InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispered Dreams ❯ Ghost Stories ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

* Whispered Dreams *

By: Youkai Yume

Yume: It's me again. I know, disappointing.

CF: Sorry for keeping readers in the dark, story development, you know.

Yume: But here it is! The moment of truth! Sesshomaru's confrontation with Kagome and HER side of the story.

CF: Don't stay in suspense! READ!

Disclaimer: Oh, how the gods torture me so!

Chapter 4: Ghost Stories

Thoughts of her plagued his mind, as he replayed the conversation that he had with Lord Sota over and over again in his head. Everything fits. . .but he just had to hear about it straight from the horse's mouth. He nearly scoffed at the memory. So long ago he had tried everything in his power to leave her in the past, condemning himself to never think of her again. And here he now was, walking up the same steps to the same old burnt down shrine for the same old reasons; Kagome.

As his feet lead him slowly towards the mysterious girl, his mind began to wander briefly over to Sota's story. Actually, around the Western Lands, it was nothing short of a legend. Apparently he wasn't the only one to have heard the haunting melody of a mysterious girl at night. Rumors had spread far and wide from village to village of a wandering spirit who sang her sorrow under the light of the full moon; sometimes, she chose to weep instead.

But it was always the same. The ghost took the shape of a young girl with ebony silk hair said to have rivaled a raven's wing, and sapphire eyes more beautiful than the most precious of stones. Sesshomaru had heard that a few claimed to have seen her. And of the few, all have claimed her to be of living flesh. Alive just as any other human being. But there was a catch. Of the few sightings, all were rendered under the light of the full moon.

Villagers talked. . .every single one of them. That was how he learned so much. On his way back to the Western domain, he had overheard the petty humans talking of the legendary spirit. He had never paid heed to them before; for what had humans to say that was so important? Sesshomaru made a mental note of himself to pay attention to them more often. They might be inferior, but they know. . .they know about practically everything. . .especially the useless things.

`But they don't know. . .' Sesshomaru's golden eyes glittered with anticipation, `They don't know what lies beyond the ghost stories. . .' He was here. Standing in front of the long forgotten shrine as it continued to rot and decay under all that burnt wood. And here he stood, now more than ever, ready to face Kagome once more.

Sesshomaru entered, not even realizing he had begun to hold his breath as he made his through the charred walls. Her aura permeated the area. He could feel it, taste it, touch it. With every fiber of his being. . .Sesshomaru felt her; felt Kagome.


He had come back. She had thought she was hallucinating---she had to be! She had believed that the young prince had given up when he had stopped coming nearly a year ago. Although, she had to admit she admired the demon of a child for his persistence, she also knew that a friendship between them could never work. It didn't do well to associate oneself with the dead.

And so, Kagome had watched sadly as the ivory little demon lord to be walk away from her burnt down shrine, glancing back one last time at the abandoned site before leaving it all behind forever. At least, she had thought it to be forever. A feeling of nostalgia, panic, and happiness all filled her the moment she saw him step foot into the old shrine.

She knew he shouldn't be here, and that she should just hide from him like she had done all the all those other nights. But guiltily. . .Kagome wanted to see him again. Wanted to see him, and let him see her just one more time. Afterall, he was the first. The first to look past her `condition,' and turned to her for friendship. Something she had been craving for the minute she learned what loneliness meant.

At the time, she had been afraid of it. She still was. The little nagging thought in her head always told her that it wouldn't work out. Anyone who came close to her would just end up making her feel even more far away than she already was. The fact that she could be near them, and yet unable to touch them. . .no. `Twas better to be alone.

`Is it?' Kagome thought mournfully. `Could it possibly be worse than this lonely existence?' sapphire eyes followed the form of the little demon she had known to be Sesshomaru as he continued his search. Watching sadly from the shadows, she had to keep from calling out to him when he came to the very room that she had last shown herself to him.

Stepping inside, he took a deep breath, and with a somewhat more mature voice than she remembered, called out her name.


"Kagome." Sesshomaru said softly into the echoing room. His nerves were in knots, and his eyes widened when he noticed the scent of vanilla and orchids spike upon the utter of the maiden's name. Then, just as quickly, it became faded again. After several moments of silence, and absolutely no answer, Sesshomaru decided to call out to her once more.

