Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts Requiem ❯ School daze: Kim possible style ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I am so sorry, it took me so long to get back to this because Resident Naruto got popular. I had to update it sooner than expected and this ot pushed back. But, I'm back on it and maybe I'd update sooner if someone would just reveiw.-_- Well anyway I finally pick back up enjoy^_^.

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School daze: Kim Possible style.

Kim sat at her desk in the science lab looking at her partner who couldn't have been more last if he tried.
Kim: Ron, are you sure you know what you're doing?
Ron: Please K.P. I'm a wiz when it comes to things like this.
Kim: That would be a change in pace. But, tell me Ron why am I so sceptical.
Ron: Taunt me all you want. But, you'll be thanking me when we get an 'A'.
Kim: Whatever.

She said rolling her eyes at the boy at her side. Soon after she wished she hadn't. Her eyes bulged as she looked at him. Time slowed as he began to mix the chemicals into the cup on the desk.

Ron slowly turned to her as the he began to pour in the chemicals. When the first drop fell in the warriors were walking through the halls of the school looking for hints of the rouge wholes. Sora heard the shout and stuck his head into the classroom. As soon as he did an explosion went off in the room. Sora went flying back against the wall in the hallway while everyone else went to check him.
Riku: What happened?
Sora: Don't know.

He said shortly before blacking out. Everyone else pulled their weapons and ran into the room. After seeing through the smoke that there were no threats they put their weapons away before anyone could see them. When the smoke cleared, everyone covered in sout slowly turned to the desk of Ron Stoppable. He looked around and rised a finger.
Ron: My bad.

He said in a low tone.
Ron: You know I just remembered that I have a dentist appointment. I'll just be going now.

He said standing and walking to the door.
Mr. Barkin: STOPPABLE!!!!

Ron picked up his speed and ran down the hall with Mr. Barkin in fast pursuit. The warriors just sweat dropped and looked around the class. They weren't surprised to see that all eyes were on them. They looked around and then leaned torwards each other.
Kairi: Say something.
Riku: You say something.
Tidus: Will someone just say something.

Shelke just rolled her eyes and spoke up.
Shelke: Sorry we're new here. We were walking through the halls and one of our friends got caught in that explosion. Can one of you show us around?

Everyone just looked at Shelke in amazement. They all just guessed that being calm all the time had it's perks.
Student: But, we have class.
Shelke: Your teacher just ran out chasing some boy. Doesn't look like much of a class going on here.

All of the students looked around and smiled at the realization of what Shelke just said. The entire class stood up and started to go wild. The warriors just sweat dropped until a green eyed red head stood up and walked torwards them.
Kim: Sorry about this. My name is Kim Possible, my idoit boyfriend is the one who caused the explosion. I'll show you guys around. But, who are you and where are you from.
Shelke: My name is Shelke.
Sora: Sora.

The others jumped to the side at his sudden arrival.
Riku: I thought you were out cold.
Sora: Well I got up.

He turned to Kim and pointed his thumb at Riku.
Sora: This is my best friend Riku. My girlfriend Kairi, her sister Namine, and my brother Roxas.

Tidus stepped up and pointed his thumb to his chest.
Tidus: My name is Tidus, that's my girlfriend Yuna, her cousin Rikku and their friend Paine. All together they're the gullwings.

Xerha who had been standing the hall through the whole thing finally stepped into the classroom catching the attention of all the boys.
Xerha: My name is Xerha, nice to meet you Kim.

The boys all suddenly turned their attention to all of the beauties that no stood in front of them. The girls all turned and waved to them. [except Shelke.] They all jumped from their seats and started trying to talk to them but, Kim quickly cut them off.
Kim: Come on.

She said as she led the group out of the room. Most of the boys got up and ran from the classroom while Kim just continued to show them around. She led them to the gym room.
Kim: This is our gym room. I spend a lot of time here since I'm a cheerleader and all.
Tidus: I thought you had a gymnist's body.

Everyone turned and shot him a weird look especailly Yuna.
Tidus: What? It's a compliment.

Everyone slowly turned away and Kim looked back.
Kim: Anyway. This is also the home to the infamous middleton Mad dogs.
????: What are you doing here Kim?

Kim turned to the voice that belonged a prepy brunette girl.
Kim: 'sigh' Not now Bonnie.
Bonnie: Must be more of your loser friends.

She said scoping out the crowd, who all wore glares at the loser comment. Bonnie looked through the crowd until her eyes fell on a silver haired boy with gorgeous aquamarine eyes. Suddenly she started to scan all of the boys in the group, two boys with the clearest blues eyes she had ever seen. One who looked had beautiful spiky blonde hair and pants that had lop-sided legs. She started to blush and walked up to them.
Bonnie: And who are you guys?

She said an extremely flirty manner.
Boys: Well.
Kairi/Namine/Xerha/Yuna/Riku: Taken!!

Bonnie looked torwards them all and narrowed her eyes.
Bonnie: Yeah well that won't last long.
Kairi: What.
Xerha: You care to repeat that?
Bonnie: I mean why would anyone want that.?

She said pointing the two girls in front of her.
Bonnie: When they can have this?

She said striking up a pose. The warriors and even Shelke's eyes popped out and they all stepped back. Kim looked at them and Sora quickly pulled her back and got ready. This Bonnie girl had just insulted the queen of darkness, and Kairi was just as bad. They extended their hands and their keyblades flew to them. Kim and Bonnie both stood in confusion. The girls both went into stance and looked her in the eyes.
Kairi/Xerha: You're dead!

Sora and Roxas quickly grabbed the girls before they could do some serious damage.
Xerha: Let me go! I'll kill her.
Kairi: What she said.
Kim: Um....what are those?

She said interjecting in the situation. The girls stopped thrashing around and turned to her. They sweatdropped and looked back at the boys holding them.
Sora: So much for a low profile.
????: Excuse me who are you people?

The group turned around to see the gym teacher. They all began to panic and the two bonded girls quickly dispersed of their keyblades.
Shelke: We're new here.

Once again they were saved by Shelke calm attitude.
Teacher: Well have you been to the office yet?
Shelke: No, we were taking a tour with to Ms. Possible here.
Teacher: Well we should get you to the office. Kim can finish your tour later. Follow me.
Shelke: Yes ma'am.

