Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: The Crimson Daylights ❯ Chapter 12

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Shinobu watched as Su typed on her super computer in her underground lab, the hyperactive girl's eye on screen, seeing the factory where Keitaro would be entering soon. Su's been quiet ever since Keitaro had left the lab on his car, and Shinobu didn't know what else to say. What else could she say?
Just moments ago, she had learned something which rocked her world... Her sempai, the charming Urashima Keitaro, the guy she had a big crush on, was actually a secret agent... a supernatural secret agent. And Su was also an agent, who helps her sempai on his missions, and Laharl, who was kidnapped, was his sempai's teacher, if she heard correctly. What a strange reality she was living in.
"So, Shinomu, are you sure you're okee?" Su asked her fellow tenant.
"What do you mean, Su?" Shinobu asked, glancing nervously at her.
"Yeah, well, ya know, about Keitaro and his real job?"
"I think he's wonderful," Shinobu whispered, almost inaudibly.
"Meh, you saw what he was hiding underneath those clothes eh?" Su grinned wickedly. "Didn't you wish that we could see more of him... especially without his boxers in the way?"
"SU!!!" Shinobu shouted, her cheeks going very dark. Su smirked a bit, and looked back towards the screen. Shinobu unconsciously began to bite her finger softly as she watched the screens where it showed the factory where Laharl was held, and another showing how near Keitaro was approaching his target location. She frowned.
"Shinomu..." Su called suddenly, making the nervous girl stop biting.
"Don't worry about Keitaro," Su stated, looking at her fellow tenant with a smile. "He knows what to do... and he's not going die easily."
Abandoned Factory
The golden maiden watched as Laharl was looking unconscious. She slapped him two times, hard across the cheek, and stated coldly, “Wake up, you disgusting being.” He didn't respond. He didn't even resist anymore. While he may not have been totally out of it, he wasn't as spunky as he was when he first arrived, spitting and insulting her.
She laughed jovially. “Is this it, Demon Eyes Laharl?” she asked, not really caring if he was listening to her or not. “Mistress talked a lot of stories about you. She admired you a lot… you were brave at certain times, merciful at best… but you ran like a cockroach every time she faced you, and you lack the will to finish what you start.”
She then stood up, and walked around the room. “Do you know that she has used all her will power not to be here, not to kill you herself? She's watching us right now, using a very safe network as not to be known where she is. She asked me to torture you to death, and to make the journey as long as possible.” She smirked. “Not that I'm complaining myself.”
She approached him. “I love your screams. And I'm thankful that after you have recuperated a bit, I have all the time in the world to continue peeling your life away, little by little.” She smirked again. “Raise the current. And get me those smelling salts again. Looks like we'll…”
Suddenly, the alarms blared. The golden maiden looked at her fellow guards, and they automatically went to their radios.
“What's going on?” one of the guards demanded on his radio.
-“Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Someone just rammed the gate open and is spreading out black smoke everywhere!”-
The golden maiden looked towards Laharl and frowned. “Rescue party eh?” she looked towards the guard. “Tell the reserve unit to deploy. Let the mouse in, and we can finish it off inside.”
Keitaro turned towards the left hard, trying to maximize the spread of the smoke. The plan was very simple. Bang in the gate, smash his precious baby's front in turn, and release the smoke which KU had developed. She promised it was a smoke that would stay in a fixed area in a fixed time, so if he was lucky, Keitaro would be able to get in, rescue Laharl, and drive the hell out of there.
After spreading the smoke around the exterior of the factory, Keitaro opened the channel of his com-link situated in his ear, and said, “Testing.”
-“Gotcha, K2.”-
Su's voice was crisp and clear. Nodding, he stated, “Going for phase two.”
Keitaro's DB9 then turned again, and went straight towards the shut gate of the factory. Keitaro winced again when he felt the impact, shuddering on how his car is looking like right now. The gate flew open, and his car came rushing in, still spewing black smoke. He put the emergency brake on, and unbuckled his safety belt.
