InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispered Dreams ❯ Children Do Not Lie ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Yume: Sorry for the long wait on this one, as always. But I have a legitimate excuse!

CF: Most of you know, Yume got reported and her account erased on, and that's been slowing us down on fic updates.

Yume: So terribly sorry! But I shall have everything tip-top shape as soon as I get my account on straightened out.

CF: For now, enjoy the fic! Last chapter:

Sesshomaru returns to Kagome and decides to get a sword that rivals Tetsusuiga. He leaves his best friend behind once more in search of Totosai. Little does he know he'll get more than he bargained for…

[Disclaimer]: (sigh) The world is a cruel, dark place-devoid of flowers and rainbows and butterflies.


Whispered Dreams

By: Youkai Yume

Chapter 10: Children Do Not Lie

The afternoon sun beat lazily on his wrinkled skin, but the old man more or less didn't mind. He lay sprawled against a rock, snoring loudly and sleeping soundly. Yet even in his deep slumber, he was quite alert, listening to even his large cow grazing nearby, and the insects that chirped in the hazy atmosphere.

He scratched his head absentmindedly, yawning to himself. It had been, he had to admit a very quiet and peaceful day. A peaceful week…actually life seemed flat out boring for him lately. And frankly, Totosai preferred it that way.

The elder demon didn't like adventure, didn't like conflict or life-threatening situations that sent a thrill to your soul. And no, it wasn't because he was old that he avoided such things, for when he was a young, he hated any means of danger as well.

Yes, call him a coward, everyone does…especially his old and close friend, Lord Inutaisho. He sighed, a small smile reaching his withered lips as his large eyes cracked open to the afternoon sunlight.

'And I would always tell him that those who knew when to run would live to see another day.'

Such a powerful demon lord, ruling over the Western Lands with an almost terrible power, yet he found enough compassion within to love-yes, even love a human. Totosai was rather surprised when he found out of his union with a ningen princess.

Not to mention, he fathered a hanyou child! 'Yes, a very surprising one indeed…' He scratched his chin. 'What a funny fellow.' But the old man knew he must've loved them both…for he had asked him himself to forge a sword from his fang-to protect his son.

"Totosai, what are you thinking of?" A little voice asked him from his shoulder. The old man peered down lazily, looking at a small flea sitting on him.

"Oh nothing, Myoga. I was just thinking of Inutaisho's son is all…now what was his name again?" He looked to the sky and scratched his bald head.

"Sesshomaru-sama?" Myoga quipped.

"No! Not that one! Though I did forget about him for a while…" He said rather thoughtfully.

"Ah, you mean Lord Inuyasha then," The flea suggested, nodding. "I heard recently that he finally obtained the Tetsusaiga that his father left behind. You know, the one you forged?"

"Is that so?" Totosai thought blandly. "I wonder if the whelp is actually good enough for my Tetsusaiga…"

"I also heard that in the process, he also had a confrontation with Lord Sesshomaru as well."

"What?!" The old man bolted upright. "And he actually won?"

"He must've if he currently has the sword," Myoga reasoned, "But then again, it could also be the little factor where demons can't touch Tetsusaiga in the first place…" He sweated.

Totosai went into deep thought. Sesshomaru…Inutaisho's first son, and of pure demon blood. He had remembered seeing the young prince once, and even as a child, he had always known that they boy would grow up to be cold and heartless, a true demon lord. His young icy glare ensured it to him.

Not to mention, him coming for the Tetsusaiga was further proof that he was merciless.

"That Sesshomaru…I figured he would go after his old man's fang for his own power-hungry greed…" He grunted. "Why couldn't he have inherited some of his father's compassion?"

Totosai looked down at his shoulder for an answer, but found none. In fact, the flea that had currently occupied his shoulder now left, and he looked just a little beyond the tall grass to see him zipping away.

He gulped. 'Myoga is a coward like myself and would only run if…' His large three-eyed cow was mooing loudly in a panicky tone, and the old demon felt a foreboding feeling crawl in his gut.

A tall shadow loomed over him, and almost rigidly, he turned to look back.

"AHHH!" He yelled out in surprise, crawling backwards until he hit his boulder, staring up at the cold, emotionless face of the silver demon prince-no, demon lord…Sesshomaru.

'Speak of the devil,' Totosai gulped.