She turned to the others and motioned her head for them to come with her. The quickly gathered themselves and followed, coming up with a lie for why they were there, was way easier than telling them about the keyblades and the heartless. Also that getting them involved would be a very bad idea.
Bonnie: There's something strange about them.
Kim: For once I agree with you.
Bonnie: But, those boys are hot.
Kim: Ok that's twice we agree on something and I'm weirded out.

Vincent was standing on a random roof in the city looking for signs of anything suspicious, while Donald and Goofy were trailing behind.
Donald: Maybe there isn't anything wrong here.
Goofy: Com'n Donald, we can't stop lookin'.
Vincent: Besides, I don't want to miss anything. I can feel that there is something here.
Donald: I doubt it. There hasn't been anything strange all day.
????: Help!!!!

The looked down from the roof they were on and saw a group of people being chased by a horde of heartless.
Vincent: You were saying?
Donald: Nothing.

Vincent jumped from the roof and the others followed. He landed in between the heartless the people they were chasing. They all looked back at the man and what seemed to be a duck holding a wand and a dog giant dog weilding a sheild and wearing clothes.
Vincent: Run.

He said loud enough for the people to hear, they nodded and took off in the other direction. Vincent puled his Cerberus and pointed it at the heartless.
Vincent: So who's first?

As if answering his question, one of the heartless pounced at him. He quickly sent him flying back and disintegrating into the air. He made his move and ran at the crowd. He blasted twice, and the six bullets flew through the bodies of six heartless killing them all instantly. One jumped at him form the side but, it was quickly stopped by a flying sheild. Goofy ran back to catch his sheild and then bashed downward onto the head of a heartless then he spun around bashing his sheild into the face of the next one. He looked back at the crowd coming for them and he held out his arms. He pulled out a second sheild and then wound up. He smiled and began to spun through the crowd like a tornado cutting through various heartless. While on his descent he threw his left sheild under himself and began to ride on it. Donald jumped onto Goofy's shoulder's and he began to spin on the sheild.
Donald: Firaga.

The two created a massive fire tornado that singed the heartless surrounding them. Vincent smirked and flipped over a heartless that took a strike at him. He fired down into it's head and then landed shooting back into the chest of two other heartless. Another heartless jumped at him from behind and he countered with a quick roundhouse kick that sent it spinning in mid-air. He shot into it's back and then spun backwards out of the way of a heartless' slash at his back and shot through it's head as he did. He slid back along the ground and Donald jumped in front of him. He set up a blizzard sheild around them and then he shattered it blasting into the surrounding heartless. His jumped up into the air and aimed his staff down.
Donald: Comet!

Small flaming rocks began to rain down on the heartless the area, crushing them all. He landed in front of Goofy and Vincent as the samll flames began to disintegrate. The people in the area began to come out from where they were hiding and started to cheer for the two heroes.
Man: Wow, real super heroes!
Woman: Thank you so much, for saving us Spawn.

Vincent sweatdropped and walked off, not being the type to bask in the glory like a show boat. He left off to look for more heartless that may be in the area. Donald and Goofy ran after him. He engulfed them inside his cape before he took off, leaving on the ground in awe at the awesomeness.
Woman: I told you he was Spawn.

The warriors had just gotten out of the principal's office and were walking down the halls.
Sora: Hehehe, why are we going through all this?
Shelke: Because, we wanted to get some info.
Xerha: Besides I feel that there is someone here who is can help us. We don't know much about this place so we should find out more about it and it's kind of fun.

Everyone but, Shelke shot her incredulous looks.
Xerha: What?
Tidus: You like school?
Xerha: Sometimes.
Riku: I never thought that were people who liked school.

They didn't notice but, there was alot of people looking at them. One of the boys ran into a classroom and shouted.
Student: New kids!!!!

Everyone in the class just fanned him away and looked on at what they were doing.
Girl: So?
Student: Hot ones!!!

That caught everyone's attention they hopped from their seats and ran into the hallway. It was as if every classroom had heard him because everyone ran out into the hallway. The group got uncomfortable because of all the staring eyes except Shelke who seemed to not care either way. The worst part was for the girls who had eyes wondering their bodies entirely. The guys were looking at Kairi and Xerha as if they were going to talk them but, Sora came up with an idea. He walked in between both girls and pulled them to him by the waist. They both were shocked at first but, they suddenly relaxed in his grasp. He gained a taunting smile that he aimed at all the guys in the hallway. The all gave him death glares from sheer jealously, and who wouldn't, he had two girls. Not only did he have two girls but, two hot girls. The girls were happy because it also turned away the fangirls that were gawking at him. The other guys in the group took after his lead and did the same thing. The girls in the hallway walked back to class looking defeated but, the boys still saw two available girls Paine and Shelke. They all quickened their movements until they were out of veiw and then bumped into who else but, Kim.
Kim: Seems like you guys are popular already.
Namine: Well that's not our fault.
Kim: What class do you have next?

Yuna pulled out her scedule and compared it with everyone else's
Yuna: Seems we have Algebra.
Kim: Good I'm there too. Oh yeah and you can come out now.
Tidus: Huh?

They were confuesd at what she said until the locker behind them opened to reveal a hiding Ron Stoppable.
Ron: Is he gone?
Kim: Yeah but, you'll have to run into him sooner or later.
Ron: By the time I see him he'll have long forgotten. So Kim who're they?
Kim: Oh, these are the new kids.
Ron: Nice to meet you guys. Uh don't we have Algebra next?
Kim: Yep.
Ron: Math, my weakest subject.

Shelke looked down at rustling Ron's pocket and she bent in closer. Everyone looked at her as she investigated. The second she got near it a naked mole rat popped out of it.

The warriors turned at her in fear. Not so much at the fact that there was a naked mole rat in Ron's pocket but, that Shelke got scared. It was like stepping the twilight zone. She fell back and held her heart, breathing heavily.
Ron: Oh sorry this is my best friend Rufus.

Rufus leapt onto Shelke's shoudler and looked her in the eyes.
Rufus: 'Hi'

He squeaked out hugging her face. She picked him up and stared at him. She wasn't scared of him it's just that when he popped out that was the last thing she was expecting. Rufus looked at her and wiggled free of her grip then ran down her arm back to her shoulder. He rubbed up to her face and she did something that scared the warriors to no end. She smiled and giggled, Kim and Ron were confused at the looks on there faces but, just shrugged it off. Shelke stood up with Rufus still on her shoulder and cleared her face.
Shelke: We should get going or we'll be late.