"Kagome," He said, a little louder this time. Her scent lingered still, and he smelled doubt in the aroma. `She is trying to hide from me. . .' He thought. "Kagome, come out. I know you're there." The scent spiked once more, teasing his nose as it became stronger. But still, he did not see her anywhere.

Sighing, The young demon took graceful steps to the middle of the room; where the one ray of light usually shone. Stepping into it, his young, and yet porcelain features became illuminated under the dancing rays, and his golden eyes glittered almost pleadingly into the dark shadows.

"Please, Kagome. . ."

At those words, orbs of light slowly began to make themselves visible as they flickered around the room. They cast eerie shadows in the darkened room, and before long night had become day in the dimmed interior. But Sesshomaru paid little heed to them, as his eyes remained glued straight ahead. Where the sparkling mist began to take the shape of a young girl with ebony silk hair said to have rivaled a raven's wing, and sapphire eyes more beautiful than the most precious of stones.

There she stood. Staring at him in silent sadness and relief, while giving him that same damning smile that soothed his soul.

"Long time no see, Sesshomaru-sama." Her voice whispered softly---melodically into his sensitive ears. It was then that he smiled. Truly did he smile for the first time since his moonlight meeting with her nearly a year ago.

"Almost too long. . ." He said gently. Kagome's eyes flashed with mirth for a second before settling back to its' serious glow.

"I thought that you had long forgotten me, and I had. . .hoped," her voice wavered at the word, "that it would remain so." She said slowly. Sesshomaru frowned at this.

"Do you really wish to be alone so badly that you would deny yourself of even a little bit of company?" He pressed. A small smile crept upon her delicate lips, and she gave him a wistful look.

"Despite what I want. . .how lonely I am. . .it does not change my mind. I will tell you what I have before. Leave this place, and forget of me." Before she could fade away into the depths of darkness once more, Sesshomaru stepped forward to tell her one last thing.

"I just want you to know that Sota misses you!" He blurted. Her aura froze for several seconds before her fading form quickly brightened once more. Kagome turned to face him.

"You. . .you know my brother?" She barely whispered so that if Sesshomaru weren't a youkai, he would've missed it. Slowly, he nodded at her. Kagome stood completely still for several minutes, and after a long while, she floated back over to Sesshomaru.

He let out a breath of relief that he didn't know he had been holding, and gazed thoughtfully at her fair face as she gave him a look of sadness and at the same time that of pure curiosity.

"What else did he say?" She asked him in a hushed voice. He smiled, almost glad that he could at last strike up conversation with the spirit before him.

"That you were beautiful. . ." Sesshomaru answered, and blushing shyly he added, "And I knew he was telling the truth." This caused her to giggle, and the young demon prince had never heard a sound more beautiful than the sound of her laughter. Besides her singing, that was.

"That can't be MY brother!" She exclaimed jokingly, and as if suddenly realizing her slip of emotion, her mood shifted once again to melancholy. "But. . .surely that is not the only reason why you have come to see me. . ." Silence. It dragged on and on as demon and ghost stood facing each other. The orbs flickered restlessly, causing Sesshomaru's lone shadow to dance on the charred floor. Finally, he lifted his golden depths to her sapphire ones, and spoke.

"What happened to you? How did you. . ." He paused, almost embarrassed to ask her, or afraid that she would be offended. "I mean. . .how did you. . ."

"Die?" She completed his trailing sentence. Swallowing, he nodded, looking quickly away to avoid the sad look in her eyes as the memory flashed through her mind.

"If I told you. . .would your soul finally be at peace with this lonely girl? Will the knowledge of my demise quench your thirst of knowing of my existence?" Sesshomaru looked at her, determination blazing in his orbs.


Closing her eyes, Kagome sighed. A smile graced her pink lips as she began to recall the day of her death.

* Flashback *

"Kagome! This means you're getting OLD!" A young Sota teased, poking at his elder sister as she glared reproachfully at him.

"At least I'm not some baby. . .who still wets his bed at night!" Kagome snapped back. As the two siblings continued to bicker, a young woman sighed and came in between her squabbling children.