"Do not presume to speak so disrespectfully of this Sesshomaru, even when not in my presence," He greeted coolly. He stared with cold, golden depths at the old man, observing his frailty and green striped clothes with distaste.

Yet he clutched almost protectively at a large hammer beside him and the Taiyoukai estimated it to be quite heavy, so he couldn't be all that weak.

"You are Totosai, the swordsmith who forged Tetsusaiga, am I correct?" He bit out expressionlessly. The old demon straightened up a little, furrowing gray eyebrows together.

"And who wants to know?" he asked, a little courage in his voice. However, when Sesshomaru sent a piercing gaze his way, all courage that had been gathered was lost. "I-I-I mean, what can I do for you?" He asked in a nervous tone.

The demon lord continued to stare at him with his calculating gaze, the sun reflecting off of his silver figure.

"I want you to forge for me a sword," He said in a commanding tone. Totosai eased noticeably.

"Oh, is that all," He sighed.

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed.

"One of equal power to Tetsusaiga."

Totosai slumped. 'Dangit, I knew there was more.' He looked up wearily at the Taiyoukai, who was so like, yet unlike the great Inutaisho in so many ways.

"What would you want with it?" He almost whined in his hoarse voice. "You already have more than enough power as you are! Frankly, don't you think that having a sword would weigh you down a little…" He all but tried to convince Sesshomaru to change his mind.

Sesshomaru growled, and it was then that he could not get the demon lord to reconsider.

"My father," He growled. "Gave the Tetsusaiga, the sword that could slay a hundred demons in one sweep, to my worthless half-brother." He spat.

"And you aren't pleased?" Totosai cringed when Sesshomaru growled low once more. 'Bad time to be sarcastic!'

"How is it that I, the eldest of his sons, and heir to his title, always given second best while that dirty half-breed gets everything?" He all but demanded. The old men sat back against the rock, scratching his chin thoughtfully but still a bit uncomfortable under the demon lord's stare.

"I don't know what you're talking about," He said absently, looking at him cautiously. "I mean, you got the castle, the title, the silk clothes…Have you seen your younger brother? I've caught a sight of him before, and believe me, you've got it waaaay better." Totosai mused, "Damn boy's almost scrappier than me…"

Sesshomaru circled the old demon, standing on the opposite side of the large rock as he stared to the sky.

"All of this…" He almost whispered to himself. "They mean nothing. Everything that truly matters-father's respect, approval, praise…in the end he it was always the runt that he favored…"

The old swordsmith watched the proud Taiyoukai as he mused off behind him, seeing almost for the first time that as powerful, strong or silent Sesshomaru seemed to be, he proved to show just a little of what all beings possessed-a little bit of humanity.

Still, he scoffed.

"But that still doesn't give you a right to have a sword like that." Totosai reasoned. "After all, I shudder to think what one such as yourself would do something with a such power."

In a flash the old man had realized his mistake, for he was at the receiving end of very sharp claws, with a very angry demon lord glaring emotionlessly down at him.

"Fool, do you presume to say that I, Sesshomaru, am unworthy of the Tetsusaiga?"

"W-When did I say that???" He gasped, his eyes bulging. Sesshomaru only answered with a cold stare.

"You will give me what I want, or I'll-"

"CALM DOWN!!" Totosai sputtered. "Your father already left you a sword with equal power to Tetsusaiga!"

This seemed to catch the demon lord's attention, and his claws were lowered from Totosai's neck. Still, his gaze did not soften.

"Explain yourself."

The swordsmith sighed, straightening his green and black striped kimono. 'Just keep going, we've got his interest now…'

"Well, I assumed your father would've wanted to give it to you straight out himself, but he told me that if anything happened to him, I was to keep it and give it to you when the time is right…"

"You have it with you?" Sesshomaru asked impassively, earning a nod from Totosai.

"Well, not here, exactly…but I have it in my hut on top of the mountain-"

Before he could finish, he was grabbed by the neck of his hoari, and up in the air staring at the green forests below as Lord Sesshomaru held him dangling.

"Which way?" He bit out impatiently.


The sky was beginning to darken, signaling the coming of night. The air was still, the forest rustling it's quivering leaves as a silver figure moved almost silently across the path.

The demon lord stared at the sword grasped in his hand, and at first glance, it was a fine sword indeed. It's hilt and handle were finely crafted, it's sheath well polished. He flicked the sword open, letting the blade gleam from its holder.

