Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: The Crimson Daylights ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

On the way to Hinata-sou
“So, why did Haruka need you?” Kitsune asked as she walked beside Keitaro as they went home.
“Auntie told me an old family friend had arrived earlier than expected,” Keitaro lied smoothly, smiling at her. “Sorry about the old case quip, luv.”
“Ah, its okay, Kei-chan,” Kitsune stretched her arms up, putting emphasis on her ample chest. “Still, though… being a lawyer of your family baking business must be tough, eh? Now you got a dorm to take care of.”
Keitaro, along with his faux job as a manager, made another faux job as a cover for his absences during long missions. Hina and Haruka both suggested it, and it even fit him. As a lawyer, he would usually wear smart suits, and try to keep looking smart and educated. He'd also have more allowances in keeping a bit more exotic items like Omega watches that Su would spring on him. Kitsune didn't also mind that her soon to be beau was a well to do young man.
But even with all that, if he gets more cuts or wounds than he can hide, questions can pop up. So, his grandmother had a point actually in keeping up with training. The long night a week ago was a message to him, and he read it loud and clear.
As Kitsune and Keitaro both walked up the stairs, they heard a few voices, seemingly in argument. One was Naru's voice, and the other was Motoko's. It wasn't clear what they were talking about, so Keitaro ignored them. Then… he heard Laharl's voice.
“Man, you guys are fucking lame.”
Keitaro blinked… then rushed up. Kitsune, confused, followed suit, in a slower pace.
Moments ago…
Naru shadowed boxing in front of Laharl who was wrapped around a sleeping bag and hung up in a tree. She was doing one-two combos with uppercuts, jabs and hooks. Motoko was doing strokes, both seemingly concentrating on their own world.
They were mad. It started to fester ever since Keitaro had arrived in their lives. Naru more than Motoko, though the latter's reason was she really just hated males. Naru was reacting from the stemming with deep and buried resentment that she could not still kick out that perverted dressed up clown named Keitaro. And now, she finally got an outlet.
Motoko, while not really in bad blood with Keitaro, was praying for the man to step across the invisible line where she can finally do some justified, ki-based, and truthfully, a bit dishonorable, attack. Disappointed she was when it wasn't Keitaro that she got but some male with a much disheveled look. Well… beggars can't be choosers.
“Naru-sempai, shall I begin?” Motoko asked, readying her boken, her eyes not on the girl, but on the man who seemed to look at them, more interested than scared.
“No, wait, Motoko, me first,” Naru looked at Laharl with rather thirsty eyes.
“No, Naru-sempai… punishing perverted males is my job,” Motoko replied with a frown.
“Don't worry, Motoko-chan… I'll just tenderize him to feel your strokes better,” Naru smiled, and began to do a few jabs again.
Motoko just did an X slash in air, and shook her head. “I must protest, Naru-sempai. I caught him red handed as he was escaping.”
“And I saw him first, and he was peeking on me!” Naru exclaimed.
Motoko began to frown, then contemplated. After a moment, she nodded. “Alright, Naru-sempai. I shall allow you to begin.”
Naru smiled, then turned to Laharl who was now seemingly looking at them. She readied her fist. “Well, got any last words you perverted otaku-looking peeper?”
“What do you plan to do with me?” Laharl asked, more of wonderment than fear.
“Oh don't worry… we're just letting steam out. I'll try to tenderize you for our samurai here,” Naru smirked, and did a few more jabs and a hook. “You ready to get a beating of a lifetime, pervert?”
Laharl put a rather annoyed face. “Man, you guys are fucking lame.”
Naru lost her footing and almost tripped. Motoko looked like she was slapped. Was this man telling them they were… lame? Both their faces suddenly flushed. Motoko now came forward now, readying her boken. Naru was also readying her fists. Lame were they? They'd show this man how lame they would be after the two of them will give him two beatings at the same time.
“Lame eh?” Naru's eye began to twitch.
“You dare insult us in your position?” Motoko snarled.
