MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction ❯ Megaman X: World Crisis ❯ City in Ruins ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: these characters are based off the Megaman X Series owned by Capcom with some fictional characters added to it.
It was chaos in the city. People who were still alive ran for their
lives scared to death. The news was all over the attack. Breaking
news as the city was hit it appears internally by a megaton bomb
killing hundreds to thousands of people. Government officials
have confirmed that the terrorist attack was planned and executed
by Sama Plasma. The president is about to make a statement as we
now go live to the president's press conference. This is a very sad
day for the citizens who were the victims of this sadistic plot. It
appears now more than ever, we must do whatever it takes to call a
peace treaty with Sama so that all people and reploids will live in
harmony. I will make sure this happens. And so, you have heard…
Zero turned off the radio, what an Idiot! Make peace with these
terrorists? Is he crazy? Zero, I understand your frustration, I can't
believe the president is not going on the offensive. I think Sama
just showed how deadly of a foe he really is replied X. well, when I
get my hands on him, he's gonna regret ever been built said Zero
angrily. Bad news you two, there is no runway to land said the
pilot. What? Are you serious? Grrr, this is just great, how are we
gonna get on the ground now said Zero. But more importantly, we
must get Axl some help replied X. I don't think there is any help
here for Axl, you two should just leave now and let me find a
medical facility in another town said the pilot. I don't know, how
do we know we can trust you asked X. well, you should know I'm a
helper of the Maverick Hunters, you can trust me replied the pilot.
Hmm, I don't know, what do you think X asked Zero. Well, I guess
so, but we'll need to keep in contact with you, give us your radio
signal number said X. the pilot gave it to X and said, I'll take good
care of Axl. You two go now and help the city. Ok, let's move out
said X. X and Zero then grabbed parachutes and jumped out of the
jet. After landing, X and Zero surveyed the city. I can't believe the
damage Sama has caused. How did he pull this off said Zero. He
must have had inner workers inside the city, but no matter, we
must find out to see if Alia and the team are ok replied X.
right, let's get to it said Zero. 30 minutes later as X and Zero
continued to walk, they still haven't found the Maverick Hunter
HQ. Great, where could it be asked Zero. It can't be too much
farther, let's keep looking replied X. Zero then had a weird look on
his face. Something wrong Zero asked X. I don't know, I just have a
bad feeling about that pilot. What if he baited us and is just gonna
let Axl die X said Zero hmm, yea, I wonder bout that too, or worse,
what if he's gonna turn Axl into a Maverick replied X. well, we'll
worry bout that later, we need to find out where Alia and the team
is said Zero. As X and Zero continued to search, they heard some
voices. Hey X, you hear something in that pile of ruins asked Zero.
Yeah, let's check it out said X. hello, anyone in there shouted Zero.
Yes, help us, we're trapped in here said a familiar voice. Wait a
min, that voice? Alia, is that you asked X. yes, it's me. Help us
replied Alia. Hang on, we'll get you out said Zero. Zero tried to
remove the rubble, but it was too heavy. I can't budge this. We're
gonna have to use our weapons to weaken it. Got it, back off you
guys shouted X. Alia and the crew moved back as far as they could.
Zero slashed the rubble while X charged his blaster and fired at the
debris smashing it to pieces. You guys ok asked X. yeah, we're ok,
thanks you guys, I have no idea what just happened replied Alia.
Sama did this, he had this planned from the start. How he did it, I
still can't figure out said Zero. Speaking of which, we need to
check up on Axl said X. where is Axl asked Alia. We left him with a
Maverick Hunter pilot who said he was taking him to another
reploid medical facility replied Zero. X radioed him. Hello, who is
this asked the pilot. This is X, we were wondering where you took
Axl. Oh yeah, I took him to a medical facility bout 10 miles from
this city replied the pilot. Is he still alive asked Zero. Yea, when I
left him, he was still clinging to life. The doctors said he should
make it. Ok thanks, we'll check on him later. Right now, we got
work to do to hunt down Sama said X. ok, good luck to you. What
do we do now? Our HQ is destroyed said Alia. Hmm, that's a good
question, I guess we gotta rebuild it said X. But we can't wait 6-8
months, we have to stop Sama before he hurts anyone else said
Zero. You're right, we need to talk to the president about this issue
said Alia. Ok, let's go said X. the Maverick Hunters headed for the
president's office. Hold on, you can't go in there without an
appointment said one secret service agent. Let us through,
we're Maverick Hunters and need to talk to the president said X.