The blade looked splendid, sharp, and well kept compared to its' twin, Tetsusaiga-whose appearance was rusty, worn, and old. However…


"What do you mean it doesn't cut, old man?" Sesshomaru growled, inspecting the sword while running his slender fingers along the blade. Totosai shifted on the spot, worried of what he might do if he was displeased.

"N-Now don't blame me!!" He said frantically. "It was your father's idea!"

"My father?" He asked, suddenly interested.

"When Lord Inutaisho came to me, he gave me two of his fangs to craft into swords; one for each of his sons. The first one, as you already know, is the Tetsusaiga, the sword that could slay a hundred demons in one stroke.

"The second one-" He pointed at the sword that Sesshomaru currently held in his hands, "Is called the Tenseiga. Personally I think it's more unique than the Tetsusaiga."

"How so?" Sesshomaru questioned, unsheathing the blade and testing it for himself.

"Well, instead of destroying lives, it saves them."

The demon lord stared impassively at the old man, unsure of what he meant.

"You see," Totosai continued, "It has the power to heal a hundred people in one sweep! Even revive others from the brink of death!" He gushed, obviously proud of his own work. But his face faulted when he realized that the Tiayoukai did not share the same enthusiasm.

"I have no use for such a sword that cannot cut," He bit out. "Furthermore, a demon lord that possesses such a power will be mistaken for being weak," Sesshomaru glared down at Totosai, who seemed to feel multiple times smaller under his golden gaze.

"O-Oh? I thought it would've given you a greater advantage of power…" He mumbled.

"You forget-I, Sesshomaru, do not save lives, I destroy them," He said coldly.

'Boy, what a character…' Totosai thought to himself. 'No wonder Inutaisho gave him this sword-to prevent him from going on a killing rampage!'

"Please, milord. Just think about it! Any sword can cut and destroy! But only the Tenseiga can heal. Such a power is not a weakness, but a strength-especially in such feudal times as these. Just think! If you were ever in a war, and your soldiers were slaughtered, why you'd have no need to issue more soldiers or have healers come and treat the injured.

Just one sweep can bring them all back! You'd bee indestructible!!" Totosai waved his frail arms around, boasting of the sword's abilities, his chest puffing out with pride. Sesshomaru was examining the sword closer, deep in thought.

'Yes, a truly remarkable power…' His fingers ran along the hilt. Suddenly, his expression changed from one of disappointment to one of wonder, his golden eyes widened with a single thought.

"You say that this sword can bring others from even the brink of death?" He questioned suddenly, causing the old man to jump.


"What about those who are already dead?" Sesshomaru looked up, locking gazes with the nervous swordsmith, who was now blinking back in surprise. The demon lord did not move away, and Totosai could've sworn he saw a bit of eagerness, excitement flicker across his irises for one second.

"…Yes, even the already dead…" He finally replied after he found his voice again. He was thoroughly confused at why Lord Sesshomaru was so interested about that one little fact.

"Very well," The Taiyoukai started, fastening the sword to his sash and turning to leave. "This sword will suit me for now. However, it had better perform the way you claim it to, or else you will on the receiving end of my claws once more."

With that, he left the old swordsmith, his acute hearing catching the sigh of relief that escaped his lungs as he entered the forest.

End Flashback

Now the demon lord was still not sure why he left, feeling somewhat satisfied that he left with the sword. 'After all, it can't cut…' But it held a more promising power… 'The power to heal-to bring back the dead…'

Immediately the face of a certain girl with eyes as brilliant as sapphire gems and hair as dark as a raven's wings appeared in his head. In his mind's eye, Kagome turned around, smiling happily that made his heart swell as well, her arms outstretched just as it always was when he came home to her…

And in his mind, he would always run to her, except this time, she did not vanish when he touched her. No, she was in his arms.

Almost reluctantly, he shook the vision out of his head, turning back to the sword. It was too early to get his hopes up. He wasn't even sure if it worked, or if the old man was just bluffing to save his hide.

'For his sake-and Kagome's…' He thought with a determined glare, 'It had better.'

Kagome…she was the only reason why he would settle for such sword that otherwise he would've considered useless. But the image of himself running into her arms…and being able to feel her could not be erased out of his eye.