“Guys… or gals in this case… just make me a punching bag? Lame, lame. You guys didn't even drag me in the dirt, or try to drown me in water, or anything!” Laharl berated them. “Now seriously, if that is how you try to drive away perverts, you'll only be laughed at. Here, let me be first. Ha ha ha.”
Naru's eyes were red. “I'll break your bones!”
Motoko's expression turned evil. “I'll slice off your limbs one by one!”
Laharl then seemed to relax. “Now that is better! Alright, girls, chop chop. There is hope for you yet.”
“Let me go first Naru-sempai!” Motoko's arms were shaking rather abruptly.
“No! I get dibs!” Naru countered back.
“And what the hell is going on here?” Keitaro's voice abruptly cut them off, and they shot a direction where his voice came from. They saw Keitaro with Kitsune beside him, looking at them.
“Finally, our dear landlord,” Naru huffed. “While you were away, some pervert came in and peeped on me.”
“I caught him red-handed,” Motoko stated. “I am exercising my right to punish this infidel!”
“After me, because I'm the one he peeped on!” Naru countered.
“You guys are idiots,” Kitsune muttered with a frown. “You guys could just go at the same time.”
Naru and Motoko suddenly looked at her, then back at each other, and nodded. Naru raised her fists, and Motoko raised her boken. “I take the left, you take the right?” Naru asked.
“Agreeable,” was Motoko's only response.
“I just love girls coming for me,” Laharl said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
Keitaro chuckled softly, and shook his head. Before they could even get near Laharl, he suddenly exclaimed, “Whoa! Is that you, Laharl?” And ignoring the two charging women, Keitaro rushed towards the hanging Laharl and then gave a wide smile. “Laharl! I didn't expect you today! My aunt said that you were due tomorrow!”
Motoko, Naru both stopped, and along with Kitsune, they looked at both guys who suddenly seemed to be smiling at each other.
“Ah well, I had to come earlier cause something came up,” Laharl replied easily. “I kinda got lost in the Inn, though… I must have entered the wrong dressing room for the bathes, because I saw that brown haired girl. I was going to leave, but… well, another girl appeared, and both pinned me down. Then they thought it was fun for me to hang around.”
Naru's eyes narrowed. “Keitaro… do you know this pervert?”
Keitaro smiled at her nervously, and began to scratch his head. Laharl smiled and seemed to bow embarrassingly. Both were really acting their hearts out and enjoying the moment. “Yeah… He's a friend of the family. My aunt said he was having problems back at home, and was going to visit here.”
“Yeah… love the Inn, man,” Laharl laughed. “I'm glad you invited me to stay here.”
“… YOU WHAT!?” Motoko and Naru shouted.
Living Room
A few moments later…
“ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Naru slammed her fist on the table. “I was already against you, Keitaro to stay here, but since you are the owner, I let that pass… but there is no way I'm letting some Otaku come in here, and live with us! Did you forget that he peeped on me!?”
“Naru-sempai is correct,” Motoko stated evenly, her arms crossed. “It is already inappropriate for a man to be a manger of a girl's dorm, and now you are inviting another man here to live with us? I question your sanity in this, Urashima.”
“But he's a friend of a family!” Keitaro didn't really plead, but it was close. “He's been having problems, and he'll just stay here until he's back on his feet.”
“I'LL NEVER ALLOW IT!” Naru glared at Laharl, who suddenly softened up, cringed back a bit at her glare. “He PEEKED at me!”
Laharl's eyes watered, and sparkled. “But… it was just a misunderstanding…” he sniffled.
Kitsune bit her fist, laughing inwardly. The guy was good. She almost fell for that. Shinobu, who took some time out from her cooking, just felt like she was witnessing some sort of puppy cry and began to feel really sorry for him. Su just smiled silly.
Motoko noticed that Naru suddenly seemed to have also responded with the coward's attack of empathy. “Misunderstanding or not, you are a man, and cannot stay here,” she said in a very solid tone. Laharl suddenly looked at her, tears freely flowing. She cringed a bit, but didn't fold.