Keitaro caught a shadow in the corner of his eye, and without much thought, pulled the adjuster handle of his seat, and brought himself down in a lying position, just in time to dodge the machine gun fire which hit his window, shattering the glass, and putting some holes in his car. He groaned.
“Bastards,” he muttered. When the gunfire stopped, he sat up, his silenced gun was out, and shot the offending man with in two pulls of the trigger. When he went down, Keitaro grabbed the special pair of glasses that KU had given him. It allowed him to see in infra-red, and niftily, allowed him to spot solid objects as green wire frames.
The Infra-HUD as KU called it.
Checking himself, Keitaro grabbed another gun from his holster, and checked how many clips he was holding. Not much, but he wanted to keep himself light. Wearing combat clothes and a black jacket, he had two guns in his holster, and a few magazine clips… not really enough to win a war, but just enough to get Laharl out of there. He also had two smoke grenades, and his old watch back.
Like a tiger, waiting to pounce, Keitaro crouched lower, his glasses telling him all the information he needed. His target was somewhere inside the factory, beyond two doors, which if his glasses were functioning correctly, were guarded by two guards, seemingly waiting for him to open the door, and blast him to pieces.
Without wasting any time, he slightly opened the door with his free hand, his back safely on the wall. The moment the door had opened in a small arc, the two guards suddenly began to shoot towards the opening door. Good thing Keitaro took his hand away before they started shooting.
Aiming his guns, he shot towards the guards and continued on his mission. Going in the corridor, he checked out his surroundings a moment before he proceeded, taking tactical steps in ensuring his safety and clearance. There was one moment where he had met up with three guards, each covering their own bases. He removed his glasses to see more details of the unit.
Hiding in the corner, he took his head out a few moments, checking the guards. For a second, he smirked as his eyes spotted two things that would help him pass them. Aiming his gun up, he shot once, shattering the light above them, spreading glass everywhere. That distracted the guards long enough for him to aim his gun towards one of the guard's waist, and fired.
The bullet came out the chamber and went directly towards the pin of the grenade that was in one of the guard's belt, and the grenade activated at once. Keitaro hid once again towards the wall, and four seconds later, there was a sort of satisfying boom that vibrated across the corridor. He continued on his way again.
-“K2, there are guards collecting towards the room before your target destination.”-
“How many?” Keitaro asked.
-“16 or so… they all got machine guns, and there's only one entrance and exit.”-
“Everything in this damn factory seems to have only one entrance and one exit,” Keitaro mumbled. Taking another quick look around the corner, Keitaro continued on his trek, looking towards the corridor and a shut door.
Taking his glasses again, he looked at the heat energy signatures beyond the door, and noted that the ambush party is waiting for him beyond the door. They were in an elevated platform, something KU's satellite wouldn't have picked up.
As he did earlier, Keitaro forced the doors open with a solid boot, and jumped away at once. Some guards started shooting at once, but a clear commanding voice suddenly ordered them to stop shooting. Keitaro frowned. There goes his plan to make them waste all their bullets.
“Don't let him get you to waste bullets,” the commanding voice spoke. “Keep your fires at burst if possible!”
Keitaro groaned momentarily. The voice he heard wasn't the same one who was seemingly torturing Laharl, but he seemed to hold a certain command. Without another word, he grabbed his two smoke bomb grenades, pulled the pins, and threw it in there. The smoke started to spread.
The leader of the unit shouted once again, “Check the surroundings. If a shot rings out, see if there is a spark of light or anything, and shoot there at once. Again, do not go full auto!”
Keitaro entered the room, checking out the situation. The smoke was covering him, but it wasn't going to hold out. His target location was in behind the soldiers, and the only way up were two stairwells, each with two guards. He can't get a shot out lest he gets risked in getting hit by stray burst fires… besides, he had other ideas.
The guards' eyes slowly squinted, searching around for a slight clue to where the intruder might be, only to be surprised when a bottle filled with liquid suddenly emerged from the smoke, and flew towards the cluster in the center… and another second, a muffled shot was heard.