Everyone nodded and began to walk down the path leading to the classroom. The class was like they expected.....boring. Shelke was mostly playing with Rufus which caused the teacher to call her out on an answer, expecting to make her look foolish. He was sorely disappointed when Shelke gave up enough information on the answer that she was qaulified to be a teacher....... in college [I mean she is 23 [now] and incredibly intelligent.] When she sat down she went back to playing with Rufus and the teacher dicided not to bother her any more. The students started to laugh at him and he shouted to quiet them down. That was probably the most interesting thing that happened in the class. Before they knew it, it was lunchtime. Shelke didn't pick up a plate, she just sat down at a table while the others sat down next to her.
Sora: So do you think Vincent and the others found anything?
Shelke: More than likely. If there were any signs of the heartless around he would have found them. Besides hearing your story it seems that the guards of yours will look for you where ever you go.
Roxas: She's right. We should just prepare for a fight.
Paine: You enjoy our little talk Kim?

The others slowly turned back to her indicating that they all knew she was there. Ron stepped from behind her and smiled.
Ron: Sorry we just happened to come over.
Riku: Never mind that, how much did you hear?
Kim: Everything, I thought there was something strange about you.

She said sitting down at the table with them. Ron slowly followed and took a seat next to Tidus.
Kim: So spill it.
Yuna: The less you know, the less trouble on your head.
Ron: Say wha'.
Sora: The only thing you need to know about it is that we won't be here long.
Kim: What do you mean?
Xerha: That means stay out. We're friends and you're a nice person but, don't delve to much into this.

Shelke was rubbing Rufus who had found his way back onto her shoulder.
Kim: How bad could it be?

Everyone, including Shelke, who had wiped the smile from her face, slowly turned to Xerha. Then they motioned their heads for Kim to look. Her, Ron, and Rufus turned her as she moved her eyes to make sure she was that ne one else was looking. She looked at them in the eyes and they turned full yellow as she lifted her arm it turned full black and she reached for Kim. Kim began to breathe heavy and she stumbled out of her chair and stood to her feet. Ron fell out of his chair and Rufus hid behind Shelke's neck.
Rufus: 'Scary'

He squeaked out as the entire lunch room turned to Kim. Xerha had dispersed of her powers and looked back at the lunch in front of her. Ron picked himself up and sat back in his chair even when Kim still couldn't move.
Ron: Ok what's with the freaky hand?

Ron being brave and asking what Kim couldn't made her regain herself. She could feel the eyes on her as she sat back down.
Xerha: I didn't mean to scare you that much.

She said rubbing the back of her neck.
Ron: What did you just do?
Xerha: You might not want to go any deeper into it.
Ron: Tell me and I'll treat you to Bueno Nacho.

Everyone looked at him in confusion.
Kairi: Bueno.....Nacho?
Namine: What is that?
Ron: Only the best food joint in the world.
Xerha: This intrigues me. When can we go to this "Bueno Nacho"?
Ron: After school. I promise you won't be disappointed. But, you have to fill us in.
Sora: Why would you care this much?
Ron: Whatever it is we could probably help. She's Kim Possible she can do anything, except maybe that hand thing you just did.
Xerha: How do you know you can trust us?
Ron: From the sound of you guys and the why you act I assume you're not bad guys.
Tidus: What makes you so sure?
Ron: Rufus is a good judge of character.

He said pointing back at Rufus running around Shelke's looped arms as she laughed at his cuteness.
Shelke: Alright but, only if this nacho place is as good as you say.

They all looked up at the bell as Ron turned to Kim who still a little shaken. She was amazed at Ron's resourcefulness. Little did she know that he was shaken too but, like they say "a good relationship is built on two strong parties and where one fails the other should succeed.". He stood in for Kim because he saw that she was scared. They all stood from their seats and left the room.

In the lab of pure darkness an evil scientist was raving mad about his last loss to Kim Possible.
Draken: Dammit, how do I always lose to some cheerleader. This should be a whole lot easier, I mean she's a little girl for crying out loud.
Shego: Maybe because you always steal useless stuff instead of making your own useful things.
Draken: Always with the sarcasm Shego. I mean you lose to her too.
Shego: Look you. You are the evil scientist just make something that will poof her out of existence.
Draken: I tried that.
Shego: Oh yeah.
????: I can help you with the child.

Shego and Draken quickly turned their attention to the intruder in their castle. It was a red haired woman sitting on Draken's desk. He had to admit that she was quite fetching but, he was more concerned with what she had said.
Shego: Who are you?
Vasane: My name is Vasane and I am here to help you.
Draken: How did you get here?
Vasane: I was in the neighborhood and I heard you talking about your defeats. Quite pitiful if you ask me.
Shego: Well no one asked you.
Vasane: Just constructive critism just get so angry. It's the truth isn't it. I will help you stop this streak of weakness.
Draken: Now you've done it.

He said turning away as Shego rushed at her without warning. Her hand glew bright green and she punched at Vasane. Vasane smiled and caught her fist nullifying it's green glow with a pitch black one. Draken turned back in awe as this person had not only stopped Shego but, had done so head on. Vasane tightened her grip and began to crush Shego's hand.

She screamed out in pain like she had never felt before. Draken ran up and pulled on her to free her from Vasane's grip. After seeing that Vasane let go and Draken was put in shock after seeing that not only had Shego lost but, she was crying in fear. She quickly grabbed onto Draken and cried on him as he frowned at Vasane.
Vasane: Now like I said you can accept my help or I can kill you.
Draken: How could you help?

He had to admit that after what he had seen he was interested. Not that he wasn't mad at what she had done but, he figured that if this gift she gave him was really powerful then he could repay her later.
Vasane: If you even think of betraying me I'll kill you!
Draken: Never crossed my mind. What's the catch?
Vasane: There is a girl with her right now. She has light blue hair and yellow eyes like mine. I want you to take her from them and bring her to me.
Draken: What is so special about this girl?
Vasane: She is our queen and we need her.
Draken: Agreed.

