Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: The Crimson Daylights ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The convent itself was not something Keitaro hadn't seen before. It burrowed the style of old European villages, and like the vampire convent, was dark and had a gothic feel about it. True to Savanti's words, the succubi dared not approach him in any way. Some were curious, giving him some hungry looks as he walked. He paid no attention to any of them.
It was odd how a lair of supernatural sex women were living in a world that was almost similar to the world outside. There were street lamps lighted by a fire, but noticeably no candles or wicks were used, and there were plants and trees sprouting in places. There was even a park, where young succubi seem to be playing.
While the convent of the vampire Lord Damaticus had a lot of female vampires around, it paled in comparison to the succubi numbers. Everywhere he went was a different succubus with different features, different levels of beauty. There were some males around… though most of them were supernatural creatures as well.
There was a werewolf, who is, Keitaro guessed, married to a succubus with blue hair, a bunny man with a succubus with short red fire hair, and even a human, who seemed content with a succubus with long flowing blonde hair, and very big breasts.
Disregarding their supernatural forms, they lived like most humans do, Keitaro noted. They shared friendships, have arguments (Keitaro spotted two succubi having a go at each other), or even take care of their children. While Keitaro would admit, he did not really know how a supernatural society really works and he regretted the fact that he was slightly biased against them.
Any human can kill another human, but even knowing that fact, people are still civil with each other. But if a supernatural creature kills a human, all bets are off, and the human race would unite to strike against the whole supernatural race seemingly responsible. He realized how far neutrality meant for the U-faction, but even then, he still held bias.
He frowned. Maybe there was some merit in Shirai and Haitani's words.
“Well, well,” a voice derailed his train of thoughts. Keitaro looked towards the succubus who spoke. It was Vilera. “If it isn't the K2 agent… wandering around our convent without a care.”
Keitaro briefly wondered whether to reply to her or not, and settled in ignoring her. He was about to walk when he noticed in front of him was her mage partner, Miyara.
“You should be careful,” Miyara stated calmly, looking at him. “Whilst you have earned your freedom, it doesn't mean you won't be exempted from future accusations.”
He looked at both of them. He shrugged. “Excuse me, but I have better things to do than to hang around with you both.”
Vilera looked at him, and smirked. Vanishing from sight, Keitaro suddenly prepared himself for battle only to receive a slight spank on his own buttocks. He didn't yelp, but he raised his eyebrow as Vilera appeared in front of him.
“For earlier,” she stated, and with a smile, left Keitaro on his thoughts.
As she left, Keitaro noticed that the mage partner didn't seem to be going anywhere. He smirked. “Going to slap my cheeks too?” he asked.
Miyara rolled her eyes. “In your dreams. I'm here in behalf of the convent,” she stated. “I will not allow humans walking around like they own the place.”
“There's a human there earlier,” Keitaro pointed in the general direction where he saw the guy and his succubus wife. “You might want to check that up to… he was having his way with one of your `sisters'.”
“Takeyo has married Shina and is considered an honorary member of this convent,” Miyara stated with a hint of anger in her voice. “Do not try to drive me away from guarding you.”
“Wasn't thinking about it, luv,” Keitaro replied with a smooth lie, and began to walk again, this time, though, he had Miyara walking behind him.
After spotting a market, where the products were some earthly goods like meat and vegetables, Keitaro spotted a big shelf space conserved for bottles with pink glowing liquids inside it that got hiss attention. There were different brands, each citing different flavors.
“Lust of beings,” Miyara answered the question in Keitaro's mind. “Usually sold here by some succubi who consider themselves the `expert' of lust extraction… though really, all they have to do is stand there and look sexy.”
Keitaro nodded. “There is a lot of human lust here.”
“Of course,” Miyara replied easily. “Human's are the easiest to seduce, and generally even easier to extract lust from.”
Keitaro noted that with a slight frown. “Even if that is the truth doesn't make hearing it easier,” Keitaro stated, studying the bottles now more closely.
The whole market went quietly down a bit, watching Keitaro look at the bottles, whispering to each other. Some pointed at Miyara who ignored them.
“What are you looking for?” the mage succubus asked.
“I'm trying to see what is the rarest being you can get lust from,” Keitaro stated.
“Oh, that's easy,” Miyara replied. “You won't even find it there because it's always out of stock. Incubus lust is the rarest and most expensive.”
Keitaro looked at Miyara oddly. “Aren't they your male counterparts?”