The bottle exploded into pieces, the liquid turning into fire and spreading around the guards. They screamed suddenly in panic, and broke formation. Unseen to them, a thin wire with a metallic tip emerged from the smoke, and impaled itself in the roof, and with a reeling sound, Keitaro emerged, holding on the wire coming out of his watch. He aimed his gun, and shot towards those who haven't caught fire, and are aiming at him. Hitting two, he released the wire from his watch, and with one swift movement, grabbed his other gun from his holster, and began to shoot the others, keeping himself low as not to get caught in the hail of bullets. Reloading one of his guns, he kept shooting until everyone was down for the count.
“I'm almost there,” Keitaro muttered towards his com-link, tactically reloading to keep his gun fully loaded. When he got silence, he tapped on his earpiece. “KU? You there?”
The silence was ominous. Shaking his head, Keitaro guessed the enemy was now cutting off his communication, though why now at this point, he did not know. Just beyond the door was a single heat signature of Laharl, and he was alone. Taking a few more precautionary steps forward, once he scanned the area to be clear he dashed in, slowly opening the door, and did another look-over.
`Clear,' Keitaro thought, and looked towards Laharl.
The hybrid, stripped out, shackled unsightly in the metallic bed was one sorry sight to see. Without wasting any time, Keitaro holstered his weapon and began to work on the metallic cuffs that held his limbs in place, and released him. He groaned.
Taking a moment, Keitaro briefly looked around for clothes, and he found Laharl's in a corner, still intact. Grabbing those, he went back to Laharl, who still seemed out of it. Frowning, he nudged the hybrid softly. “Laharl?”
“… t… that you?” he responded softly.
“If its Keitaro you are referring as `you', then yeah, it's me,” Keitaro smirked a moment. “I got your clothes here. Need help dressing up?”
“W… what took… you?” he asked, some strength returning to his voice.
If Laharl had strength to complain about Keitaro's `tardiness' then he's probably faring better than he seemed. However, while mentally he seemed stable, his body wasn't, evident when he tried to stand up, only to wobble around and fall on his knees, hard. It took a moment before Laharl had dressed up to his pants, and ignoring the shirt, saying that they were wasting time as it is already, and Keitaro agreed.
“My motor skills are shot to hell…” Laharl mumbled weakly as he held an arm on Keitaro, who supported him as they made their escape. He could not even hold the gun Keitaro had offered.
“After enduring almost an hour of that kind of torture, it'd be very impressive, short of miraculous, that you'd be in a better shape than now,” Keitaro consoled as they both traveled towards corridors where Keitaro had been lurking moments ago.
“I guess KU got everything in record, eh?” Laharl asked. He already stopped the audio recording of his torturer's `confession', though he did bring the watch, citing that the Molmolian would kill him if he ever damaged her equipments.
“Yeah, she did,” Keitaro stated. “Nice switch. I didn't even notice you swapped my watch with yours till KU mentioned that something was being recorded.”
Laharl just smiled, pointing at his eyes. “Used my Demon Eyes on you again…”
“I don't know if I should commend you on that, or ask you why,” Keitaro grumbled.
They finally arrived at the place where Keitaro had left his DB9, still emitting smoke, and engine still running. Not really looking at the dents of his hood, Keitaro was happy that the plan was going smoothly. All they had to do was…
Machine guns blazed to life, and to Keitaro's horror, his car suddenly found holes in its body, which wasn't there seconds ago. He ducked, pulling Laharl down along with him, but continued to watch as the machine guns continued to put more holes in his car, taking out the wheels in the process as well.
When the guns stopped firing, a clear voice cut the air. “Well, well…”
Keitaro recognized the voice. She was the woman who tortured Laharl. The smoke slowly began to clear as his car stopped emitting it when it was blasted with innumerable bullets. Keitaro could finally see his surroundings… from what he could initially count, there were 20 machine guns pointing at them. And his car… he groaned. It was totaled.
