InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Don't Love Me Anymore ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It had been two years since she had seen him. The well had been crushed during a freak thunderstorm, but she suspected it hadn't been so unintentional. Something had wanted her cut off from the past. Who knows, it might have been evil forces (she had encountered too many of those to be skeptical) or perhaps it was just fate. But whatever the reason, she hadn't seen him in years. Not that she didn't miss him, she did. But, she had learned to get through life without him, however difficult it might be. She was 19 now and on her way to college. A prestigious school in America had accepted her and she was leaving today. Right now, she was sitting in the airport café, sipping a latte and reading a paperback romance. Her mug toppled over when a stranger bumped her table. "Oh shit!" She jumped back, grabbing napkins and dabbing at her coffee stained jeans. She stood up to ask one of the employees for a wet paper towel, when something caught her eye. A man sat with his back to her. Silver hair cascaded down his back.

She walks over to him and she says, "Do you remember me?

I think we might have met somewhere before

Southern Carolina is the place that comes to mind

But, hey, I guess you never really can be sure.

She knew that hair! And those ears! Who else could sit still and yet give off waves of self assurance and arrogance? She wasn't sure if she wanted to talk to him, or even confirm his identity. He had, after all, told her that he never wanted to see her again. Maybe it would be better for everyone if she just ignored him. But…she wanted to know the fates of all her friends. Had Sango and Miroku finally realized that they loved each other? It was only then that Kagome realized that her friends had been dead for centuries. If she had had any tears left, she would have cried.

Oh, there's nothing like a true love

To go and make a fool of someone

Just like before

And right there, for a minute

I forgot that you don't love me anymore

She steeled herself against his probable anger, stood, and walked over to the seated figure. Hesitantly, she touched his shoulder. "Inu Yasha?"


That voice! Could it be..? No! He didn't dare hope… `Stop playing tricks on me!' he told his mind. Again, he felt that soft touch and smelled her wonderful scent, cherry blossoms and crisp night air. He couldn't take this anymore. He whipped around; ready to tell whoever it was that was playing with him to go to hell, when his breath caught in his throat. It was her. She was older, but she was his Kagome. Older, but still beautiful. For a few moments, neither one spoke. Then, her face broke out into that familiar smile. "It is you!" He rose so fast, he toppled his chair. She gasped as he caught her in a crushing embrace. `Gods!' he thought `It's been too long! But… it feels as if she never left me!' So many times, he had almost looked her up, but each time he remembered her parting words.


"I never want to see you again Inu Yasha! You damn bastard! You fucking liar! Goddamn you to hell! Maybe it would be better if I had never met you! It certainly would have been better for me!"

But now! Now she was back! Now she was his again and no past misunderstandings would get in the way!

And an old familiar feeling

Wraps its arms around the moment

And he says, "So many times I've tried to call.

You'd think it's been a long time

It's been two years since I've seen you

But it feels just like no time's gone by at all."


Kagome suddenly felt like everything that had troubled her in these past two years, was gone, erased, taken away by this angel with canine ears and silver hair. Every problem she had ever had was no more. And she loved it.

She held him closer, blocking out those memories of why they had not seen each other for two years. Her hatred was washed away when she was in is arms. Her head fit perfectly underneath his chin, like it always had. And suddenly, she felt as if the two years were nothing and she was back after a week of taking tests, back with her friends and her lover.

There's nothing like a real love

To give you back the feel of someone

Just like before

And right there, for a minute

I forgot that you don't love me anymore.

She sighed and pulled away to look up at his face. He had aged. Not a lot. When they first met, he had looked like a 16 year old boy. Now he had the appearance of a 20 year old man. `Two years made him age this much?' she asked herself. Suddenly, she remembered that what had been two years for her had been almost six centuries for him. Gods. If she thought her pain and loneliness was bad, she couldn't even imagine what six centuries would have felt like. `Inu Yasha, I'm so sorry for all the pain I've caused you. Can you ever forgive me?' she thought

`Beyond a doubt my love.' She gasped. Was that his voice inside her head?

`I must be losing it!' she shook her head. `This whole encounter has overloaded my brain. Yes, that's it.'


Inu Yasha chuckled. She thought she was going crazy. "Kagome. You aren't insane. We have a very strong connection. We can speak mind to mind." Her lower jaw dropped.

"W...we can?"

"Yes my love, but right no let's not worry about that. Oh, Kagome! How I've missed you!" She sniffled.

"I've missed you too! So much!"

Oh, and how far we'll travel

For a place to heal out hearts

We've watched it all unravel

So tonight the heart is more.

"Inu Yasha." Kagome pulled away from him. "Why did you say those things before I left? Did you ever really mean them?"

"I did. Once. But six centuries has taught me otherwise."

"But you meant them?" Kagome's eyes filled with tears. Inu Yasha hung his head.

"Yes." Her head was reeling. She had found him! But… he had meant it when he had said he hated her two years ago. That couldn't be a good foundation for a stable relationship. Having hated the person you're with? Maybe she should just say goodbye. Yes, she had her closure, now she could get on with life.


Inu Yasha watched as her features clouded over. `She still hates me.' he thought bitterly. `Even two years hasn't been enough for her to forgive me.'

"Kagome, I think I'd better leave." He stood and gathered his jacket in his arms. Just as he was turning away, he heard her choke out, "Please! Don't go! I don't think I could take it again! I love you Inu Yasha!" He wheeled around and crushed her to him.

"Kagome, you don't know how glad I am to hear those words."

Then he says, "The weather's changing

And it's icin' up the highway

So I guess it's time for me to hit the road."

So she says goodbye and then

Before she knows what she's saying,

She says, "I wish you didn't have to go."

The clerk at the counter rubbed his head. `Geez, casting spells really takes a lot out of you!' He watched as the couple walked out of the café, Inu Yasha holding Kagome tightly around the waist. Kagome sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. `Finally!' thought the furry little man. `I thought I was going to have to get up and shove them together! Six centuries really is too old to be doing this sort of heavy lifting.'

Oh, there's nothing like a real love

To give you back the feel of someone

Just like before

And right there, for a minute

I forgot that you don't love me anymore.

Shippo flung his ridiculous little cap onto the counter and rushed out of the airport. His work here was done.

At home, his children gathered around him. "Papa! Tell us the story of the Shikon no Tama!" shouted Peton.

"No! I want to hear the love story of the girl and the hanyou!" yelled Freiga.

"Calm down! I'll tell you both of them. And guess what?"

"What?! What?!"

"I finally have an ending."