“Yes, and because they are, it's very hard to take their lust,” Miyara grabbed a bottle of human lust. “Like us, Incubus takes lust as much as they give it… as much as I dislike those that call themselves `experts' who extract lust from other species, I would refute my claims if they are able to extract an incubus' lust. They have to completely dominate the incubus, as to not let their own lust be stolen, and that takes a lot of skill.”
Keitaro walked with her as she fell in line to pay for her bottle. “Is that why the succubi and incubi species don't marry each other?” he asked.
“Yes,” Miyara replied. “While it's not really uncommon for succubus to fall in love with an incubus, the relationship doesn't tend to last. The longest record of being in a relationship would be 3 months.”
“And why would that be?” Keitaro asked.
Miyara was now already in the cashier. She grabbed what seemed to be a wallet shaped like a bat, and handed the cashier some coins that was not common in the human world. “Sex is the problem,” she stated after paying for her bottle. “We drain each other, hence makes it boring. We get off by getting lust, but when your partner does the same thing, it tends to dampen the mood quite quickly.”
Keitaro smirked at that. He could see the reasons why succubi won't be like vampires… open to incestuous affairs. But looking back at the conversation, he wondered briefly why Incubus lust was so sought after… lust is lust, right?
“Why is incubus lust… demanded?” Keitaro asked as he watched Miyara open up the bottle, and swallowed the content. She then suddenly began to shiver, a pleased yet almost painful expression washed over her face…
Keitaro recognized the expression. He backed away from her for a moment, giving her space, his face in a twisted frown. “If you are going to get off, do it somewhere in private,” he stated. “Really.”
“Hush,” Miyara stated after her shivers passed. Throwing the empty bottle in a trashcan, she began to stretch her kinks out. “The last battle got me working a bit of a sweat. So excuse me for powering myself.”
Now back to her confident poise, she looked at Keitaro, and replied his earlier question. “As for the incubus lust… its one of the few that can make us not hungry for weeks; very concentrated lust, especially if the incubus is an active one. You know… seducing women around. Most incubus lust can be extracted by ganging one with three or four succubi.”
“Ganging up on your male counterparts?” Keitaro smiled a bit. “You are a twisted sex.”
“I resent that,” Miyara muttered. “Incubus do much worse, doing the same, except most of the time, they don't care if they kill their victims.”
“Twisted supernatural species then,” Keitaro corrected himself. They walked again for a few minutes, before Keitaro found her presence slightly disturbing. How long was she going to follow him? “Don't you have somewhere to go?”
“Mr. K2, I won't be taking my eyes off you yet,” Miyara stated coldly, looking at him.
Keitaro crossed his arms. “I think your little battle with Laharl made you a little crazy.”
“It hurt my pride, losing to a weak mage hybrid, yes, but I'm quite sane here,” Miyara's grin turned evil. “If I did go a little… crazy… you wouldn't be here talking. You'll be in my bed, naked, and screaming for more.”
Keitaro smirked. “That's `little crazy' for you?” he asked.
“Complete madness is taking your soul,” Miyara replied. “Now, tell me, Mr. K2… do you want to test me?”
Keitaro smirked. “I know what you just asked was a bluff,” he stated.
“Excuse me…?” Miyara did a double take.
“You want to scare me, saying, `You want to test me' and some other lie like that,” Keitaro replied evenly. “You know why I think that? Because you said earlier, that you were quite sane, and being sane knows that if you ever touch me, you'll be in for a heap of trouble. You are trying to scare me, like I'm some little boy to you… you are trying to control me.”
Miyara smirked. Without any warning, her hands suddenly grabbed Keitaro's shoulders, and with unnatural strength, started to push him towards the wall. Keitaro grabbed her offending hands, and twisted his body, forcing her to let go, and without breaking momentum, placed her hand on her back, twisting it in an arm lock.
Miyara countered by flipping herself, and then grabbing Keitaro's other arm, to pin him to the wall. Keitaro used his foot to stop himself from being pushed towards the wall, and flipped behind her, grabbing her neck. At the same time, Miyara's hand dove for his crotch. Both ended up clutching each other.
“It is trouble if I get caught,” Miyara stated with a smirk.
“And what kind of succubi would you be not following your own rules?” Keitaro countered with his own smirk. Her hand felt good, but in his current mood, he didn't care.
Miyara closed her eyes, and receded. “Not a succubi at all,” she replied, before letting go. Keitaro followed suit. “You seem slower than earlier,” she noted.