“Isn't this a little touching… your friend, Demon Eyes Laharl?” the woman behind the whole batch of soldiers asked. While her physical details weren't clear as she stayed in the back, she stood out from the other soldiers by being on a different color tone… they wore black uniforms and kept their faces hidden behind black helmets and goggles but the woman wasn't wearing any uniform at all. She wore a simple white dress, and if that wasn't odd enough, her golden flowing hair seemed to shine.
“Drop your weapons,” she ordered, her tone dropping to a menacing tone. “I don't know who you are, but you have messed with the wrong organization… boy.”
Keitaro growled a moment. Raising his hands, his index finger holding the guns by their trigger guards, and was about to drop them to the floor, when Laharl's voice stopped him.
“K2… don't drop your weapon… and just shoot them,” he muttered.
“Are you crazy, Laharl?” Keitaro asked softly. “They win this round… we got nothing.”
“I got something,” Laharl stated. “Trust me… just shoot the bastards down.”
Keitaro weighed his options. Logic states that shooting the gun would be death, but then, once he thought about it, giving up now is also equivalent to death. Whatever Laharl had, he hoped he wasn't just being delusional… Without pause, he raised and aimed his two guns, and in less than a second, shot two of the soldiers before they could react.
“FIRE!” the woman ordered, and everyone started firing at them.
Time seemed to slow down as Keitaro watched, with a rather resolute face, as the gun sparks went off like Christmas lights, and closed his eyes, waiting for death. For a second, he expected the bullets to slice through his body like hot knife through butter… but after a moment, nothing happened.
He opened his eyes and saw Laharl in front of him, his hand out, and unbelievably, was stopping the bullets in the air before it hit them. No ki, no mana… whatever it was, Keitaro thought, he could find out later. Now was the time to do as Laharl said… shoot the bastards down.
He began to shoot the soldiers, and got six of them before they began to use some cover, and began to shoot back again. However, the bullets stopped on their tracks just before it hit them. Keitaro continued shooting until he noticed Laharl slowly fading. Some bullets were beginning to pass towards them, thankfully missing them by a few inches, the hybrid's breathing was becoming ragged, and his expression pained.
`He can't hold on,' Keitaro thought, and scanned the area. He spotted a rather large gas tank just near a pillar, and his eyes widened. Without a second wasted, he began to shoot towards the tank, which exploded with a large bang that seemed to shake the foundation of the factory. Keitaro pressed the button on his jacket, and grabbed Laharl.
The soldiers stopped shooting, and watched with horrific fascination as everything seemingly began to break to pieces. Metallic boards from the roof began to fall and hit some unlucky ones, while a pillar came down on another group. Scaffoldings scattered everywhere, and the whole place almost collapsed on itself.
Keitaro didn't see what was really happening outside since he activated KU's new jacket, the invention she had been trying to fix days ago. The black rubber shield inflated around him and Laharl and protected them from the fallout of debris. After the shaking stopped and the sounds of falling metal pieces subsided, Keitaro pressed another button on his jacket, and the ball began to deflate.
Keitaro slowly placed Laharl, who looked very weak again. Whatever he did to those bullets drained him considerably. Removing his jacket, he looked at his handiwork, and smiled a moment. The enemy had more than 20 people, and shot at least 200 or so bullets, and it took only two magazine clips of his H&K USP to beat them all.
The smile faded when he saw that the group had survivors: at least six soldiers, emerging from the debris smoke, and pointing their guns at him. Behind them was the woman who had been ordering them around, seemingly unharmed. Keitaro briefly wondered about that before he raised his hands… well, now they truly had nothing. Laharl was out of it again, and he hadn't reloaded his guns yet.
“Heh… you are good, boy,” the woman stated, looking at him. “I commend you on your rescue attempt.”
“Thank you,” Keitaro commented with a slight smile. His mind was still thinking of a way to get out from here. So far, he could see nothing.
“This ends now,” the woman declared. “Shoot him,” she ordered her guards. “I only need Demon Eyes Laharl.” There was suddenly a large crash. “What the...?”