"Please, Kagome! Sota! Stop with all this noise!" Lady Hikaru chided. "We are approaching the shrine soon, and I expect you two to be on your best behavior!" Kagome pouted.

"He started it! He called me old!"

"But you ARE old!" Sota pressed.

"Sota, be nice to your sister. Today is her birthday, afterall. Besides, showing respect to women is essential for a lord-to-be!" Lord Higurashi said matter-of-factly. Sota crossed his arms and gave Kagome a glaring look as she stuck out her tongue triumphantly at him.

"AND, since you are one year older, my little hime," He continued, causing her to look over at him, tongue still out, "I expect you to act more MATURE." Kagome blushed, and withdrew her tongue. Fumbling with her fingers.

"Yes father," She replied, staring daggers over at her younger brother when he began to smirk smugly at her, and pouted at her mother when she began to giggle softly at their antics.

Yes. Today she turned 18 years of age, and Kagome's parents had thought it wise to receive a blessing from their long-time friend, the old priestess Kaede, on this joyous day. Which brought her to the scene of them currently walking up the shrine steps.

Kagome didn't really thought it too big of a deal, and frankly wished they didn't make such a big fuss out of all this. She wasn't the kind of princess who liked fancy or grand things. In fact, she was quite the opposite, taking pleasure in the most simplest of things, and spent the majority of her time trying to get away from the life of aristocracy and being waited on hand and foot.

It certainly shows in the way she dresses for example. Kagome would always pick the simplest.---well, as simple as you can get for a princess---kimono to wear. `As long as I'm comfy, that's all that matters!' Whoever needed all those heavy layered kimonos anyway? It made her feel like nothing more than an ornament.

If you dressed her up in peasant clothes, no one would ever guess that she was a hime! But, she accepted her boring lifestyle. . .no matter how incredibly boring it was. `Arguing with Sota's always fun.' Coming out of her thoughts, Kagome gazed at the shrine atop of the ending steps. When they finally reached their destination, Lady Hikaru leaned over to her children.

"Best behavior," Her mother whispered to the both of them. Nodding, they straightened their statures as the old, bent figure of the shrine priestess, Kaede came out to greet them.

"Ah! Lord Higurashi, `tis good to see ye!" She said cheerily, a smile curved upon her aged lips. "Ah, and of course, Lady Hikaru and the two children," Kaede bowed respectfully.

"Ah, but Kagome is no longer a child," Lord Higurashi said proudly. The comment caused Kaede to laugh good-naturedly, and Kagome to blush.

"Aye, that she isn't," She mused, approaching the young girl. "Let me have a good look at ye." She took Kagome's hands in her aged ones, and turned her around. She laughed and twirled around for the old woman to see before giving her a hug.

"It's nice to see you again, Kaede-baba," Kagome said gently. She laughed and returned the embrace. However, Kaede's attention was quickly directed towards the little tug upon her sleeve. Looking down, she smiled with good mirth at the young prince.

"Don't forget me, Kaede-baba!" He whined. Kneeling down, the old woman hugged Sota as well.

"How can this old woman ever forget ye?" She teased. After their greetings, Kaede had suddenly straightened herself in a more serious manner, and gestured them inside for tea. Stepping inside, Lord and Lady Higurashi sat on the cushions by the table, while Kagome and Sota continued to look around the shrine.

It was modest, but well constructed, and Kagome marveled at a certain painting that hung in the corner of the room of a Japanese garden.

"Kagome," She turned at the sound of her name to face the old shrine priestess. "I have something to give to ye, child." Tilting her head to the side, the princess gave her a questioning look.

"For me?" She pointed to herself innocently. Nodding, Kaede went to an old cupboard and took out a box, which Kagome kept her eyes glued on. "You really didn't have to. . ."

"Nonsense, today is your birthday, and I will not be at peace unless I know you have accepted my gift." She pressed, and Kagome sighed as she took the box in her hands. Examining it, she shook it gently and started speculating what it could be.

"Come on! Open it already!" Sota urged impatiently, earning another glare from her.

"Whose present is it?" Finally, her slender fingers found their way to the lid, and Kagome gently lifted it open. She gasped at the sight.

