InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bits & Pieces ❯ Child's Play ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Child's Play
Author: Spaceghst407
Theme: Pest
Genre: Humor/General
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: CU. Sesshoumaru attempts to "play."

Sesshoumaru sat perfectly still, willing his face not to react to the indignities his body was suffering. That troublesome miko had been pestering him and challenged his authority. She claimed he was not taking proper care of his ward.

"You know Sesshoumaru-sama, there is more to caring for a young girl than just physically protecting her. She needs to play!"

Tch. Ridiculous.

So now here sat Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western lands, pride of his Father's children, reduced to a mere child's plaything. Rin danced around him, twining flowers throughout his hair.

She paused suddenly, staring at his impassive face. "Ne, Kagome-chan? Is Sesshoumaru-sama broken?"

Kagome glanced nervously at the immobile youkai. If looks could kill...

She cleared her throat, hoping he wouldn't decide to take his simmering anger out on her. Where was Jaken when you needed him? "No, Rin-chan. He's just thinking deep thoughts. Deep, calming thoughts."

She couldn't help thinking how well he wore the blossoms and how she would kill for a camera.

As if sensing her desire to document his disgrace, Sesshoumaru shot her a menacing glare.

"On second thought," she mused, "I rather like my head where it is..."

A/N: Originally written for Dokuga's Weekly Perfection contest. Prompt - Pest
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