Keroro Gunso Fan Fiction ❯ Machine With a Purpose ❯ The Isolated Incident ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Isolated Incident
Second Chapter, Machine with a Purpose
The scene was frozen for a second. What should be a small flicker of the eyes turned into a slow, lingering, innocent gaze. Tracing, his eyes could only wonder at the torn thought of his college, then easingly, to his own soft shining intestines that leaked from the slashes across his white abdomen.
Blood dripped with the audacity of a broken fuset, achingly slow, making a feeling of nausea permeate the area of your stomach, with the longing to destroy the mocking rhymes, and all Tamama can do is reach up with a shivering hand and wipe slowly. Cautiously, searching for any other wound or incident, he didn't find any.
The blood wasn't his, or the investigator's it belongs to the one on the floor, whom he ravished with deadly lust. Simply hurt and bothered, the innocent turned to the dark, mind bathed in jealousy, lust, betrayal, and pain.
Innocent's biggest sin was allowing them to live, but still the innocent stared with unknowing eyes to the one on the floor, wondering trustfully to the world, who did this vile deed?
Who set out to rape and take from the most beloved of god's beings?
All he would have to do is look in the mirror to see and know the perpetrator's heart. Slowly hands would reach, not violently and feverently like they had to the beloved's throught. With a touch as soft as a veil of dust falling with grace and uncertainty, touches the corpses' face in an open casket, with hands more clumsy and unhappy the mourners would also trace.
With this fragile touch, not a smear would fall upon the fallen's face, only fallen skin would land upon the still living's body like a gentle snowfall on a small world.
For now he sees only the darkness of the open door, through which the investigator peers through, to this small tainted land.
Few knew the plight of the not-so-innocent-soul