"Oh, Kaede-baba!" She said in complete awe. It was a round stone of fuschia, and sparkled with a pinkish glow. Fingering it, Kagome felt a pure and yet powerful aura coming from it. It was taken from her hands, and Kagome looked up at the old woman, who smiled warmly at her. She tied the chain around her neck, and Kagome looked down at the jewel of a necklace that now rested on her bosom.

"It is called the Shikon no Tama." Kaede explained.

"Shikon no Tama?!" Both turned to Lord Higurashi as he stared at the jewel around his daughter's neck. "Isn't that rumored to have extraordinary powers? Why give it to Kagome?"

"Powers?" Kagome questioned, looking once again at Kaede.

"Aye, `tis true. But Kagome's soul is pure. I can sense it, and I believe that it will remain so in the princess's care." She turned to her, "I trust ye with it." Glancing once more at the beautiful jewel, Kagome nodded and tucked it in her kimono.

"You can count on me! Arigato, Kaede-baba!" She thanked, bowing politely, and fingering the jewel through the fabric of her kimono.

"Tch. I don't see what's so great about a pink rock. . ." Sota said casually. Before Kagome could counter with a witty remark, a cold shiver shot through her body, and an evil aura filled the atmosphere. A surging source of power was coming straight at them! She could sense it! Her head snapped to the door suddenly, a look of alarm plastered on her fair face, causing everyone to give her questioning looks.

As if on cue, the wall of the shrine was reduced to shambles as the body of a large snake youkai broke through.

"IT'S A DEMON!" Lord Higurashi exclaimed, moving to protect his wife as she screamed in pure terror. It writhed and hissed evilly at them, it's large, yellow eyes piercing coldly through them as it examined each one of its' prey. It's tail lashed dangerously from side to side, and without warning, it struck in Sota's direction. The boy's eyes widened in fear, but unable to move as the gigantic tail lashed towards him.

"LOOK OUT!" Kagome shouted, leaping in front of her younger brother and blocking him from the snake's attack. The impact came at her in a painful blow, throwing the two siblings over to the opposite side of the wall.

"Oneechan!" Sota cried, as Kagome fell limply beside him. Moaning softly in pain, she glanced up at him. At the sight of his tears, she drew him closer.

"S'okay, only a few broken ribs," She reassured him, clutching her side. He clung to his sister, and he gasped when his brown eyes lifted to see the snake's ugly gaze staring straight in their direction.

"The SSSSSSSSSSSShikon!" It hissed, it's forked tongue sliding menacingly in and out of it's mouth. "You are the one my masssssssster ssssssssseeeks!" It snarled, and within the blink of an eye, had lunged straight at them, baring its' poison-dripping fangs.

"NO! KAGOME! SOTA!" Lady Hikaru cried hysterically, struggling against her husband's hold as she tried to reach her children.

Sota clung on tightly to Kagome, and she covered him protectively with her body, expecting any moment the searing, hot pain of its' fangs ripping her flesh.

To her surprise, it did not come, and her eyes snapped back open to see it hissing in pain. Sapphire eyes traveled over to it's bleeding body, which was shot with several purification arrows.

"RUN, CHILD!" Kaede called out to them, loading her bow with another arrow as she prepared to fire.

"You don't need to tell us twice!" Sota struggled to get his elder sister up; she flinched at the hasty movements. Meanwhile, the snake youkai had turned its' animosity towards Kaede.

"HUMAN! You will not interfere!" It hissed, and drawing it's breath back, a fiery blaze shot out of its' mouth, burning everything it touched. Kaede managed to dodge it---barely, and let her final shot fly. Her aim was true, for it struck it square in the heart, and writhing in pain, it spewed its' fiery fury uncontrollably before disintegrating into a fine dust into the atmosphere.

However, the whole shrine had been set ablaze now, and as the roof and walls crumbled around them, it was beginning to get extremely difficult to see from all the black smoke.

Fearful and coughing for air, they all made their way towards the exit, which was quickly being blocked off by the falling debris. Kaede managed to make her way out, gasping hoarsely, she spotted Lord and Lady Higurashi outside. Both looked slightly burned, but no serious injuries could be seen. But. . .someone was missing. . .Her one eye widened in realization, and a mournful cry could be heard.