He did not know why he wanted it so much, but suddenly it was all he wanted. More than Tetsusaiga, this Tenseiga could grant him perhaps his greatest desire… And Sesshomaru was suddenly filled with a sense of luck, that he indeed did get something better than Inuyasha, and was almost glad that his whelp had gotten the other sword.

Just think, he would no longer have to settle with Kagome's touch for only once a month! No longer would he feel her warm embraces one night, and be left with a longing for more the next. Every time he tapped her nose in an affectionate manner, she would feel it…

Sesshomaru felt a twinge of guilt, wondering why in the world he was beginning to think of holding Kagome like every night as if she were his…his…

It was preposterous.

'I only feel this way because she is my dearest and only friend,' He reassured himself. Twinkling stars were now cloaked over the sky, glistening overhead.

The demon lord reminded himself once again, that he shouldn't get his hopes up, that again, he had no proof that it did work. 'I could've tested it on the old man,' He thought. But no, it would've done no good, after all, if the sword failed, he would need Totosai later to forge him a real sword.

Still, the rising hope in his chest did not quell, and he could not wait to return to Kagome and see for himself if this Tenseiga was worth all the trouble.

The wind whipped all around him, a small silver cloud forming at his feet. He was just about to take off when a sudden scent of blood caught his nose. In an instant, the cloud dissipated, and he turned to the direction that the scent was carried from the wind.

'Interesting…' He thought, his feet finding himself drawn to the scent. 'It's human blood…but not that of any ningen…but a child…' The scent became stronger as he followed the dirt path. Droplets of blood became visible on the ground, splattered here and there.

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed, his gaze lifting as he entered a forest clearing. In the middle lay the root of the scent-a young six or seven year old girl covered in a small pool of her own blood. Slowly, he approached the body, his eyes seeming to soften as he did so.

She may have been a human, but she was also a child… He examined the bruises and cuts on her arms, the large gash across her back-made presumably by some sort of knife or dagger. She was probably stabbed to death, and the scent of filthy, male ningens also clung to her.

Sesshomaru mentally shook his head in disapproval. 'No doubt killed by bandits.' He kneeled down by the child, a sense of sympathy coming over the girl. Even he, the feared demon lord of the Western Lands would not stoop so low as to slaughter a child.

He did not know what drew him to this particular child though, she seemed just as plain and ordinary as any other child. A peasant judging from her tattered clothing. But still…

Her blood was fresh, so he could tell the time of her death had not been too long ago. Something flickered beside her, a shadow, multiple shadows that is, started to appear before his very eyes. At firs Sesshomaru thought he was seeing things, but as they became clearer and clearer, the demon lord was almost sure.

'They are messengers from the underworld.'

Sesshomaru watched as the vile little creatures that resembled Jaken in a loincloth, sprung chains all around the child's body, tugging at the ends. He stood up, his eyes never leaving the girl or the little imps.

'They are sent to take this girl to the world beyond.' His attention was drawn away from the scene to the pulsing feeling by his side. Golden eyes trailed down to the sword firmly tucked in his sash, pulsing louder and louder with each second that passed. 'Like a heartbeat.'

Sesshomaru turned back to the child lying on the ground, the chains around her petite body tightening more than ever. The pulsing became louder than anything else, and a sudden thought struck his head.

"Yes…even the already dead…"

The words resounded over and over in his head, his hand coming to grasp the handle of the Tenseiga. 'I was unsure if it would work or not…' He thought, 'Perhaps this is my chance to test it to see if it does…' The blade was unsheathed and held firmly pointed at the messengers, his grip tightening.

'And if it does…then…I can…'

"Die," He said impassively, sweeping the sword across the girls' body. Violet rays slashed through the imps, incinerating them and their chains. Sesshomaru watched with interest as the light slowly died from her body, and with its' disappearing glow, it took with it the cuts, bruises, and injuries from her frail body.

A cold wind blew through the clearing, his silver hair dancing in the wind as he waited patiently for any kind of movement from the child.

And then…surely but surely the dull look in the girl's eyes faded, and she blinked awake, slowly sitting up and gazing around, confused as if it was her first time seeing the world.

She blinked a couple of more times, before looking up to see the towering demon lord over her.

"U-Uh…" She muttered meekly, locking her large brown orbs to his cold, golden ones.