“But… I have nowhere to go…” he said with a rather sad tone. Laharl made sure he just put enough effect to not sound like some emo kid, but someone truly sad. “I thought being here would help me… please… let me stay… I will behave…”
“E… even if you were ten, I wouldn't allow you here!” Naru exclaimed, stuttering her first word.
Motoko nodded, and just closed her eyes. Easier to not see the eyes. “Correct. I will not allow you to live in the dorm. That is my final word.”
“Oh… sempais… let him live here for a while?” Shinobu asked, feeling really sorry for Laharl. “Look at him…”
“No!” Naru muttered, turning away, her thoughts the same as Motoko. It was definitely easier not to see his eyes. “He's a pervert! I will never allow him to stay in the dorm!”
“Nor will I,” Motoko nodded, her eyes still closed. “This dorm is for girls only. A man cannot stay in here.”
“I… I guess…” Laharl stood up, wiping away his tears and adjusted his coke bottle glasses. He then bowed at them, but tears were still evidently flowing. “I'm… I'm sorry for bothering you…”
And without a word, he slumped down, defeated as he walked towards the exit. Keitaro didn't know whether to laugh, or wonder what Laharl was planning. The arrangement was him to stay in the Inn, but it seems to have other ideas. Still putting up the act, he looked at Motoko and Naru, their eyes now open. He gave a fake sigh.
“Thanks a lot, girls,” he muttered with a frown, and then exited, following Laharl outside. After a moment, the five tenants seemed to react differently.
Su dashed away, asking about dinner, while Shinobu was now trying to wipe her own tears away. Naru and Motoko definitely looked uncomfortable but resolute, while Kitsune just smiled now. She thought how interesting things would be, and wondered how that guy was going to do.
She knew he was faking it, but it was quite an act. Kitsune prided herself to know her men. She was attracted to Keitaro because he was not only handsome and good in bed, but also he hid things from her. A mystery waiting to be unraveled. And that new guy, Laharl Keitaro called him, was also rather interesting as well. She did a small smile. She wanted to see how it was going to go.
Laharl removed his glasses, and looked at Keitaro, now serious, gone were the traces of having the expression of a kicked puppy. “I'm going to need to replace these glasses,” he muttered. “They actually have a grade. That kinda ruined my eyesight for a moment, and caused that whole fiasco.”
Keitaro smirked. “Nice disguise. Pretending to be an Otaku?”
Laharl laughed. “It was actually a nerd look, but Otaku seems to fit me better. How are you, K2?”
“Alright…” Keitaro replied. After a moment, he continued, “Call me Keitaro.”
“I'd have introduced myself as Buds, but since you called me Laharl already, I guess that can go,” Laharl began to remove his backpack. “You look smaller in frame than the last time we saw each other… must have been the week of sleep that affected your muscles, eh?”
“Yeah,” Keitaro replied truthfully.
“How about your workouts?” Laharl asked.
“Hmm… other than a few strenuous exercises I had earlier, I kept it light,” Keitaro smirked. “I wanted to see how my body is after the healing.”
“Good. From what I heard, your workouts are excellent, so just keep doing those to build your mass back,” Laharl nodded. “I'll be here to train you in fighting, so it's quite simple. We spar. You get close enough to hit me, I raise the bar. And along with that, I'll teach you some weapon based styles to help you along. That is fine with you, right?”
“Fine,” Keitaro nodded. “But… Laharl, where are you staying?”
“Here,” Laharl smirked.
“But… didn't you say you wouldn't stay… oh…” Keitaro's mind clicked, and then smirked at Laharl. “You are one tricky man.”
“Not really,” Laharl shrugged. “I know someone who is trickier than me. But since I was expecting hostility already, I needed to make sure there wouldn't be trouble for any of us. Besides… it's their fault. They never really thought it through. I won't sleep in the dorm, but they never said about the grounds.”
Laharl nodded at the spot, near the tree where he was hung earlier. Taking out a folded tent from his bag, he put his hand out and placed it in the unfolded tent, and muttered “Omega Del…” but stopped suddenly before he could continue. “Oh yeah… no magic can be used here right? Oh well, let's do it the hard way.”