"MY CHILDREN!" Lady Hikaru sobbed, her hand extended towards the burning shrine. At once, She felt her husband's absence from her side, and with watery eyes, saw him making his way back to the shrine.

"Do not be a fool, Lord Higurashi!" Kaede called out.

"I will not see my children die!" He bit back. At the burning entrance, he saw the fire blazing furiously inside. His eyes squinted and then widened when he spotted to hunched figures amongst the hellish fires. "KAGOME! SOTA!" He called out to them.

"Father!" Sota whimpered, gazing fearfully at him, clinging to Kagome.

"Come to me! Hurry!" He cried when he saw the flaming pieces of the room falling all around them. Kagome struggled to her feet, trying her best to cover her younger brother's nose with the sleeve of her kimono in order to keep the smoke from entering his breaths of air.

Running towards her father, she dragged Sota behind. Her breathing became labored, and the smoke wasn't helping much. On top of that, her broken ribs throbbed through her bleeding flesh, and clutching painfully to her side, she tried her best not to cry out her discomfort.

"Just a little farther!" Lord Higurashi urged, stepping a bit inside, and extending his hand out to them. Kagome limped hurriedly to them, but even she noticed that she was slowing. A cracking sound could be heard from above them, and Kagome's eyes shot up to see a pillar of wood falling towards them. When it impacts the ground, she knew it would block their way out. They would not make it. She was not fast enough.

Glancing mournfully down at her brother, a resolve settled in her soul. `Only one of us can make it. . .' She thought. `And it's not going to be me. . .' With that, she flung her arm that held her brother's hand with all of her strength towards the entrance, causing Sota to stumble forward into their father's arms. The impact of their embrace sent them falling backwards, just barely enough to escape the falling pillar of wood that crashed down where Sota just flew past.

"No, wait!" The boy cried, "Big Sister!" But it was too late. The entrance was blocked. Lady Hikaru ran forward in hysterical sobs, trying to run back in.

"No!" Lord Higurashi shouted at her, holding her back as she sobbed into his hoari. They had lost their daughter, and no amount of words could express the feeling of torn misery and sorrow that consumed their souls.

Inside, Kagome lay motionlessly onto the floor, tears trickled down her flushed and burnt cheeks as the flames licked at her body. Pain. White, searing hot pain engulfed her entire being, and she whispered her goodbye as the sound of her family's sobs could be heard from the other side.

As her sapphire eyes gazed at the blocked entrance, she was able to catch a glimpse of night sky through a tiny crack of the door. But that's not all she caught. In the far off distance, she saw a shadowed figure atop a hill, watching over her death. The form of a man clad in a white baboon pelt.

"Ahhh!" She cried out in pain, and all thoughts flew from her mind. `I don't want to leave yet!' Her mind screamed, `I don't want to forget!' In a fiery blaze, Kagome drew in her last breath. Her body was engulfed by not only flames, but enveloped in a bright, pink light.

* End Flashback *

Gold eyes melded with sapphire in the darkness, and Sesshomaru felt a sense of deep understanding and sympathy for the girl before her. Kagome turned away from him, closing her eyes as if the memory alone was too painful to recall. Now he understood. He understood why she had told him how lucky he was to be alive. For she had been denied everything life had to offer before she was truly able to live. And now, a part of him regretted that he had made her relive the pain of her death.

"Kagome, I'm sorry. . ." He said softly, and he was only answered with silence. After what seemed like eternity, she came closer to him and smiled sadly at the demon prince.

"No, I had chosen my own fate. . .I have accepted it," she whispered.

"But. . .that night. . .you were. . ."

"Alive?" She finished for him once again. Delicate hands came up to chest, and pressing down lightly, he saw a pinkish glow emanate from her being. His golden eyes gazed at her curiously.

"The Shikon," Kagome started. "When I subconsciously wished to remain, it had granted my desire." Her eyes became shadowed by her bangs, and he sensed her aura shift to sadness once more. "It has become a part of me, and now once every full moon. . ." She looked up at the half darkened moon in the night sky, "I turn into flesh. It is what keeps me here. . .or perhaps there is something more. But here I have remained."