Sesshomaru said nothing, rather amazed himself at what had just transpired. He sheathed the sword, then kneeled down to her once more. His clawed hand grasped the child's chin firmly, causing her to wince slightly.

He sighed, and loosened his grip, but didn't stop to turn her head from side to side.

"Girl," He finally spoke. "Are you well?"

The child looked up at him, not fearfully mind you, but rather inquisitively.

"Uh…Mmm hmm," She nodded.

'It worked,' He thought. 'The old man was right…' Sesshomaru stared at the little girl for several more moments as she slowly stood up, stumbled towards him, and without warning she grabbed a hold of his tail, burying her face in it.

The demon lord was surprised at the girl's boldness, but strangely did not mind as she held on tighter, muttering what he heard was 'Fluffy' before giggling madly.

It was all the proof he needed, and gently prying off the child from his tail, he stood up, the girl watching him curiously.

"Your usefulness has ended. Go home to your family," He all but commanded, turning to leave. He wanted to see Kagome as soon as possible, but before he could take two steps, he found something heavy was lodged onto his leg. Sesshomaru looked down, mildly shocked to see the girl hanging onto him.

She shook her head violently.

"R-Rin doesn't have a family anymore…" She sniffled. "The bad men came and killed them all…"

Sesshomaru's eyes softened as he felt her tears bleed through his clothes. She wiped some away from her dirtied face, looking up at him again.

"Rin is alone," The girl whispered.

Alone…The mental image of himself seemed to worm into his mind, and he suddenly felt a deep connection with the child. Her parents were probably killed by the bandits, and in one day, this human child was all alone, with no way to fend for himself.

Slowly, he patted her gently on the head. She reminded him, in a way, of himself. 'But unlike her, I had someone to guide me…I had Kagome…' Her name echoed like a melodic bell in his head, and he looked at the girl who called herself Rin once more.

'If Kagome had not been there…' He stood up, his face hardened once more, but inside a war raged.

"Can Rin come with you?" She pleaded, tugging at his sleeve. The demon lord said nothing, merely looked at her impassively and started on his way again. Behind him, he could hear a giggle and the sound of her footsteps as she followed him.

'This is all your fault Kagome…' He thought, narrowing his eyes 'It's your fault I settled for this sword, your fault I decided to save this human child, your fault I'm stuck but with one more nuisance…'

He looked back at Rin, who was skipping merrily as if her plight was all but a dream, her strange ponytail swinging from side to side. Such was the bliss of childhood.

Did he really not mind having this child follow him? He wasn't sure, but for some reason he wasn't stopping her. 'It does not matter,' He waved the matter aside, 'Right now, I have to think about…' His hand grasped Tenseiga's hilt. 'Her…'

The excitement filled him once more, and he could not help but feel that perhaps his life was taking a turn for the better.

He didn't realize it before, but he truly wanted, no needed to feel Kagome. 'Gods, why do I want this so much?'


Another heavy sigh passed her lips, as she counted perhaps the hundredth firefly that flew by. Her head was resting against her hand and she was beginning to slump on her seat. Kagome yawned. 'Is it possible for a ghost to get tired?' She thought absentmindedly.

In the distance, she could hear singing, that of a child, and she wondered what a child would be doing so late at night in the woods. The singing became louder, laughter echoing throughout the forest. Kagome stood up, wide-awake as she saw a little girl skipping towards the burnt down shrine.

Kagome suddenly panicked, worried about being seen and frightening the girl, and she hid in the shrine, away from sight. Just then-

"Sesshomaru-sama! Are we there yet?" She whined. Kagome snapped to attention, quickly poking her head out the door a the mention of the demon lord's name. 'Did she just say-'

Sure enough, the silver figure appeared moments later, walking briskly towards the shrine, not answering the girl as she ran trailing behind him. Confused, Kagome continued to watch him as he approached, not aware of the excitement that shone through his eyes.

The spirit wasn't sure if it was safe to come out with his little guest tagging along-mind you, Kagome thought she was adorable by the way. 'But what in the world is Sessho doing with a ningen child? I thought he hated humans…'

"Kagome!" He called out in his silkily smooth voice, stopping in front of the door. "Kagome, I've come home, where are you?" Sesshomaru called out again, almost impatient. No answer.