An enormous armored claw bursts through the wall, splitting one of her guards apart. The woman glared in anger. “Who dares?” she demanded.
A bestial roar resounded throughout the room. The wall burst apart to reveal an armored demon-like golem carrying a kusari-gama. The monstrous form threw the chain at one of the soldiers, ripping through his stomach like a cannonball.
“Kill it! Kill it! No one will stop me from having Laharl!” the golden maiden ordered.
The Kugai roared and leapt into the air, throwing its scythe blade through another solider. The other soldiers, recovered from their shock, and started blasting on the demon. The kugai roared as the bullets bounced off its armor. Grabbing one of the soliders, it ripped him in twain. The remaining soldiers begin retreating, but to no avail, as the relentless kugai, its blue armor sparking with the bullet bouncing off it, tears through them like a bladed wind.
Keitaro watched as the carnage ensued, his eyes widened as the blood began to spill. Without much thought he ejected the empty clip of his gun, and reloaded a fresh one, and was about to shoot the… whatever it was, but a hand stopped him.
“K2… don't… leave it alone…” Laharl muttered, his hand grabbing Keitaro in the leg. “Lets just get out of here…”
The Golden Maiden glared towards the kugai with righteous fury. She glanced towards Laharl, who was still on the ground, and Keitaro, armed once again. “You may have escaped me because of the Rebalancers, but I'll make you suffer in the name of our lady,” she shouted.
A pillar of dark flame appeared in the center of the room. The Kugai turns and readies it's weapon, when a familiar woman emerged from the portal along with a few other shadowy creatures. Her hand out, “Chill, its ok,” she stated.
The creature kneeled before the woman and the other figures: lance-wielding demons, a tall buxom woman with stars on her cheeks, which Keitaro recognized as Hild, and the familiar looking woman, who had teal hair and a tail.
“Ryoko…?” Keitaro asked.
“Hey guys,” she waved towards the two men. “They wanted to come along for the ride, said someone called them in.” Ryoko then turned and waved her finger back and forth. “Now Laharl, you should told me when you found the mastermind.”
She turns towards the antagonist who stared back defiantly. “And as for you, surrender, and I promise not to hurt you… too much anyway. You won't escape my guards, let alone this monster,” she stated, jerking her thumb towards the Kugai.
The monster turned toward the golden maiden, blood still dripping from it's weapon. She looked into its eyes for a moment, her jaw quivering as she stared into its seemingly empty eyes. The kugai stared back and it's grip tightened.
She stood, shaking, a silent scream forming on her lips. She broke into a mad dash to escape. Hild's guards moved to intercept her, only to have been by a circle appearing around them.
“A rune circle? How droll,” Hild moved her hand a bit, and dispelled the circle. The kugai roars and follows in pursuit, stopped when the maiden dashes through the factory exit, pressing a button on the side-wall bringing down a thick metal barrier from the ceiling.
Keitaro wasted no time. Unwilling to let the woman go, he dashed towards the exit, sliding between the Kugai's legs, and narrowly evading the descending barrier. He listened as the monster roared in anger from the other side, and it began to bash the door. Ignoring that, he grabbed aimed his gun towards where the woman disappeared to, only to find an empty space.
“Even a juggernaut like the kugai will be delayed by that barrier,” her voice suddenly cut through behind him. Keitaro spun around, his gun ready, aiming, only to see the Golden Maiden standing, and looking transparent. “I've already teleported away, this is just a recording. Tell Demon Eyes Laharl that the Mistress will find him and finish the job I began. As for you,” her image the glared towards Keitaro, “someone who consorts with demons deserves nothing less than death. But I leave that decision to the mistress.”
The recording faded out. A slight frustration kicked in Keitaro's system as a growl escaped from his lips. Putting the safety on his gun, he holstered it, and waited for the monster from the other side of the barrier break through.
The sound of metal tearing got Keitaro to turn around to see the Kugai tearing through the wall. Hild was the first to come through, and looking at him, she asked, “Well?”