Keitaro frowned. “That's because my idiot trainer thought it would be fun to make me suffer.”
“Still… very good close combat skills,” Miyara said. “Grapples, probably strikes. You tend to aim at fatal zones, like an assassin.”
“I'm not an information agent, you know,” Keitaro muttered.
Miyara seemed to take that reasoning, and didn't say anything anymore. Whilst walking together again, they came to another succubus, this time, looking dazed. Keitaro recognized her, since Laharl took on her form earlier. He assumed Laharl got her blood, and she just recovered.
“Hey, Usagi,” Miyara called.
“Oh, hey, Miyara…” Usagi replied, still in a daze. “You won't believe this, but I think I may have found the first hybrid incubus!”
Miyara laughed. “Hah! Impossible!” Miyara exclaimed. “Our species does not make halves!”
“It's true! I met this hybrid earlier who had very concentrated lust in him,” Usagi stated. “So, I thought he might just be repressing it… we had sex for hours, and I kept extracting so much lost from him… and he still kept going! After I kinda drained him, I seemed to fall asleep, and when I woke up…” she paused dramatically, “… I felt like I haven't gotten any lust at all! He stole the lust back from me!”
“You were probably just dreaming,” Miyara muttered, shaking her head. “The only hybrid around here now is Demon Eyes Laharl.”
Usagi's eyes opened wide. “The Trinity Master? The Demon Hybrid that has never been soiled by any other woman?”
“The Virgin Overlord, yada, yada, yada,” Miyara rolled her eyes. “I saw him… he isn't impressive.”
Keitaro smirked at the lie. Miyara was still hurting from her loss to Laharl, and it still shows.
“What are you talking about!?” Usagi seemed to suddenly squeal like a… well… fangirl, for the lack of a better term. “He's like one of the Thousand Master's allies, and helped him with the magical war… he also is rumored to have the lust blood, where he produces very concentrated lust that makes his skin supersensitive… Oh gods… Oh gods… Oh gods!!!”
Keitaro blinked as the succubus began to jump up and down excitedly.
“I slept with Demon Eyes Laharl!!! I slept with him! The hybrid was him! It wasn't some incubus hybrid!” Usagi began to rejoice. Keitaro chuckled when Miyara suddenly hit her hard with her open palm to her head.
“Don't be stupid,” Miyara claimed. “You're spouting off some lies… you think that someone like Demon Eyes Laharl will allow you to besmirch his name like that!? Hah! He'll not sleep with some mid-level succubus!”
“But… he did! The hybrid I slept with had purple hair, beautiful brownish red eyes…”
“HAH! You're wrong! Demon Eyes Laharl has blue-reddish eyes!” a succubus from behind Keitaro stated. He jumped a bit in surprise, now noticing succubi around. It seemed the argument has gained an audience. He didn't even notice until the succubus spoke about Laharl having blue-reddish eyes… which was odd in his opinion. Blue and red mixing would turn… purple. Right?
`You ladies protest too much,' was the first thing that popped in Keitaro's mind, and the first thing he wanted to say. But noticing the commotion was rather large, he smirked at himself, and looked to see if Miyara was still looking. When she wasn't, he slipped out of the crowd.
`Well… that was rather convenient,' Keitaro thought as he went left towards the corner, the crowd was still noisy, arguing what color Laharl's eyes were. Well, what interests them enough to distract that annoying succubus mage was good enough for him. Keitaro continued on his walk.
When he turned right on the corner, he spotted Lily, talking towards a green haired woman. Keitaro adjusted his glasses a bit, but whoever the other woman was, she wasn't a succubus. She looked rather tomboyish in his opinion, but beautiful nonetheless.
When Laharl's named popped up, he quickly hid himself, and opened his ears.
Moments ago…
Lily had been going on a walk when she stopped as she felt a presence behind her. She smiled to herself. “Auntie Ryoko… you should know better than to infiltrate a convent without back-up,” she stated as she turned around, and faced the green haired woman.
Ryoko stared at the succubus with a frown. “Like they'll be able to catch me,” she replied. “Aaron told me all about you, Lily.”
“Has he now? How sweet of him,” Lily smirked.
“Cut the crap,” Ryoko stated. “Why are you going after him again?”
“I thought uncle told you, auntie… He is mine,” she replied evenly. “His win… this little delay… it won't matter in the end. He'll be mine.”
“I thought you both settled it before… if I recall, he kicked your ass,” Ryoko smirked at the succubus who suddenly frowned. “And stop calling me auntie. How am I related to you anyway?”