Vasane smiled and snapped her fingers. Heartless emerged from the darkness of the castle and surrounded Draken.
Vasane: They are under your command but. Fight wisely, I'll be watching you.

Draken watched her as she disappeared from the castle. He looked at the heartless surrounding him and then down at a still crying Shego. He didn't know what Vasane had done to her but, she was really scared. He pulled her closer in a protective hold and looked at the heartless.
Draken: Kill Kim Possible!!

The heartlesss dispersed in different directions to the girl known as Kim Possible. Vasane was outside the castle spying on the new heartless master from a mountain behind it. She leaned her eye to see the person coming up from behind her.
Vasane: What do you want Neresa?
Neresa: You know that even with those heartless he won't be able to defeat the queen.
Vasane: Of course I know that.
Neresa: So why?
Vasane: I want to see how they will handle this situation. Will see awaken even further or will she cower in the face of fear?
Neresa: So her hair was part of her awakening?
Vasane: Yes it is. She will go through many changes through the course of her adventure. I think it is her most violent personality trying to gain control. When the awakening is complete she will be ready for the ritual. Besides we still need to track down the royal family, if we can't find them then we cannot truly conquer the realms............Neresa.
Neresa: Yes?
Vasane: Where did you disappear to?
Neresa: I merely went to check on things back in the dark realm.
Vasane: Are you lying to me?
Neresa: Of course not.
Vasane: Good.....

She said standing from her perch and walking over to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. She slowly broke the kiss and laid her head on his chest before finishing her statement.
Vasane: Because I'd really hate to kill you.

She said in a deathly calm voice. Neresa shook and calmed himself. Vasane scared even him sometimes but, most of all knowing that she would fulfill that little promise if the time came. She walked off making Neresa follow her as they left the cliff.

School had finally let out and it was time for Ron to make good on his promise. Once they finally arrived at Beuno Nacho they all become scyptical about the so-called delicousness that Ron claimed was in ths food. Ron walked up to the counter and ordered for everyone as they sat down at a table. All looking at each other, Kim sat across from them and they looked at her.
Kairi: Is this food really that good?
Kim: Oh yeah. I'm not as big of a fan of it as Ron is but, I must admit that the food is good.

They turned to Ron as he walked back to the table with the food in hand. Xerha reached down and picked up what seemed like a wrapped taco with nachos inside.
Xerha: What is this?
Ron: What you hold there is the Naco. It is the single greatest piece of food in the world. I invented it too.

Xerha looked at it a little closer and then took a bite. She chewed it and and swallowed before sher face went completely blank.
Sora: Xerha what's wrong!?
Riku: Are you okay?

Ron just smiled at her knowing what was wrong. It was the first sign of the Naco's effect, complete and utter delicousness that cannot be put in words. Xerha's face quickly changed and she scraffed down the rest. She reached onto the platter and pulled off two more. The others looked at her rampage and dicided to try some before she could eat it all. Unfortunately as soon as they put their hands near the platter so growled at them. They all pulled back and she went back to eating the food in front of her.
Ron: I'll go get more.

He said standing up and going to the counter and placing another order. He came back to the table and saw that Xerha had cleaned the plate and the act made everyone else start to drool. Once Ron sat down they all took a Naco and took a bite. All of them [including Shelke] Were mezmerized by the food.
Kim: So will you tell us?
Rikku: For this stuff I'll tell you anything!!!

Kim and Ron smiled as Rufus put a thumbs up and squeaked.
Rufus: 'Success'.

After finishing the plate they explained the situation to Kim and needless to say she was put in awe.
Ron: You're the queen of these "Heartless".
Xerha: Yeah.
Kim: That would explain the hand thing. But, what I don't get is why are you here?
Paine: Because we suspect that the Rouge Wholes are here. If that is true then we must stop them.
Kim: Well since there isn't a sign of them yet why don't we just wait for them to come for you?
Roxas: Yeah but, that take a while. What do we do in the meantime?
Ron: Oh oh I know.

He said rising his hand.
Yuna: Yes Ron?
Ron: We could go to the mall.
Kim: Good idea. I wanted to visit Monique anyway.
Namine: It might be fun to go to the mall.
Sora: Yeah I'm up for.

Everyone else agreed, except Shelke who seemed to not care either way. As soon as they left the restaurant Vincent, Donald and Goofy ran up in front of it.
Donald: Dammit where are they? They aren't in the school any more and now they aren't around here anywhere.
Goofy: I tell you Donald I heard them.
Donald: Aww what do you know?

Goofy put a finger to his chin and looked up to the sky.
Goofy: What do I know?

Vincent overted his attention to the alley across the street. He thought he had seen a woman with long flowing red hair but, the image quickly vanished. He narrowed his eyes and tried to scan closer but, a voice cut through his consentation.
Donald: Vincent what's wrong?
Vincent: We need to find them quick.

He said speeding off in another direction.

The warriors had finally arrived at the mall. They noticed that they caught getting stares but, decided to ignore them. Once inside Kim led them to the upstairs and they walked to a place called club banana. Once inside they saw a girl with puffy black hair and dark skin helping out a customer. Kim walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.
Monique: Hey Kim what you doin' here?
Kim: I just came to see how you were doing. Why weren't you in school today.
Monique: The math quiz.
Ron: You too.
Monique: How'd you do?
Ron: More than likely I failed.
Monique: That's why I just stayed away. Uh Kim?
Kim: Yeah?
Monique: Who are the hotties behind you?
Kim: Oh these are firends who'll be in town for a brief time. Don't worry they're cool.
Monique: So which boy is single?
Kim: None unfortunatly.
Monique: Really? That sucks. Cause the one with the silver hair is hot!
Kim: I don't know I kind of like the one with the brown hair.

Ron narrowed his eyes at the comment and Kim slowly dropped the subject. The others were too busy looking around at the stuff to notice the conversation.
Xerha: I bet you'd look great in that Sora.

She said pointing to a all white tuxedo.
Kairi: Well I think he'd look cool in that.

She said pointing to a black hoody outfit. They both looked at each other and turned to Sora.
Kairi/Xerha: What do you think?
Sora: They're alright. But, I like that one.

He pointed to a black and red blazer and a blue vest with matching pants. The girls just huffed and turned around.
Xerha: Oh com'n.
Kairi: Ours were better.
Sora: Hehehe, Riku.

