Mai Otome Fan Fiction ❯ Yearbook ❯ Chapter 8: Vacation ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

(Courtyard, Garderobe)

The entire campus was gathered in the courtyard as Kihomi Kruger paced before them. “Winter Break starts today after this briefing I will release you for two weeks. Those of you approved for leave are reminded to be on your best behavior. If I receive any information of students acting a fool your will be disciplined. As long as you wear a GEM you are under the rules of Garderobe whether you are in Windbloom, Cardair or wherever you call home.” Kihomi said pausing at the end of the coral line staring at a young coral with short blonde hair. “However this does not mean you can leave your GEM in your dorm room and be free of the campus rules. You are representatives of Garderobe remember that and act accordingly.”

“Now that Principal Kruger is off her soap box,” Elliot Chandler said looking over to Kihomi with a smile softening the glare on the Principal's face. “Desert Transports has offered free transportation for all students to any of the outlying port towns. Though as Principal Kruger said you need to behave; for many of you especially the corals this is your first time away from home and Garderobe. If you do run into any trouble make contact with the nearest Otome. The pillars will be spread out on Earl if you are near one make contact with them before going to another Otome. Maya Bylthe will be holding the fort down here at Garderobe, Nunoe Geoffrey will be in Cardair, the Principal and I will be in Aries while Valerie Alvarez will be in Annam. If you can't contact one of them then contact your nation's Otome. Enjoy your vacation girls.”

“Those not leaving report to Miss Maria for assignments you will not be required to work all day but you will keep this campus maintained. Maya Bylthe will be the acting Principal so show her the same respect you would me. Some of you show her better then you would me. Dismissed,” Kihomi said the girls scattering.

(Desert Port)

Haruka sat down in her cabin after securing her bag in the overhead rack. She leaned back closing her eyes. The trip to Aries was only a little over two hours. Two hours before she saw Yukino. The door to the cabin swung open causing Haruka's eyes to shoot open,” Victor what the hell are you doing in my cabinet?”

“Viola, my name is Viola...” Shizuru corrected glaring then continued, "It's a cabin not a cabinet Haruka-chan and it wasn't reserved.”

“No Viola I mean why are you even on this transport?” Haruka said emphasizing her name. “First you are from Windbloom; secondly you are a ward of Garderobe. Tell me what the hell you re doing on a transport to Aries?” Haruka said standing and blocking the entrance.

“Aries is on the way to Annam.” Shizuru said motioning for Haruka to move but the blonde stayed where she was blocking the path.

“No way Kruger is letting her favorite ward wander off to Annam.” Haruka said remembering having heard Shizuru talking about how she had family in Annam but as far as Haruka knew Shizuru was estranged from her family.

“I'm the only ward of Garderobe.” Shizuru said crossing her arms starting to get annoyed. She had been late getting to the transport and most of the cabins had been filled up or reserved. She really didn't want to spend the trip on the deck being leered at by old men or Otome fan girls.

“Shizuru-chan did you find us a cabin?” Ein said coming up behind the brunette placing her hand on Shizuru's shoulder making the coral jump and turn to her.

“Haruka-chan said she would share her cabin with us Onee-sama.” Shizuru said stepping aside for Ein a wide smile on her face knowing Haruka would never refuse her Onee-sama.

“I did no-” Haruka said getting cut off by a glare from Shizuru. “Of course Onee-sama.”

Haruka finally stepped out of the way and plopped down on to the bench. “Thank you for sharing Haruka-chan.” Ein said sitting on the bench across from her, Shizuru quickly sitting next to Ein after she put their bags in the overhead rack. “Haruka-chan are you going home to Aries?”

“Hai,” Haruka said a smile on her face knowing this would be the first time she would see Yukino since leaving for Garderobe. “I will be staying with my father.” She lied. Her father had offer for her to stay with him but she had told him she would visit but she wanted to stay with Yukino.