“You'll know,” Lily stated with an air of mystery. “Besides… then was different from now. Yes, he did beat me, luckily, and he had help, you have to admit, but today was different. He was offered, and I took on that offer. I was unlucky that he won, yet again.”
“Laharl's friend doesn't want him to attract certain kinds of attention right now,” Ryoko crossed her arms on her chest. “I think you know who.”
“So?” Lily grinned, showing a bit of fangs.
Ryoko sighed. “Look… leave him alone for now,” she ordered. “You can go back to your incest games later.”
Lily rolled her eyes. “Really, auntie… he's free to go, and can't be touched by me yet. Succubi rules… you wouldn't understand.” Turning around, she began to walk away from Ryoko, who seemed unconvinced.
“Right…” she stated, rolling her `r'. “I'll believe that when succubi turn to nuns.”
Lily looked back at her, and began to laugh. “Like you're a nun yourself, auntie,” she said.
Ryoko didn't answer to that. It wasn't until Lily began to laugh louder did she react. “You're as wacky as your dad.”
“Yes… well, if he was more generous in giving me powers, I wouldn't have to try and screw him silly, now would I?” Lily asked.
“You know there are better ways to get power. Ever considered just exercising and getting a grip?” Ryoko asked. “I mean, I understand part of it, a girl has needs too but I could tell by looking at Laharl that you could do better.”
“Shows how well you really see him,” Lily smirked. “You don't understand how powerful he can be if he chooses...” She looked up, her face reminiscing. “I can never reach the height he will. It is beyond logic, beyond free will. And as a daughter, I can't help but cringe at him not using his full powers.”
“You lost me,” Ryoko stated.
“In the future, hopefully, it will be clear... but for now... shoo. I have to have some fun before everything comes together,” Lily stated, and turned around, her back on Ryoko.
“I'm serious kid, there are a few people will be very pissed at you if you draw too much attention. One in particular should concern you,” and Ryoko pulled out a stamp with a familiar crest on it.
She looked back at her with disdain, and said, “Play your games for now. It is no concern of mines. He's free to go anyways, as he bested me again.”
“Hey, I don't like these power games either, but I'm doing this as a favor,” Ryoko stated.
“Don't trouble yourself auntie. He's free to go. And as for me… I'll have to wait for another day,” Lily stated. She looked back at her. “Tell uncle that he shouldn't find any problems with me.”
“He'll be very happy to hear that. Oh, he also said the offer is still open, and to come visit some time. He wants to chat with you,” Ryoko stated with a small smile.
“Always with the offers... tell him to give me some decent chocolates, then I'll consider,” Lily replied, then, sprouting wings, took off, leaving Ryoko alone on the ground. But before she could disappear entirely, she looked back at her, and smirked. “If you're looking for father, he should still be at Savanti's. Later, auntie.”
“Don't call me auntie,” Ryoko muttered angrily as the succubus disappeared. “Still crazy, but she's alright.”
Ryoko then pulled out her cell phone. “Yo. Yeah, I saw her. She said not to worry. What? No, they don't need me yet. Yeah, I'll keep an eye on them. So, when will I see you again? Geeze, that long? Ok, I'll let him know I'm here soon. Don't help his investigation? Why not? Point taken, he's an idiot for not looking at the big picture, but doesn't that mean you're looking out for him? Ok, love you too. Bye bye.”
Ryoko then checked her watch, and frowned a bit. “Savanti… if I remember correctly…” she then disappeared. In the shadows, Keitaro frowned, and in silence, raced towards Savanti in full throttle.
Ryoko reappeared near Savanti's modest house, on top of the small fence gate. From her angle, she could see the kitchen, where Savanti was prepping her meat for cooking. She heard of the succubi oracle just by reputation, and never really met her in person.
Not spotting Laharl, she briefly looked where he might be, not noticing the shadow appearing behind her until it was too late.
“Spying isn't something becoming for a woman,” Keitaro stated, and without warning, he went and grabbed for her head.
Ryoko smirked. She then disappeared and reappeared in Keitaro's back, and unleashed a kick. The young supernatural agent dodged, either by luck or skill, he wouldn't know, and landed on the grassy gardens of Savanti's grounds. Looking back at his target, Keitaro's eyes widened when she suddenly disappeared again, and re-appeared in front of him, her fist out.
