seemed completely stable and substantial. "What an odd dream…" she mumbled, sitting up and stretching. She went through her morning rituals, showering, dressing, and brushing her hair. She slouched down the stairs, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"You look tired, child," Lady Kaede said when Kagome sat down at the table with a yawn.

"That's 'cause I am tired."

Kaede cocked an eyebrow. "Did you dream last night, then?"

Kagome opened her mouth to tell her of the dream, but then decided against it. "No," she lied. "I just couldn't get comfortable last night. Couldn't sleep.." she mumbled.

Why couldn't she tell Lady Kaede? She told the old woman everything, especially meaningful dreams. Kaede had found her out on the streets, a lost child with no memory of a family and "an extraordinarily powerful aura," as the she had put it. She had taken her in, taught her and trained her to use her miko powers. More than once, they'd been able to help people thanks to her clairvoyant dreams.

If you dream something more than once, it usually means something important, she thought, pushing bits of rice and fruit around on her plate. I should tell Kaede-sama about that boy. Kagome made a face. She knew she should, but there was something about telling her, something that almost made Kagome squirm with how wrong it felt.

They're too personal, she decided. The dreams were probably a result of loneliness, because she'd never had a boyfriend before, and the dog-eared boy was probably what her sleeping mind had decided was the perfect match for her. So, she just had to find a nice guy to be her boyfriend and voila! She could say goodbye to her odd dreams.

Kagome blinked. That sounded disturbingly like Miroku-kun…

She shook her head and smiled to herself, then quickly finished her breakfast. "Bye Kaede-sama! I'll see you after school!" Kagome called as she grabbed her bag and ran out the door to meet up with Sango.


He stepped out of the car and onto the sidewalk in front of his new school. It was …intimidatingly large. He turned a pleading expression on the driver. "Please, Gyosha? Can't you just take me back home?"

The chauffeur shook his head. "Your father would have my head if I did not carry out his orders."

He sighed. "Fine. I guess I might as well get this over with."

Gyosha smiled. "Have a good day, Young Master Naraku." He pulled the car door shut and drove away, leaving the boy staring up at his new school.


"Alright, class, settle down. We have some new students with us today. Now," the teacher looked at the roster sheet. "Hatsuyuki Inuyasha, why don't you go first?"

Inuyasha scowled at the teacher, then at the class of curious teenagers. "What am I supposed to say? You just told them my name." He turned his glare back to the woman behind the desk.

"Well, why don't you start by telling us a bit of history about your life, why you moved to this school… You know, normal introduction stuff," the teacher smiled.

Ease up on the anti-depressants, lady, Inuyasha thought sourly, turning away from the annoyingly cheerful woman. He growled under his breath. "Well, my name's Inuyasha - anyone calls me Hatsuyuki is gonna regret it-"

"Inuyasha-kun!" The teacher cried, but he continued on, ignoring her.

"-An' I'm at this stupid school because my brother decided to be an as-a butthead," he amended, at the teacher's warning glare, "and is now forcing me to go to school. And…" His eyes swept over the class, taking in the faces of both humans and youkai. "And if anyone bugs me about being half-human, you won't live to regret it."

"Thank you, Inuyasha-kun, I think that's enough. Why don't you take that empty set in the back? Yes, right there." The teacher looked at the attendance sheet again, not nearly as cheerful as before. "Next we have Kokuhyou Naraku."

Inuyasha looked up sharply. Sure enough, there at the front of the class room stood a perfectly human-looking boy, with long, wavy, black hair and warm chocolate eyes.

"Um… this is my first time in a public school," the boy said nervously. "I've gone to a private boy's school up until now, but my parents decided it would be best for me to have the experience of attending a normal co-ed high school. My Otousan is Kokuhyou Onigumo." Here, his voice swelled and he stuck out his chest with pride. "You may have heard of him. He owns The Bouryokudan Lawyers,one of the best law firms in Japan." Naraku paled slightly when the students gave no sign of recognizing the name. "Um…"

"Thank you for that wonderful introduction, Naraku-kun," the teacher smiled. "You can go sit down now."

The boy nodded and moved to the only remaining empty seat …right next to Inuyasha. The dog demon tensed and kept his eyes focused on the front board so he wouldn't have to look at his nemesis.

Naraku glanced curiously at the white haired boy next to him. He seemed oddly tense and almost silently hostile. Probably because he's from the streets and I'm from a private school, he thought, turning back to watch the teacher begin the lesson.


Kagome poked at her lunch unenthusiastically, not really listening to the chatter of girls around her. Her mind was on the dream she had had last night. There had been something different about it. It had almost seemed as if the boy were really there, like the first time, when she was surrounded by gold mist. All the others had only been fantasies and memories.

Memories? Kagome frowned. This guy was just a figment of her imagination. Or, even if by some chance he was real, they'd never met, nor had Kagome ever been in the lush forests and fields of flowers where they often met in her dreams. Such places didn't even exist anymore, and hadn't since the late twenty-first century, nearly 500 years ago. Not in Japan anyway.


