InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ XPlayer ❯ Just Friends ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and CO

Okay on to the next chapter, review!

Chapter 2

"Kagome, you cannot go out with Inuyasha! EVER!"

"What? Sango, why are you acting so weird?"

"Kagome listen, Inuyasha is a player in every definition of the word. Kagome I really like you and I don't want to see you get hurt. he hasn't hand a real girlfriend in three years!"

"I don't get it then how is he a player?"

"He has sex with them then throws them away. He makes me so mad but we are friends and I love him like a brother."

"I understand Sango thanks for being strait with me" Kagome said a little disappointed.


The next day kagome was walking from the parking lot to the school building. She saw a big group of girls crowded around Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha how come you never call me?" said one of the girls in the crowd. many girls were saying things along those lines. Then Kagome heard Inuyasha's voice over the crowd. "Ladies, Ladies please, I never said to any of you that I had any intention of dating. If I led you on I'm sorry." he said clearly board, like he did this every day.

That makes me sick. I guess what Sango said was completely true. kagome thought angrily.

She just kept walking. But she couldn't figure out why she was so disappointed.


Inuyasha had just finished dealing with another group of girls. A normal day for the most part but he just couldn't get the image of the beautiful raven haired girl from before out of his mind. ' I wonder if she is a virgin?'


Kagome was walking to second period when she was suddenly pulled into a near by janitors closet. She was about to scream when a pair of soft lips covered hers. She instantly knew who in was. Inuyasha. he pushed her against the wall. One of his legs between her legs as he pressed himself against her and whispered in her ear "come over to my place tonight "

"W..What for" she choked out

"To have a little fun "

"No thanks, I'm not interested "

"Okay great I'll pick you up at..hey what did you say?" he asked shocked

"I said no"

"Why not?" I have never been turned down in my life.

"Because I'm not interested in being played, I don't want to be like those girls that were crowed around you this morning, we are just friends that's all."

Inuyasha was to shocked to speak.

But without noticing it he barred his nose in the crook of her neck and inhaled her sweet sent as he started to run his hands up and down her body. Her sharp intake of breath brought him back to reality.
"Can you get off me now" she choked while blushing intensely.
"Oh yeah.. uh sorry" he said as he slowly got of her and opened the door. They both went to their separate classes without another word.


Lunch was less awkward then Kagome thought it would be.

"Sup Kagome" Miroku yelled

"Hey Kags" Inuyasha said once she sat down next to Sango.

"Hey Miroku, Hey Yash "

"Kagome are you coming over to Sess and Inu's for are coed sleep over party?" Sango asked.

"Sounds like fun. when?"

"Tomorrow, there's no school. We have a swimming pool so bring your suit" Inu said.

"I cant wait."


Kagome was walking along the sidewalk from school when a red convertible pulled up beside her and beeped its horn. She turned to see none other than Inuyasha pulling his movie star sunglasses down revealing his eyes. "need a ride? hop in." he said then put his sunglasses back in place.

"Thanks Yasha" she said as she hoped over his car without opening the door and buckled herself in.

"So where do you live?"

Kagome gave him the address. "Oh you mean the shrine, I didn't know you moved there"

Inuyasha turned on the radio. Kagome glanced his way when he wasn't looking. She looked him up and down, from his stylish baggy denim jeans up to his muscle shirt that was partly covered up by his over jacket. you could tell he was well toned.
I never thought about a guy this way before!

Inuyasha was loving her sweet sent, and watching her hair blow in the wind. To say that he wanted this girl was an understatement. He needed her.

When they reached her house Inuyasha got out of the car and grabbed her bag to bring it up the shrine steps.

"thanks Yasha"


Kagome giggled at his response.

When they reached the door Kagome swung her arms around Inuyasha's neck to give him a friendly hug and he instantly wrapped his arms around her waist. I love the way she feels in my arms.

When Kagome reluctantly went to move away Inuyasha still had his arms wrapped protectively around her waist. "Inuyasha you can let go now"

"Oh okay"

"Bye Yasha thanks for the ride" she went to kiss his cheek when he moved his head to kiss her on the lips. He only felt a slight touch before she moved away."I'll see you tomorrow" and went inside.


That night Inuyasha had yet another girl in his bed. Her name he couldn't remember. But this time it made him feel sick. all he could think about why the raven haired beauty. Kagome.


Okay what do you think? REVIEW!! REVIEW!! REVIEW!! I am sorry I know I have a lot of grammar issues but I found a spell check so I am working on it. please excuse other grammar mistakes and no flames.

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