“And a young councilwoman,” Ein said a smirk on her face. Before selecting her room attendants she had done a little research on them. She knew that Shizuru's first year had been paid for by her father but do to a disagreement guardianship of her had been signed over to Garderobe and that Principal Kruger planned on paying for her Pearl year. Haruka Armitage on the other hand was being sponsored by Yukino Chrysant a young councilwoman from Aries. Chrysant seemed to be a popular politician from the research Ein had done and after digging a little deeper she learned that Yukino Chrysant and Haruka Armitage were lovers.
Haruka coughed turning bright red, “Yes it will be good to see Ms. Chrysant again.”
“Ms. Chrysant?” Shizuru smirked. “Come on Haruka-chan we both know you are more familiar with her then that.”
“We are friends okay?” Haruka growled glaring at the other coral Shizuru had a way of grating on her nerves it was bad enough they had to live together she wanted to get away from the viper for short while.
“Please I know you are more then friends; maybe friends with benefits.” Shizuru laughed. “We live together I've seen your photos and you talk in your sleep.”
“It's perfectly normal to a girlfriend Haruka-chan.” Ein said with a smile looking at Shizuru out of the corner of her eye, “Many well known Otome do.”
“Hai, Onee-sama” Haruka said still blushing then changed the subject. “Are you going to see your father Onee-sama?”
“Hai, it will be nice to see my family. I stayed in Windbloom over the summer.” Ein said having taken advantage of Garderobe's summer school program glad that she had because it had allowed her to meet Shizuru and convince the younger girl that being an Otome wasn't a bad thing.
“And you Victor?” Haruka said calling Shizuru by the wrong name again this time not by mistake but to annoy the other coral.
Before Shizuru could answer Ein spoke hoping to defuse yet another fight between her room attendants the last one had ended with Shizuru being thrown through a table and Haruka through a window. Ein still didn't know what caused the fight when Miss Maria interrogated them neither would say why. Ein wasn't sure what to do about it nothing seemed to work to get them to get along. “When I found out Shizuru-chan was going to stay on campus I invited her to come home with me. Two weeks working for Miss Maria I couldn't allow that.”
“Thank you for inviting me Onee-sama.” Shizuru said blushing as she felt Ein put her hand on her thigh.
(Aries Port)
Haruka stood on the deck of the ship wearing a crisp freshly press grey military uniform watching the city come into view. She had left the cabin when the captain announced they were docking in the Capital. There were quite a few people waiting on the dock but she only cared about one. Searching the crowd she spotted a young woman with short brown hair standing next to a black sedan. The transport had barely pulled into the station when Haruka jumped off hastily going to the woman. “Yukino!” Haruka said resisting the urge to grab Yukino press her against the sedan and kiss her.
“Wow Haruka-chan you look really good.” Yukino said blushing. This was the first time she had seen Haruka in her uniform. It fit the blonde really well and Yukino notice that Haruka had toned out a little more and had a light tan. She reached out straightening Haruka's tie then brushed her finger over the gold bars on Haruka's lapels. “Very handsome lieutenant,”
“Th-thank you Yukino,” Haruka stuttered as the driver of the car stepped around opening the door for them. Haruka had barely sat down and the door closed when Yukino tackled her showering her with kisses. “Yukino!”
“Yes?” Yukino said as she stopped kissing her and leaned on Haruka's arm gently tracing her fingers down it. Haruka sighed and pointed with her free hand to Yukino clinging to her. “Haru-chan I haven't seen you in three months I think I'm allowed a little groping.”
“Hai, hai.” Haruka said patting Yukino's arm then pressed the intercom, “Driver, Chrysant Manor please.”
(Chrysant Manor)
The sedan pulled into the driveway of a large house then he got out opening the door for them and taking Haruka's bag. They made it half way up the porch when a young around ten years old with short red hair and glasses pounced on them. “Haruka-chan!” The girl said.
Haruka grabbed the girl who leapt into her arms trying not to fall over, “Irina-chan!” Haruka said as she set the girl down. “It's good to see you.”
“Onee-chan says you are the number two coral!” Irina said walking up the steps with Haruka's arm around her shoulder.
“Yeah but I plan to be the number one by the end of the semester. I bested Victor in the last three Butou. I'm inches away from taking it from her.” Haruka proudly said.
“Victor? You mean Shizuru Viola?” Irina said. Like her older sister she often found herself correcting the blonde. She recalled seeing a picture of Shizuru and Haruka in the Otome Inquire in an article about how they were just half a point apart and that it had been twelve years since someone scored as high as they did though never before had two students done it at the same time.
“Yeah, Yeah her” Haruka said, “Just half a point and it's mine.”