He ducked again, and this time, ready for a counter attack, and unleashed his own punch at her, only for her to seemingly phase through his attack, and appearing on his left. She unleashed another kick, this time towards his mid-section. Keitaro raised his runed arm to block the attack, only to yelp at the force of her attack.
Keitaro hit a tree trunk with a force that drove the air out of his lungs. His spine also turned to jello, while his arm shook with like it was hit by something so strong he couldn't help but think that if it hit him somewhere without runes, that somewhere would be broken. When he came to, though, he watched helplessly as his target grabbed his neck, and pinned him in the tree.
There was a slight moment of pause in Keitaro's mind his eyes staring at his target's own orbs, which seemed to smile at him, when he heard a soft whisper behind her.
Ryoko's eyes widened suddenly when she felt something constrict her, and for some reason, she couldn't phase herself out of its clutches. White energy bindings, like bandages wrapped around her body, pinning her in place; growling, she used all her strength to try and break free.
Laharl, who had been behind her when he unleashed his delayed Aer Capturae spell, noticed the bindings were beginning to wane at her resistance. Speaking in Latin again, he fortified his spell. “Maxima Vires...”
A total of three layers wrapped themselves around Ryoko, and she realized at that time, her resistance was futile, and settled down with a soft curse. “Fuck…”
“K2, you okay?” Laharl stated as he approached the U-Agent who was down on the ground, coughing a bit.
“She's… been following us,” Keitaro replied, recovering from his early bout. Standing up, he looked at Laharl and to the woman. “I overheard her talking to Lily, and I remembered Lord Damaticus saying something about us being followed.”
“I know,” Laharl stated and looked at Ryoko. “You don't hide your presence very well, you know, Ryoko.”
She huffed. “You got a lucky hit, Laharl,” she stated.
“Not really… I needed to talk to you,” Laharl smiled a bit. “Thanks to K2 here, I was able to get a little tête-à-tête with you.”
“Do you know her, Laharl?” Keitaro asked.
“She's… an acquaintance,” Laharl replied, not taking his eyes off Ryoko. “I'm going to be straight with you, Ryoko. Leave me alone for now.”
She snorted. “Hah… like that will happen. Sorry, Laharl, but I've been asked…”
Laharl cut her short. “I don't give a shit what you've been asked. Something big is coming down, and if you think you're good in hiding, think again, Ryoko,” he stated with a little hint of anger. “I've known the whole time you were there, but even my contact from Hell, and a vampire Lord spotted you. When that happens, I cannot allow you to follow me anymore.”
“Like you can stop me,” Ryoko stated, glaring at Laharl for a bit.
“You will if you want his scenario to pass without hitches,” Laharl glared back. “If I fail here, the risk of war will occur. And I know he doesn't want that… not yet anyway. You're a liability now, Ryoko. If your involvement is discovered… what do you think will happen?”
Ryoko huffed, breaking her eye contact with him.
“I will not repeat myself. Leave me alone for now,” Laharl ordered.
She cursed. “Alright,” she folded. “I'll leave you alone… but you better not go fuck yourself and die. Now… can you let me go?”
“You'll be free after a few more ten or so seconds,” Laharl stated. Looking at Keitaro, he motioned him to follow. The man looked at the woman who seemed to look a bit mad still being tied up, but didn't say anything more. He followed the hybrid.
When they entered the house, Keitaro asked, “Is it okay… leaving her like that?”
“Yeah,” Laharl stated.
“So…” Keitaro paused. “… who is she?”
“Someone who…” Laharl's tone then changed suddenly that Keitaro blinked for a moment when he heard him say, “… who likes an ass.”
Laharl paused for a moment, pinching the bridge of his nose. Keitaro looked at him unsurely. “Huh?” he asked.
“Nothing, forget what I said… it was just some annoying blonde ninja brat,” Laharl muttered, barely audible, and continued to walk.
Keitaro briefly wondered what he meant. Putting that in the back of his mind for now, Keitaro and Laharl walked towards the white living room, where Savanti, still dressed in her pitch black clothing looked at both of them, holding a sphere of light.
Laharl's eyebrow rose with inquiry. Keitaro looked at her, and asked, “Is… it done?”
“Would you want to see it before or after dinner?” Savanti asked, looking at them both.
Keitaro looked at Laharl, who just shrugged. “Now's a good time as any.”
Savanti smiled a bit, and she gently pushed the sphere towards one of her walls. The sphere expanded, and Keitaro watched as the message began to unfold in his eyes.
To Be Continued…
The full message, the turn… and the true enemy slowly shows itself.