Oh you're Maverick Hunters? Well, you did a fine job protecting
us, you guys are a disgrace said another secret service agent. Hey,
watch it buddy. What could we have done? He used a sneak attack
and caught us off guard. Now let us in if you know what's good for
you demanded Zero. Hang on, I'll ask the president. Yea, Mr.
President, some Maverick Hunters want to talk with you, uh huh.
Ok, you guys can go ahead. The president's been meaning to talk to
you anyway said the first agent. 10 minutes, the Maverick Hunters
were seated in the office of the president. Welcome, now, let's get
down to business. Now, what did you Hunters need asked the
president. We need funds to build a new Maverick Hunter HQ
replied X. why? It didn't keep us safe from the terrorists now did it
said the president sharply Mr. President, with all due respect, there
was no way we could have prevented that attack, Sama was several
steps ahead of us and we had no way of knowing of this plot
replied Zero. Hmm, well, I don't know, I'm really torn. I don't
really want to make peace with Sama, but I feel like I have no
choice. I'm tired of the bloodshed said the president. Mr. President,
you'll be making a grave mistake if you call a treaty with these
scumbags. They're not your ally, they even said you're a fool to try
replied X. they said that? Great, now I'm really confused. What do I
do now pondered the president. We have to go on the offensive
and take out JQuada, that's the only way we'll have true peace said
Alia. Are you crazy? We can't do that! Sama will just retaliate and
kill more innocent people and reploids. Just like he did now when
you tried to stop him, we have no other choice, I have to call a
peace treaty on his terms said the president. Sir, please think
this through, if Sama gets his way, Maverick Terrorists will rule
this country. Is that what you want demanded X. I don't know, I'm
just so confused. I need time to think alone said the president. Very
well, we'll leave now and let you think it over, but be very careful,
Sama is dangerous! We can't let him win said Zero. I appreciate
your input, I'll let you know my decision tomorrow replied the
president. Thank you, ok team, let's go ordered X. do you think the
president will give in to Sama's demands asked Alia. I'm not sure.
But I think the president might just do that. We better be ready
either way replied Zero. Good idea, ok team, let's go check on Axl
said X. The Maverick Hunters left the city to check on Axl's
condition in the medical center 10 miles away. The Maverick
Hunters arrived by car at the reploid hospital 30 minutes later due
to the treacherous road. Hi, can I help you asked a receptionist. Yea,
we're here to see Axl. What room is he staying in asked X. let's see,
he's in room 201 on the 2nd floor. Ok, let's go said Zero. The
Maverick Hunters took the elevator where they found Axl
apparently conscious, but in a lot of pain. Axl, you're ok said X
relieved. Yeah, the doctors saved my life, but they said it's
gonna be awhile before they can repair me back to normal replied
Axl. That's ok Axl, you stay here until you're 100%, X and I can
handle things for now said Zero. So, I heard the city was hit with a
megaton bomb, I can't believe how evil Sama really is said Axl
shaking his head. Don't worry; Sama is gonna be scrap when I get
my hands on him said Zero with anger. Well, anyway, I guess we
better be going. Take it easy Axl, we'll see ya later said X. take care
you guys, destroy Sama for me replied Axl. Don't worry we will
one way or another said Zero. As the Maverick Hunters left the
reploid medical facility, Alia spoke, we should probably get back
to the president and see what his decision is. Yeah, good idea, ok
team, let's move said X. as they were walking back to the car, Zero
suddenly stopped. Zero, is something wrong asked Alia. I thought
I heard someone in the ally said Zero. As he slowly tiptoed near the
alley, he overheard a conversation. So, is the bomb set asked one
Maverick Terrorist. Yea, it's placed right underneath the hospital
foundation. If the president doesn't comply with our demands,
we'll detonate it within 24 hrs replied the 2nd. That's it, these guys
have gone far enough said Zero enraged. Ok, let's move out said
the first one. Hold it right there Maverick scum! And who are you
demanded the 2nd one. The name's Zero, and your plan is gonna go
up in smoke. Oh really, you think you can stop us? You obviously
have no idea how many resources we have at our disposal replied
the first. Enough talk! I'm gonna cut you two terrorists in two said
Zero angrily. Is that so? Well, come and get us tough guy replied
the 2nd .the Mavericks took off their overcoats revealing their true
identity. YOU! So you're the ones who detonated that megaton
bomb on our city demanded Zero. That's right hotshot, when you
tried to defeat our group, Sama gave us the word to blow up the
city as a warning to anyone who would oppose us replied the first.
