InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yellow Brick Road ❯ Island of the Damned ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Thank you to SleepChickenNugget, Nekkette, ktshabatie for beta-ing

*****Warning: There is a fair amount of character death in this chapter. There is also a nonconsensual sex scene. It is not violent but would still be considered rape.*****

Chapter 6: Island of the Damned

Finally, they reached the coastline opposite the forbidden island. Everything was good; well, maybe that would be the wrong word to use. The biggest disaster of the trip was the stray kit they had managed to pick up.

The question now: How do they cross the body of water in front of them?

“We shouldn’t cross until a few hours before dawn.”

Tadashi was surprised it was the miko that made the suggestion. His curiosity was piqued, “Why?”

“That way the light from the sun will keep the beach lit for the longest amount time. It will ensure enough time for all to retreat.”

“Miko, you were not given permission to speak.”

Kagome bowed her head in response. She had much that she would like to say to that son of bitch. None of which was kind. First on her list would be telling him where he could shove the status of being alpha. Oh, she desperately wanted to tell him that his pelt made his sexuality questionable. There were so many things that would never be said, so many things that should never be said. Such thoughts were her curse.

She was cranky, tired, and running out of time. Why had dogs decided to take over her life? She was fully capable of failing on her own. Oh well, she would have years to understand past transgressions. Now was not the time to think of them. Her mind focused on her happy memories and all of the things that she vainly hoped would be on the other side of purgatory.

The camp was unusually quiet that night. Sesshoumaru blamed the miko for the ominous mood. She had not focused on anyone since ensuring that the kit had food. Even if it were not her fault, he would blame her anyway. Why not? She was the lowest rank among them being human. Wait…she was not really human anymore... No matter; it did not change the fact that she had been human once.

Tadashi and Kuro were sent to procure a boat for tomorrow’s task. It was going to be a few long hours waiting to embark on a journey that would set Sesshoumaru’s achievements at the same level of as his great-grandsire. Sesshoumaru suddenly returned his focus to the miko once more. Greatness swirled around the girl; she just needed those who were stronger than her in order to bestow the glory on herself and all who stood with her.


The sun found the entire traveling party staring up at the sharp cliffs facing the beach. Directly in front of the miko was a cave that would provide enough darkness for the shadows to wait out the day. The golden orb had finally climbed just above the horizon. It was time.

Kagome turned to Sesshoumaru and whispered so softly that he barely heard her, “Keep them safe.” She strode to the cave.

Turning to face the sun one last time, a ghost of a smile flitted across her face as the warmth penetrated her features. Turning, she disappeared into the cave.

The smile gave her away. Sesshoumaru realized that she was not talking about the traveling party, but the kit and his brother. She was not planning on returning. He felt his beast surge forth. She was his. He had already claimed her life. How dare she think she could take it back?

Growling, Sesshoumaru shot forward to the cave, the others close on his heels. No one expected Kagome to be down on all fours, back arched, and breathing hard.

His growling increased in intensity, “Miko you will cease this now.”

She made no move to recognize that anything had changed around her. In fact, he was sure that she had no sense of what was around her at all.

‘She is ignoring her alpha’s call. The bitch never truly recognized this Sesshoumaru as her alpha. There will be no end to the pain the half breed will feel upon my return.’

His honor, his pride demanded that he protect the bitch; the problem was, as she did not recognize his call, he could think of only one way that would enable him to forge the bond quickly. On the positive side, his beast was more than willing to place the bitch beneath him. That would mean that he would not have to be completely involved. Good.

Once he reached out and touched the miko, a new connection was forged. He was in her darkness, seeing it through her eyes.


Kago me’s world was crumbling. Pain radiated through her shoulder. She had just fired her last arrow. Now she was no good to anyone. Her only task had been to reach the center of the battlefield. She had failed.

Why had she not bothered to go through at least some training? She knew why she did not. She was selfish. She wanted to spend as much time with her best friend as possible, and training would have only taken away from that.

This was the price of her selfishness. Two beings that never should have been on the field were now trying to help reach her destination.

As Kagome screamed at Shippo and Kohaku to get away, blue foxfire exploded around them. Naraku was still not above including the low-level demons in his battles. As the blaze died down time stopped, there staring back at her, were Shippo’s lifeless eyes peering out from the mouth of one the serpents.