Keitaro helped Laharl as he began to set up a moderate sized tent, placing a few stakes and hammering it to the ground. After a few minutes though, they succeeded. Looking at the tent, Laharl smiled as he saw the sleeping bag he was hung with the tree. “Well, at least they left me with a sleeping bag.”
Keitaro shook his head. “Are you always this positive?”
“Ever since I came here, I couldn't help but feel giddy,” Laharl looked at the sky with a sort of relief. “You don't know how much of a relief it is to be in a place where no mana can act upon.”
“Why?” Keitaro asked. “You're a demon, right? Shouldn't you feel more secure with mana than without?”
“I'm a hybrid,” Laharl replied straight. “So not being around mana doesn't really bother me. I also have a curse that is caused by magic. And after years of holding its effects back, I'm glad that I'm free from it at least for now.”
“You're cursed?” Keitaro asked, surprised. That was new.
“Well… not really curse, because it has some advantages as well,” Laharl studied the tent more, and then nodded with satisfaction. “But ever since I began teaching at Mahora Academy, it's been twice effective than normal cause the grounds there are full of mana. And my contact from hell visited me personally… she's got a body to die for, and even a larger mana source.” He cringed. “If she ever hears me talk about her like this… eh.”
Keitaro watched Laharl seemingly rant with a small smile, and realized that he didn't really know anything about him. They first met in Okinawa, and he wanted to kill him for reminding him of the past and also `torturing' Mutsumi but now, he is going to train him to fight, and he's been showing a range of emotions, moods and actions that colored him as a person.
“You're weird,” Keitaro stated with a smirk.
“We all are,” Laharl nodded. “Alright… we got time to kill before dinner so, I'll show you what to expect training under me. I heard from Haruka that there is an empty lot near here. Let's go there. Catch up as soon as you can.”
Keitaro suddenly blinked as Laharl suddenly seem to vanish from his view, and he saw him dashing away in the right. Smirking, he dashed as well, trying to catch up with him. But Keitaro couldn't follow his speed, and frowned. Even around an anti-mana field, Laharl seemed quite at ease. Almost twice, he almost lost him, but after passing a few more trees, he finally arrived in a large field filled with rocks and grass.
Going near the center of the field, he looked around, trying to spot Laharl, only to not feel anything, until he suddenly felt the wind shift behind him. Ducking, he dodged a kick aimed at his head, and retaliated with an elbow towards the offending person attacking, only for the elbow to be blocked. A hard punch grazed his cheek, and Keitaro was glad he dodged it the last minute, and backed away from his attacker.
Laharl watched Keitaro with a rather serious expression; his hands were moving, relaxed yet ready to strike. His legs, solid to the ground yet flexible, moving in small circles on the ground at times; from his stance, Keitaro couldn't guess what style he was using.
Without another word, Laharl dashed at Keitaro, his fist out and ready. Keitaro smirked and readied a block and counter when Laharl suddenly just grabbed his arm instead of throwing a punch, and flipped himself behind him, and hit his elbow at Keitaro's back. Keitaro groaned, and countered with his own backfist punch towards Laharl, who dodged and began to punch his ribs with rabbit yet rapid punches that got him stunned, open for a side-kick that hit Keitaro in the sternum.
Keitaro fell on his back, air scarce in his lungs, but rolled away, and forced himself up. Laharl was now going towards his right, opting for a kick. Keitaro got himself ready, only to be surprised again. The attack was definitely a kick, but from another direction as Laharl ducked and shifted his weight, his heel now coming towards the opposite side where Keitaro was defending himself. He could barely recover and put his arms to block the kick to his other side, but even if he was barely able to, the force of Laharl's kick got him staggering and lost in balance.
Laharl then used his hands, flipped towards Keitaro's direction of stagger, his heel once again coming, this time coming towards Keitaro's head. Keitaro raised his arm to block, only for the leg to contract, and land on the ground beneath him. And without warning, the other leg shot up, hitting Keitaro squarely in his jaw.