Oh, you guys are history yelled Zero. The fight was on. Zero
charged the mavericks with his Z-Saber slashing wildly. The
JQuada Mavericks dodged it, using fancy footwork and firing their
blasters at Zero knocking him down. So, you want to play dirty? So
be it shouted Zero. Zero then fired his blaster at the Mavericks. The
Mavericks dodged it and then Zero carefully time his attack and
slashed one of them in middle, cutting him in two. Ha! You guys
aren't so tough, you need more practice said Zero scoffing. Then
the other Maverick blasted Zero hard, knocking him on the ground
injured. Arrgh, you guys are tough, what was that demanded Zero.
That is our latest arm cannon compliments of our builder and
designer after you fought our comrades in the Middle East. And
now to finish you off you pathetic excuse for a reploid replied the
surviving Maverick pointing his gun at Zero to kill him. Then, X
who just found out about the fight charged his blaster and fired at
the Maverick, destroying him. Zero, are you ok asked X. its about
time you got here, where were you demanded Zero. I was on the
phone with the president, he says he's gonna make an
announcement soon. We better take you inside, you
look pretty banged up replied X. the Maverick Hunters grabbed
Zero by the arms and took him inside the reploid medical facility.
There they placed him in a room where a doctor could make the
repairs. You're one lucky reploid, replied the doctor tending to
Zero. Your injuries are not that serious, you just need some new
wires and metal and you should be good as new. Thanks doc, but I
must tell you something important said Zero. What is it asked the
doctor. Those 2 Mavericks who injured me have placed a megaton
bomb underneath the hospital, they're planning to blow up nearly
three fourths of the city if the president doesn't comply with their
demands replied Zero. Are you serious, I better tell the president
about this said X. too late X, he's about to make his speech said
Alia. Good afternoon, said the president, this press conference will
be brief about the current events and the tragedy of today. After
giving the matter a lot of thought, I realize there is only thing to do,
give in to the demands of Sama so all reploids and people will
finally be at peace. I don't believe this! Has the president gone mad
said Zero angrily. He's making a grave mistake, Sama is dangerous!
He must be terminated said X. effective immediately, the Maverick
Hunters Unit will no longer be part of our countries defense. We
will now rely on reploid police officials who will make sure that
both the people and reploid are at peace while following all the
instructions of Sama said the president. And with that report the
president… BOOM! Zero destroyed the TV. That traitor! How
could he do this to us? Zero, calm down, breaking stuff isn't gonna
fix anything said Alia. The government is now on Sama's side, if
we try to attack Sama, the police will arrest us said X angrily. I
DO IT MYSELF, shouted Zero. Zero, please, chill, you're putting
too much strain on your circuits warned Alia. Well, I guess we
better check on Axl one more time before we leave said X. the
Maverick Hunters went to Axl's room only to find a huge surprise.
He wasn't there. What the? Axl's gone said X. Oh just great, what
else can go wrong said Zero angrily. Where is Axl, asked Alia to a
nurse. He checked himself out about 5 minutes ago. He didn't tell
us, I don't believe it. Zero, I think you're on to something, that pilot
may have set us up said X. he probably was working for Sama! I
can't believe we fell for that trap, it was just too obvious said Zero
angrily. Well, I guess we gotta track down Sama and bring him to
justice said Alia. Ok hunters, let's move out ordered X.
Things have gone from bad to worse for X and his team. What will
happen to the Maverick Hunters now that Sama is in charge? Will
the president outlaw the organization? What about the bomb? Will JQuada detonate it? And what in the world happened to Axl? Did he turn Maverick? Find out in Chapter 3