This was Byakuya. HE was trying to confuse her in the middle of battle.

It was only an illusion.


It was an illusion.


They were fighting the good fight. Good always won.


Children were not sacrificed. He is her son.


He is her heart, her home. It was an illusion.

Hiraikotsu ripped through her delusion, shredding any hope still left in her heart. The only move Kagome made was to catch the head as it fell.

“KAGOME, you have to go!”

She tightened her hold, pulling the head closer to her chest.


Tears began to blur her vision. She had failed.

“Kagome, don’t let his death be in vain.”

Spoken softly, quietly from right beside her, she looked up at Kohaku. She saw it. The Jewel was tainted, would be almost impossible to purify with the pain she was feeling now. So how were they to win? Onigumo’s heart.

It was beating within Kohaku. That was why Kikyou had saved him instead of the light that remained within the shard. Kikyou was punishing her for being so terribly weak and stupid.

“You knew, didn’t you?” He was still looking at her.

“Hai.” It was a whisper. He looked back at his sister, and then returned his gaze to Kagome, “We must get closer.”

Kagome finally grasped the only thing that she could do for him, “I will not let you suffer. What burdens your soul is now mine to carry. You will know peace.”

Her glowing hand reached up and touched the tips of her fingers to his forehead. A smile brightened his face; his eyes held no more anguish. “Thank you. Now we have to go.”

Placing Shippo’s head down, both took off towards thing known as Naraku, with Sango close on their heels.

Naraku had noticed the movement of the little miko. She knew. His weakness had been exposed. The time was now. He would become stronger than the Kami themselves.

Kagome raised a sharp bone high above her head. As her arm came crashing down on her target, Sango screamed for her to stop. Naraku sent a tentacle to remove the troublesome miko from this plane of existence.

The bone pierced through Kohaku’s ribcage, impaling the heart cradled within. Sango’s body barreled into Kagome’s body causing the tentacle to pierce through the exact same spot that had once held the Shikon no Tama. Blood was trailing from Kagome’s mouth down to her chin.

Sango immediately moved to her brother. “Kohaku, you cannot die.” Tears rimming in her eyes, she pulled the bone from his chest. His death would be much faster now, unknowingly sped up by his sister’s action.

“Ane, be happy.” He closed his eyes for the last time.

Sango’s rage and hatred burned within her. All that malice was visible as she pinned the pathetic excuse for a miko with her eyes. “You are worthy of nothing.”

“I’m sorry.”

“DO NOT LIE. You are nothing but a treacherous bitch! All this time, your weaknesses have held us back. We would have won long ago if you had been more like Kikyou. Pathetic copy. There is no level of hell deep enough for the likes of you.”

Sango raised her katana, ready to strike Kagome down. It was time to avenge her village, her brother, and her honor. For three years, this deceiving bitch had fooled her with false friendship. No more!

The air thickened with miasma. Naraku was dead, but his webs still had victims trapped within. Kagome knew that Sango would not live after inhaling this much poison. Her death was already looming, confirmed by the choking and coughing noises.

Sango slumped where she once stood, her eyes no longer able to see. Someone was approaching her.

Kagome softly spoke to her sister of heart, “Sango, give me your hate. Do not take it with you in death. Please leave it with me. Let it punish me.”

“No. You will not find absolution from me, deceiver.” With that, Sango’s lifeless body fell over, draping across that of her younger brother.

Kagome heard a strange laugh in the back of her mind. Whispers skittered across the blackness that was enveloping her. “This betrayal will be fun for years.”

Kagome went cold and numb. She had failed them all. Naraku was dead, but the Shikon no Tama was still in existence. Kagome knew she could not be the one to destroy it. She had failed them all.

As she finally fell completely into the dark abyss, her last thoughts yearned for a home that she could no longer return to.


S esshoumaru’s vision returned to the cave inhabited by the shadows. Almost no time had passed. She was fading faster. If he did not bind her soon, she would be fated to a life of only those types of memories.

He would not allow one under his protection to fall victim to such a fate. His honor demanded that he save her. There was no other way.

He had removed his armor and his hakama were already loosened. Kneeling behind her, he swept aside the tattered remains of her clothing. She was exposed to him. The sight of her on her hands and knees helped though not enough. His body reacted in the necessary way due to the beast’s need to dominate this female in front of him.