“Gone,” Keitaro muttered. “Already teleported out of here.”
Hild gave a slight nod and sighed. “I see. Well, I suppose we had better take Laharl to a medic.”
A groan sounded in the background. “I'm fine…”
Hild shook her head. “Now, now, Laharl-kun, you simply must let me nurse you back to health,” she said with a kind smile towards the emerging hybrid, the kind which you didn't know whether she was joking or being serious.
Laharl still looked weak when he climbed out of the hole. He waved slowly. “No, really, I'm ok. You don't need to do anything… ow… fuck… my head…”
Ryoko came out next, who shrugged and put her arms behind her head. “Well, I guess I better get out of here. I'd rather not have to pay for any of the damage this thing caused,” she smirked before disappearing in a flash. “See you around Laharl…” was the last thing she said.
The Kugai walked through the hole it made in the outer wall, its armor clanking into the night. Keitaro watched as it began to walk away from them, briefly wondering what the thing was. When it disappeared from view, he looked back towards Hild, who was now looking at Laharl, her smile gone, and on her face is the same expression his grandmother would make when briefing him.
`A business face,' Keitaro thought with a slight smile.
“Official, or unofficial?” Laharl asked.
“You know which,” Hild stated calmly.
“Unofficial, eh? Alright… my plan worked… though the enemy was obviously more informed than I would have anticipated,” Laharl groaned a bit suddenly, holding his head. “Was tortured… though I got her admission of killing the demon agents and was hoping to spark a war because it would… fuck…” The hybrid sat down. “It was her mistress' plan.”
“And who is this Mistress?” Hild asked.
“Our… `friend',” Laharl replied.
“Proof?” Hild asked again.
“Absolutely none. The heavenly materials she used could generally have been smuggled from anyone connected to heaven, and she avoided using her mistress' name,” Laharl stated. “They covered their bases pretty well.”
Hild seemed to smile at that. “You made her to a dangerous woman, eh, Laharl-kun?”
He ignored the question. “Mission complete… though I probably wouldn't have done it without his help,” Laharl stated, pointing at Keitaro, who suddenly was taken aback by his inclusion in the conversation.
“K2… agent of the U-Agency…” Hild looked towards Keitaro with a small nod. Keitaro briefly wondered what to do next when she suddenly offered her hand. He graciously accepted, and they shook. “I've been hearing things about you… I know it may not be reparation for dragging you into Hell's affairs, but on behalf of my department, I extend my gratitude for your work.”
“It was nothing, Hild-sama,” Keitaro stated with an even voice. “It was also my mission to protect Laharl. Your affairs and mines just coincided.”
She smiled warmly all of the sudden. “Just call me Hild,” she stated. Releasing his hand she gave one last fleeting smile to him before she went over to Laharl, and began to ruffle his hair. He swiped her hand away.
“Stop it,” Laharl growled suddenly. The lance-wielding demons muttered darkly towards the hybrid, glaring at him, ready to jump on attack when Hild motioned them to stand their ground.
“Still… sensitive, Laharl?” she asked. When he didn't reply, she just nodded. “Alright. I shall expect all the evidence you have gathered on my office by the end of the week. Take your rest… you did well.”
Like how she appeared, she disappeared in the same manner, along with the lance-wielding demon soldiers. The hybrid signed, and slid down, more relaxed, while Keitaro breathed slowly, now enjoying the cool night air. After a moment, he sat back down besides Laharl, and gave him a slight smile.
“So… we saved the world, eh?” he asked.
“Yup… doesn't feel like a major accomplishment, right?” Laharl smirked.
“Nope… just feels like I did a job well,” Keitaro sighed. “Nothing more… nothing less.”
“I'm kinda surprised you didn't hit on Hild,” Laharl commented.
“She was more interested in you, I believe,” Keitaro grinned.