Riku set down a radio and pressed play. Suddenly a beat started to play. [I'm not gonna note this one because it's self explainatory.]
Sora: Yeah B. Talk yo shit. How you gon' upgrade me? What's higher than numba one? You know I used to beat that block, now I be's the block.

He said turning away and the girls nodded at each other before running to his side.
Kairi/Xerha: Sora let me upgrade you.
Xerha: I hear you be the block but, I'm the light that keep the streets on.
Kairi: I noticed you the type that like to keep on a leash though.
Xerha: I'm known to walk alone but, I'm alone for a reason.
Kairi: Sendin' me a drink ain't appeasing.
Xerha: Believe me.
Kairi: Come harder this won't be easy.
Xerha: Don't doubt yourself trust me you need me.
Kairi: This ain't a shoulder with a chip or a ego.
Xerha: But what you think they mad at me fo'?

Kairi cut up in front of Sora.
Kairi: You need a real woman in your life. That's a good look.

Xerha pushed her to the side and continued.
Xerha: Taking care of home on still fly. That's a good look.

Kairi caught back up and took Sora' arm.
Kairi: I'ma help you build up your account. That's a good look better yet a hood look believe me.

Xerha grabbed the other arm.
Xerha: When you're in them big meeting for the mills. That's a good look.
Kairi: Take me just to compliment the deal. That's a good look.
Xerha: And anything you cop I'll split the bill. That's a good look better yet a hood look believe me.

Xerha pulled Sora away and pulled him to the clothes rack.
Xerha: Sora let me upgrade you, Audemars piguet you. Switch your neck neck tie to purple labels. Upgrade you....

She quickly started to put clothes up to Sora as he stood still and posed.
Xerha: I can [up] Can I [up] Lemme upgrade you.

She said holding up the same tuxedo she had pointed out earlier and Sora smiled at how it looked as Xerha whispered in his ear.
Xerha: Sora let me upgrade you.

Kairi pulled Sora back as sang as she walked.
Kairi: Sora let me upgrade you, flip a new page. Introduce you to some things and upgrade you.

She stopped at another rack and made Sora pose.
Kairi: I Can [up] Can I [up] lemme upgrade you.

She said placing the same hoody she pointed out earlier against his chest before whispering in his ear.
Kairi: Sora let me upgrade you.

Everyone in the mall quickly stopped what they were doing and came to watch the display. It seemed like there were two girls fighting over a guy in song. To them it was very entertaining, random, but, entertaining nontheless. Xerha ran up to Sora' side and stared at his face.
Xerha: I can do for you what Mickey did for the people.
Kairi: Ran by the man but, the women keep the tempo.
Xerha: It's very seldom that you're blessed find yo' equal.
Kairi: To play my part and let you take the lead role.
Xerha: Believe me.
Kairi: I'll follow this could be easy.
Xerha: I'll be the help whenever you need me.
Kairi: I see you hustle.
Xerha: Wit' my hustle.
Kairi: I could keep you.
Xerha: Focused on ya focus I can feed you.

Xerha pushed Kairi to the side and stood in front of Sora.
Xerha: You need a real woman in ya life. That a good look.

Kairi rammed Xerha out of the way and cotinued.
Kairi: Takin' care of home and still fly. That's a good look.

Xerha pulled Sora torwards the entrance.
Xerha: I can help you build up yo' account. That's a good look. Better yet a hood look. Ladies?

She said pointing to the woman watching and they nodded their heads
Ladies: That's a good look.
Xerha: Believe me.

Kairi bumped Xerha to the side and pulled Sora to the side.
Kairi: And when you in the big meetings for the mills. That's a good look.

Xerha sqeezed betwteen them and push Kairi to the side.
Xerha: You take me just to compliment the deal. That's a good look.

Kairi pushed her to the side and then grabbed Sora's hand.
Kairi: And anything you cop I'll split the bill. That's a good better yet a hood look.
Ladies: That's a good look.
Kairi: Hey, I can upgrade you.

Xerha stepped in and yanked Sora back before curling up in his arms.
Xerha: Sora let me upgrade you. Audemars piguet you, switch your necktie to purple label. Upgrade you.

She pulled Sora to a different clothes rack and made him pose again.
Xerha: I can [up] can I [up] lemme upgrade you.

She she put a black shirt and gray combat vest to his chest.
Xerha: Sora let me upgrade you.

Kairi quickly pulled him to the side and dragged him to a different rack.
Kairi: Sora let me upgrade you, flip a new page. Introduce you to some new things and upgrade you.

Kairi stopped at her rack and made Sora pose.
Kairi: I can [up] can I [up] lemme upgrade you.

She pressed up a camofluage outfit up against Sora and whispered.
Kairi: Sora let me upgrade you.

Sora stepped in front so that everyone could see him and he smirked.
Sora: Hold uh huh. I bes the key-boy who defeated all the heartless dudes. They called shots I call audibles. Hewy the jeweler, Moogle and them McScrooge sorta dudes. It's big ballin' baby when I'm courtin' you. I'm talkin' spy bags and fly pads and rooms at the bloomberg and rumor's you on the verge of a new merge. Cause' that rock ya' finger's like a tumor. You can't fit yo' hand in ya' new purse. It's humorous to me they watching. We just yacthing off to destiny island hopping off at the sunset coast. Mafioso, oh baby you ever seen satin.

Before anyone could answer Sora quickly put up a finger.
Sora: No, not the car but, everywhere we are? You sure to see stars, this is high level not eye level. My bezzle courtesy of Audemars. I order yours tomorrow, now look at the time I saved ya'.

He put a finger under each girls chin and rubbed a little.
Sora: Mamas let upgrade ya'.

He said backing off a little.
Xerha: Just you think you had it all.
Kairi: Trophies, Munny, and gummi parts.
Xerha: Picture your life elavatin' wit' me.
Kairi: Make you my project celebrity.
Xerha: I'll keep yo' name hot on them streets.
Kairi: That little glimpse of light. That makes a diamond really shine.
Xerha: You already is a star. Unless you flawless.
Kairi/Xerha: Then yo' dynasty ain't complete without a chick like me.