(Nonconsensual begins)

There was no time to properly prime her; in the back of his mind, he acknowledged that this was going to be extremely painful for her. He had one hand on her hip while the other parted her nether lips in order to ease his entrance as much as possible.

When the head of his member breached her, her body lunged forward in an attempt to escape. Sesshoumaru would not allow it. His jaws came down to wrap around the back of her neck. The hand that had been trying to ease her pain came up to her other hip to secure her place beneath him. He pushed forward only to encounter the one thing that proved no other had been allowed within her before.

Breaking through the last barrier that kept the defiant bitch from him, he realized just how tiny she was. He had never been one to deny himself the pleasures of a female body. He had well used concubines. It was the only reason that he had reached his age without feeling the over whelming urge to sire. Needless to say, he had many conquests on and off the battlefield. He had lain with both youkai and humans, the latter done only when a proper youkai could not be found to sate his need; as a result, it had been more than a few centuries since he had taken a human female. He had also taken many that had been innocent before their encounter. With all of the experience he had to fall back on, never had he encountered one so snug.

Her heat was so tight that more than her maiden barrier was ripping under the onslaught of his invasion. His beast was more than pleased. He allowed it the freedom to dominate her, as it so desperately needed. Her little body was responding to his, her natural juices and blood were making his task all the more pleasurable.

The beast was thrusting harder into the heat that promised nirvana, growling both his pleasure and a warning to those still at the mouth of the cave. This was his bitch to control; he would allow this to no others. His larger frame completely blocked their view of her. She was beginning to whimper under him. She was coming back to her body, back to her alpha. Good. The beast took her awakening as a means to reinforce his position.

Kagome was aware of pain, burning pain between her legs accompanied by an odd pressure. No this pressure was not pleasant at all. She wanted to get away from it but she could not move. Something was pulling her hips closer to it. She could not turn her head to see, as something else was holding her neck in place with four sharp objects clamped tightly to her skin. She was in the cave. Something was growling above her, and then she saw a flash of silver out of the corner of her eye. Slowly, she realized what was going on. Confirming her conclusion, a particularly forceful thrust made her fall to her forearms and elbows. The yelp that escaped from her mouth was one of despair and pain. The one thing she had held prized for so long was gone. She wanted to retreat into the dark recesses of her mind, but all that greeted her there was a mocking laughter.

When she fell forward, his mouth clamped down harder around her neck. The skin broke giving both beast and master a taste of the power held within, as well as something else that Sesshoumaru was having difficulty placing. The beast recognized the second element instantly. With renewed vigor, it strove to find release within the female. She was powerful, fiercely protective of young, and too long the beast was denied one of its most basic needs. Just as Sesshoumaru placed the meaning behind the second element, the beast released its master’s seed, locking him within the female.

Sesshoumaru released her neck with a deafening snarl, his jaki racing out of his body to protect his breeding female. There would be no way that she left the cave unpupped. His beast receded very sated, and assured that nature would take its course.

Staring down at the girl, well woman, crumpled beneath him, all Sesshoumaru could think was that his beast would never again see the light of day. After several minutes, he was finally able to withdraw from her body.

(Nonconsensual ends)

She curled into a tiny ball. One shadow pushed through his jaki and into the miko’s hair. Sesshoumaru recognized the aura as that of the child that had been with her since after the battle with the rebels. It seemed as if it was trying to comfort her.

After adjusting his armor, he went to the miko and fished the shadow out of her hair. When exposed the shadow passed a message that held no malice, “She and little one need me.”

He did recognize that this shadow had done no harm to the miko, only attacking those who threaten her. One shadow would be easy enough to contain.

Decision made, he picked up the miko and cradled her to his chest. There was not enough left of her clothing to cover her, so he wrapped his pelt around her. This would protect her from the elements as well as prying eyes.

Pausing, he realized that his instincts to protect her were becoming even stronger. It was not just her life he was protecting, but also all aspects of her, including her modesty. He was not looking forward to the moment when she regained enough composure to speak.

This trip had been very eventful. His heir would be hanyou, bore from his half brother’s wench. Between Inuyasha, the miko, and his mother, Sesshoumaru was sure he was going to long for deafness.

It was time to leave the island of the damned.


AN: Thank you for reading. Please review.