They both looked at the sky for a moment, and sighed audibly. Keitaro looked back towards the hole the Kugai created, and gave a lop-sided frown. “G's going to kill me…”
“Your car?” Laharl asked. When the supernatural agent nodded, he gave a consoling smile. “Sorry about it, K2. Wouldn't your insurance take care of it?”
“Yeah… stroll in the office with a totaled and shot car, claim I was a victim of a hit, shoot and run incident,” Keitaro sighed. “My only hope is KU… I guess she's gonna love this.” He then remembered Shinobu who found out about his identity. He pondered over what to do with that, when he shrugged, and thought that having only one tenant know wouldn't hurt him very much… she did promise to keep it quiet.
Moments later, five black cars strolled in. “Pick-up crew?” Laharl asked.
“Yeah… glad this factory was a bit far from the urban area, or else we'd have another incident with the police,” Keitaro muttered.
“… So… how are you going to explain this to G and H?” Laharl asked.
“I have no earthly idea.”
Hinata-sou… Hot Springs…
2 days later…
Kitsune savagely kissed Keitaro as her naked body collided with his. Their skin was wet with both their perspiration, and the water of the hot springs, and she grinned as she bit his lower lips.
It has been two days since the rescue mission, and everything so far had gone back to normal. Laharl had given a letter to G, explaining telling her that Keitaro was stronger and faster than before, and does not need basic training from the hybrid anymore as long as he keeps his workouts. With that letter, Keitaro's babysitting days were over.
The hybrid hadn't moved out of Hinata-sou yet, though he now insists of sleeping outside as not to disturb the tenants. He kept himself mostly invisible, eating out during breakfast, and being absent for most of the afternoons. His actions not only calmed the erratic mood of the house, but slowly improved relationships back to where it was before he arrived.
The dorm was very quiet and empty during the weekdays, especially on the afternoons. Kitsune found no better time to show how much she missed their time together. He never did complain about her vivaciousness, and thoroughly enjoyed every moment they were spending together.
Su was definitely happy when they brought back Keitaro's totaled car. She then began to work on the repairs and improvements without even waiting for his approval on it, and in the end, just shrugged, knowing he wouldn't probably win if they argued.
Shinobu kept her promise, and was quiet of her discovery from everyone. Haruka and Hina knew that their respective nephew and grandson's identity was blown, and had giving him a rather harsh lecture about secrecy, though both agreed that Shinobu was a safe person.
Keitaro pushed Kitsune towards the side, and grinned as he pinned her down. His tongue licked towards the bare skin of her chest and she moaned happily. She arched her back, looked at the clear blue skies, and sighed content.
“Oh… Kei-chan…” she growled softly. “I love it when you do that…”
“I aim to please,” Keitaro smirked as he kissed her neck. “Where does my lovely fox woman want to be kissed?”
“Forget kissing… I'd rather have you do the licking,” she grinned.
“Where then?” Keitaro grinned at her.
She purred. “Everywhere…” And everywhere he did.
Unknown Area…
“You've arrived safely, Number 3.”
“Yes Mistress,” the golden maiden stated. “I had to cut across a few channels before I could locate a safe route to you. I am sorry for letting Demon Eyes Laharl get away. I shall not fail you next time.”
“I never expected you to succeed, Number 3. Though I do believe you got your licks in.”
“Yes, Mistress,” she responded rather proudly. “I would have succeeded in killing him for you if it wasn't for that meddling U-Agent. I request permission to destroy him.”
“I object…” another voice cut through the area. The golden maiden looked towards the direction of the voice, and growled silently towards the intruding female neko-lycan.
“Who are you?” she demanded.
“Quiet, both of you.”
The two quieted down.
“Number 3, meet our newest member… Number 4. You might have known her as the only living heir of the Claws Clan.”
“My name is Shinata…” the neko-lycan introduced herself. “And no one touches that U-Agent but me.”
The End of Crimson Daylights
Author's Notes:
Ah… well, that was rather long. Anyways… part of this fic was written by Aaron. :P Just like the old times, eh, when we were both writing UNNC. XD Anyways… later people.