Xerha and Kairi both walked up to Sora and started to circle around him.
Xerha: Sora let me upgrade you.
Kairi: Audemars piguet you.
Xerha: Switch yo' neck tie to purple labels.
Kairi: Upgrade you.
Xerha: I can.
Kairi: Up
Xerha: Can I?
Kairi: Up.
Xerha: Lemme upgrade you.

Kairi stopped in front of Sora and put her hand to her chin sagely while looking Sora up and down.
Kairi: Sora let me upgrade you.

She turned to Xerha who began to back up towards the racks. She reached in and started sorting through clothes.
Kairi: Sora let me upgrade you.
Xerha: Flip a new page.

She said while quickly moving over a hanging shirt. Kairi moved over to a different rack a she continued.
Kairi: Introduce you to some new things.
Xerha: And upgrade you.
Kairi: I can.
Xerha: Up.
Kairi: Can I?
Xerha: Up.
Kairi: Lemme upgrade you.

Xerha pulled off a couple things and picked up a couple items.
Xerha: Sora let me upgrade you.

She and Kairi came over to Sora while holding various items. They continued singing as they named off the items that they put on him.
Kairi: Audemars piguet watch.
Xerha: Dimples in ya' necktie.
Kairi: Hermes breif case.
Xerha: Cartler top clips.
Kairi: Silk lined blazers.
Xerha: Diamond creamed facials.
Kairi: Vi Vi x cuff links.
Xerha: Don't ya' think he look sweet?

Both girls backed off and put a their hands to the chins sagelike and nodded.
Xerha: Sora let me upgrade ya'.
Kairi: Sora let me upgrade ya'.
Xerha/Kairi: Sora, Sora, Sora let me upgrade ya'.

The whole crowd began to clap in behind them as Riku cut off the music. They slowly left off to where they were before seeing the spectical. Shelke couldn't help but, smile at the way Sora looked. She had to admit he looked quite dashing. But, it wasn't the first thing you'd wear in a situation like what they're.
Monique: Lookin' good. So you buyin' it?
Sora: Yeah. How much?
Monique: That'll be around about ten thousand.

Kim's look dropped and she tuned to the group that didn't even flinch.
Sora: Here ya' go.

He said handing her pounds of munny. [I mean it seems to be the universal currency so why not here too.] Kim's and Ron's face dropped once again lookig at all the munny. Sora looked at her and just replied.
Sora: We collected alot of munny on our last journey.
Kairi: Sora I didn't know you had that much money on you. I thought it all was on the ship.
Sora: Yeah that's from my personal stash. You didn't seriously think I would put all our money in the travel account did you?
Kairi: Yes!
Sora: Com'n Kairi I bet everyone has pocketed some money.
Kairi: I haven't.
Riku: I did.
Tidus: Same here.
Shelke: I apologize but, some of the funds were neccesary. Vincent took some also.
Kairi: Am I the only one who didn't take any?
Rikku: Duh.

Kim and Ron laughed at the group while Monique was curious as to what was going on. Before she could ask Kim's communicator went off. She pulled it out and turned it on.
Kim: What's the stitch Wade?
Wade: Kim, apparently there have been spottings of weird dark creatures running around the city.

Everyone of the warriors suddenly looked up. They put on serious faces and listened closer.
Kim: Where are they?
Wade: Well, some were taken down a talking dog, a talking duck, and someone believed to be Spawn.
Tidus: Hahaha, Vincent does look like Spawn if you just look at the cape.
Kairi: Big picture!
Ron: Ok, now I understand the dog but, why a talking duck?
Kim: What about the others?
Wade: Well Kim they seem to be headed to your location. They're about 15 meters away as we speak.

Xerha's eyes shot open and she turned to the window to see that there was a crowd of heartless running at them. She tuurned back to the others and nodded. They all stood and pulled their weapons.
Sora: I'll come back for these.

He said placing the clothes on the counter in front of Monique. As the group began to walk out side they noticed that Kim was following them.
Yuna: Why are you coming?
Kim: I'm going to help you.
Sora: I think you should sit this one out.
Ron: Don't worry Kim can handle those things. I have complete confidence in her.

He stated as he hid behind a pillar.
Riku: Then aren't you coming?
Ron: What? No way, me and Rufus are staying right here. Right Rufus?

Ron didn't get an answer, he checked his pockets for Rufus but, saw that he was no where to be found. He looked up and Rufus was sitting on Shelke's shoulder.
Ron: Rufus, not you too. 'sigh' I get it, I'm coming.

He said as he slowly walked up to the others.
Vincent was leading the others after the figure that e had seen without letting on to what they were looking for. He turned into an alley and pulled his Cerberus, pointing it torwards a person standing at the end of the path.
Vincent: Who are you?

Donald and Goofy got on their gaurd at seeing Vincent. The figure stepped forward with it's hands up revealing that it wasn't the red-haired firgure that he had previously seen.
????: A friend, for now at least.

Vincent pulled back his Cerberus and placed it in it's holster. He was alittle concerned about the "for now." part but, figured it just meant that they currently shared a common goal. Donald and Goofy cautiously watched this new "ally" of their. Vincent dicided that maybe it would be benefitical if they listened to what the figure was saying.
The group had run out to the heartless but, quickly ran back inside the mall after seeing the large horde of heartless that were coming at them.
Shelke: This could prove to be troublesome.
Xerha: We can't fight them in here. There's too many people.
Paine: The same goes for out there as well.
Rikku: Okay, On three we charge.
Kim: Sound's like a plan ro me. Either way we go they're going to wreck something.
Sora: Alright..........three!!!!

At his word they all burst from the doors of the mall and got ready for the heartless attack but, found that the streets were completely empty. They looked puzzedly around the area but, found no signs of them. Xerhas' eyes shot open and she looked up into the sky just in time to see hordes of heartless decending upon them. Everyone jumped out of the way to dodge the attacks coming for them. The heartless pounded the ground and took a swing at Kim who just rolled out of the way. Riku leapt over her and slashed horizontially through the fat heartless. He turned to the side and rolled under a slash at him and Sora stabbed into the assualting heartless. Xerha stood back to back with Kairi and they both smiled at each other as the heartless closed in on them. Both girls locked hands and extended their hands out as they spun in a circle ripping through the surrounding heartless. Kairi mustered all of her strength and she swung upward throwing Xerha into the air. While in the air Xerha activated her drive form and materialized five extra keybaldes, which she launched back down into the crowd. The keyblades hit the ground and began to spin cutting through any and all heartless around it. After cutting through them five of the keyblades formed a circle while still spinning and the last one flew up to Xerha. She grabbed the keyblade and dove down into the circle, stabbing her keyblade into it. A light illuminted the ground and the keyblades the orbited around her. The light came like a blast, sweeping away all heartless around it.
Xerha: Supernova!