He fell down, and cursed. Keitaro was about to get up when Laharl landed on top of him, his knee at Keitaro's sternum, and his hand on his neck. The other hand was holding Keitaro's right hand, holding it down. He glared at Laharl, who was smiling at him.
“First lesson,” Laharl muttered through his smile. “Know your opponent's style of battle after being or almost hit once. Any more, you risk taking more damage than you actually take.” After a moment, he released his hold on Keitaro, and moved away. “Again. This time, block my attacks. I'm at a speed which shouldn't overwhelm you, so get your ass in line before I start kicking it in.”
Keitaro growled a bit, but frowned at the advice. Laharl was right… he wasn't as fast as the vampires were, or even as fast as the neko-lycan. But he definitely confused him. `Know your opponent's tactic after a hit? What does he mean?' he thought. His mind went back to Laharl's first attack.
Kick to his back… that was standard sneak attack, and after that, a punch to his head, a standard counter attack to his elbow. Then that's when it started to get confused. Keitaro was definitely sure Laharl was going to attack him from the front, only to flip and elbow him from the back. Then the kick came to his left, only to aim for his right…
Keitaro's eyes widened, then smirked, got in ready position. He reviewed his strategy in his head again, and nodded to himself. Then Laharl, seemingly ready too, jumped up in the air, raising his leg, seemingly opting for an axe kick. Keitaro raised his arm, but at the last second, jumped as Laharl canceled his kick, and went down for a sweep, and Keitaro flipped forward, his heel going towards the open Laharl, who just blocked it with a raised hand. He backed away for a moment, and dashed to Keitaro's right. Keitaro put his arms on his right, but at the last second, went to his left again, and blocked the incoming backfist that Laharl followed up after canceling his attack immediately. Without wasting anytime, Keitaro elbowed towards Laharl's face, only to be blocked again with his free hand.
“Enough,” Laharl separated from Keitaro, smiling widely now. “Good. You got the lesson well.”
Keitaro took a few breathing pause, and nodded with a small smile on his own. “Your fighting tactic… basically confuses your enemy by targeting one direction, only to hit the other.”
“Correct,” Laharl nodded. “That is a basic premise of my style of fighting. Just knowing the basic of your opponent's attack patterns can help you predict what might come up next.” Laharl motioned Keitaro to follow him, and both began to walk back towards the Inn.
After a moment, Keitaro looked at Laharl, and asked, “Are you sure you should be telling me about your tactics? If by chance we become enemies, you basically gave yourself away.”
Laharl shrugged. “You gave a part of yourself too… it's the basics of any fighting competition. Besides, that was only my basic fighting tactics. I got a few more. Now… don't get overconfident with just knowing the basic tactics of your opponents. Winning battles is more than knowing your opponent. You have to be fast and strong enough to stop him. If I fought you with my full speed and agility, even if you knew where the attack would be coming from, I'd still get my hits in.”
“Alright… so how do we practice speed?” Keitaro asked.
“I have some methods, but that can wait for tomorrow,” Laharl stated. “Right now… I need a bath, and to eat.”
“You're going to eat and bathe in the inn, aren't you?” Keitaro asked, smiling a bit as Hinata-sou came to view.
“Of course… they just said I couldn't stay, but they never said I couldn't eat or bathe there…” he gave Keitaro a smirk. “Besides… us guys gotta show to girl's we're smart in our own way.”
“And if they threaten you again?” Keitaro asked, smiling.
“Well… I for one will let them feel guilty for hitting starving puppy,” Laharl then went teary eyed, and his mouth went wavy, his aura representing depression and pleading. Then his face went back to normal. “Even violent tomboys got soft hearts.”
Keitaro shook his head as both walked towards the Inn.
To Be Continued…
Laharl starts his mission, but not before explaining things to Keitaro, and giving him a few more training tools. What was Maya working on? What was the last place she investigated? And finally… Keitaro reveals Hina's gift to him, and Su has some more inventions! Next!