"Um, Sesshomaru-sama?" A tug at his sleeve caught his attention. "Who is Sesshomaru-sama talking to?" Rin asked.

'Ah, she must be worried about this little one,' He realized.

"Rin, promise me that you won't be frightened," He commanded.

"Rin isn't scared!" She boasted.

"It's alright Kagome," He ignored Rin and turned back to the shrine. "She means no harm, she's only a child." Still no answer. After all this time, Sesshomaru had to remember that outside of him, the ghost of a girl was shy around others. "Come on out, Kagome," He said softly, "I know you're in there. I have a surprise for you."

There was a stilled silence for a second, then her gentle voice could be heard from within.

"If it's the little girl, then are you sure she isn't afraid of me?"

Sesshomaru chuckled slightly at her comment, not to mention Rin's frantic looks as she tried to find the source of the voice.

"No, it is not, and as for Rin, she said so herself, she is unafraid."

After a hesitant second, Kagome finally appeared in front of them, smiling meekly. Rin's eyes widened as she saw the transparent girl and she hid behind Sesshomaru's form.

He frowned at her, also catching Kagome's crestfallen look.

"Rin, I thought you said you weren't afraid. Do you lie tot his Sesshomaru?" He bit out.

"N-No…" The little girl mumbled, then slowly stepped from behind him and approached Kagome. The ghost's face seemed to light up and she kneeled down to Rin's level, smiling.

"Hello sweetie. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Not that I can, or want to anyway…" She giggled. "You're way too cute…"

Rin seemed to smile at this, and her fears were washed away.

"Rin's name is Rin. What's pretty see-through girl's name?" She asked, waving. Kagome laughed.

"Pretty? Me?" She blushed. "That's so sweet! But I don't think so, honey."

Sesshomaru stared blankly at her.

"Children do not lie," He said impassively, causing her to blush even more. She avoided his gaze and looked at Rin.

"Well, my name is Kagome."

Rin laughed and ran around and even through the ghost of a girl, stunned at first, but eventually fawning at how wondrous it was, and did so for several more times, much to Kagome's amuesment.

"Sessho! She's adorable! Where'd you find her?" She inquired, continuing to watch Rin as she frolicked around the two.

"I saved her," Sesshomaru replied. "On my way back from Totosai's I ran across her lying in a field, dead."

"Dead?!" Kagome exclaimed. "What do you mean?" She kneeled down to inspect the happy girl, who looked at her curiously. "She seems pretty alive to me…"

Sesshomaru kneeled by her side as well, willing Kagome to look at him, which she did, confused. His cold eyes softened, almost hopeful as he felt the bubbling excitement fill him once more.

"That's because I brought her back to life…"



Sesshomaru took the Tenseiga from his sash, holding it firmly in front of her as she examined it with a look of bemusement and wonder.

"But how…?"

"I did it with this sword…" He said huskily, standing up and ushering her to do the same. "Kagome…"

She looked up at him, her sapphire eyes widening.

"The Tenseiga is a sword of healing. It can bring back anyone from even the brink of death…"

A gasp escaped her lips, and she suddenly knew what the demon lord was thinking. Her hands came up to her delicate lips, but she did not take her eyes off of the silver demon.

"Just say the word Kagome…and I'll gladly do it…" He whispered, holding the sword to her as if it were an offering. "Just…Just say it…" Sesshomaru was almost pleading to her now.

Kagome swallowed. Could it really do what he claimed it could? And if it worked…which it obviously did if Rin was running around like new, then…what would become of her? What would happen after? But as she looked into his golden depths once more, she could truly see, he wanted it more than anything.

"Just think…you can feel again…" Tenderly, he placed a hand to her transparent face, holding it there as if willing her to feel his touch.

'I'll be able to feel again…' She thought. And that was it, she needed no more encouragement.

Kagome nodded.

End Chapter


Yume: ARG! I'm soo sorry for the long wait.

CF: Even sorrier…(is that even a word, Yume?) for it ending in a cliffy!

Yume: As you know, currently this chapter can be read on the following sites: The Killing Perfection, A Single Spark, and

CF: It will be a while until it appears on, since for all of those who don't know of our situation. If you wish to be a part of our mailing list, and know when new updates for this fic, or any of Yume's other fics will be, contact us!

Yume: OH THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR REVIEWS!!! Please read and review again, and remember, NO FLAMES!!