Sora smiled at her and turned to Roxas, who just nodded at him. Sora ran forward and threw his keyblade forward as Roxas did the same. Their keyblades met in the middle of the crowd and combined together, becoming much longer and more powerful. Roxas ran to Sora and merged into his body. Sora reached out and grabbed the keyblade. The second he did his clothes turned green and he slammed the new keyblade into the ground causing a fissure of light to sweep through the heartless making a path.
Sora: Com'n let's go!
Kim: These people so aren't real.
Ron: And that's only half of em. I can't wait to see what the others can do.

The group all began to focus on making it down the path that Sora had laid out for them. Kim slid under a swung that a heartless took for her and then flipped to her feet while barely dodging a different attack. She leaned forward ducking under the blade of a heartless and then flipped over the same blade, before sending a spin kick to it's face. She was suprised to find that he leg just fazed through it's body, not even touching even though she had landed a clean hit. She landed on her hands and flipped back gliding slightly over the blade's ascent. Another heartless came at her from behind but, Ron grabbed her and ran down the path getting them both out of there. Shelke was paying close attention and she noticed that the heartless seemed to be more focused on Kim than on them. She turned and ran back to them while activating her EM sabers. She slashed right through the warrior heartless and then flipped back onto the shoulders of the fat heartless. She stood up on it's shoulders as it looked up at her holding the cerberus MkII pointed at it's head. Rufus was on her shoulder as she prepared to fired. He waved at the heartless as he sqeauked.
Rufus: 'Bye-bye'.

Shelke fired into it and flipped back at the side of Ron who was still carrying Kim.
Ron: Sweetness!
Shelke: The heartless seem to be after you Ms. Possible. Do you know why?
Kim: No, but can you tell me why I can't hit them?
Namine: It is because most of those who fight the heartess have extraordinary strength or special powers. You don't have any, you are merely a skilled fighter and that alone cannot defeat the heartless.

He explained all while drawing a picture of dusk nobodies that came to life and shot through the heartless like bullets. After the attack they swarmed into the air and came straight down like spears through the surrounding heartless before disappearing. Kim pulled out her communicator and contacted Wade.
Kim: Wade I need you to get my power suit to me A.S.A.P., please and thank you.

Wade began typing on his computer as he spoke to Kim.
Wade: Com'n Kim, do you know how long it'll take me to send your, done!

Kim looked up at her suit as it descended torwards the ground. Ron dropped her and she jumped up to her suit. She grabbed it and landed on the ground all while putting it over her previous clothes. After the suit activated she ran to the the side of Ron and carried him as he had her. Rikku pulled out two ringed daggers from her hip and began to twirl them as she ran through the heartless. Riku came up beside her and materialized a second dark keyblade while Paine went to his side with a massive broadsword. Rikku's daggers grew to a large ring and she tossed them up and Paine stabbed her sword into the middle. She flipped back away form it as Riku jumped onto the large ring and placed hs keyblades at the ends.
Rikku/Riku/Paine: Trinity!

Millions of blades flew to the ground and slashed at the heartless. The three who had activated the trinity could be seen flashing through the crowd ripping up the heartless with their blades but, they looked like little than flashes. Tidus was grabbed by Riku as he was lashiing through the crowd and Paine grabbed Yuna. They flashed forward and threw both allies into the air. Tidus grabbed Yuna's hand and they began to spin around in a circle as she fired wildly into the crowd of heartless with great accuracy. Tidus threw down his sword into the ground and pulled Yuna into a cradled position. He fell to the ground and landed on the hilt of the sword. For some reason when he and Yuna landed on the sword it caused a seismic wave and sent the heartless flying into the air. They both turned to Sora who swung his massive keyblade through the crowd of airborne heartless. Kim rolled to the ground and spun into a spinning air kick followed by a dropping heel kick to the next one. She had taken down the heartless on her side but, found that the other hadn't left any fun for her. Everyone met in the middle of the road and high fived. Kim walked over to them but, was suddenly grabbed by a mechanical claw. She tried her best to struggle free but, the claw had a tight grip on her. The claw pulled her back to a hovercraft.
Draken: Hello Kim Possible.
Kim: Draken what are you doing here?
Draken: Business.

He said coldly as he placed a pistol to her head. Everyone on the ground froze and Ron was lost in anger but, there was nothing he could do.
Draken: The one named Xerha step forward.

Xerha walked up closer and stared at Draken with a glare that could kill. Draken had seen the display earlier so he knew what the things orbiting around her could do. He pushed the gun closer to Kim's head and geistured his hand for Xerha to come closer.
Draken: My business parnter wants you returned to her your highness. So if you surrender I'll let Kim go.
Kim: Don't do it.
Xerha: Your business partner, is it someone named Vasane?
Draken: Yes, that is her name. That makes the explaination much simpler.

Xerha stared hard at the gun he was holding and she noticed that it wasn't loaded. Something about his eyes said that he wouldn't actually kill Kim but, he was putting up a good front. He was up to something and she wanted to know what. She put up her hands and the claw dropped Kim grabbing Xerha instead. Ron caught Kim and glared up at Draken who was looking at something to the side. He quickly looked back at them and then torwards the thing he was looking at. They all looked up at him and then torwards what he was looking at. When they looked back Draken was gone.
Sora: Dammit!
Tidus: That bastard's going to pay for this.
Shelke: Play along.
Kairi: Huh?

Everyone diverted their attention to Shelke who was looking at a piece of paper she had found on the ground.
Shelke: This paper, it says "play along". It seems that he wants us to go along with this rouse.

They all turned their looks Kim.
Paine: Do you know where to find this Draken character?
Kim: Yeah, maybe he was trying to fool someone.
Ron: Well he would make millions as an actor.
Kairi: Maybe we should get moving.
Namine: Right no time to waste.