Sesshomaru continued to stare at her as she gazed dreamily into the distance.

"Thirty years. . ." She all but whispered. "It has been thirty years since my death, and yet. . .I am unable to die." He bit his lower lip nervously.

"Don't you ever get lonely?" He asked her softly, and he was met with pools of melancholy sapphire. Kagome smiled regretfully at the young demon prince, marveling at his porcelain features under the pale moonlight.

"Always." Kagome closed her eyes, tears slipped from her blue irises, and slid down her cheeks. But just as quickly, they opened once more, only to see the young Sesshomaru encircle his arms around her shrouded form. Or at least, he tried to. It was like embracing air, but the demon of a child didn't care. He wanted to comfort her, and this will just have to do.

This only caused Kagome's tears to fall even more, and she seemingly returned the intangible embrace. A sweet smile curved her lips, and she placed a kiss upon his forehead. She knew he couldn't feel it, but that didn't seem to matter anymore. He looked up with pleading golden orbs, and his lips parted to speak the words that would end both of their loneliness.

"I too, am alone. We can be alone. . .together," He said gently. "Please stay this time."

* End Chapter *

Yume: Now that was long!

CF: This was the cut-down version, too!

Yume: Wow, I'm proud of me. Oh, and since vacation's rolled around, you can all expect for me to update more often! This means "ForgetMeNot" WILL be updated this weekend! ^_^ I meant to update this yesterday, but was being all wonky. Stupid upgrades. . .

CF: FINALLY! On Whispered Dreams, things will get even deeper! And friendship for spirit and demon is just over the horizon! REVIEW, NO FLAMES, AND THANKS LOADS!

Review Responses:

Aira^o^; the lovely light barrior naxi; rockygurl84; Blue-Saiyan-Angel; Mistress Fluffy; StarChild; MidnightDragonShadow; KawaiiLil-InuGurl; x napunakuma x; amyfushigiyugi; sashlea; K-chan16; Vixen Jinxie-chan; ShadowMistress; tessa3; Helba; Rabid-Inu-Gurl; HellAznGrl; ladihouki; THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!

Familia-Ficz: Hmmm, how much are we talking? Name yer price! Haha. Oh, I can sense that your comment was from the heart and not the sarcasm. Hope this chapter helped a little.

DarknessGuardian: Well, glad to see you back, and yeah, it cracked me up when I wrote "Lord" in front of Sota as well. Lolz

Shiori-chan: Thanks so much for the info. I have fixed it in the last chapter. FINALLY! Inu's mom has a name!

hot_anime_babe: Thanks, it's always nice to hear a compliment! Not to mention it has always been my goal to write in good detail!

Duke of Spades: Actually, if you read my first chapter carefully, it says that she is 6-7 years OLDER! ^_^

Perro: I'm glad to hear Perro's feeling better. I'm feeling better as well, and as soon as I'm done writing these responses and posting this chapter, I'm going to work on ForgetMeNot! Yay!

ennovymoon: Just sit back, relax, and just read the fic! I can work something out! ^_~

Reine Keri: Yup, Sess is just your average, everyday depressed teen.

Eidolon Griffin: Bet it took you forever for that analysis, huh? Lolz.

Kiwi93089: Thanks for the review! And yeah, being sick sux, but it's all good. Feel better now, and ready to update most of mai stories.

Fasha Youkai; Amethyst; MysticAngeldust; Solqua; THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!

Sweetapple: Yes, sickness sucks, but hey. We all get our fair share of misfortunes.

Miyumi: I hope this chappie answers some of your questions!

wackoramaco87: Hehe, reading English books and fanfics. Wow, thanks for the review!


Yume: Please read and review, for all of my FMN fans, I'll be updating that story next, so hang tight! Oh, and there is an even deeper story behind Kagome's death, boy I love suspense! Please read and review for moi, and no flames please!

CF: Oh, and Happy Early Holidays to all! {dances around throwing chocolate confetti in the air}

Yume: BTW, in my last chapter, I have renamed Inu's mother to "Izayoi" which is her REAL name! Just to let you know, one of my reviewers were kind enough to tell me they actually gave her a name in Inuyasha's thrid movie.

Ja Ne! ^_~