Kagome was jerked from her thoughts, suddenly aware that her friends had been addressing her. "Um… What did you say?" she asked, flushing slightly.

Hanako sighed and rolled her eyes in exasperation. "I said have you seen the two new students?"

"Um.. No..? Are they in our class?" Kagome said unsurely.

"No, they're both a year above us. And they're both hot. One's a trouble-maker though, but the worth-while one is right over there." Hanako pointed to a table across the cafeteria, and all the girls looked. A crowd, mostly made up of girls, were clustered around the table.

"I don't see…" Kagome began, but then someone moved aside and she saw who the girls were giggling over. A sixteen year old boy, with long black hair and an elegantly handsome face sat, smiling and chatting with the crowd around him.

"His name's Kokuhyou Naraku," she heard Hanako continue. Beside her, Sango bristled, though none of the girls seemed to notice. "He's from a Private school and he's rich."

Kagome looked back at her friend, grinning. "And we all know that's all you care about," she said, and received snickers from the others.

Hanako sniffed indignantly. "Well, there's no fun in dating a guy who can't spend a little money on you."

Kagome smiled again, and turned to look back at the boy. He looked up, right at her. Kagome gasped as their gazes met and a strange recognition seemed to pass through his eyes. They just stared at each other for a moment, then someone moved in the crowd, and Kagome lost sight of him.

"You know, I just remembered I have somewhere to be," Sango said, standing abruptly. Kagome glanced up at her, feeling slightly shaken and more than a little confused. Sango gave her a tiny, grim smile, then marched off purposefully.

"Well… That was weird…" Hanako said after Sango had gone.

Kagome nodded, but decided not to worry about it. "So who's the other new guy?"

"What?" Hanako asked, looking confused.

"You said there were two new students. Who's the other one?"

"Oh." Hanako looked away to scan the cafeteria. Finally, she seemed to find what she was looking for. "Over there." She gestured to a boy eating alone at a table in the corner of the room. "That's Inuyasha."

Kagome's breath caught in her throat. The boy had long silver-white hair and fluffy, white dog-ears on top of his head. It was the boy from her dream.


"We've got a problem."

"I know."

"How can he be here?"

"Fate works in strange ways."

"She wouldn't bring him back on purpose, would she? That just doesn't seem… right."


"Perhaps what?"

"Perhaps Kagome-sama did not merely want us all to live in the same time, but…"

"…Maybe she wanted the quest to continue?"

"It's possible. Completing the quest had many consequences, especially for Inuyasha and Kagome-sama. The completion of the Jewel would require Inuyasha to finally choose between his demon side and his human side, while it would also eliminate the reason for Kagome-sama to return to our time."

"And she didn't want that. She didn't want to be without us. …Or him."

"…I wonder what happened… At the very end, after we had all passed on."


"You okay, Kagome?" Hanako asked, peering at her suddenly pale face. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"…I think I have…" The words escaped her lips before she realized she had even thought them.

"What?" Hanako asked, looking as confused as Kagome felt.

Kagome shook her head. "Um… So he's just Inuyasha? No last name?" she asked quickly, changing subject.

Hanako blinked. "Well…" she said hesitantly. She glanced around at the girls, and they all leaned in to hear when she dropped her voice to a conspiratory whisper. "His surname's 'Hatsuyuki,' but he already punched a kid for calling him that."

Kagome's eyes widened. "On his first day?"

Hanako nodded. "For some reason he just wants to be called 'Inuyasha.'" Murmurs went through the crowd of girls, mostly consisting of "Weird" and "Scary."

Kagome looked over at the white-haired boy again. He looks lonely, she thought, feeling an odd connection to the boy. If he really was the one she was always dreaming about…

Whoa, Kagome! Snap out of it! He's probably in a gang or something! She shook her head, turning her back to him. "Definitely not my type," she said firmly under her breath.

Across the room, a pair of white dog-ears drooped, and their owner decided that listening in on female conversation was not in any way good for his self-esteem.

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Bouryokudan - gangster organization, band of thugs, gangster (They're lawyers and it's Onigumo… it just made sense!!)

Gyosha - "chauffeur"; this is supposed to be the name of Naraku's driver (either his parents hated him or he was destined for the job)

Hanyou - half-demon (this is what Inuyasha is ^-^)

Hatsuyuki - (Inuyasha's/Sesshoumaru's surname) "first snow of the season"

Kami - Usually used as "God," though kami are actually god-like spirits of nature in Shinto.

Kokuhyou - (Onigumo's/Naraku's surname) "damnation" ^^; you kinda have to wonder what these people's ancestors did to get surnames like this (although, it is Naraku, so I guess you don't have to wonder too much…)

-kun - a name suffix usually used for boys or underclassmen.

Otousan - respectful way of saying "dad" or "father"

Don't forget to review!! ^_^