Shego sat in a chair at the side of large table as Draken returned holding Xerha in binds. Shego slightly shivered when she saw her eyes but, hid it.
Shego: So I'm guessing it went as planned.
Draken: Yes, how are you feeling?
Shego: Look I'm not a chicken okay, I just lost it happens.
Draken: Alright, I'll back off.
????: Good, you accomplished your half of the deal.

He turned over to find that Vasane had once again made her way into his castle. Shego, without turning away from Vasane, reached over and grabbed Draken's dark lab coat indicating that she was afraid of Vasane.
Draken: Alright I brought her. but, before I release her to you tell me. What are you planning?
Vasane: Soon we will at the pinnacle of darkness. At that time we will use the power of the four ultimate heartless to open Kingdom Hearts. Once inside we will gain the ultimate power and Xerha's decendant will rule all worlds. You will be greatly rewarded for your assisstance. Now hand over the queen.

She said walking closer to Draken.
Draken: One problem.
Vasane: Hm.
Draken: That doesn't sound like a world I want. Besides, I want to rule this world and your plan interferes with my ambitions.

Vasane's look dropped and she heard a gun click in behind her head. She looked out of the corner of her eye to see Vincent standing behind her. In front of her the ropes around Xerha dropped and she called her keyblade.
Vasane: This is a very stupid move on your part.
Draken: No. The stupid move would be helping you.

Vasane swung back at the gun Vincent was holding and she knocked his hand away before she kicked him in the chest. Xerha slashed at Vasane's feet and she jumped over it but, was caught off gaurd by a flying sheild that smashed into her face. Vasane went spinning sideways and was hit by a spinning kick from Shego that sent her flying into the wall. Vasane fell to her feet and growled before jumping at the Xerha.
Donald: Gravity!

A dark orb crashed down on her and sent her straight to the floor and when she bounced back up Donald aimed the blast sideways sending her back to the wall. Vasane collapsed to the ground and slowly looked up at the group.
Vasane: You have no idea who you're dealing with!!!!!!

She looked up and her eyes were full yellow. She charged forward and Vincent at her but, she teleported through the bullets and uppercutted Vincent in the stomache with a glowing black light around her fist. One punch sent Vincent down to the ground but, not only was he down, he was breathing quickly with as if he was suddenly lost in a world of his fears.
Vincent: Lucrecia!!

Vasane smiled and then spin kicked Donald to the ground with the same dark light. Donald just laid on the ground wiggling with his eyes dialated. Vasane placed her hands n the ground and an entire dark ocean seemed to have emerged from the floor and it blasted the entre group to the wall. Vasane walked to Xerha and picked her up by the hair. She lifted her to chin high and grabbed her neck.
Vasane: Do you really oppose it that much? You should be honored the way your family was. Look at what happens because you struggle against your fate.
Xerha: There is no reason honor in giving your life to the world's destruction. I won't have any part in this. Why do you need me?
Vasane: Because only you can open Kingdom Hearts to the darkness. Come with us.
Xerha: No!

Vasane punched Xerha and it almost took her head off. It suprised her because she never thought that one of the knights would actually try to hurt her let, alone hit her that hard. Xerha's eyes turned yellow and she grabbed Vasane's neck before bashing her into the wall behind them. Even in the force that Xerha used Vasane didn't even flinch. She grabbed Xerha's hand and flung her through the table at her side. Xerha sat u[p and wiped the blood from her mouth. She made keyblades appear around her and screamed loudly as she sent them all flying at Vasane. Vasane couldn't even block the attack, she was barraged with the weapons and she fell to the ground. Vasane smiled as blood dripped from her head and the entire castle started to shake. Suddenly Neresa appeared in front of her.
Vasane: What are you?
Neresa: We should leave. Zunark has found the Ultima.
Vasane: Hmph, fine. I'll be back Your Highness.

Vasane and Neresa disappeared from sight and the others in the castle had finally regained themselves. They all stood and looked at Xerha then just in time the others showed up. Xerha smiled at them.
Xerha: You missed the party.

They all sighed deeply and shrugged. Kim walked up to Draken who was picking up an unconcious Shego.
Kim: Why did you do all this?
Draken: Helping her was a bad idea under any standard. Besides she did something that angered me.

The other members of the group went to help up their fallen friends as Draken walked away.
Draken: Oh yeah, you think you're all that but, you're not, blahblahblah. Get the hell out of my castle!

Everyone looked puzzledly at him but, shrugged it off as they began to leave. Kim felt something warm on her hip as they walked ot of the castle gates. She pulled out her communicator and it was shining. It took off from her hands and flew into the air. The keyblade masters looked at each other and nodded as they all pointed their keyblades at the object. They all fired rays of light onto it and a keyhole appeared in the sky. The communicator then came back down and landed in Kim's hands.
Kim: What was that?
Yuna: That means we have to go.
Ron: Leave? so soon?
Sora: We'll be back sometime.

He said pressing a button that made the gummi ship appear behind them. They all began to wave goodbye as they boarded the gummi ship. Shelke smiled as she gave Rufus back to Ron and chuckled as she waved goodbye to them three. Vincent already looked spooked out but, was even more spooked when he saw Shelke chuckle. It was almost creepy, especially when she cleared her face after sitting down. Sora lifted off and they were all on a course to the newly revealed world. Once they were above it they looked down on a house and the closer they got to the world the bigger it seemed. They landed and appeared to be in a room with a very large bed. There was also a large box a weird people laying on the ground almost comatose. They all looked up to the bed and saw a large boy emerge from it and strecth as he walked to turned off a sounding alarm clock. The warriors ran under the bed to not be seen and the boy walked out of the door before shutting it behind him. They were confused at the entire thing. Suddenly they heard sounds to the side of them. The people on the ground stood up and a cowboy walked torwards them.
????: What are you doing here?
Sora: We came looking for something. Where are we?
????: Well, you're in Andy's room. I mean where do you think you are? You guys must be newly bought.

Sora looked back at the group that was just as last as he was. This was going to be a long day.

Chapter 4 end

We all know where they are. And for those who don't you should be ashamed. I'm sorry it took so long fo me to update but, I got wrapped up in my other stories. [Resident Naruto to be exact] But, I also have school now so the updates will be slowing down. Don't worry though I'll make sure you stay on track with the stories though. Well I'm out till next we meet always shine.