“Haruka-chan I'm proud of you no matter what rank you have.” Yukino said as they sat down on a sofa Yukino instantly curling up against Haruka.
The blonde pulled Yukino to her gently kissing her neck. “Yukino…” Haruka said pulling her chin into a kiss. The councilwoman sighed contently finding herself moving closer until she was in Haruka's lap returning the kiss.
“Right so that's my queue to leave.” Irina said standing from a chair across the room. Yukino started to disengage herself but Irina waved her off, “Don't worry I'll catch up later have fun getting it on. You've been stressed out lately getting laid would be good for you.”
“Irina Woods!” Yukino exclaimed standing up as her adopted little sister walked to the door. She had a shocked look on her face; Irina was barely ten years old. “Where did you learn to talk like that?” Irina ignored her still walking to the door a smirk on her face. “That's it no more soap operas for you!”
“Sure thing Onee-chan,” Irina said with a wink before closing the door to the study. She stopped by one of the maids telling them not to go in the study for a while then went upstairs to catch the next episode of `Passions'.
“Maybe I've been spending too much time at the office.” Yukino said while Haruka pulled her back to the sofa. Irina had been out of school for a week the schools in Aries giving their students three weeks off. It was nearing the end of the year so all three councils were in a rush to get as many bills through parliament before the New Year. Yukino had three bills on the floor that she had drafted and another two that she had been the co-drafter. She had been putting in long hours at the office and hadn't been able to spend as much time as she wanted with Irina.
“You are a little tense,” Haruka said rubbing Yukino's shoulders feeling several large knots in them. Haruka knew this time of year was always stressful it was one of the reasons she was happy to come home. She wasn't very good with politics but she wanted to help Yukino in any way she could even if it was just a back rub.
“Things have been hard since we lost papa.” Yukino said rolling her shoulders into Haruka's hands. A smile crossed her face; Haruka had always had talented hands knowing exactly where to press or rub to make all of her cares disappear.
“I know baby.” Haruka said leaning forward kissing her neck. “Let me help you relax.”
“Hai, Haru-chan” Yukino said tilting her to the side exposing it to Haruka. As she continued to kiss her neck Haruka's hands rubbed her shoulders dropping down her arms brushing against them. Yukino leaned back more into her with her eyes closed losing herself to Haruka. God how she missed this, how she missed Haruka. The blonde always came off gruff and hard to people but with Yukino it was different. Haruka had a heart of gold she just didn't show it to everyone.
Haruka dropped her hands down to Yukino's waist resting them there for about a minute before bringing them up and unbuttoning Yukino's shirt pushing it off her shoulders kissing her back. The shirt hit the ground and a cool breeze from the fan blew against Yukino's bare skin. She wasn't sure if it was because of the breeze or Haruka that she was shivering. “Lower Haru-chan,” Yukino said as Haruka leaned back taking Yukino with arching down and kissing her chest. Yukino was a little smaller then average but Haruka didn't mind she was in love with Yukino and that's all that mattered.
She traced her fingers down Yukino's satin bra enjoying the feeling of the brown hair girl shivering. Haruka drew a line around to the back expertly unclasping it then slipping it off. She pressed several kisses to her back then pressed Yukino to the sofa. Yukino moaned softly into Haruka's mouth because of the hands kneading her breasts. “You are so beautiful Yukino.” Haruka said taking Yukino's skirt off tugging lightly on her panties after a brief moment of teasing they came off and joined the rest of her clothing. By now Yukino was shaking with anticipation.
“Less teasing,” Yukino said while Haruka kissed her stomach refusing to move down until she was forced down lower. She jumped when she felt Haruka lick around her thigh then into her center. “Oh god!” Yukino cried thinking it had been far too long since she had been intimate with Haruka. With each time Haruka's tongue explored inside Yukino felt herself inching closer to heaven. Her hands latched onto Haruka's hair thinking briefly that it felt like silk but only for a split second she could barely focus on anything. The room felt like it was spinning. “More….more…” Yukino said being rewarded by a finger being pressed into her.
Haruka reached up with her free hand squeezing Yukino's breast alternating her squeezes with each thrust of her tongue and fingers. She glanced up at Yukino seeing her face flushed as she panted clutching her shoulders. Even though she still had her clothes on Haruka was sure she would have scratch marks on her shoulders. “Haruka! Haruka!” Yukino shouted as she climaxed. Haruka finished up with Yukino then moved back up cuddling with her. “I love you Haruka.” Yukino said dropping her head on Haruka's shoulder.
“I love you too Yukino.” Haruka said grabbing a blanket off the back of the couch pulling it over them.
The End…